Hyoscyamus Niger
Hyoscyamus niger, commonly known as henbane, is a poisonous plant in the nightshade family.
While there are no direct synonyms for the plant itself, it has several common names in different regions and languages:
- Black henbane
- Stinking nightshade
- Hog’s bean
- Jupiter’s bean
The scientific name Hyoscyamus niger is the most widely accepted and used term for this plant in the scientific and medical communities.
Hysteric temperament
Person with sanguine temperament, who are irritable, nervous, hysteric [1]
Yet make no Complaints
Yet make no Complaints at all
Occupies in trio of Delirium –
Delirium with restlessness.
In delirium Hyoscyamus occupies place mid away between Belladonna and stramonium.[1]
Delirium: talks of business; complaints of imaginary wrongs. [2}
Delirium tremens, with colonic spasms; averse to light and company; visions, as if persecuted [2]
Spasm without consciousness –
Spasm without consciousness, every muscle in body twitching.[1]
Yields A/F fright
In child convulsions from fright or irritation of intestinal worms [1]
Acute cerebral activity
Unfortunate love –
Unfortunate love, with rage, and incoherent speech.
Disappointed love, followed by epilepsy [2]
Sleeplessness caused by excessive nervous excitement, or by great anguish, sometimes with convulsions and starts.
Nightly sleeplessness [3]
Non-Inflammatory type of diseases exhibits low, muttering delirium:
In delirium it has its own peculiar features.
talks of business, of imaginary things.
Reproaches himself and others; complaints of the injustice that he imagines, has been done to him (Staph.).
He carries on conversations with imaginary people.
Dr. Kent reports that the patient calls up a dead sister, or wife or husband and enter into conversation just as if the person were present.
Talks to dead folk.
Another freak in this mental state lies and looks at a queer paper on the wall and tries to turn the figures into rows, imagines the things are worms, vermin, rats, cats, mice and he is leading them as children lead around their toys.
Dr. Kent said that the delirium that belongs to typhoid grows more and more profound, more and more passive, more and more muttering, until he passes into a complete unconsciousness from which he can’t be roused.
Dr. Tyler reports that the patient makes ridiculous jestures like a dancing clown.
Hyos. "Makes short, abrupt answers to imaginary questions".
One patient had a string of bed-bugs going up the wall, and he had them tied with a string, and was irritated because he could not make the last one keep up.
- Increased cerebral activity
- Increased mental activity
- Irritable
- Irrelevant answer maker
- Imaginary doing
- Illusion and delusion of all senses
- Illusions & Delusions of all senses:
Master Kent has finely described this type of mental state in his Materia Medica.
He said, "talking, passive delirium, imagination, illusions, hallucinations: talking, rousing up and talking with a delirious manifestation and then stupor."
Talking→ Passive delirum → Imagination→ Illusions. Stupor ←Delirium ←Rousing up← Hallucinations ← And during sleep talking, crying out in sleep; but talking and mumbling and soliloquizing.
Then there are wakeful periods, in which there are delirium, illusions and hallucinations all mingled together.
This cycle carry-on in the whole mental plane.
Full of imagination and hallucinations when asleep and when awake.
"Religious turn of mind" with women who have been usually pious; they take on the delusion that they have sinned away their day of grace.
They have done some awful things.
"She imagines that she has murdered; that she has done some dreadful thing.
Patient can’t apply the promises that she read in the word of God to herself.
She will say, "they don’t mean me, then don’t apply to me, they mean somebody else" (Kent).
Great fear (fear of being alone, of being bitten, of being sold, fear to drink)
- Dr. Kent says that, "The patient thinks he is in the wrong place.
- Thinks he is not at home.
- Sees persons who are ot and who has not been present.
- Fears of being left alone.
- Fears of poisoned or being bitten.
- It comes from the suspicion.
- He suspicions or fears these things will take place.
- He imagines these things are to take place, and hence he is suspicious of all his friends."
- Dr. Clarke described anguish and fear-fright followed by convulsion and starts from sleep.
- Desire to run away from the house at night.
- Fear of being betrayed or poisoned.
- Melancholy from unfortunate love, with rage or inclination to laugh at everything.
- Anthropophobia is another mental state.
- Then in regard to their reaction to water.
- hydrophobia, Fear of running water.
- It is a striking feature that "Anxiety on hearing running water.
