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Adenoids Definition Symptoms Cause Diet Regimen Homeopathic Medicine Homeopath Treatment in Rajkot India



Adenoids are a patch of tissue that is high up in the throat, just behind the nose. They, along with the tonsils, are part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system clears away infection and keeps body fluids in balance. The adenoids and tonsils work by trapping germs coming in through the mouth and nose.[1]

There aren’t true synonyms for "adenoids" in the general sense, as it refers to a specific anatomical structure. However, here are some related terms you might find useful:

  • Pharyngeal tonsil: This is the technical term for adenoids.
  • Luschka’s tonsil: This is another less common technical term for adenoids, named after Hubert von Luschka, a German anatomist.
  • Third tonsil (informal): This informal term refers to the adenoids being the third set of tonsils in the throat, in addition to the two palatine tonsils on either side of the tongue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Adenoids are a patch of tissue that is high up in the throat, just behind the nose.

  • Arsenic Alb
  • Belladonna
  • Calcarea carb
  • Lachesis
  • Mercurius
  • Sulphur
  • Breathing exercises
  • Decongestant nasal drops
  • Antihistaminic
  • Adenoidectomy
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