Lachesis is the common name of the homeopathic medicine derived from the venom of the bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta). It has no commonly used synonyms in homeopathy.
Loquacity. Lascivious:
Our Lachesis pt. has got frantic loquacity, talks all the time without any relevancy or consistency.
Succession of ideas very rapidly goes on or fluctuates in the sensorium Master Kent classically compared the loquacity between Lachesis and Crotalus Horridus.
Lachesis and Crotalus Horridus:
- Both have loquacity, but the Lach. loquacity is so rapid that if anyone in the room commences to tell something the pt. will take it up and finish the story, although he has never heard anything about it.
- No one is permitted to finish a story in the presence of a Lach. pt. one will commence to tell something Lach, will say, oh. yes! I understand it, and he will go off on another line and finish up with something entirely different.
- Crotalus Horridus does that too but Crotalus will take it up and mumble and stumble over his words in a clumsy manner.
- Sometimes women will annoy her intimate friends, day and night, with this story of the damnation of her soul and her wickedness and all the awful things she has done.
- If you allow her to go through with her story, she will tell you all the crimes in the calendar that she has commited although she has been a well behaved and well-disposed woman.
Our lamented Kent said,
- There is another kind of loquacity belongs to Lachesis-the pt. is impelled to talk continuously. is compelled to hurry in everything.
- She does and wants everybody else to hurry, with that state of hurry is brought out the loquacity.
- Sentences are sometimes only half-finished. she takes it for granted that you understand the balance and she will hurry on.
- Most extraordinary loquacity, making speeches in very select phrases, but jumping off to most heterogeneous subjects.
- One word often leads into a midst of another story.
- Clarke said there is want of self-control and lasciviousness.
Note. 1:
Dr. Farrington said loquacity is commonly followed by depression and by weakness, which amounts to a typhoid state, then comes delirium but not of the violent of Belladonna type.
Note. 2:
You will see if you talk with one who is intoxicated with whiskey-symptoms will be like Lachesis-he stumbles through, hardly realizing what he says, halfly finishes his word, leaving his ‘g’s tell you first one thing, then another.
Note. 3:
These states may come on in acute diseases or they may come on in conditions like diphtheria or in any of the diseases that are characterized by blood poisoning: they may come on in puerperal state, or may take the form of insanity.
Anguish of mind:
There is marked anguish of mind which somewhat > in the open air (Ref. Clarke). Anguish of mind characterized by uneasiness about one’s own malady, to look upon the dark side (Clarke).
Master Kent said this is characterized by melancholy. mental depression-she mediates upon suicide, and finally settles back into an apathetic state in which there is an aversion to everything, to work, even to thinking.
Control of superhuman power:
- Pt. thinks she is under the control of some superhuman power and empowered from heaven to steel or to commit murders.
She also has prophetic perception (Ref. Hering):
- whence she commits prophecy. Master Kent said she is compelled to do things by spirits.
- She hears a command, partly in her dream, that she must carry out.
- She confesses things she never did-she has no peace of mind until she makes a confession of something she has never done.
- Imagines she is pursued. Imagines she has stolen something and fears the law. She hears voices and warnings, and in the night the dreams about it.
This prophetic perception leads to a state of religious insanity.
You will find a clean, sweet old lady who always liked what would be called pious life, yet she is not able to apply the promises that are in the word of God to herself these things seem to apply to somebody else, but not to her.
The state of religious melancholy, with religious insanity, is not uncommonly attended with much loquacity, talkativeness is commonly among women; very seldom among men. (Ref. Master Kent).
Note: This state increases until unconsciousness comes on and the patient enters into a coma from which he cannot be aroused.
Hyoscyamus like jealous and suspicious:
- It is again that delightful writer, Master Kent who expresses the jealousy in a masterly fashion.
- Clarke said frantic jealousy, Pt is jealous without any reason, unwarranted jealousy and suspicion.
- Suspicion in girls, when they are simly suspicious of their girlfriends. Our Lach. Pt. can never see a whispered conversation going on but they are talking about her, to her detriment, suspects that they are contriving to injure her. A woman imagines that her friends, husband, and children are trying to damage her.
Dr. Farrington said
- she will refuse the medicine you offer. She thinks her friends are going to put her in an madhouse. Imagines her relatives are trying to poison her and she refuses to eat.
Master Kent said,
she thinks sometimes that it is only a dream and she can hardly say whether she dreamed it or she thinks it.
Master Kent in his masterpiece, "Repertory" kept Lach. in first grade in suspicious (Acon., Ars., Baryta; Bry., Caust., Lach. Lyco., Puls., R.T., Sec., Stramo., Sulph., Hyos.) jealousy, Hyos1, Lach 1, Apis 2, Nux Vom 2, Puls 2, Stramo 2)
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury cured a case of puerperal insanity of a jealous lady whose entire mental phenomena revolved round one idea of her husband being faithless to her. Lachesis came forward to rescue her.
Extraordinary weakness of memory:
Clarke said extraordinary weakness of memory, everything that is heard, even orthography is no longer remembered and there is forgetfulness even of the things on the point of utterance.
This weakness of memory also characterizes con fusion of time-mistakes are made in speaking and writing as well as in the hours of the day of the week.
makes mistake in the time of day and confounds the morning hours with evening hours. There is imbecility and loss of every mental faculty.
Sleep into aggravation:
All the mental conditions are characterized by sleep into aggravation. Kent said the circumstances increased in spring. after a warm bath.
