Secale Cornutum
Secale cornutum, also known by its botanical name Claviceps purpurea, doesn’t have direct synonyms in homeopathy. However, it’s sometimes referred to by its common name: Ergot of Rye.
Secale Cornutum is Foolish, half-sleepy condition (Bell., Op.).
Dullness of all the senses. (12)
Extreme excitement:
Extreme excitement, with wild look and impaired vision.
Excited and confused. (12)
Constant moaning:
Constant moaning and fear of death, with strong desire to live.
She could be roused, not to consciousness, but to low muttering, wanderings. (12)
Active manias:
Madness, inclination to bite or drown himself.
Maniacal fear; or depressed by fear.
Puerperal mania exposes the body, tears at the genitals, inserts her finger into the vagina and scratches until it bleeds; all ideas of modesty lost.
Laughs, claps her hand over head, seems besides herself. (8)
Loathing of life:
Loathing of life; despair. Desire to be left undisturbed.
Great depression.
The greatest depression of mind and loss of strength, a very sick feeling. (12)
Extreme sadness:
Extreme sadness; Sad mood. (12)
Constant despondency:
Depression of spirits.
Constant despondency and fearfulness.
Increased despondency.
Anxiety. Great anxiety. Frightful anxiety.
Anxiety and difficult respiration.
Fear of death. Melancholia. (12)
Obstinacy, in a boy eight years old.
Indifference to everything.
Disinclination for work.
Disinclined to answer.
Great weakness of thought.
Thought disturbed.
Thought and speech difficult. (12)
Skin feels cold to touch:
Secale cor is a generality that the skin feels cold to touch, yet the pt. cannot tolerate covering (Camph., Medo.)- icy coldness of extremities.
Master Kent said in his Repertory coldness of extremities (Ant. Tart., Ars., Calc., Camph, Carbo-Veg, Colch., Cup., Dig, Sec., Stramo, V.A.) (-one hand icy cold, other warm. China. Dig, Ipec, Lyco. Puls-deathly coldness of forearm of children, Am, esp. in hydrocephalus:-heat of upper part of the body, coldness of lower, Am-cold in patches., Calc.). (3)
Electric spark like burning:
Burning in all parts of the body, as if sparks of fire were falling on the patient (Ars.).
Master Kent said, burning is the feature of this remedy. Skin, extremity-burns, burning esp. of internal parts. (3)
Craving for acids and lemonades:
Dr. Allen said pt. craves acids and lemonades.
But Master Kent kept it in third grade in both cases. (3)
Atonic activity:
Atonic activity of every organs-relaxation, weakness -devoid of normal tone and tension.
Very lax fibre, everything seems loose and open-no action, viz. during labor, everything seems loose and open but no expulsive action. (3)
Lachesis like haemorrhage:
It is one of our leading medicines having haemorrhagic diathesis (Am., Carbo Veg.’. China., Crot. Hor, Erig.. Ferrum., Hamamelis, Ipec., Lach., Millefolium.". Nit. Ac., Phos., Sabina, Secale’.).
The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks. Discharge of sanious liquid: blood with a strong tendency to putrescence, with tingling in the limbs and great debility. (3)
Extensor cramp:
Extensor type of cramps in fingers and toes during cholera is another denoting feature of Secale Cor. (-flexor type of cramp, Cup. Met.). (3)
Characteristic constitution:
The constitution of Secale. is a distinguishing feature. I will depict the constitution in your mind through the word ‘FLOOD-PAST-imagine that a man has seriously been affected by a flood and after that think of his cachectic, thin appearance. So, that ‘flood-past’ man is our hints.
O-On appearance-cachectic
O- Old
D- Decrepit persons
P -Pale
A – Appearance
Thus, our Secale Cor. is best adapted to women-of feeble lean, thin, cachectic, scrawny pale appearance or old decrepit feeble persons.
Note: Master Kent said emaciated withered, wrinkled, unhealthy appearance of the skin due to feeble circulation. (3)
Over-sensitiveness is another feature of Secale Cor- viz., in boils those are small, painful and very debilitating-having Intense pain and sensitiveness.
