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Aphorism 224

Aphorism 224 § 224 Aphorism 224 : If the mental disease be not quite developed, and if it be still somewhat doubtful whether it really arose from a corporeal affection, or did not rather result from faults of education, bad practices, corrupt morals, neglect of the mind, superstition or ignorance;…

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Aphorism 222

Aphorism 222 § 222 Aphorism 222 : But such a patient, who has recovered from an acute mental or emotional disease by the use of these non-antipsoric medicines, should never be regarded as cured; on the contrary, no time should be lost in attempting to free him completely,1 by means of…

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Aphorism 220

Aphorism 220 § 220 Aphorism 220 : By adding to this the state of the mind and disposition accurately observed by the patient’s friends and by the physician himself, we have thus constructed the complete picture of the disease, for which in order to effect the homoeopathic cure of the…

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Aphorism 219

Aphorism 219 § 219 Aphorism 219 : A comparison of these previous symptoms of the corporeal disease with the traces of them that still remain, though they have become less perceptible (but which even now sometimes become prominent, when a lucid interval and a transient alleviation of the psychical disease…

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Aphorism 218

Aphorism 218 § 218 Aphorism 218 : To this collection of symptoms belongs in the first place to accurate description of all the phenomena of the previous so-called corporeal disease, before it degenerated into a one-sided increase of the physical symptom, and became a disease of the mind and disposition.…

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Aphorism 217

Aphorism 217 § 217 Aphorism 217 : In these diseases we must be very careful to make ourselves acquainted with the whole of the phenomena, both those belonging to the corporeal symptoms, and also, and indeed particularly, those appertaining to the accurate apprehension of the precise character of the chief…

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Aphorism 215

Aphorism 215 § 215 Aphorism 215 : Almost all the so-called mental and emotional diseases are nothing more than corporeal diseases in which the symptom of derangement of the mind and disposition peculiar to each of them is increased, while the corporeal symptoms decline (more or less rapidly), till it…

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