Our Lachesis is also irritable. Master Kent classed it in second grade. The self-conceit and self-consciousness make her irritable-thus she is full of wickedness.
Our Lach. pt. dreams of various snakes. She also dreams that she is dead and in dream preparations are being made to lay her out about her own funeral. Dr. Farrington said pt. Dreams that she is dead and being carried to the burning place.
Note: Master Kent said in many cases close connection between the mental symptoms and the heart symptoms will be noticed. (4)
Left sided:
Left sidedness of complaints and the direction is left to right. Symptoms begin on the left side and either remain there or proceeds to the right (Ref: Clarke).
principally affected left ovary, left testicle, left chest.
Diphtheric membrane appears in the throat, spreading from left to right (Ref: Kent).
Aggravation from sleep; Amelioration from discharges:
Clarke said,
"sleeps into an aggravation; <after sleep whether by day or night as soon as he falls asleep, the breathing stops" (Am.C. Grind., Lac.C., Op.).
Nash said,
patient says "Doctor, if I could only keep awake, I would never have another attack".
Dr Kent remarked,
as soon as the patient goes into sleep he rouses up with palpitation, with Dyspnoea, with suffocation, with exhaustion, with vertigo, with pain in the back of the head, and many other circulatory disturbances.
Clarke said that
- > from the onset of discharges (Zinc) esp. headache, uterine pain > from nasal discharges & menses, respectively.
- The other side of this: < from non-appearance of an expected discharge.
- Kent described the menstrual suffering are increased before and after the flow, with amelioration during the flow.
Note. 1:
Dr. Clarke has discussed that the presence of opposite condition (I.e.,> after sleep) does not contraindicate Lach. Wants to close the eyes with the headache. which is by sleep.
Climacteric ailments:
It is esp. useful at menopause, –menopausal syndrome.
Climacteric ailments: haemorrhoids, haemorrhages, hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning vertex, headache, esp. at or after the menopause (Sang, Sulph.).
Women who have not recovered from the change of life "have never felt well since that time" (Ref: Allen’s Keynotes).
Note. 1: Blue and purple color is the characteristic of Lach, esp. in heart diseases. (Ref. Tyler). It can be coined that the presence of this color is monopoly symptom in favor of Lachesis.
Haemorrhagic diathesis:
Haemorrhagic diathesis: small wounds bleed easily and profusely (Crot, Kreos., Phos, China., Ham, Sec.Cor., Ipec., Carb. Veg, Nit.Ac.,).
The haemorrhages of Lach, have this peculiarity-they contain flakes of decomposed blood, looking like charred wheat straw. Uterine haemorrhages in typhoid fever presenting these characters will find similimum in Lach. (Ref. Clarke).
Exhaustion and trembling:
Great physical and mental exhaustion, trembling in the whole body, would constantly sink down from weakness; worse in the morning (Sulph., Tub.). Tremor of the tongue is a leading feature of Lach (Ref: Clarke).
Sensitiveness, suspicious & jealous, loquacious:
Great sensitiveness to touch; throat, stomach, abdomen; can’t bear bed clothes or night-dress to touch throat or abdomen, this is not because of soreness or tenderness as in Apis. or Bell, but clothes cause an uneasiness, makes her nervous.
Clarke said
in uterine affections the patient wants to lift the clothes up, to prevent contact with lower abdomen. Touching the throat in laryngeal affections causes suffocative spasms.
Kent said that
the vision becomes very intense, the hearing becomes intense, the sense of touch esp., becomes over-wrought the patient becomes extremely sensitive throughout all the senses of the body. The over sensitiveness to touch is probably extensively in the skin… the mere touch of the skin with the finger or hand is unbearable.
woman is very jealous and suspicious.
Great Loquacity (Agar., Stram., Hyos.) is marked in Lach. patient; jumps from one idea to another, one word often leads into another story.
Inside ball sensation:
There is a very characteristic symptom in the bladder; felt esp. sensation as if a ball is rolling loose in the bladder or abdomen, on turning over. (Ref. Clarke).
Note. 1: Besides this, burning sensation and pains are also leading features throughout this remedy.
Note. 2: Sense of constriction is present in Lach. viz: throat, heart etc.
Slow fanning desires:
The least thing coming near mouth or nose interferes with breathing, wants to be fanned, slowly and at a distance (-rapidly, Carbo.Veg). (5)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Lachesis
Common name:
- Surukuku, bushmaster
- Lance headed Viper
Family / Group / Class / Order of Lachesis:
- Crotalidae, Animal kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description :
- The Surukuku snake or Bushmaster is found in the hot countries of South America.
- It is seven feet long and its poison fangs are nearly one inch long.
- The skin is reddish-brown while the back is marked with black and large spots, each of which enclosed two spots of the colour of the body.
- The poison resembles saliva.
- The poison is odourless, tasteless and somewhat greenish-white in colour. (1)
Name of prover:
- Dr C. Hering in 1828
Introduction and history :
- There are about 2,500 species of snakes in the world, predominantly found in the warm climates and bushy regions of the tropics.
- Of the 216 species of snakes found in India, only 52 species are poisonous.
- ‘Greater the poison, greater the remedy.’
- Lachesis is one of the most valuable remedies in homeopathic materia medica.
- It is a constitutional, deep and long acting, polychrest remedy.
- ‘Trigonocephalus’ word is derived from ‘trigono’ meaning ‘triangular’, ‘cephalus’ meaning head.