Note: Master Kent said, small boils with greenish contents which mature and heal slowly. (3)
Ravenous appetite:
There is unnatural, ravenous appetite, even with exhausting diarrhea is another uncommon, peculiar symptom that characterizes the medicine-Secale Cornutum (3)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Secale cor
Hi Friends, Now we describing Drug picture of Secale Cornutum
Common name :
- Spurred rye (1)
Synonyms :
- Ergot of rye (1)
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- A fungus (1)
Habit and habitat / Description:
- Ergot is found in all countries where the plants grow which may be ergotized.
- It was imported into this country from Germany, France and America.
- Mature ergot is violet-black in colour and scarcely has any filaments and sporadia.
- Their form is cylindrical or obscurely triangular with obtuse angles, tapering at the extremities (fusiform), curved like the spur of the cock, unequally furrowed on two sides, often irregularly cracked and fissured.
- The grains are externally purplish-brown or black, more or less covered by bloom, moderately brittle. (1)
Name of prover :
- Dr H.C. Allen (1)
Introduction and history :
- Rye and grasses are apt to be affected with the ergot disease during damp season and when growing around, ill-drained lands.
- If pregnant cows are turned on pastures where infected grasses grow, they are liable to drop their calves.
- Ergot has been known to hasten childbirth from remote Times. (1)
Parts used :
- Mature ergot is gathered before the grain is harvested, and the first three and higher potencies are generally made by trituration and attenuation. (1)
Constitution of Secale Cornutum
Physical make up of Secale Cornutum :
- Suits women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance who are irritable, have a nervous temperament with a pale, sunken countenance. Also suited to very old, decrepit, feeble persons. (1)
Temperament of Secale Cornutum:
Irritable and nervous (1)
Diathesis of Secale Cornutum:
Haemorrhagic (1)
Relation with heat & cold of Secale Cornutum :
Hot (1)
Miasm of Secale Cornutum :
Psora (1)
Clinical conditions of Secale Cornutum
In Homeopathy Secale Cor medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of During labour or uterine haemorrhage, it is extremely dangerous when there is albuminuria, it may bring on convulsions. Puerperal metritis (Dr. Allen). Claudication, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Ecchymosis, Gangrene, Haemorrhages, Miscarriage, Raynaud’s syndrome, Seizure disorder, Ulcerations, Varices. (2)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
It acts upon female genital organs, blood vessels, capillaries, skin, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, mind, breasts, uterine muscles and cerebrospinal nervous system. (1)
Causation of Secale Cornutum (Causes / Ailments from)
Abortion, childbirth, haemorrhages, miscarriage, wounds, suppression of tears, lochia, milk, sweat. (1)
Physiological action of Secale Cornutum
1) Heart:
i) Inhibitory paralysis.
ii) Lessened pulsations.
2) Circulation:
i) Tonic arterial contraction
ii) Veins dilated.
3) Temperature:
i) Greatly lowered
ii) Sometimes 5 degrees,
4) Uterus:
i) Abortifacient
ii) Violent tetanic contraction from arterial anaemia and venous hyeraemia.
iii) Death of foetus from uterine tetanus.
5) Stomach:
i) Violent emesis
ii) Haematemesis.
6) Intestines:
i) Increased peristaltic movements.
ii) Watery diarrhoea.
7) Sphincter muscles:
All paralysed
8) C. N. S.:
i) Formication
ii) Muscular cramps.
iii) Epilepsy.
9) Eyes:
i) Pupils dilated
ii) Amaurosis from anaemia (4)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis of Secale Cornutum
- It produces contraction of the unstripped muscular fibres, hence there is a constringent feeling throughout the whole body.
- This produces an anaemic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiae, mortification and gangrene.
- Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms of Secale Cornutum (psychology)
- Weakness of mind after spasm or exhausting sex.
- Madness, with an inclination to bite or drown himself.
- There is mania, fear or depressed fear. Specially indicated for puerperal mania; exposes the body, tears at genitals, inserts her finger into the vagina and scratches until it bleeds; all idea of modesty lost.
- Patient laughs, claps her hand over her head; seems besides herself. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding symptoms of Secale Cor
S-Skin feels cold to the touch yet can riot tolerate covering.
E-Enuresis of old people,
C-Craves acids and lemonades
A-Adapted to haemorrhagic diathesis
L-Leucorrhoea: B-Brown, O-Offensive, G-Green
E-Everything seems loose and open but no expulsive action.
