Mercurius Solubilis
Merc Sol is a homeopathic remedy that is a preparation of Mercurius solubilis, which is a mercuric chloride compound. Here are some synonyms for Merc Sol:
- Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni
- Mercury soluble
- Quicksilver
It is important to note that homeopathic remedies are not a substitute for medical care. If you are considering using Merc Sol, it is important to speak with a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
- Merc sol is Suspicious.
- Apprehensive. Mistrustful, suspicious. Thinks he is losing his reason. (15)
- The Mercurius person feels viciously attacked from all sides. He has the delusion that he is surrounded by enemies, that everyone around is his enemy and he has to fight his way out. This is a desperate situation which necessitates a desperate reaction. And so with Mercurius as with other syphilitic remedies, the accent is on destruction, either of himself or of others. (12)
- Rubrics Delusion, enemy, everyone is an.
Delusion, surrounded by enemies.
Delusion, murdered, he will be. (12)
- Great restlessness. Fretful irritability, with nervous tremors. (13)
- Mental restlessness; hurried talking. wretch and sad; irritable. (9)
Constant anxiety
- Anxiety, with fear of losing one’s mind.
- Constant anxiety and oppression.
- Excessive indifference to everything.
- Continuous moaning.
- Suspicious and distrustful.
- Momentary vanishing of thought. (13)
Suicidal disposition
- One of the main themes of Merc Sol is violence suicidal or homicidal. He has the impulse to kill anyone who contradicts him.
- He is defiant towards authority to the extent of killing or being killed. Mercurius is a remedy of extremes. This violence and anger is very sudden and impulsive.
- In his violent rage he can kill quite easily, and the very next moment he may be himself again, as though nothing had happened; in fact he may be quite jovial. (12)
Suicidal disposition, seeing cutting instruments, on.
Injure himself, fears to be left alone, lest he should.
Kill, impulse to, herself, for a slight offence. (12)
- Very obstinate since birth.
- Quarrelsome, irritable, taciturn and indifferent. (2)
- Dr. Clarke discussed the grand characteristics of the remedy: "as the thermometer is sensitive to changes either hot or cold, so is the Mercurius patient has both <by heat and by cold.
- Next very important modality is: < at night i.e.., sun set to sunrise or in other words twilight to dawn aggravation This is a strong point of correspondence with syphilis.
Note 1:
It is esp. noticeable in the bone pains.
Note 2:
Merc. is Hahnemann’s typical antisyphilitic remedy, as Sulph., is the typical antipsoric and Thuja, the typical antisycotic. But by this, it does not mean that they do not cover the other miasms, as for example, Dr. J. H. Clarke said, ‘Merc. has relation to psora and sycosis as well as syphilis."
- < in warmth of bed.
- <while sweating.
- <by lying on rt. side.
- Note: Dr. H. C. Allen points out that, Merc. has < by heat of bed. > from rest in bod: Ars. < from rest in bed> by heat of bed.
Every little injury suppurates
- Hep., Sil., Graph., Petrol., Sulph. – all has this symptom. There is a suppurative tendency viz. formation of ulcer. Suppuration of the lungs after pneumonic haemorrhages (Kali.C.), glandular swellings with or without suppuration but esp. if suppuration be too profuse. Cold swellings; abscesses, slow to suppurate.
- Dr. Clarke reports, Merc Sol intensifies the action of the absorbents, it may also paralysis them, hence enlargement of glands, with pricking pains, inflammation, suppuration.
- Dr. Kent reports that marked feature of Merc Sol is the tendency to formation of the pus with inflammation, there is burning and stinging and the rapid formation of pus and the part is by both heat and cold.
Rt.-sided affection
- Dr. Clarke said the liver has been the chief excuse for Mercurialism in the past and Merc Sol certainly has a powerful liver action. The liver is congested, enlarged, inflammed, stitches in the liver, sensitiveness in the liver and inability to lie on right side. This "< lying on right side "should always be considered.
- Dr. Nash discussed and amplified that the chill of Merc Sol is peculiar. It is not a shaking chill but is simply a "creeping chilliness". (-Gels. big chills with heavy limbs: -chills from every movement, from leaving the fire, Nux Vom.). "Often when this creeping chilliness is felt, it is the first symptom of a cold that has been taken and if left alone, the coryza, sore throat, bronchitis or even pneumonia may follow; but if taken early, a dose of Merc. may prevent all such troubles." The chilliness is felt most generally in the evening and increases to the night, if not removed by Merc. It is often felt in single parts. Then again it is felt in abscesses and is the harbinger of pus formation.