- Fear of water (Bell., Canth., Hydro., Stramo.) (Ref.: Kent).
- Besides this Dr. Tyler reports the fear of being alone; of being poisoned (Lach., Rhus); of being injured, are also present in Hyos. Peculiar fear of being bitten by beasts. (Tyler).
Excessive jealous and suspicious and lascivious, loquacious
Dr. Tyler, explain the Hyoscyamus jealousy by an interesting case.
"He described that a boy, mentally deficient, was among other things, frightfully jealous, especially of the man his sister was engaged to.
Whenever he came to the house the boy was very naughty, and passed his stool into his trousers".
Hyos. was found to have the symptom, involuntary stool from excitement.
He got a dose of Hyos. -c.m. and the next report was that "people remarked how much quieter he was, and that though the sister’s fiancé had been staying in the house, he had not been jealous".
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury reports,
- the patient is very reluctant to take any medicine offered him as he considers everybody.
- his medical attendant included, bent on taking his life.
- Such suspicion (Cench., Merc., Lach., Anac.) is present in Hyos.
- Lasciviousness is more marked in Hyos. patient. He wants to go naked; wants to take the clothing off due to hyperaesthesia of cutaneous nerves. The
- genital parts are so sensitive to touch, the skin that he takes off the clothes.
- He appears to be perfectly shameless.
- There is another phase running through the insanity, which is salacity and it is violent at times, with a woman or a wife or a daughter, this state of salacity is manifested in this way.
- She exposes her genitals to the view of everybody coming into the room.
- There are instances where in these violent attacks of salacity; a woman has gathered her clothing up under her arms to expose her genitals to the doctor as he walked into the room.
- "Violent sexual excitement and nymphomania, obscene things, speech illustrated by urine, faeces and cow-dungs".
- "Erotic mania sings amorous songs. Lies in bed naked or wrapped in a skin during summer heat" (Kent).
- Amativeness is one of the landmarks of Hyos. Mentality (N. M. Chowdhury).
- Dr. N. M. Chowdhury illustrated that loquacity is another feature of Hyos.
- This loquacity is due to excessive animation.
- High jumps from subject to subject (Agar, Cimic. Lach., Lachnanthes., Podo., Sel., Teuc.).
- Jealousy with rage and delirium, with attempt to murder (Tyler).
- Restless-would not stay in bed jump out of bed and tries to escape
- Recognition-lost stupor
- Rage-with strike to kill
- Restless, Stupor & Violence:
The patient is in alternate states.
- One minute he raves and the another he scolds in delirium, in excitement: the n he is in a stupor.
- It is mainly found in typhoid state (Kent:).
- Dr. Clarke said, the Hyos. face is pale or bluish because it is non-inflammatory, but Bell. has red face due to congestion and inflammation’.
- The pt. is violent and beats people.
- Strikes and bites.
- Sings constantly and talks hastily.
- The pt. picks at his bed cloths, picking at his night shirt or pricking anything he can get these fingers on and round the room as if intoxicated, shrieking with laughter, jumped into bed, and jumped out the other side, couldn’t be kept in bed.
- Dr. Tyler also said that in insanity Hyos. make act as a mountebank, grimacing and making ridiculous jestures and displaying a "Comical alienation of mind" which performs ludicrous actions like monkeys.
Dr. Boericke reports that the patient is foolish, great hilarity present and constant carphologia.
Dr. Tyler said the patient is self-forgetful and the patient wants to get up and attend the business or go home (Bry.) Besides this syphilomania is present in this drug.
Dr. Tyler again gave example of case of Hyos. lasciviousness and violence. He said ridiculously solemn acts in improper clothing. mixed with fury as "in a priest’s cassock, put on over nothing but a shirt and in fur boots, he wishes to go to church, in order to preach and to perform clerical offices there, and furiously attacks those who try to prevent him”. Rushes at people with knives; strikes and tries to murder those he meets.
Other Notes
Dr. Talcott said in his "Mental diseases" that the Hyos. patient has neither the anxiety of Acon, the raga of Bell., nor the stupidity of Gels. but it displays the individual characteristic of a jolly and wakeful delirium. Hyoscyamus points mental tone of its victim a brilliant and luminous rod, and stimulates him to sing, the merriest and most vociferous tones, the songs of Venus and Bacchus combined.