C-Cachetic, scrawny, thin, feeble appearance.
O-Old, decrepit persons.
R-Ravenous appetite: even with exhausting diarrhoea. (5)
1.Generalities of Secale Cornutum
- Produces contraction of the unstriped muscular fibers; hence a constringent feeling throughout the whole body.
- This produces an anaemic condition, coldness, numbness, petechiae, mortification, gangrene.
- A useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin- thin, scrawny old women.
- All the Secale conditions are BETTER FROM COLD; the whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat.
- Haemorrhages; continued oozing; THIN, fetid, watery black blood.
- Facial and abdominal muscles twitch.
- Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure. (7)
2.Head of Secale Cor
- Feels light or heavy with tingling in legs. Twisting of head to and fro. Falling of hair. (8)
3.Eye of Secale Cor
- Sparks before the eyes.
- Incipient cataract esp. in women.
- Sunken; surrounded by blue rings.
- Paralysis of upper lid; from coal gas.
- Tears suppressed.
- Double or triple vision.
- Blindness.
- Diabetic retinitis. (8)
4.Ears of Secale Cor
- Hardness of hearing, after cholera. (8)
5.Nose of Secale Cor
- Bleeds persistently; blood; dark; with great prostration, in old people, drunkards or young women. (8)
6.Face of Secale Cor
- Distorted or sunken, pale, pinched.
- Wild look.
- Tingling or twitching in face; which spreads all over the body.
- Lock-jaw. (8)
7.Mouth of Secale Cor
- Tongue; dry, cracked, exudes blood inky black; stiff, with tingling at tip; feels paralyzed; stuttering indistinct speech. (8)
8.Throat of Secale Cor
- Painful tingling; burning.
- Post diphtheritic paralysis. (8)
9.Stomach of Secale Cor
- Thirst; unquenchable.
- Unnatural ravenous appetite; craves sour things and lemonade.
- Vomiting; of dark brown, coffee-ground fluid.
- Empty retchings.
- Burning.
- Nausea, easy vomiting.
- Haematemesis. (8)
10.Abdomen of Secale Cor
- Excessively inflated and tight; wants uncovered.
- Empty feeling in hypogastrium; or bearing down; must lie doubled up in bed.
- Gushing, offensive; painless, watery, olive-green or bloody stools; with collapse; icy coldness and intolerance of being covered.
- Anus feels loose, and wide open; faeces pass involuntarily.
- Twitching of abdominal muscles.
- Formation of large lumps and swelling in abdomen. (8)
11.Rectum & Anus of Secale Cor
- Paralysis of rectum and anus.
- Anus wide open. (9)
12.Stool of Secale Cor
- Cholera-like stools, with coldness and cramps.
13.Urinary Organ of Secale Cor
- Enuresis in old people.
- Bloody urine, white cheesy deposit.
- Urine; suppressed, pale, watery.
- Retention, with unsuccessful urging. (8)
14.Sexual Organ of Secale Cor
- Menses; irregular, copious, dark, continuous oozing of watery, foetid, blood; until next period, Inert uterus, or bearing down with coldness.
- Contracted uterus; hour-glass contraction.
- Brownish, offensive, continuous, leucorrhoea.
- Threatened abortion; at the third month.
- Dark, offensive, green lochia.
- Septic placenta.
- Metritis.
- Gangrene of female organs.
- Severe after-pains.
- Suppression of milk, with stinging in mammae.
- Never well since abortion.
- Vagina hot or cool.
- Puerperal fever.
- Prolapsus uterus after forceps delivery. (8)
15.Respiratory System of Secale Cor
- Pains through chest, on pressing spine.
- Burning in lungs. (8)
16.Heart & Pulse of Secale Cor
- Palpitation of heart after sexual excess; in males.
- Pulse intermittent. (8)
17.Neck & Back of Secale Cor
- Tingling in back extending to fingers and toes.
- Pressure on affected portion causes pain there as well as through the chest.
- Myelitis. (8)
18.Extremities of Secale Cor
- Limbs cold.
- Bluish fingers and toes.
- Cramps in hands; legs and feet.
- Fingers spread apart, bent backwards or clenched, look water soaked. Fingers feel fuzzy; of smokers.