- The head of the snake is triangular. Hence, it is called as trigonocephalus.
- This remedy was proved by Dr C. Hering in 1828, from the virus of Surukuku, the Deadly bushmaster of South America.
- He handled the deadly snake himself and gave out the symptoms L 514 Lachesis mutus himself after coming to consciousness.
- This medicine was proved at great risk to his life.
Snake venom in ancient medicine:
- The dried snake venom has been used as medicine since long.
- The practitioners of South African states used to use dried snake venom for the treatment of epilepsy, impotency, old ulcers, gangrene, bleeding episodes and bleeding diseases.
- In India, there were incidences of use of dried snake venom in small doses for snake bites, old ulcers, piles, fistula but no authenticated record is available.
- This was in practice in Bengal province.
- Now it is in Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Bangladesh, Manipur and Tripura by quacks, and these quacks were known as Chandis.
- Thanatophidia of India by Sir Joseph Fayrer gives ample notes on such uses and many medico-legal cases.
Evolution of snake venom as antivenom:
- Between 1859 and 1869 there were 15000 to 20000 recorded deaths in the Bengal province which gives enough matter for thought.
- After a long series of experiments on Indian serpents, Dr L.A. Woddell established the hypothesis that ‘to afford indications for combating the action of snake venom on man ……. immunity may be acquired by inhibition of small doses of the venom’ and the antivenom came into being.
- Long before this observation, effects of small doses were established by Dr Samuel Hahnemann.
- Lachesis came into being on 28 July, 1828. Of course, the efficacy of Lachesis in snake venom poisoning is yet to be proved – both experimentally and clinically. (1)
Doctrine of signature of Lachesis:
- The snake’s tongue is not steady when protruded. Similarly, trembling of the tongue when protruded and loquacity are observed in the patient.
- The snake always protrudes its tongue. Likewise, the patient’s mouth always remains open and he repeatedly protrudes his tongue.
- Snake moves in a zig-zag manner. Similarly, the patient’s thinking is never straight, it is always in a zig-zag manner.
- A snake remains curled and silent in winters. So also, almost all the patient’s symptoms disappear during winter season.
- The snake starts moving in spring. So also, the symptoms reappear during spring.
- It is said that the snake is revengeful. Similarly, the patient is also revengeful.
- The snake does not tolerate anybody to come near. The patient is also hypersensitive.
- The stools of a snake is black and offensive. Similarly, almost all Lachesis discharges are dark and offensive.
- During summers, the snake remains in cold places. Likewise, the patient is ameliorated by indirect fanning from a distance.
Active principles of Lachesis:
- The normal function of snake venom is to immobilize the prey and to assist in digestion.
- It therefore naturally contains a number of toxic substances and enzymes.
- Snake poison is nothing but polypeptide (protein) which contains 20 per cent zinc oxide.
- It also contains toxalbumins and several toxic principles, such as the following, some of which may be oxidized by potassium permanganate solution: 1. Fibrinolysis 2. Proteolysis 3. neurotoxins 4. Cholinesterase 5. Haemolysis 6. Thromboplastin 7. Agglutinins 8. Cardiotoxins 9. Coagulase, hyaluronidase 10. Heamorrhagin 11. Cytolysis (acts mainly by enzymatic destruction of the red blood cells, endothelial cells of the vessels, leucocytes, nerve cell, etc.)
Preparation of Lachesis:
- Triturations are prepared from the snake poison with sugar of milk. (1)
Constitution of Lachesis
Physical make up of Lachesis:
- It is particularly suited to emaciated and thin persons, old toppers; broken down constitutions; during climacteric age, melancholic, rather fleshy women with a blue and purple look. (1)
Temperament of Lachesis :
- Choleric 3, Sanguine 3, Melancholic 1, Nervous 1(8)
Relation with heat & cold of Lachesis:
- Hot
Miasm of Lachesis:
- Psoric, Sycosis, Tubercular, Syphilis
Clinical conditions of Lachesis
In Homeopathy Lachesis medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Albuminuria, Asthma, Boils, Chilblains, Cyanosis. Delirium tremens, Dropsy. Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, haemorrhage into eyes, Fainting, Flatulence, Gangrene, bleeding of gums, Heartburn, Hemiplegia, Hernia, Herpes facialis, Hoarseness, Hysteria, Labour pains after, Laryngitis, Mouth, sore, Mumps, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Nymphomania, Paralysis, Paraphimosis, Pneumonia, Puerperal fever and convulsions, Veins, varicose, Vertigo, Vicarious menstruation (nosebleed), Wounds. (7)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics of Lachesis:
- Mind, nerves, vasomotor and pneumogastric nerves, sympathetic nervous system, blood, circulation, heart, throat, female genital organs, vertex, left side, skin, kidneys, mucous membranes, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from) of Lachesis:
- Bad effects of poison, wounds, post mortem, fright, jealousy, disappointed love, vexation, long lasting grief, quinine, sorrow, sprains, injuries, suppressed menses, alcohol, onanism, loss of vital fluids, Masturbation, Sprain (bluish swelling of joints), Sun, Warm weather, Draught of air, (1)
Physiological action of Lachesis:
- Brain- Congestion, coma, sensory nerve life destroyed.
- Cord- Spasm, convulsion, sudden prostration.
- Vagii- Spasm of throat, emesis.
- Blood- Rapid decomposition.