Dr. Hering says patient makes no complaints, has no wants. Fright followed by convulsions. Disappointed love followed by epilepsy.
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Hyoscyamus Niger
Common name:
Black henbane
Family / Group / Class / Order:
Habit and habitat / Description:
It is originally from Europe and Asia but is largely cultivated in North America.
Also found in India from Kashmir to Garhwal in the Himalayas.
It is a biennial deciduous plant growing to the height of 15 of 60 cms.
Hyoscyamus is covered with long, soft, pointed, white hair, with fusiform roots.
Hyoscyamus plant grows on waste ground, such as hedge banks and road sides.
Name of prover:
Dr Hahnemann in 1805
Introduction and history:
Hyoscyamus is known since ancient times and was used as a house hold drug.
The references about this drug are found in ‘Arabian Nights’ and also in Anglo-Saxon works on medicine.
Hyoscyamus is one of the most important remedies of the materia medica.
It is a gift of the vegetable kingdom given to homeopathy.
It acts like a purgative, but in allopathy it is used as a ‘cerebral depressant’ in acute mania.
The name Hyoscyamus is derived from the word ‘hyos’ meaning a hog and ‘cyamos’ meaning a bean, because the bean acts as an intoxicant upon swines, but not on other animals.
‘Niger’ means black; the inner side of the flowers is purplish-black in colour.
This drug is poisonous to fowls, hence its name – Henbane is very appropriate and correct.
It is one of the Nash’s Trio of Delirium.
The others are Belladonna and Stramonium.
Hyoscyamus is very poisonous in its crude form. (2)
Active principles:
The principal alkaloid of this drug is hyoscyamine while traces of scopalamine, atropine and hyoscine are present in lesser amounts.
It also contains an acid oil of hyoscyamus and potassium nitrate. (2)
Preparation & Parts used:
Mother tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant of second years growth. (2)
Physical make up of Hyoscyamus Niger
- Hyoscyamus is adapted to light haired, sanguine people with a pale or bluish face; who are nervous, irritable and chaotic. (2)
Temperament of Hyoscyamus Niger
- Sanguine 3, Choleric 2 (8)
Relation with heat & cold
- Chilly patient
Miasm of Hyoscyamus Niger
- Psora (2)
Clinical conditions of Hyoscyamus Niger :
- Behavioral disorders, Cerebral accidents, Cough, Fecal impaction, Mania, Meningitis, Schizophrenia, Seizures.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics:
- Brain, nerves, blood, mucous membranes, skin, face, eyes, muscles, sensorium, etc. (2)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
- Unfortunate love, jealousy, rage, fright, fear, intestinal worms, puerperium. (2)
Physiological action of Hyoscyamus Niger
- While in its action this agent has many points in common with Belladonna and Stramonium, yet each has an individuality of its own.
- Hyoscyamus does not produce the intense cerebral congestion and inflammation of Belladonna, nor the intense maniacal delirium and sensorial excitement of Stramonium.
- It produces a sensation of fullness and heat of the head, with a flushed face without pronounced hyperaemia; indistinct, clouded vision, which may approach complete blindness, and owing to its stimulating action upon the sympathetic nerves, the pupils are dilate.
- There is giddiness, and delirium that resembles drunkenness, and hallucinations.
She sees things that do not exist, from which she would escape.
- At times she is immodest and undresses, becomes vulgar in her acts, gestures and expressions.
- The delirium is apt to be accompanied by insomnia; in other cases, there is an incoherent muttering, such as accompanies typhoid fever.
- The habitual use of this drug produces muscular paralysis and delirium of a violent character.
- The secretions of the respiratory tract are diminished and a dry, spasmodic cough results. (3)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- Hyoscyamus acts upon the cerebrospinal system affecting particularly the sensorium, producing perversion of perception and intellectual faculties, illusion and hallucinations.
- It acts upon nerve centres, irritates them and produces increased noninflammatory cerebral activity, hysteria and delirium.
- Acts upon the muscular system through the motor nerves, producing paralysis, spasmodic affections of single parts and convulsions.
- Acts upon mucous membranes and irritates the same producing diarrhoea.
- Hyoscyamus acts upon skin and produces skin diseases.
- Acts upon the head and face producing a sensation of fullness and heat of the head with a flushed face without pronounced hyperaemia.