Salivated tongue with thirst
- There is the characteristic flabby, coated, teeth-indented tongue with foul breath and intense thirst: throat dry and forepart of the tongue is moist (Ref: Clarke).
- Ptyalism: tenacious, soapy, stringy, profuse, foetid, coppery, metallic-tasting saliva.
- Tongue large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth (Chel., Pod. Rhus.), painful, with ulcers: red or white (Ref: Allen’s Key- notes).
- Note 1. Rarely give Merc. if the tongue is dry. (Ref: Guernsey’s Keynotes).
- Note 2-Dry tongue but no thirst, Puls., Nux Vom.,:- dry tongue much thirst, Bry., Ars.).
Offensive discharges, offensive sweat
- Dr. Clarke said the Mercurius patient is offensive; breath excessively foetid (Bapt., Carbo. Acid., Kali.P., Nit.Acid., Sil.).
- Sweat: Offensive, mawkish, sweetish. Profuse sweat accompanying nearly all complaints and sweat does not relieve; it may even aggravate, <at night (Ref: Clarke).
Leading tremor
- Dr. Clarke said keynote of Merc Sol is tremor. This symptom is so pronounced and universal that it renders Merc Sol the best general remedy in paralysis agitans. There is tremor of head of hands, of tongue. Tremor commencing in the fingers. It is the tremor of weakness and paralysis and as described by B. Cooper it may attack the heart and cause sudden death on the smallest effort. Short of this there is great tendency to fainting: extreme exhaustion after a stool. The tremor may become jerkings and even convulsions, extreme rest lessness.
- Dr. Kent said that tremor of the hands, so that the patient can’t lift anything or eat or write.
- Note 1: Merc. Sol is a great remedy in children with epileptiform fits, twitching and disorderly motions.
- Note 2: The motions of the tongue are disorderly and the child can’t talk. Involuntary motion which can be momentarily controlled by volition. (4)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction Of Merc Sol
Common name :
- Dimercurous ammonium nitrate. (1)
Synonyms :
- Hydrargyrum, Quick silver, Metallic mercury (2)
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Mineral kingdom (2)
Habit and habitat / Description :
- Mercury is a brilliant silver-white metal. At ordinary temperature it is liquid. Merc is also called Quicksilver. It is ammoniated nitrate of mercury. It is a heavy, grayish-black powder of slightly acrid, metallic taste. Insoluble in water, alcohol or ether. It is entirely volatilised by heat with decomposition. (2)
Formula / Symbols :
- 2(NH2Hg2)NO3. H2O (2)
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann, Dr C. Hering (2)
Introduction and history :
- Mercurius Solubilis is an extremely valuable remedy of the materia medica. Merc Sol is a very corrosive remedy and the king of antisyphilitic remedies. Mercury has long been known to be a medicinal substance and amply abused by allopaths. There are various preparations of mercury, but under the heading of Mercurius we will combine the study of Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius vivus. It is a tonic, purgative, cholagogue, antiphlogistic and sorbefecient. (2)
Preparation :
- Triturations are prepared with sugar of milk. Higher potencies are prepared from 3c of each drug. (2)
Constitution of Merc Sol:
Physical make up:
Merc Sol is best suited to light haired people, with lax skin and muscles. (2)
Temperament :
Sanguine (11)
Diathesis :
Scrofulous (2)
Relation with heat & cold :
Sensitive to both heat and cold (2)
Syphilis (King of Anti-syphilitic Remedies) (2)
Clinical conditions
In Homeopathy Merc Sol medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
Abscess, Bruxism, Colitis, Connective tissue disease, Gastroenteritis, Glossitis, Malignancy, Orchitis, Otitis media, Parkinson’s disease, Pharyngitis, Phobic disorder, Premature ejaculation, Sexual disorders, Sinusitis, Stomatitis, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Ulcerative colitis, Vaginitis. (1)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Mucous membranes, liver, bones, right side, salivary glands, skin, tonsils, joints, crowns of teeth, kidneys, lymphatic system, intestines, internal organs. (2)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
Fright, bad effects of sugar, vapour of copper or arsenic, abuse of mercury or its preparations; suppressed syphilis or gonorrhoea, stings of insects, suppressed foot sweat. (2)
Physiological action
This agent when applied to the skin is an antiparasitic, when absorbed there is a peculiar foetor in the mouth. The gums are swollen, the teeth are sore, there is an increase in the amount of saliva, and ptyalism, with a peculiar metallic taste. When taken internally, large doses produce diarrhoea. The evacuation of bile is hastened in duodenum. Tonic doses diminish the cardiac action, and produce anaemia and dissolution of the corpuscular elements of the blood. The breathing is labored and weak. (3)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- Metal by itself is inert but by combining with the acids and other fluids of the body, it is converted into a highly poisonous material. It enters blood circulation and produces many functional and destructive changes in organs, tissues and blood.