- Hemorrhage
- Asthenic fever.
- Circulation- Vasomotor paralysis.
- Asthenia.
- Paralysis of the heart.
- Skin- Ecchymosis, gangrene, hemorrhage, jaundice.
- Glands- Congestion, fatty degeneration.
- Female- Ovarian atony, Scanty delayed menses.
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis of Lachesis:
- It acts on the peripheral nerves producing locally, hypersensitiveness of the body due to irritation of the peripheral nerves.
- It acts upon the pneumogastric nerve causing irritation of throat, larynx, bronchus and heart.
- It has great action on blood. It disorganises and decomposes the blood, making it more fluid and non-coagulable, resulting in hemorrhage. Hence, Lachesis has a haemorrhagic tendency which is marked. Purpura, septic states, diphtheria.
- It has a poisonous action on the nerve centers producing great prostration, convulsions and unconsciousness.
- Due to irritation of the peripheral nerves, there is inflammation of an asthenic and malignant character that is, cellulitis, erysipelas, gangrene, abscesses and pyaemia.
- Due to the action on blood, it produces ecchymosis and jaundice.
- Due to the action on the nervous system, it produces a paralytic condition. 8. It acts on the skin and produces skin diseases.
- It has great action on female genital organs during the menopausal period. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Lachesis:
- Patient is very jealous and suspicious. This is the most important symptom of this medicine. Suspects everything around her. Dread of death, fears going to bed. Fears being poisoned.
- Weak memory, inability to think. Feels she is full of wickedness and has committed a serious and unpardonable crime and sin; that she is going to die and will go to hell.
- Talks, sings, whistles, makes odd motions, is proud. Peevish, disposed to be morose or to quarrel. Suicidal mood, tired of life.
- Delirium at night, muttering, drowsy, has a red face; slow, difficult speech and dropped jaw.
- Dreams of snakes, of own death and funeral. Thinks she is dead, and that preparations are being made for her funeral.
Other Mental Symptoms
- Thinks herself pursued by enemies, fears that the medicine is poison.
- Great loquacity, wants to talk all the time, but there is no relevancy or consistency, no head or tail, jumps from one idea to another, one word often leads into another story. This may be called as frantic loquacity.
- Great disposition to feel sad, ecstasy, great apathy and extraordinary weakness of memory.
- Thinks that patient himself is under superhuman control and has power to curse or bless. Even has command over others and actually expects that others should obey him/her.
- Patient possessed of some religious mania and insanity. Sometimes patient is melancholic, sad, unhappy, depressed and sometimes overjoyed.
- There is marked anguish of mind which is somewhat ameliorated in open air.
- Vertigo from looking at one and the same object. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Lachesis:
- L-Left sided medicine: diseases begin on the left and go to the right side.
- A-Aggravation during and after sleep: ameliorates from expected discharge.
- C-Climacteric ailments: hot flushes and hot perspiration.
- H-Haemorrhagic diathesis: blood dark, non-coagulable.
- E-Exhaustion and trembling; extremes of heat and cold cause great debility.
- S-Sensitiveness: to touch.
- I-Inside ball sensation.
- S-Slow and from a distance: fanning desires.
1. Generalities
- Tearing, pricking, and pulsating pains.
- Contractions of the muscles.
- The left side is principally affected (paralysis), (throat), (ovaries). Excessively cold and excessively warm weather causes great debility.
- Inclination to lie down and aversion to move.
2. Head
- Pulsating, beating headache with heat in the head, especially on the vertex or on the right side or over the eyes, preceded by a cold feeling in the head with stiffness of the neck.
- Pressing headache in the temples as if the brain were pressing out, in the morning after rising; from motion; from stooping; aggravated from pressure and while ascending; relieved from lying down after eating.
- Falling off of the hair, especially during pregnancy, with great aversion to the rays of the sun.
- Sensation of WEIGHT or PRESSURE on the vertex.
3. Eye
- The eyes; water with headache from a cold.
- Itching and burning of the eyes.
- Yellow Color of the white of the eyes.
4. Ears
- Dryness with want of wax and hardness of bearing.
5. Nose
- Bleeding of the nose (blood dark), especially in the morning.
6. Face
- Paleness, yellowness of lead-like Color of the face.
- Appearance of anxiety, of unrest and distress with stupor.
- Disfigured, red, puffy, hot, swollen, as after a debauch.
7. Mouth
- TREMBLING of the tongue; difficult to move out with impossibility
- of opening the mouth wide apart. Brown coating on teeth (typhoid).
8. Throat
- Sensation of a plug in the throat, or as if a lump of mucus had collected in the throat; with continued painful desire to swallow, Empty swallowing aggravates the pain in the throat more than the swallowing of food, or fluids are swallowed with less pain than solids.
- Warm drinks are INTOLERABLE.
9. Stomach
- Great discomfort from having the clothes tight around the waist.
- Gastritis of drunkards, or caused by weakened digestion after mercury.
10. Abdomen
- DISTENTION, so that she must wear the clothes very loose, especially about stomach, even in bed she must pull up the night dress; she dares not lay the arm across the abdomen.
- Inflammation of the liver, threatening to develop an abscess; liver in swollen and very painful; dry and yellow Color of the face.
- Hemorrhage from the bowels; or from nose; during the typhoid fever.
11. Rectum & Anus
- Haemorrhoids with a feeling of plug in the anus; THROBBING; PULSATIONS; HAMMERING.