- It acts upon the brain causing a distinct mania, quarrelsomeness or obscene character and a hysteria. (2)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology)Hyoscyamus Niger :
- Patient is very suspicious.
- Suspicious of some plot.
- Patient is very fearful. Fear of being poisoned, refuses medicine, fear of being alone.
- Dread of water. Desire to escape. Things seem too large.
- Stupor, unconsciousness; does not reply to questions; does not recognise anyone, makes irrelevant answers.
- Inability to think; thoughts cannot be directed or controlled; silly.
- Illusions of imagination and senses. Sees people who are not and have not been present.
- Thinks he is in the wrong place.
Delirium, talks of business; complains about imaginary things.
Delirium, tremors, with clonic spasms; aversion to light and company.
Loquacity, silly, smiling, laughs at everything, silly expression; cries and laughs alternately.
Lascivious mania, uncovers body, especially sexual parts.
Sings amorous songs; cries out suddenly, knows not why.
Muttering, picking at bed clothes, wants to go from one bed to another, restless, jumps out of bed, tries to run away.
Does foolish things, behaves like a mad person, abuses those about him and tries to injure them.
Patient is very jealous and suspicious; fear of being injured.
Low muttering delirium, continues even while awake.
Fright followed by convulsions, unfortunate love with rage and incoherent speech.
Vertigo with drunkenness; also, from smell of flowers and gas. (2)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger
- H- Hallucination
- Y-Yet makes no complaints, has no wants
- O-Occupies midway between belladonna and Stramonium: in delirium
- S- Spasms: without consciousness
- C-Cough dry, nocturnal, spasmodic
- Y-Yields ailments from fright, worms: convulsion results
- A-Acute cerebral activity, but non inflammatory in type
- M-Manis: Lascivious, Suspicious, Jealous
- U-Unfortunate love: with jealousy and rage
- S-Sleeplessness from business embarrassments
Keynotes / Redline Symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger:
Immodesty, will not be covered, exposes the person, sings obscene songs.
Every muscle of the body twitches, from eyes to the toes.
Intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons from business embarrassments.
Suspicious of some plot, fear of being poisoned.
Guiding Symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger:
- Delirium: Low muttering type of delirium with occasional violent outbreaks.
- Convulsions: Convulsions of children from fright or from irritation of intestinal worms. Suddenly becomes unconscious. Spasmodic affections of pregnant women.
- Paralysis: Paralysis of urinary bladder, involuntary emission of urine, involuntary passing of stool.
- Lascivious mania: Great lascivious mania; tendency to uncover the body, kicks off the clothes, exposes his or her private parts. Sings obscene songs, lies completely naked in bed.
- Prostration: Great prostration and weakness in typhoid fever. Uncommon sinking of strength. Patient completely lies down in bed, the jaw drops.
- Pain: Every muscle of the body twitches, from head to foot, constant state of erythrism; tonic and clonic spasms.
- Fear: Fear of being poisoned, fear of being alone, of being bitten, being sold. Suspects before eating or drinking.
- Sleeplessness: Patient is very irritable and excitable. There is intense sleeplessness due to embarrassment or imaginary things. [2]
PQRS Symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger
- Flamboyant stage of exhibitionism or mania.
- Loquacious. Jealous. Suspicious.
- Sexual minded. Masturbation. Absence of morals. Shamelessness.
- Restlessness. Dancing.
- Depression or mania after breaking of romantic relationships.
- Convulsions.
Confirmatory Symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger:
Bad effects of unfortunate love.
Lascivious mania.
Fever rapidly becomes typhoid with clouding of the MIND.
Nucleus symptoms of Hyoscyamus Niger:
- Diseases with cerebral activity but non-inflammatory in type.
- Weakness and nervous agitation, hence typhoid and other conditions.
- Talkative, obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body, jealous.
- Low muttering delirium, constant carphologia, deep stupor.
Convulsions, trembling, jerks, twitching, cramps. (6)
Therapeutic Value
Modality of Hyoscyamus Niger
- During menses, at night, from jealousy, unhappy love, mental affections, by lying down, from touch, cold air, etc.
- By walking, stooping, from warmth, sitting and motion. (2)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy RelationShip of Hyoscyamus Niger
Follows Well:
- Bell, Phos, Puls, Stram, Verat.
Antidoted By:
- Bell, Chin, Stram.
It Antidotes:
- Bell, Merc, Stram.