- In small doses and for a short duration it acts as a tonic improving the general condition of the system, the red blood cells and causing a gain in weight.
- Profoundly acts upon the entire organism, affecting both the functions and substances of every organ and tissue of the body.
- Merc Sol acts upon the digestive system causing ulceration of the mucous membranes producing pain in the stomach.
- It acts upon salivary glands producing excessive salivation in the mouth due to inflammation of the salivary glands and in some cases the whole thing may turn gangrenous.
- Merc Sol acts upon blood – red blood cells are destroyed. As a result of this, the coagulability of blood diminishes, producing profound anaemia, oedema and palpitation. Continuous administration of mercury produces the peculiar cachexia known as ‘hydrargyrism’.
- All glandular structures of the body are affected. The lymphatic glands, the liver, the pancreas and the bile are affected.
- Acts upon the nervous system producing tremors initially. The chronic effect may cause epileptic seizures followed by coma and death.
- Merc Sol acts in pregnant women, causing abortion due to the impoverishness of blood.
- Acts upon skin producing an eruption like scarlet fever. The skin is swollen and burns like fire; it is accompanied with profuse sweating and falling of hair.
- It acts on the mind and brain producing weakness of mind, mental depression, debility, nervous tremors, incoordination and paralysis.
- Due to the action on the liver, it becomes enlarged and sensitive; secretion of bile is augmented. (2)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Merc Sol
- Weak memory, slow in answering questions, loss of will power.
- Great restlessness with fear of loosing reason.
- Great indifference to everything. Weary of life. Airtrustful.
- Nocturnal anxiety, great apprehension. Homesickness.
- Delirium and other mental derangements of drunkards.
- Suspicious, continuous moaning and groaning.
- Does foolish, mischievous, disgusting acts, imbecility.
- Quarrelsome, irritable, taciturn and indifferent.
- Throws off the clothes at night and scolds. Tired of life.
- Imaginary fears, tries to fly from the house, wants to go abroad.
- Vertigo, as if in a swing, after stooping, when lying on the back. (2)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Merc Sol.
M-Modalities: worse at night, perspiration.
E-Every little injury suppurates.
R-Rapid talking.
C-Can not finish sensation with chilliness.
S-Salivated tongue with profuse thirst.
O-Offensive discharges.
L-Least exertion causes weakness and trembling. (6)
- Vertigo worse lying on back; as if on a swing.
- Band feeling about the head.
- Headache, with ear and toothache.
- Exostosis with feeling of soreness.
- Scalp tense, oily sweat on head.
- Meningitis.
- Hydrocephalus.
- Child turns head from side to side and moans.
- External head painful to touch.
- Cephalhematoma.
- Falling of hair from sides and temples. (7)
- Lids; red, thick, swollen; tarsi, scurfy and swollen.
- Scanty or profuse, burning acrid discharge.
- Eyes draw together.
- Black spots, flames, sparks before the eyes.
- Photophobia worse heat and glare, of fire; of foundrymen.
- Arcus senilis. Iritis; with hypopion.
- Keratitis.
- Lachrymation profuse, burning, acrid.
- Conjunctivitis from taking cold.
- Lids spasmodically closed.
- Periodical loss of sight.
- Optic nerve and eye affection in those who work in foundries.
- Foggy vision. (7)
- Pains extend to ear; from teeth, throat etc.
- Otorrhoea_thick yellow discharge, foetid and bloody.
- Deafness on becoming heated; better on swallowing and blowing nose. Boils in external canal.