- Constant tormenting urging in rectum, but not for stool.
12. Stool
- OFFENSIVE; horribly offensive; putrid; bright yellow, watery, with burning in anus.
- Dysentery with cadaverous smelling stool of chocolate colour and with coldness and great debility; worse during night and after meal.
- Diarrhoea in drunkards; during the climacteric; abdomen very sensitive and desire to loosen the clothing; worse after sleep.
13. Urinary Organ
- Milky gleet after micturition; frequent urination; urine dark and frothy.
- Sensation of a ball rolling in the bladder.
- Subacute inflammation of the bladder, with offensive dark brown urine and frequent urging.
14. Sexual Organ
- Male: Testicles hard and scrotum relaxed. Semen of penetrating odor. Erections feeble, inability for coition.
- Female Membranous dysmenorrhea with a great pain in left ovary darting upward and hypersensitiveness of the abdomen. During menstruation labour-like pain, as if everything were pressed downward, followed by a slight flow.
15. Respiratory System
- Contraction of the chest WAKENS HIM AFTER MIDNIGHT, with slow heavy, wheezing breathing; compelling him to sit up with his chest bend forward.
- Cough caused by PROFUSE on the larynx, or by ANY COVERING of the throat; by a tickling in the pit of the throat and sternum; WHEN FALLING ASLEEP; from ulcers in the throat. Cough with rawness of the chest; difficult expectoration and pains in the throat, head and eyes.
- Frequent attacks of short cough from tickling in the pit of the stomach, dry during the night; difficult, sometimes watery, salty mucus, which has to be swallowed again, if raised.
- Advanced stage of tuberculosis of the lungs; when the patient has retching cough, which rouses him from sleep, and which ends in gagging, and is rather vomited than clearly expectorated.
- When the patient sweats during every nap, the sweat being most copious about the neck, shoulders and chest, and when the strength is greatly reduced and the pulse indicates extreme prostration.
- Phthisis; developed after typhoid or pneumonia.
- Respiration difficult; constantly obliged to take a deep breath; worse standing or stooping; better sitting up bent forward.
- Pneumonia when there is threatening abscess; with muttering delirium and over sensitiveness of the chest and throat.
- Threatening paralysis of the lungs, with albuminuria, distressing sleep, great Dyspnoea.
- Cramp-like pains in precordial region causing palpitation, with anxiety.
16. Heart & Pulse
- Palpitation of the heart, with fainting and anxiety.
- Palpitation of the heart and choking from the slightest exertion.
- Rheumatism of the heart.
- Irregularity of the beats; of the heart.
- Constrictive sensation in the re on of the heart.
17. Neck & Back
- Pains in back, with constipation, or palpitation of heart and dyspnoea.
- Great painfulness and sensitiveness of neck to contact. [stiffness in nape of neck, Kali c. Phos. Sep.]
- Pain in the os coccyges, when sitting down one feels as if sitting on something sharp.
- Stiffness of the neck.
18. Extremities
- Sensation as if hot air were going through the knee-joints, which were shaky.
- Cracked skin between and on the toes; deep rhagades like cuts across the toes.
- Flat ulcers on the lower extremities, with blue or purple surroundings. Stumbling gait, with stiffness of joints.
- Redness of feet, then swelling, with fever, similar to elephantiasis.
19. Skin
- Ulcers with great sensitiveness to touch; uneven bottom, ichorous, offensive discharge; or burning when touched; especially around the lower extremities.
- Around the ulcer many small pimples or small ulcers on a purple skin.
- Carbuncles; with bluish, purple-coloured surroundings; indolent ulcers and many smaller boils around them. Purpura hemorrhagica; the whole body is swollen; EXTREMELY SORE TO TOUCH.
- Bed-sores with black edges and most sensitive to touch, itching over whole body; always worse and burning after scratching, then appear the hard, white, deeply seated vesicles, preventing sleep.
20. Sleep
- Sleeps into an AGGRAVATION.
- SUDDEN STARTING when falling asleep.
21. Fever
- Intermittent fever; the paroxysms come on every Spring; or by quinine; in the afternoon; are accompanied by violent pain in the small of the back and limbs, oppression of the chest and violent headache with a red face and cold feet; during the hot stage CONTINUOUS TALKING; face yellow or ashy.
- SHAKING CHILL; chill in back, beginning in small of back; wants to be held down firmly to relieve the shaking and pain in the chest and head.
- Must have clothing piled on him not so much to keep him warm as to keep him still.
- Sweat at night; with catarrh and cough, sweat between the paroxysms of fever; on back, staining the shirt sulphur-yellow; in axilla, strong smelling; smelling like-garlic.
- Hot flushes as from orgasm of blood, with suffocative feeling; must loose clothes about neck, there is a sensation as if they hindered the circulation of blood. (2)(3)
Keynotes / Redline symptoms of Lachesis
- Great loquacity, mirth, jesting, prophetic perception, talking, singing and whistling constantly.
- Unwarranted jealousy and suspiciousness, malice, hides, spits, mocks, revengeful, intolerance to authority.
- All complaints mental and physical are < after sleep and better with onset of menstrual flow.
- Great sensitiveness to touch especially of throat and abdomen < even touch of clothes or tight collars.
- Sense of constriction everywhere, suffocative feeling, must be fanned but slowly and from a distance.
- Epilepsy only during sleep.
- In throat complaints, empty swallowing of liquids more painful than solids.
