

Aphorism 30

Aphorism 30 § 30 Aphorism 30 :  Fifth Edition The human body appears to admit of being much more powerfully affected in its health by medicines (partly because we have the regulation of the dose in our own power) than by natural morbid stimuli – for natural diseases are cured and overcome by suitable medicines.…

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Aphorism 29

Aphorism 29 § 29 Aphorism 29 : Fifth Edition As every disease (not strictly belonging to the domain of surgery) depends only on a peculiar morbid derangement of our vital force in sensations and functions, when a homoeopathic cure of the vital force deranged by natural disease is accomplished by the administration of a medicinal…

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Aphorism 28

Aphorism 28 § 28 Aphorism 28 : As this natural law of cure manifests itself in every pure experiment and every true observation in the world, the fact is consequently established; it matters little what may be scientific explanation of how it takes place; and I do not attach much importance to the attempts made…

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Aphorism 27

Aphorism 27 § 27 Aphorism 27 : The curative power of medicines, therefore, depends on their symptoms, similar to the disease but superior to it in strength (§ 12 – 26), so that each individual case of disease is most surely, radically, rapidly and permanently annihilated and removed only by a medicine capable of producing…

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Aphorism 26

Aphorism 26 § 26 Aphorism 26 : This depends on the following homoeopathic law of nature which was sometimes, indeed, vaguely surmised but not hitherto fully recognized, and to which is due every real cure that has ever taken place: A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by a stronger one,…

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Aphorism 25

Aphorism 25 § 25 Aphorism 25 : Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience,1 the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the healthy human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms similar to those observable in…

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Aphorism 24

Aphorism 24 § 24 Aphorism 24 : There remains, therefore, no other mode of employing medicines in diseases that promises to be of service besides the homoeopathic, by means of which we seek, for the totality of the symptoms of the case of disease, a medicine which among all medicines (whose pathogenetic effects are known…

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Aphorism 23

Aphorism 23 § 23 Aphorism 23 : All pure experience, however, and all accurate research convince us that persistent symptoms of disease are far from being removed and annihilated by opposite symptoms of medicines (as in the antipathic, enantiopathic or palliative method), that, on the contrary, after transient, apparent alleviation, they break forth again, only…

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Aphorism 22

Aphorism 22 § 22 Aphorism 22 Fifth Edition Aphorism 22 : But as nothing is to be observed in diseases that must be removed in order to change them into health besides the totality of their signs and symptoms, and likewise medicines can show nothing curative besides their tendency to produce morbid symptoms in healthy…

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Aphorism 21

Aphorism 21 § 21 Aphorism 21 : Now, as it is undeniable that the curative principle in medicines is not in itself perceptible, and as in pure experiments with medicines conducted by the most accurate observers, nothing can be observed that can constitute them medicines or remedies except that power of causing distinct alterations in…

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