- As if cold water running from the ear.
- Sensation of coldness in ears; during pregnancy. (7)
- Much sneezing.
- Sneezing in sunshine. Nostrils; raw, ulcerated.
- Colds travel upwards or attack eyes.
- Coryza; acrid, purulent; too thick to run.
- Heavy nose. Red, raw, dirty nosed children.
- Nosebleed, when coughing; during sleep, blood hangs in dark coagulated strings.
- Frequent sneezing, without coryza.
- Sinusitis. (7)
- Pale, yellow, dirty looking; puffy, under eyes.
- Cheeks; swollen, red, hot.
- Aching in jaws.
- Mumps.
- Lips; salty, dry, cracked; in angles (right); burn when touched.
- Masseter muscles contracted.
- Facial paralysis from cold. (7)
- Offensive, putrid odour from mouth.
- Painful ragged, swollen, bleeding gums.
- Gumboil Teeth; hollow, black; pain worse heat and cold, night; feel tender and elongated.
- Aphthae.
- SALIVA; INCREASED; flows during sleep; yellow; bloody, bad tasting, offensive.
- Tongue; broad, flabby, yellow, INDENTED; needle pricks at tip.
- Furrow across upper portion of the tongue; with pricking.
- Sweetish, METALLIC TASTE. Speech difficult from trembling of tongue.
- Loss of speech, replies by signs and grimaces Stammering.
- Ranula, with salivation and sore gums.
- Itching palate.
- Ulcers behind the tongue.
- Tonsils enlarged.
- As if something rising in the throat, with desire to swallow it down. Taste sweetish: bread tastes sweet. Stomatitis from chewing-gum. (7)
- SORE; raw, smarting, burning, as of hot vapour ascending.
- As of an apple core, choke pear, or something hanging in.
- Ulcers on tonsils, on pharynx.
- Quinsy, with difficult swallowing, after pus has formed.
- Stitches into ears, on swallowing.
- Hawks large lumps from throat.
- Constant inclination to swallow.
- Drinks return through nose. (7)
- Intense thirst for cold drink and beer.
- Weak digestion, with continuous hunger.
- Feels replete and constricted.
- Aversion to meat, coffee, butter and oily things.
- Sweet things and milk disagree, though he craves them.
- Rancid eructations.
- Frequent hiccough.
- Heartburn. (7)
- Liver; enlarged, sore; indurated.
- Jaundice.
- Bowels feel weak, holds them.
- Intestines feel bruised when lying on right side, or as if they fall to side on which one is lying.
- Inguinal glands swollen or suppurating.
- STOOLS; painful, scanty; bloody; greenish slimy; ashen white, acrid; then tenesmus or chill; never get done feeling.
- Rectal tenesmus, with tenesmus of bladder.
- Appendicitis, better lying on back.
- Prolapsus ani after stool.
- Swelling of inguinal glands on taking cold.
- Dysentery.
- External abdomen cold to touch. (7)
11.Rectum & Anus
- Constant, ineffectual urging, with tenesmus in rectum; (<) night. (9)
- Discharge accompanied by chilliness, sick stomach, cutting colic, and tenesmus.
- Whitish- gray stools. (8)
13.Urinary Organ
- Frequent urging to urinate day and night, with copious or scanty urine. Urine causes itching.
- Urinates more than drinks.
- Albuminuria; urine black, bloody.
- Burning after urination.
- Stream of urine very small.
- Dysuria.
- Haematuria, painless. (7)
14.Sexual Organ
- Glans and prepuce inflamed and swollen; phimosis.
- Testicles; swollen, hard, with shiny, red scrotum.
- Children or adults pull and scratch at the genitals; from a kind of itching which makes them do so.
- Bloody emissions.
- Gonorrhoea.
- Red meatus.
- Vesicles, ulcers, soft chancres.
- Herpes preputialis.
- Swelling of lymphatic vessels along penis. (7)
- Collapse and fainting at start of menses.
- Menses; profuse with abdominal pains.
- Genitals feel raw.
- Leucorrhoea; thick, white, when urinating; better coition, Itching worse urinating better washing with cold water.
- Prolapse of uterus with vagina better coition.
- Mammae painful and full of milk at menses.
- Sterility, with too profuse menses.
- Easy coitus and certain conception.