Guiding symptoms of Lachesis:
- Suited to emaciated persons especially women, during and after climacteric with a choleric temperament, freckles and red, lain, mottled, livid skin, and who are of more melancholic temperament with dark eyes and low spirits.
- Complaints from left to right side. < LYING ON LEFT SIDE.
- WARMBLOODED < HEAT > Open air.
- Everything that blocks circulation (collars, tight clothes, etc.).
- < Suppressed sexual desire, < Slight touch
- Flushes of heat, from below upwards.
- Desire: FARINACEOUS, oysters, ALCOHOL.
- Haemorrhagic tendency from any orifice, blood dark black, decomposed, thin, offensive.
- Trembling of extremities, of tongue when protruded, internal trembling.
- Sensation of a ball rolling in the internal organs, ascending upward of complaints.
- Periodicity is strongly marked especially in the intermittent fevers every 14 days.
- Skin-Hot; Sticky, perspiration with garlicky odour, stains yellow. Boils, carbuncles, malignant ulcers with bluish, purplish surroundings.
- Heart-Violent palpitation with sense of oppression, must sit up, restless and trembling unable to lie on the left side.
- Throat-Tonsillitis and diphtheria beginning on left side and going to the right.
- Female-Climateric complaints. Palpitations, flushes of heat. Women who have never been well since menopause. Menses too short, too feeble, black, lumpy.
- Pains > at the onset of flow. Left ovary swollen, painful. Vicarious menstruation. Nosebleed instead of menses.
- Leucorrhoea copious, smarting, staining the linen greenish. Lochia bluish. Mammae inflamed. Nymphomania.
PQRS Symptoms of Lachesis:
- Left sided.
- Haemorrhagic
- Hot flushes.
- Warm blooded.
- Better free secretions.
- Worse sleep after.
- Loquacity, sharp tongued.
Confirmatory Symptoms of Lachesis:
- Left sided complaints.
- General < from warmth, desires cold drinks especially with throat complaints.
- General < from sleep
- Tongue trembling and difficult to protrude, catches onto the teeth.
- Dreams of snakes or of her own death and funeral, etc.
- Bluish, purplish appearance of affected parts. Constriction sensation especially of throat.
- Cannot bear even slight touch of the affected parts.
- Tendency to ulceration, destruction and gangrene.
Nucleus Symptoms of Lachesis:
- Left sided complaints of women at climacteric who are jealous, suspicious, malicious and highly loquacious.
- < after sleep (mental and physical), > during menstrual flow/ free discharges/ secretions.
- General sensitivity to touch.
- Great prostration & trembling.
- Blueness of skin/ mucous membrane, late stages of affection with degeneration and offensiveness.(9)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Lachesis
- Alcoholism
- Apoplexy
- Asthma
- Boils, Carbuncles
- Change of life
- Convulsions
- Cough, Diphtheria
- Epilepsy
- Flatulence
- Gangrene
- Hemorrhage
- Haemorrhoids
- Headache
- Heart affections
- Jaundice
- Laryngitis
- Liver affection
- Mental disorder
- Neuralgia
- Pneumonia
- Puerperal fever
- Purpurae
- Skin diseases. (1)
Aggravation of Lachesis:
- After sleep, left side, on swallowing liquids, closing the eyes, pressure, sleeps into aggravation, during sleep, in spring, from warmth, sun heat, alcohol, mercury, acids, quinine, in summers, from getting wet, before a thunderstorm.
Amelioration of Lachesis:
- From cold applications, appearance of discharges, while eating, from eructation, loosening clothes, motion, etc. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Complimentary of Lachesis
- Crot-c, Nit-ac, Hep, Lyc, Salam.
Follows Well of Lachesis
- Acon, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Cham, Cinch, Hep, Hyos, Kali-bi, Lac-c, Lyc, Merc, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Olnd, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Tarent.
Inimical of Lachesis
- Acet-ac, Am-c, Carb-ac, Dulc, Nit-ac, Psor.
Antidoted By
- Alum, Ars, Bell, Carb-v, Cham, Cocc, Coff, Hep, Led, Merc, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Op, Ph-ac.
It Antidotes of Lachesis
- Bufo, Crot-h, Rhus-t.
Comparison of Lachesis
- Agar, Alum, Am-c, Amph, Anac, Anthr, Ant-t, Apis, Arg-m, Arn, Ars, Asaf, Bapt, Bell, Both-l, Bry, Calc-p, Camph, Carb-ac, Carb-v, Caul, Caust, Chin-s, Cic, Cimic, Cinch, Cocc, Colch, Con, Crot-h, Dig, Dulc, Elaps, Euph, Gels, Glon, Graph, Grind, Hell, Helo, Hep, Hydr-ac, Hyos, Ign, Iris-t, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Kreos, Lac-ac, Lac-c, Laur, Led, Lepi, Lyc, Lyss, Meph, Merc, Mez, Mosch, Mur-ac, Murx, Naja, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Op, Pall, Par, Ph-ac, Phos, Phyt, Plat, Plb, Puls, Rhus-t, Sabad, Sel, Sil, Spig, Staph, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph, Tarent, Ter, Ther, Thuj, Ust, Verat, Vib.(9)
- 30 to CM
Potency of Lachesis
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000, CM
Repetition of Lachesis
- Single dose is sufficient, no need for repetition
Duration of action of Lachesis
- 30-40 days (2)
Key Homeopathic Terms:
- Loquacity: Excessive talkativeness, often with rapid changes in topic or a lack of coherence.
