

Aphorism 48

Aphorism 48 § 48 Aphorism 48 : Neither in the course of nature, as we see from all the above examples, nor by the physician’s art, can an existing affection or malady in any one instance be removed by a dissimilar morbific agent, be it ever so strong, but solely by one that is similar…

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Aphorism 47

Aphorism 47 § 47 Aphorism 47 : Nothing could teach the physician in a plainer and more convincing manner than the above what kind of artificial morbific agent (medicine) he ought to choose in order to cure in a sure, rapid and permanent manner, conformably with the process that takes place in nature.

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Aphorism 46

Aphorism 46 § 46 Aphorism 46 : Many examples might be adduced of disease which, in the course of nature, have been homoeopathically cured by other diseases presenting similar symptoms, were it not necessary, as our object is to speak about something determinate and indubitable, to confine our attention solely to those (few) disease which…

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Aphorism 45

Aphorism 45 § 45 Aphorism 45 : Fifth Edition No! Two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind1 but very similar in their phenomena and effects and in the sufferings and symptoms they severally produce, invariably annihilate one another whenever they meet together in the organism; the stronger disease namely, annihilates the weaker, and that for…

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Aphorism 44

Aphorism 44 § 44 Aphorism 44 : Fifth Edition Two diseases similar to each other can neither (as is asserted of dissimilar disease in I) repel one another, nor (as has been shown of dissimilar disease in II) suspend on another, so that the old one shall return after the new one has run its…

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Aphorism 43

Aphorism 43 § 43 Aphorism 43 : Totally different, however, is the result when two similar disease meet together in the organism, that is to say, when to the disease already present a stronger similar one is added. In such cases we see how a cure can be effected by the operations of nature, and…

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Aphorism 42

Aphorism 42 § 42 Aphorism 42 : Nature herself permits, as has been stated, in some cases, the simultaneous occurrence of two (indeed, of three) natural disease in one and the same body. This complication, however, it must be remarked, happens only in the case of two dissimilar disease, which according to the eternal laws…

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Aphorism 41

Aphorism 41 § 41 Aphorism 41 : Fifth Edition Much more frequent than the natural diseases associating with and complicating one another in the same body are the morbid complication resulting from the art of the ordinary practitioner, which the inappropriate medical treatment (the allopathic method) is apt to produce by the long-continued employment of…

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Allium Sativum Symptoms Use Memory tips Homeopathic Medicine Treatment Homeopathy Doctor Clinic in Rajkot Gujarat India

Allium Sativum

Unlock the power of Allium sativum (garlic)!

This pungent and flavorful ingredient is not just a kitchen staple but a potential powerhouse for your health. Discover the science-backed benefits of garlic, delicious ways to incorporate it into your diet, and tips for optimal storage. Boost your immune system, add flavor to your meals, and explore the natural healing properties of this ancient herb.

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Rhus Toxicodendron Symptoms Use Memory tips Homeopathic Medicine Treatment Homeopathy Doctor Clinic in Rajkot Gujarat India

Rhus Toxicodendron

Rhus Toxicodendron, derived from poison ivy, is a homeopathic remedy renowned for its effectiveness in addressing conditions marked by restlessness, stiffness, and pain aggravated by rest. Rhus Tox’s therapeutic scope encompasses various conditions, including arthritis, skin ailments, flu-like symptoms, and emotional states characterized by restlessness. The administration of Rhus Tox varies based on individual requirements. It’s available in various forms and potencies, best determined by a homeopathic practitioner.

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