Medical terminology

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Medical terminology

Medical terminology Unlock the Language of Medicine: This comprehensive guide decodes medical terminology, breaking down essential prefixes, suffixes, and compound words. Master the building blocks of medical language and empower your communication in the healthcare field.

1. Adeno – Glandular
2. An – Not
3. Anti – Against
4. Aorto – Aorta
5. Artho – joint
6. Bleph – Eyelid
7. Broncho – Bronchi
8. Cardio – Heart
9. Cephal – Head
10. Cerebro – Brain
11. Cervico – Cervix
12. Cholecysto – Gall Bladder
13. Coli – Bowel
14. Colpo – Vagina
15. Entero – Intestine
16. Gastro – Stomach
17. Glosso – Tongue
18. Haema – Blood
19. Hepa – Liver
20. Hystero – Uterus
21. Laryngo – Larynx
22. Leuco – White
23. Metro – Uterus
24. Myelo – Spinal cord
25. Myo – Muscle
26. Nephro – Kidney
27. Neuro – Nerve
28. Odonto – Tooth
29. Orchido – Testis
30. Osteo – Bone
31. Oto – Ear
32. Pharyngo – Pharynx
33. Pio – Pus
34. Pneumo – Lung
35. Ren – Kidney
36. Rhin – Nose
37. Spleno – Spleen
38. Thyro – Thyroid Gland
39. Urethro – Urethra
40. Vesico – Bladder

Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out!Suffix – Meaning

1. -aemia : Blood
2. -algia : Pain
3. -derm : skin
4. -dynia : pain
5. -ectomy : removal
6. -Itis : inflammation
7. -lithiasis : Presence of Stone
8. -malacia : softening
9. -oma : tumour
10. -opia : eye
11. -osis : Condition,excess
12. -otomy : incision of
13. -phobia : fear
14. -plasty : surgery
15. -plegia : peralysis
16. -ptosis : falling
17. -rhoea : excessive discharge
18. -rhage : to burst forth
19. -rhythmia : rhythm.
20. -stasis : stoppage of movement
21. -sthenia : weakness
22. -stomy : outlet
23. -tomy : removal
24. -trophy : nourishment
25. -uria : urine

Compounded Words – Meaning in Medical terminology

1. Anaemia – Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
2. Analgesic – Medicine which alleviates pain
3. Arthralgia – Pain in a joint
4. Cephalalgia – Headache
5. Nephralgia – Pain in the kidney
6. Neuralgia – Nerve pain
7. Myalgia – Muscle pain
8. Otalgia – Ear ache
9. Gastralgia – Pain in the stomach
10. Pyoderma – Skin infection with pus formation
11. Leucoderma – Defective skin pigmentaion
12. Hysterodynia – Pain in the uterus
13. Hysterectomy – Excision of the uterus
14. Nephrectomy – Excision of a kidney
15. Adenectomy – Excision of a gland
16. Cholecystectomy – Excision of gall bladder
17. Thyroidectomy – Excision of thyroid gland
18. Arthritis – Inflammation of a joint
19. Bronchitis – Inflammation of the bronchi
20. Carditis – Inflammation of the heart
21. Cervicitis – Inflammation of the cervix
22. Colitis – Inflammation of the colon
23. Colpitis – Inflammation of the vagina
24. Cystitis – Inflammation of the urinary bladder
25. Enteritis – Inflammation of the intestines
26. Gastritis – Inflammation of the stomach
27. Glossitis – Inflammation of the tongue
28. Hepatitis – Inflammation of the liver
29. Laryngitis – Inflammation of the larynx
30. Metritis – Inflammation of the uterus
31. Myelitis – Inflammation of the spinal cord
32. Nephritis – Inflammation of the kidney
33. Pharyngitis – Inflammation of the pharynx
34. Blepharitis – Inflammation of the eyelids
35. Cholelithiasis – Stone in the gall bladder
36. Nephrolithiasis – Stone in the kidney
37. Osteomalacia – Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
39. Myoma – Tumour of muscle
40. Diplopia – Double vision
41. Thrombosis – Formation of a blood clot
42. Pyloromyotomy – Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle
43. Hedrophobia – Fear of water(Rabies in humans)
44. Neuroplasty – Surgical repair of nerves
45. Pyloraplasty – Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage
46. Hemiplegia – Paralysis of one side of the body
47. Nephroptosis – Downward displacement of the kidney
48. Amenorrhoea – Absence of menstrual discharge
49. Dysmenorrhoea – Painful menstruation
50. Leucorrhoea – Whitish vaginal discharge
51. Menorrhoea – Menstrual bleeding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Medical terminology is a specialized language used in the healthcare field to accurately and concisely describe the human body, its functions, diseases, procedures, and treatments.

Medical terminology is crucial for effective communication and understanding within the healthcare industry. It ensures clarity and precision when discussing complex medical concepts, leading to better patient care and collaboration among healthcare professionals.

Medical terms are typically constructed by combining prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Each element carries a specific meaning, and their combination creates a precise term describing a particular medical condition, procedure, or anatomical structure.

  • Prefixes:
    • Cardio- (heart)
    • Nephro- (kidney)
    • Gastro- (stomach)
    • Neuro- (nerve)  
  • Suffixes:
    • -itis (inflammation)
    • -ectomy (removal)
    • -algia (pain)
    • -oma (tumor)

There are various ways to learn medical terminology, including:

  • Formal courses: Many colleges and universities offer medical terminology courses.
  • Online resources: Numerous websites and apps provide interactive tutorials, quizzes, and flashcards to learn medical terms.
  • Textbooks and dictionaries: Medical terminology textbooks and dictionaries provide a comprehensive reference for understanding medical terms.
  • Practice and repetition: Using medical terminology in context, such as reading medical articles or shadowing healthcare professionals, helps solidify your understanding.

Excerpts (Summary)

Medical Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide

This article provides a comprehensive overview of medical terminology, including common prefixes, suffixes, and compounded words. Learn essential medical terms and their meanings to improve your understanding of healthcare communication and documentation.

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