- Cramps in calves.
- Trembling, staggering or shuffling gait, as if feet were dragged along.
- Toes drawn up.
- Locomotor ataxia.
- Paraplegia.
- Hands and feet cold and dry, of smokers. (8)
19.Skin of Secale Cor
- Boils with green pus; matures slowly.
- Bloody blisters.
- Skin cold, dry, wrinkled or bluish; Agg. over affected part.
- Raynaud’s disease.
- Oedema neonatorum.
- Ulcers, foul, indolent; varicose.
- Twitchings or quivering in skin.
- Formication under the skin. (8)
20.Sleep of Secale Cor
- Insomnia of drug and liquor habitues.
- Deep, lethargic. (8)
21.Fever of Secale Cor
- Heat as of sparks.
- Erysipelas.
- Cold or foul sweat destroys shoes. (8)
Keynotes / Redline of Secale Cor
- Skin feels cold to touch but patient feels burning heat and cannot tolerate covers > cold < heat.
- Haemorrhagic diathesis, continuous passive oozing of black, watery blood.
- Burning all over the body as if fine sparks were falling on the patient.
- Appearance is thin, emaciated, hippocratic face like a dead man. (2
Guiding of Secale Cor
- Adaptable to thin, scrawny cachectic appearance, pale and sunken countenance, lax musculature. Weak people with shrivelled skin
- Paralysis. Convulsions
- Burning of all parts as if sparks of fire were falling on parts, worse from heat.
- Craving for acids, sour and lemonades.
- Headache with nose bleed (dark oozing).
- Vomiting of blood and coffee-grounds fluid.
- Bladder-Paralysis of bladder. Retention.
PQRS of Secale Cor
- The skin feels cold to touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering (Camph): icy coldness of extremities
- Everything seems loose and open; no action; very lax muscular fibre.
- The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks (Lach., Phos).
- Un-natural, ravenous appetite; even with exhausting diarrhoea; craves lemonade.
- Enuresis of old people.
- During labor pains irregular, too weak, feeble or ceasing everything seems loose and but no expulsive action. (6)
Confirmatory of Secale Cor
- Warm blooded, skin cold to touch < heat > debility.
- Gangrenous conditions. (2)
Nucleus symptom of Secale Cor
- Sec cor acts on circulation. Used for circulatory imbalance, including states of gangrene. Controls haemorrhage by constricting capillaries.
- Purplish spots on withered skin.
- Parts cold to touch but amelioration from cold and cannot bear external heat. (2)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic value of Secale Cor
Abortion, After pains, Bladder affections, Boils, Carbuncles, Cholera, Convulsions, Cramps, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Epilepsy, Gangrene, Glandular affections, Haemorrhages, Heart affections, Labour, Leucorrhoea, Liver troubles, Menstrual disorders, Miscarriage, Neuralgia, Numbness, Paralysis, Pregnancy disorders, Skin affections, Spinal irritation, Ulcers, Uterine troubles, etc. (1)
Modalitiy of Secale Cor
Aggravation of Secale Cor:
By heat, warm coverings, warm drinks, after eating and from touching.
Amelioration of Secale Cor:
In the open air, getting cold, uncovering, exposing the affected parts, rubbing, wants to be fanned, cold application and open air. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Secale Cor
Complimentary Symptoms of Secale Cor
- Asaf. (chorea), Aur-m. (sclerosis, r. heart), Both. (blood symptoms), Chin. (diarrhoea), Lol-t. (nerve symptoms), Nat-m.,Thuj. (10)
Follows Well to Secale Cor
- Acon, Bell, Chin, Merc, Puls. (1)
Antidoted By Secale Cor
- Camph, Op. (1)
Antidotes of Secale Cor
- Solan-n (11)
Comparison with of Secale Cor
- Acon, Agar, Apis, Ars, Bar-c, Bell, Bov, Calc, Camph, Caul, Cinch, Cinnam, Colch, Con, Croto-t, Ergot, Erig, Ferr, Ferr-p, Goss, Ham, Iod, Kali-bi, Lach, Lap-a, Lath, Lil-t, Lyc, Mitch, Phos, Plb, Puls, Sabin, Samb, Scut, Sep, Sulph, Thyr, Tril, Ust, Verat, Vib. (2)
Dose of Secale Cor
- Dose- As per Physician’s Advice
Potency- 3x to 200 (1)
Duration of action
- 20-30 days
Reference of Secale Cornutum
- Materia Medica by Dr. J. D. Patil > chap. Secale cor
- Zomeo Lane > Materia medica > Keynotes > chap. Secale cor
- Synoptic Memorizer of Materia Medica by Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjee Vol.1. > Chap.2 > Secale Cor
- Synoptic Memorizer of Materia Medica by Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjee Vol. 1. > Chap. 4> Secale cor.