- Lascivious: Showing excessive sexual desire or interest.
- Sensorium: A person’s mental state or awareness.
- Anguish of Mind: Intense emotional distress, often accompanied by anxiety and a feeling of impending doom.
- Prognostication/Prophetic Perception: The belief or feeling that one can predict future events.
- Religious Insanity: Mental illness characterized by delusions or hallucinations with religious themes.
- Jealousy: Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
- Suspicious: Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.
- Weakness of Memory: Difficulty remembering things.
- Sleep into Aggravation: Symptoms worsen upon falling asleep or during sleep.
- Left-Sided: Symptoms predominantly affect the left side of the body.
- Climacteric Ailments: Health problems related to menopause.
- Haemorrhagic Diathesis: A tendency to bleed easily.
- Sensitiveness: Increased reactivity to touch, pain, or other stimuli.
- Constriction: Feeling of tightness or pressure, often used to describe sensations in the throat or chest.
Other Important Terms:
- Puerperal Insanity: Mental illness occurring after childbirth.
- Typhoid State: A state of extreme weakness and delirium sometimes seen in severe infections.
- Repertory: A homeopathic reference book used to look up symptoms and find potential remedies.
- Similimum: The homeopathic remedy that most closely matches the patient’s overall symptom picture.
- Polychrest: A homeopathic remedy that has a wide range of applications.
- Hom M.M by Dr. J.D.Patil in 2013, Section-II, Chap> Lachesis
- Hom M.M by W.Boricke Chap> Lachesis
- Text book of M.M by Adolph Von Lippe Chap> Lachesis
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea 2001,Vol-I, Chap-1, Lachesis
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea 2001,Vol-I, Chap-2, Lachesis
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea 2001,Vol-II, Part- 1,Chap > Lachesis
- MM by John Henry Clarke
- Temraz MM by Dr.Parinaz Humranwala Chap >Lachesis
- Zomoeo Lane Chap >Lachesis
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Search Engines:
- Use keywords like "Lachesis homeopathy," "Lachesis materia medica," or "Lachesis remedy" in search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia. This should lead you to websites, blogs, or online homeopathic resources where this information is published.
Homeopathic Websites and Repertories:
- Many homeopathic websites and online repertories (reference guides for symptoms and remedies) contain detailed information about Lachesis. Some popular websites include:
- Homeopathy Plus: This site has a materia medica section where you can find Lachesis.
- ABC Homeopathy: This resource also has a comprehensive materia medica with Lachesis.
- Many homeopathic websites and online repertories (reference guides for symptoms and remedies) contain detailed information about Lachesis. Some popular websites include:
Homeopathic Books and Journals:
- Traditional homeopathic materia medica books and journals often have extensive sections dedicated to Lachesis. Look for authors like William Boericke, James Tyler Kent, or J.H. Clarke.
Homeopathic Forums and Communities:
Online forums and communities dedicated to homeopathy can be a good place to ask questions and find information about Lachesis. You can search for these forums on platforms like Reddit or Facebook.
Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner:
If you’re interested in using Lachesis as a homeopathic remedy, it’s always best to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can assess your symptoms, provide personalized advice, and recommend the appropriate dosage and potency of Lachesis for your specific needs.
Search by Keywords:
- Use specific terms mentioned in the article:
- "Lachesis homeopathy"
- "Lachesis mental symptoms"
- "Lachesis guiding symptoms"
- "Lachesis materia medica"
- This can lead you to materia medica entries, articles discussing the remedy, or even forum discussions where it’s mentioned.
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Search within Homeopathic Resources:
- Online Materia Medica: Websites like Homeopathy Plus, ABC Homeopathy, or the School of Homeopathy often have searchable materia medica sections.
- Homeopathic Software: Programs like RadarOpus or Complete Dynamics allow searching vast homeopathic databases, including materia medica.
- Physical Books: If you have access to homeopathic libraries or bookstores, look for materia medica volumes (authors like Kent, Boericke, Clarke are common).
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If you find an excerpt particularly insightful, trying searching "[author name] Lachesis" may lead you to their full works.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mention five left sided medicines.
Left Sided Medicines
i) Berberis Vulg,
ii) Colocynth,
iii) Colchicum,
iv) Lachesis,
v) Thuja.
State the debility symptoms of Lachesis.
- In throat symptoms: Prostration is out of all proportion to appearance of throat.
- Extremes of heat or cold causes great debility.
- Great physical and mental exhaustion; trembling in whole body would constantly sink down from weakness; worse in the morning.
Describe the skin symptoms of Lachesis.
SKin Symptoms
- Bad-effects of poison-wounds: post-mortem wounds.
- Boils, carbuncles, ulcers with intense pain.
- Malignant or cancerous, pustules-tends to malignancy.
- Blood-poisoning, decubitus.
- Dark, bluish, purple appearance of the skin.
- If the swelling changes in color and red-streaks from the wound map-out of the course of lymphatics: think of Lachesis.
State the mental symptoms of Lachesis.
1) Great Loquacity:
- Wants to talk all the time.
- Jumps from one word to another, without any head and tail or without relevancy and consistency.
- Rapid succession of ideas in the sensorium.
2) Mental Excitability:
- Ecstasy, with prophetic perceptions. Thinks that his words are the order of God.
- Vivid imaginations.