- Coloc, Con, Cupr, Lach, Nux-v, Op, Puls, Sec, Stram, Verat.(6)
- Third dilution to 200c.
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
- Single dose is enough. No need of repetition unless required.
Duration of Action:
- 6-14 Days.[2]
References of Hyoscyamus Niger
- Synoptic of memorizer of MM by Dr.S.K.Banerjea Vol-I,Chap- 1,Hyoscyamus
- MM by. Dr. J.D.Patil, Chap > Hyoscyamus
- Manual MM, Therapeutic and Pahrmacology by Blackwood,Alexander Chap > Hyoscyamus
- MM by W.Boriek, Chap > Hyoscyamus
- Primer MM by T.F.Allen, Chap > Hyoscyamus
- Zomeon lane, Chap > Hyoscyamus
- Synoptic of memorizer of MM by Dr.S.K.Banerjea Vol-II,Part-1,Hyoscyamus
- Temraz MM by Dr.Parinaz Humranwala Chap.> Hyoscyamus
Plant Terminology
Hyoscyamus niger: The scientific name for henbane.
Henbane: The common name for the plant.
Black henbane, stinking nightshade, hog’s bean, Jupiter’s bean: Alternative common names for henbane, often used regionally or historically.
Solanaceae: The nightshade family of plants, to which henbane belongs.
Biennial: A plant that completes its life cycle in two years.
Deciduous: A plant that sheds its leaves annually.
Alkaloids: Naturally occurring chemical compounds, often with potent effects. Henbane’s alkaloids include hyoscyamine and scopolamine.
Homeopathic Terminology
- Guiding Symptoms: The most characteristic symptoms that indicate a particular remedy is needed.
- Prover: A healthy person who takes a homeopathic substance to record its effects, aiding in understanding its potential uses.
- Mother Tincture: The initial alcoholic extract of a plant used to prepare homeopathic dilutions.
- Dilution: The process of repeatedly diluting and succussing (shaking) a substance to create a homeopathic remedy.
- Potency: A numerical designation indicating the degree of dilution and succussion a remedy has undergone.
- Miasm: A theoretical concept in homeopathy referring to underlying predispositions to disease.
- Repertory: A reference book listing symptoms and the remedies associated with them.
- Rubrics: Categories of symptoms in the repertory.
- Materia Medica: A comprehensive description of a remedy’s properties, including its origin, preparation, and observed effects.
Medical/Psychological Terminology
Sanguine Temperament: A personality type characterized by optimism, cheerfulness, and impulsiveness.
Hysteria: A term used historically to describe emotional instability or exaggerated reactions.
Delirium: A state of mental confusion characterized by restlessness, incoherence, and hallucinations.
Mania: A state of elevated mood, often with excessive energy and irritability.
Convulsions: Involuntary muscle contractions.
Spasms: Sudden, involuntary muscle contractions.
Paralysis: Loss of muscle function.
Lasciviousness: Excessive sexual desire or behavior.
Loquacity: Talkativeness.
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People can search for homeopathic articles on Hyoscyamus niger using the following methods:
Online Search Engines: Use search terms like:
"Hyoscyamus niger homeopathy"
"Henbane homeopathic remedy"
"Homeopathic uses of Hyoscyamus"
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
State the convulsion of Hyoscyamus Niger.
i) In children: From fright or irritation of intestinal worms.
ii) In women: During labour, during puerperal state.
iii) General: After meals.
i) Child vomits, sudden shriek, then insensible.
ii) Spasms: without consciousness; very restless, every muscle in the body twitches; from the eyes to the toes. (-with consciousness Strych. Stramo, N.V).
iii) Paralysis of bladder: after labor with retention or incontinence of urine. No desire to urinate in lying in women.
iv) Extreme excitation of the sensorium–is the keynote. (Ref. Farrington)
v) Characteristic debility: Prostration on every attempt to move or walk about and in paralysis of one or more muscles following the maniacal attacks. (Ref. Farrington)
vi) Chorea with tottering gait. They seem to have abnormal impressions of distances. They reach
for something that seems to be just within their grasp, when in reality, it is on the other side of the room. (Ref. Farrington)
vii) Epilepsy: Before the attack, patient complains of vertigo, sparks before eyes, and ringing noise on the ears.