- Stinging pain in ovary.
- Pain below (right) mammae through to scapula.
- Tendency to abortion from sheer weakness.
- Abscesses appear anywhere on body during menses and disappear after menses.
- Leucorrhoea in small girls causing prostration.
- Mammae swollen, become hard, with ulcerative pain during menses. Cancer of mammae and uterus.
- Itching of vulva.
- Milk spoiled.
- Milk in breast of boys; and in girls, instead of menses. (7)
15.Respiratory System
- Hoarse rough voice.
- Cough; in double bouts; dry at night; yellow green sputum by day. Respiration difficult worse lying on left side but cough worse lying on right side.
- Stitches from lower right chest to back worse sneezing or coughing. Sensation of bubbles or as of a hot steam in chest.
- Epistaxis during whooping cough.
- Cough worse by smoking.
- Jaundice; in pneumonia.
- Shortness of breath on going upstairs or walking quickly Asthma better tobacco smoke and cold air. (7)
16.Heart & Pulse
- Palpitation on slight exertion.
- Awakes with cardiac tremor.
- Pulse irregular, quick strong and intermittent or soft and trembling. (7)
17.Neck & Back
- Neck stiff; cervical glands enlarged.
- Burning pain in back worse emission.
- Tearing pain in coccyx worse pressing on abdomen.
- Pain forward from right scapula. (7)
- Weakness and trembling of the limbs; esp. of hands.
- Fingers numb.
- Cold sweat on feet in a.m.; in bed.
- Phlegmasia alba dolens.
- Dropsical swelling of feet and legs.
- Icy cold hands after emission.
- Bone-pains deep or near the surface worse at night; must get up and walk about.
- Cold heels.
- Sensation as if knees were larger. (7)
- General tendency to free perspiration but patient is not relieved thereby; skin always moist.
- Skin; yellow; tender, excoriated, like raw meat.
- Moist crusty eruptions.
- Ulcers; irregular, spreading; shallow; bleeding; with cutting and proud flesh.
- Pimples around the main eruption.
- Boils and abscesses form at the time of menses.
- Yellow. Jaundice with itching on abdomen.
- Itching at night in bed.
- Moist eczema.
- Insensible. (7)
- Sleepless at night; from ebullitions of blood (to chest and head) from nervous excitability; from pain or other troubles. (7)
- Easily chilled or overheated.
- Alternate chill and heat.
- Creeping chills.
- Chilly within abscesses.
- Catarrhal, gastric, bilious fevers.
- Measles.
- Fevers after suppression.
- EASY PROFUSE SWEAT; without relief; during sleep; with pains; oily; foul; sour or with strong sweetish penetrating odour; on head; on chest; stains indelibly yellow. (7)
Characteristics of Merc sol
Keynotes / Redline
- < NIGHT.
- Profuse sweat without relief.
- Intense thirst, though the tongue looks moist, with profuse salivation.
- Dysentery with tenesmus, with more blood, not > by stool. (1)
Guiding of Merc Sol
- Ulceration: Superficial and readily bleeding ulcers. Ulcers with a lardaceous base. Hard chancre, ulcers, irregular in shape, look dirty and unhealthy.
- Offensiveness: All discharges from the body are offensive. The breath is putrid, sweat offensive, offensive urine, stool. Acrid nasal secretion smelling like old cheese.
- Desires and aversions: Great desire for sweets, beer, alcohol, milk, but aversion to butter, meat and coffee.
- Dysentery: Stool is slimy, bloody, with colic and faintness. ‘The more blood, the better indicated.’ Nocturnal seminal discharges stained with blood. After stool, violent tenesmus and continued urging.
- Thirst: Great thirst for large quantities of cold water, with profuse saliva in the mouth.
- Pus: Particularly bloody pus from any orifice of the body. Pus flows freely.
- Chill: Fever with a creeping chilliness is a characteristic symptom of this remedy. Creeping chilliness in inflammatory conditions; cold, clammy sweat.
- Paralysis and tremors: Tremors run through the remedy. Tremors and trembling from least exertion, almost a specific in facial paralysis from cold. Tremor of head, extremities and tongue so that he cannot talk.
- Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea is burning, acrid, itching with rawness; always worse at night.
- Glands: Swelling, inflammation and suppuration of axillary, parotid, submaxillary and inguinal glands.