3) Religious Mania:
- Constantly talks about religious matters.
- Always praying and beseeching.
4) Jealous and Suspicious:
- Very much jealous and suspicious: suspects everything around her; has no confidence in others.
5) Dreams:
- Dreams of snakes.
- Dreams of own death.
- Dreams of one’s own funeral.
6) Irritable:
- Irritable, cruel and peevish mentality; proud.
7) Anxious:
- Unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad, anxiety, Agg. after sleep: Agg in the morning.
- Does not want to attend his business.
8) Hallucinations:
- Thinks she is under a superhuman power.
9) Memory:
- Weakness of memory with inability to think.
- Derangement of time sense: makes mistake in the time of day and confronts the morning hours with evening hours.
10) Modalities:
- All the mental symptoms are agg. after sleep, or aggravation wakes him up from sleep.
State the throat symptoms of Lachesis.
a) Location:
- All the throat complaints begin from the left side and then traverse to the right.
- Diphtheria and tonsillitis, beginning on the left and extending to the right side, or both the sides may be affected but predominantly the left.
b) Appearance of the Throat:
- Dark purple appearance of the throat.
c) pain:
- Liquid is more painful than solid, when swallowing.
d) Prostration:
- Prostration out of all proportion to appearance of throat.
e) Sensation:
- Sensation of soreness, dryness and constriction in throat.
- Great sensitiveness to touch. slightest touch brings on suffocative spasm.
- Clarke refers, constrictive tickling in the throat, as if a crumb of bread is in it.
f) Modalities
- i) From hot drinks, while swallowing saliva.
- ii) From slightest touch.
- iii) After sleep.
Pain ameliorates from eating.
Explain the menstrual symptoms of Lachesis.
a) Time: –Always at regular time.
Note: Suppressed or irregular menses at climatic.
b) Quantity: -Scanty, feeble (oligomenorrhoea).
c) Duration: -Short.
Note: Metrorrhagia, with nervous erethism at change of life.
d) Character of Blood:
- Dark, watery.
- Non-coagulable blood.
e) Before Menstruation
- Vertigo with headache.
- Labour like pain in the left ovarian region.
f) During Menstruation
- Sensation as if everything will be pressed out: followed by a slight discharge.
- Piles with scanty menses.
g) After menstruation: –
- Haemorrhoidal congestion after menses with heat and burning.
h) Modality:
- Amel, from the menstrual flow.
i) Concomitant:
- Left sided complaints are prominent.
- Jealous, cruel, talkative mentality.
- Great sensitiveness.
State the characteristic symptoms of Lachesis.
i) Side Predominance:
- All the complaint are agg. on left side; it is a prominent left sided-medicine: complaints traverses from left to right side.
ii) Modality:
- All the complaints are agg during and after sleep. Sleep-aggravation. Calls for Lachesis.
- Most of the complaints are relieved by menstrual flow.
iii) Ailments:
- Climacteric ailments, complaints occur generally at the later part of life of the females: a medicine for climacteric syndrome: hot flushes, hot sweat with burning sensation in the body.
iv) Sensitiveness:
- Great sensitiveness to touch: all over the body. This is not due to soreness or tenderness but from a nervous uneasiness.
v) Mind:
- Mentally jealous, suspicious, loquacious and irritable.
vi) Hemorrhage:
- Haemorrhagic diathesis, blood is dark, watery. offensive, and non-coagulable.
vii) Fanning:
- Wants to be fanned, but slowly and from a distance.
viii) Constriction:
- Sensation of constriction and tight feeling, as from sphincters; with a sensation of ball in the inner organs especially, in urinary bladder. (6)
Mention two medicines when headache ceases during menses.
i) Belladonna,
ii) Lachesis.
Name three medicines suitable for drunkards.
3 medicines suitable for drunkards
- i) Kali Bich,
- ii) Lachesis,
- iii) Sulphur.
Mention three medicines of melancholic disposition with their indications.
i) Arsenicum album
- Depressing, melancholy, despairing, Indifferent
- Anxious, full of anguish.
ii) Cinchona
- Apathetic, indifferent, taciturn.
- Despondent, gloomy, has no desire to live.
iii) Lachesis
- Persons of a melancholy temperament.
- Disposition of low spirits and indolence.
Mention six medicines for over sensitiveness to touch with their indications.
i) Apis:
- Extreme sensitiveness to touch.
- Over sensitiveness: due to soreness and tenderness.
ii) Belladonna:
- Extreme over sensitiveness.
- Hyperesthesia of the skin due to soreness and tenderness.
iii) Calcarea Carb:
- Over sensitiveness.
- Intolerance of tight clothing around the waist,
iv) Lachesis:
- Great sensitiveness to touch: throat, stomach, abdomen, entire body.
- Can’t bear bed covers or night dress to touch throat or abdomen.
- Over sensitiveness due to an uneasiness which makes her nervous.
v) Sulphur:
- Over sensitiveness.
- Intolerance of tight clothing around the waist.
vi) Hyoscyamus:
- Extreme over sensitiveness due to nervous hyperesthesia.
Name three medicines those are better adapted to thin and emaciated people.
i) Lachesis,
ii) Phosphorus,
iii) Secale Cor.
Name three medicines where constipation is associated with a sensation of constriction of sphincter.
Homeopathic medicines for constipation is associated with a sensation of constriction of sphincter.
- i) Causticum,
- ii) Lachesis,
- iii) Nitric Acid.