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Aphorism 202

Aphorism 202 § 202 Aphorism 202 : If the old-school physician should now destroy the local symptom by the topical application of external remedies, under the belief that he thereby cures the whole disease, Nature makes up for its loss by rousing the internal malady and the other symptoms that…

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Aphorism 200

Aphorism 200 § 200 Aphorism 200 : Fifth Edition Had it still been present to guide the internal treatment, the homoeopathic remedy for the whole disease might have been discovered, and had that been found, the persistence of the local affection during its internal employment would have shown that the…

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Aphorism 198

Aphorism 198 § 198 Aphorism 198 : The mere topical employment of medicines, that are powerful for cure when given internally, to the local symptoms of chronic miasmatic diseases is for the same reason quite inadmissible; for if the local affection of the chronic disease be only removed locally and…

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Aphorism 197

Aphorism 197 § 197 Aphorism 197 : Fifth Edition This treatment, however, is quite inadmissible, not only for the local symptoms arising from the miasm of psora, but also and especially for those originating in the miasm of syphilis or sycosis, for the simultaneous local application, along with the internal…

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Aphorism 196

Aphorism 196 § 196 Aphorism 196 : It might, indeed, seen as though the cure of such diseases would be hastened by employing the medicinal substance which is known to be truly homoeopathic to the totality of the symptoms, not only internally, but also externally, because the action of a…

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