- Suppuration: Tendency to formation of pus, particularly bloody pus. ‘Pus forms in cavities, in abscesses, with burning and stinging pains.’ Every little injury suppurates.
- Mammae: Mammae painful at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate. Milk in breast of non-pregnant women instead of menses; in breasts of boys or girls.
- Cough: Cough dry, fatiguing, in two paroxysms; worse lying on right side. (2)
- Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaints, but gives no relieve may even increases suffering-profuse perspiration relieves; Nat.M., Psor., Ver.Alb.).
- Intense thirst, although the tongue is moist and the saliva is profuse (-dry mouth, but no thirst, Puls.).
- Quantity of urine voided is larger than the amount of water drunk; frequent urging of urinate.
- Leucorrhoea always worse at night.
- Milk in breasts instead of menses; mammae painful, as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period (Con., Lac.C.) (5)
- Complaints of Syphilitic origin.
- < heat as well as cold < night < warmth of bed.
- Profuse sweat without relief.
- Glandular enlargement with easy suppuration.
- Offensive discharges which are yellow green.
- Ulcerations spreading superficially with lardaceous base.
- Thirst though mouth is moist with profuse salivation. (1)
Nucleus symptoms
- Moist tongue, with salivation, with intense thirst.
- < Night < warmth of bed < sweating.
- Creeping chilliness.
- Thirst though tongue moist.
- Tongue large, flabby, indented.
- Profuse sweat which aggravates. (1)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value
Abscessess, Anaemia, Bone affections, Breath offensive, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dentition, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eye affections, Glandular swelling, Gout, Gum troubles, Heart affections, Jaundice, Leucorrhoea, Lung affections, Measles, Melancholia, Mumps, Pregnancy troubles, Prostatic disorders, Rheumatism, Smallpox, Stomatitis, Suppuration, Syphilis, Teeth affections, Toothache, Tremors, Ulcers, Urinary trouble, Vomiting, Whooping cough. (2)
Modality of Merc Sol
- At night, in damp weather, from warmth of bed, lying on right side, warm days and cold damp nights, perspiration, in a warm room.
- From weeping, coitus, rest in bed, moderate temperature. (2)
Remedy Relationship
Dose of Merc Sol
Second to thirtieth potency. (8)
6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000. (2)
Duration of action
30-60 Days. (1)
- Zomoeo Lane > Materia medica > Key notes > Merc. Sol.
- GEMS textbook of Materia Medica by Dr. J.D.Patil
- A Manual Of Materia Medica, Therapeutics And Pharmacology By Blackwood, Alexander Leslie
- Synoptic memorizer of Materia Medica > Vol. 1 > Chap. 2> Merc. Sol by Dr. Subrata Banerjea
- Synoptic memorizer of Materia Medica > Vol. 1 > Chap. 3> Merc. Sol by Dr. Subrata Banerjea
- Synoptic memorizer of Materia Medica > Vol. 2 > Part 2> Merc. Sol by Dr. Subrata Banerjea
- Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak > Merc. Sol.
- Materia Medica By Boericke W.
- A Primer Of Materia Medica By T. F. Allen.
- Synoptic memorizer of Materia Medica > Vol. 2 > Part 1> Merc. Sol by Dr. Subrata Banerjea
- Tempraz MM by Dr. Parinaz Humranwala
- The Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran
- A Materia Medica Of Differential Potency By B. F. Underwood
- Characteristics Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica By Douglass M.E.
- Nature’s Materia Medica By Robin Murphy, Md
Mercurius solubilis (Merc sol) is a homeopathic remedy derived from mercuric chloride. It’s used to address various health conditions, notably those with syphilitic origins. Key symptoms indicating its use include:
- Aggravation at night: Symptoms worsen during the nighttime hours.
- Profuse, non-relieving sweat: Excessive sweating that doesn’t alleviate discomfort.
- Intense thirst with salivation: Strong thirst despite a moist tongue and excessive saliva production.
- Dysentery with tenesmus: Painful bowel movements with a persistent urge to defecate, often accompanied by blood.
Other significant symptoms:
- Offensive discharges: Foul-smelling bodily discharges.
- Glandular enlargement: Swollen glands, often with pus formation.
- Ulcerations: Superficial, easily bleeding ulcers with a lardaceous (greasy) base.