Synoptic Memorizer of Materia Medica by Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjee Vol. 2. > Part. 2> Secale cor.
- Synoptic Memorizer of Materia Medica by Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjee Vol. 1. > Chap. 3> Secale cor.
- Materia Medica by Boericke W.> Secale cor.
- Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak > Secale cor.
- Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.> Secale cor.
- A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Part 1) By Tarkas P. And Ajit Kulkarni.> Secale cor.
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica by Cyrus Maxwell Boger> Secale cor.
- Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.8 By Allen T.F.> Secale Cor.
Here are some common terminologies and their meanings that you might encounter in articles about the homeopathic medicine Secale cornutum:
Homeopathic Terminologies:
- Materia Medica: A comprehensive reference book detailing the symptoms and characteristics of homeopathic remedies.
- Repertory: An index of symptoms and the remedies associated with them, used to aid in remedy selection.
- Provings: Controlled experiments where healthy individuals take a substance and record their symptoms to determine the remedy’s picture.
- Potency: The degree of dilution and succussion a homeopathic remedy has undergone. Higher potencies are considered more "energetically" potent.
- Constitution: An individual’s overall physical and mental makeup, which influences their susceptibility to certain diseases and their response to remedies.
- Miasm: A theoretical concept in homeopathy representing a predisposition to certain chronic diseases.
- Aggravation: A temporary worsening of symptoms after taking a remedy, often seen as a positive sign of healing.
- Ameloriation: An improvement in symptoms after taking a remedy.
Specific to Secale cornutum:
- Ergot: The fungus from which Secale cornutum is derived.
- Gangrene: Tissue death due to lack of blood supply, a key symptom associated with Secale cornutum.
- Spasms: Involuntary muscle contractions, often present in conditions where Secale cornutum is indicated.
- Burning pains: A characteristic sensation associated with Secale cornutum, often described as intense and persistent.
- Thin, scrawny: A physical type often responsive to Secale cornutum.
- Old age: Secale cornutum is often considered for conditions associated with aging and debility.
General Medical Terms:
- Symptoms: Subjective experiences of illness reported by the patient.
- Signs: Objective evidence of disease observed by a physician.
- Diagnosis: The identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, signs, and tests.
- Prognosis: The likely course and outcome of a disease.
- Contraindications: Situations or conditions where a particular treatment should not be used.
- Side effects: Unintended and often undesirable effects of a treatment.
When reading about Secale cornutum or any homeopathic remedy, it’s important to understand these terms to fully grasp the information presented. If you encounter any unfamiliar terminology, don’t hesitate to look it up or consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
Also Search As
Also Search As
People can search for information about the homeopathic medicine Secale cornutum in several ways:
- Search engines: Use general search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, etc., with search terms like:
- "Secale cornutum homeopathy"
- "Secale cor homeopathic uses"
- "Secale cor benefits"
- "Homeopathic remedies for [specific condition] Secale cor"
- Homeopathic websites: Search on dedicated homeopathic websites or online pharmacies that offer detailed information about remedies.
- Health forums: Look for discussions about Secale cornutum on online health forums or communities.
- Homeopathic practitioners: Consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized advice and information about Secale cornutum.
- Homeopathic pharmacies: Visit a local homeopathic pharmacy and inquire about Secale cornutum and its uses.
- Books and journals: Refer to homeopathic books or journals available in libraries or bookstores.
- Be specific in your search terms to get relevant results.
- Consider the credibility of the source of information.
- Always consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before self-treating with any homeopathic remedy.
Tips for Effective Searching:
- Be specific in your search terms. Include the full name of the remedy (Secale cornutum) and any specific conditions or symptoms you are interested in.