Associated features:
a) Persons of sanguine temperament, who are irritable, nervous,chaotic.
b) Bad effects of unfortunate love with jealousy, rage, incoherent speech or inclination to laugh at everything: often followed by epilepsy.
c) Lascivious mania, lies naked in bed and chatters,
d) Fever: Pneumonia, scarlatina-rapidly becomes typhoid with sensorium clouded, staring eyes, grasping at flocks or picking bed clothes, teeth covered with Sordes, tongue dry and unwieldy.Involuntary (Subsultus tendinum.): Stool , urine
e) Agg. a night, during menses, when lying down, from mental affections.
Mention few medicines for disappointment of love?
My tips: will be ‘Intra-venous Push’ of the medicine Lac can-thus LAC CAN IVP. L-Lachesis. A-Antim Crud. C-Causticum. C-Calcarea Phos. A-Aurum Met. N-Natrum Mur. I-Ignatia. V-Veratrum Album. P-Phosphoric Acid.
Name Dr. Nash’s trio of delirious remedies.
State the paralytic symptoms of Hyoscyamus.
i) Paralysis of bladder: after labor, with retention or incontinence of urine
ii) No desire to urinate in lying in women.
State the cough symptoms of Hyoscyamus.
a) Character of cough
- Dry, nocturnal, spasmodic, hacking cough
- Forcing one to bend forwards.
- Spitting of saltish mucous or red bloody expectoration.
- Tickling, hacking cough. (Ref. Dr. N. M. Chowdhury).
- The tickling is caused by the elongated uvula or titillation by uvula on the dorsum of the tongue (Ref. N. M. Chowdhury).
b) Modalities
- When lying down.
- At night.
- After eating and drinking.
- After talking or singing.
Note: –Cough of children while asleep, sleep, aggravates. (Ref.Dr. N. M. Chowdhury).
- When sitting up.
c) Concomitants
Describe the mental symptoms of Hyoscyamus.
- It is a leading remedy when mania comes after an acute disease-(Ref. Nash)
a) Causation
Bad effects of
- unfortunate love.
- jealousy: rage
- Fear, fright.
b) Lascivious Mania
- Immodest, will not be covered.
- Kicks of the clothes.
- Exposes the private parts
- Sings obscene songs
- Lies naked in the bed and chatters.
- Dr. N.M. Chowdhury refers; he puts his hand on the genitals and plays with the same being devoid of all sense of decency: He thinks he is at a wrong place
c) Fears
- of being along
- of poison.
- of being bitten
- being betrayed
- of being sold
- to take what is offered due to suspiciousness.
d) Delirium
e) Suspicious mania
- He suspects others of making some plot against him.
- He is very reluctant to take any medicine offered to him, as he considers every body is bent on taking his (Ref. Dr. N. M. Chowdhury)
State the febrile symptoms of Hyoscyamus.
a) Introduction
In pneumonia: Broncho-pneumonia: Influenza which turns towards typhoid. It’s peculiar mental symptoms and delirium are very important.
b) Mental symptoms
i) Low muttering delirium.
ii) Delirium with restlessness.
iii) Jumps out from bed.
iv) Tries to escape.
v) Makes irrelevant answers.
vi) Thinks he is in the wrong place.
vii) Talks of imaginary doings.
viii) No wants and makes no complaints
ix) Pricks the bed-clothes.
x) Tries to catch some flying things.
Dr. Allen says: "In delirium it occupies a place midway between Belladonna and Stramonium,"
c) Lascivious mania
i) Is in the highest degree.
ii) Does not cover the secret organs.
iii) Sings obscene songs.
iv) Kicks of the clothes.
v) Lies nacked on the bed.
d) Jealous and suspicious
- Thinks he is being poisoned.
e) Physical symptoms
1) Sensorium: -Sensorium clouded.
2) Eye: -Staring eyes.
3) Grasping: -Grasping the flocks.
4) Pricking: -Pricking bed-clothes.
5) Teeth-Covered with Sordes.
6) Tongue-Dry, and unwieldy.
7) Stool: -Involuntary stool.
8) Urine-Involuntary urine.
9) Spasm-
i) Without consciousness.
ii) Every muscle twitch in the body.
iii) From head to foot.
10) Subsultus tendinum. (7)
In lasciviousness when Hyoscyamus fails: what medicine you will think of?
Phosphorus often cures lasciviousness when Hyoscyamus fails.