- Creeping chilliness: A sensation of chills creeping over the body.
- Tremors: Involuntary trembling or shaking.
Important Considerations:
- Dry tongue without thirst contraindicates Merc sol: This remedy is not suitable if the tongue is dry and there’s no accompanying thirst.
- Potency and dosage: Merc sol is typically used in potencies ranging from 6x to 1000. The appropriate potency and dosage should be determined by a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
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People can search for homeopathic articles on Merc sol using the following methods:
Online search engines: Search on platforms like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia using keywords such as "Merc sol homeopathy," "Mercurius solubilis homeopathy," or "homeopathic remedy Merc sol."
Homeopathic websites and databases: Many reputable homeopathic websites and databases offer information on remedies like Merc sol. Some reliable sources include:
- The School of Homeopathy
- Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy
Homeopathic books and journals: Look for books and journals on homeopathy in libraries or bookstores. Many publications contain detailed information about Merc sol and its applications.
Consulting a homeopathic practitioner: A qualified homeopathic practitioner can provide personalized information and guidance on Merc sol based on an individual’s specific health condition and symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
State the ptyalism of Merc Sol.?
i) Pryalism tenacious, soapy, stringy, profuse.
ii) Foetid, coppery, metallic-tasting saliva.
iii) Morning sickness with profuse salivation, wets the pillow in sleep.
State the toothache of Merc Sol.
Character of pain: Pulsating, tearing, lacerating, shooting pain into face or ears.
Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain.
- a) Agg. in damp weather or evening air.
- b) Agg. from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things.
- c) Amel. from rubbing the cheek.
What is the full name of Merc Sol?
Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni
State the sexual symptoms of Merc Sol.
Sexual symptoms
i) Male
Nocturnal emission stained with blood.
ii) Female
a) Leucorrhoea
- i) Acrid, burning, itching with rawness.
- ii) Always worse at night.
- iii) Pruritus agg. from contact of urine which must be washed off.
b) Mammae
- i) Painful, as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period.
- ii) Milk in the breast in place of menses.
c) Morning Sickness
- Profuse salivation, wets the pillow in the sleep.
Describe the urinary symptoms of Merc Sol.?
Urinary Symptoms
a) Character of Urine
- i) Urine is scanty, dark, turbid, bloody, albuminous and very o Greenish discharge coming from urethra.
- ii) Quantity of urine is voided is more than the amount of water
b) Before Urination
- i) Vesical region sore to touch,
- ii) Frequent urging to urinate,
c) During Urination
- i) Burning in the urethra on beginning to urinate. (Ref. Boericke)
d) After Urination
- i) Green discharges becoming turbid and foetid.
e) Modalities
Agg. i) At night, ii) Burning just after urination.
f) Concomitants
- i) Large, flabby, moist tongue having imprint of teeth with profuse
- ii) Thirst for large quantities of cold water.
State the dysentery symptoms of Mercurius Sol.
Dysentery Symptoms
- i) Fright.
- ii) Suppressed foot-sweat.
- iii) Abuse of crude mercurial preparation.
Character of stool
- Slimy (++), bloody (+++) with slight mucus (+) (Ref. Farrington), excoriating the anus. Stools, acrid, knotty, containing pus, viscid.
Odour of stool
- Very offensive (++)
- "Can’t finish sensation". Never ‘get done’ feeling, though no more stool to come.
- i) Tenesmus (++). require much straining to pass (Ref. Farrington). Tenesmus during and after stool e. not relieved by evacuation is a indication of Merc. Sol.
- ii) Colic: as from worms, with cold clammy hands (Ref. Farrington). Cutting, gripping. stabbing pain in the abdomen.
- i) More the blood and pain, better Merc. Sol. is indicated (Ref. Tyler).
- ii) Dry tongue and absence of thirst (even in dysentery) is a contraindication. (Ref. Clarke)
- a) Aggravation: Agg. at night, from uncovering (Ref. Farrington). in cool evening air (Colic Agg.). (Ref. Farrington)
- b) Amelioration: Whilst lying down colic a bit (Ref. Farrington)
- a) Creeping chilliness and thirst.
- b) Colic and just before evacuation, a sick, painful faint feeling, accompanies the colic.
- c) Flabby, moist, salivated tongue with imprint of teeth.
- d) Prolapsus ani, when
Discuss the skin symptoms of Mercurius.
Skin symptoms
Ailments from
- i) Abuse of crude mercurial preparations.
- ii) Stings of insects.
- ii) Vapour of Arsenic or Copper.
- iv) Suppressed gonorrhoea and syphilis, Clinical Boils and abscesses, Psoriasis, Herpes, Zona Eczema and eruptions. (Ref. Farrington)
Appearance of the skin
- i) Skin is rough, unhealthy, with profuse, offensive, non-relieving sweat.
- ii) Constantly moist skin.
Note: Persistent dryness of the skin contraindicates Merc. Sol.
- iii) Skin is dirty, yellow, rough, flabby. (Ref. Farrington’s Comparative Materia Medica).
Nature of skin disease
a) Abscesses
- i) Due to unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates. (. Hepar., Graph. Sulph.. Petrol).
- ii) Suppurative process is slower than Hepar
- iii) Abscesses at the root of teeth, suppurative tonsillitis. (Ref. Farrington)
b) Ulcers
- i) Spreads superficially, feels raw, excoriated, lardaceous surface.
- ii) Ulcers are of irregular shape with underlined.
- iii) The margins are everted like raw meat and the base is covered with caseous coat, having a dirty unhealthy look.
- iv) Ulcers bleeds easily when touched with tensive pain,
- v) Rapidly decomposing ulcers on legs.
- vi) Cold abscess: slow to suppurate.
C) Eruptions
- i)Humid, fortid eruptions, thick yellow charge of yellow crusts from scalp.
- ii) Violent and voluptuous itching over whole body, principally in the evening
- or at night. (Ref. Farrington’s Comparative Materia Medica).
- iii) Scratching causes bleeding. (Farrington)
D) Modalities:
- Agg at night in wet damp weather.
- Agg. by perspiration. Agg. in warm room, bed.
- Amel, in the morning, from scratching.
State the characteristic symptoms of Merc Sol.
Characteristics Symptoms
- It is the king of antisyphylitic medicines.
- All complaints are agg at night: (from sunset to sunrise) and from the warmth of bed: Dr. Clarke refers all the complaints are Agg. by heat and Amel, from cold.
- Excessive offensive perspiration, which aggravates all complaints, Master Kent says, more he sweats, worse he is’.
Offensive discharges
- All the discharges are very offensive; sweat, stool etc. even breath.
- There is intense thirst for large quantity of cold water although the tongue is moist. salivated, large, flabby, showing imprint of teeth.
- Dry tongue with no thirst is a contraindication.
- Tremor and trembling of the parts from exertion is a general characteristic of Merc. Sol. (10)
State the respiratory symptoms of Mercurius Sol.?
Respiratory symptoms
a) Catarrh
- i) Catarrh with much sneezing.
- ii) Fluent, acrid, corrosive discharge.
b) Nostrils
- Nostrils raw and ulcerated.
c) Discharges
- Discharges from throat or from nose are yellowish-green, foetid, pus like.
d) Nasal pones
- Nasal bone swollen at night.
e) Pneumonia
1) Stage – Hepatisation and resolution stage.
2) Site – Lower lobe of right lung is affected.
3) Character of Cough – Dry fatiguing cough stitches through the back.
4) Modalities
Agg. i) At night., ii) When lying on right, iii) From warmth of bed,
5) Lung – Suppuration of lung, after haemorrhages.
f) Cough
1) Character of Cough
- i) Cough dry, fatiguing, racking.
- ii) Cough appears in two paroxysms.
- iii) Cough with utter inability to lie on right side.
- iv) Sputa is horribly offensive. putrid or salty taste.
- v) Offensive odour.
- vi) Whooping cough with nose-bleeding (Epistaxis).
2) Modalities
- i) At night.
- ii) From warmth of bed
- iii) From lying on right side; can’t lie on right side.
- iv) From damp.
- v) From tobacco smoke (Ref. Boericke).
3) Concomitants
- i) Creeping chilliness in the evening. Dread of air (Ref. Boericke) .
- ii) Swollen, flabby, moist tongue, shows imprint of teeth with profuse thirst.
- iii) Fluent coryza.
- iv) Profuse perspiration which agg. all complaints.
Name three medicines where ailments are caused from sugar.
i) Argentum Nit
ii) Cina.
iii) Merc. Sol.