- Consider the credibility of the source. Ensure the information comes from reputable websites, organizations, or practitioners.
- Cross-check information. Consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding.
- Consult a professional. Always consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before self-treating with any homeopathic remedy.
Remember: Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, and the selection of remedies should be individualized based on a person’s unique symptoms and constitution. Self-treatment can be risky and may not be effective.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Write the diarrhea of Secale Cor
(a) Causation
- Due to summer heat.
- From gastric derangements.
(b) Character of stool
- Profuse, painless, putrid, (P₂), watery, greenish (olive-green) or brownish stool.
- Stool passes with great force.
- Involuntary, as if anus is wide open.
(c) Concomitants
- Every stool was followed by great prostration.
- Very hot patient skin icy cold yet cannot tolerate covering.
- Craves sour, cold drinks, acids and lemonades.
State the labor pain of Secale Cor.
Labour pain of secal cor:
- During labor pains are irregular, too weak.
- Pain: feeble or ceasing.
- Everything seems loose and open but no expulsive action.
- Fainting during labor.
- After pains too long, too painful; hour-glass contraction.
Describe the Cholera of Secale Cor.
- Summer weather.
- Supression of discharge, like sweat etc.
- Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Infantum.
Look up of the face
- Face pale, pinched, ashy, sunken, Hippocratic, drawn with blue ring around the eyes.
- Scrawny and cachectic appearance.
- Emaciated and debilated (Ref. Boericke).
- Facial and abdominal muscle twitches (Boericke).
Character of stool
- Profuse.
- Anus remained wide open.
- Watery.
- Olive-green stool.
- Brownish and bloody.
- Exhausting.
- A ravenous appetite accompanies exhausting diarrhea.
- Offensive stool.
- Involuntary.
Note: In Cholera infantum: Secale Cor. is indicated more particularly by profuse undigested stool which are watery and very offensive and followed by intense prostration. Stools ejected with great violence (Ref. Farrington).
- Complete collapsed condition.
- Skin feel cold to touch yet cannot bear covering.
- Cramp: Extensor type of cramps.
- Pulse: Small rapid, often intermittent, and contracted, can be expressed by following tips:
- Rapid
- Extensor cramp.
- Constitution is characteristic.
- Oversensitiveness
- Ravenous appetite.
- Agg. from heat, Amel. from cold.
Describe the abortion of Secale Cor.
Abortion of secal cor:
- Threatened abortion.
- Especially at third month
- Prolonged, bearing down, forcing pains.
Give urinary symptoms of Secale Cor.
- Enuresis of old people.
- Urine, pale, watery or bloody.
- Suppression of urine.
- Discharge of black blood from the bladder. (Ref. Boericke).
Proclaim the leucorrhoea of Secale Cor.
a) Subjects
- Thin, scrawny women who suffers from excessive menstruation.
- Women of very lax muscular fibre; every- thing seems loose and open, no action. vessels flabby.
b) Character of leucorrhea
- Brownish and offensive leucorrhea
- Discharge is greenish in colour.
- Jelly like, creamy, sanious discharge.
(c) Concomitant
- Leucorrhea alternates with metrorrhagia.
- Sadness, anxiety, anguish of mind.
- Excessive uterine contractions cause crampy pain.
- Eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin.
- Burning in all parts of the body, as sparks of fire were falling on the patient.
Answer the haemorrhage of Secale Cor.
- Women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance: irritable nervous temperament.
- Pale, sunken countenance.
- Women of very lax muscular fibre, everything seems loose and open; no action vessels flabby.
- Haemorrhagic diathesis copious flow of thin, black, watery blood, the corpuscles are destroyed.
- The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks.
- Discharge of sanious liquid blood with a strong tendency to putrescence.
- Tingling in the limbs and great debility: especially when the weakness is not caused by previous loss of fluids.
- During menses, continuous discharge of watery blood until next period.[3]
Characteristic symptoms of Secale Cor.
Intolerance to covering
- The skin feels cold to the touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering.
- Icy coldness of extremities yet throws of covering.
Physical make-up
- Adopted to women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance.
- Haemorrhagic diathesis.
- The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks.
- Discharge of sanious blood, with a strong tendency to putrescence.
- Women of very lax muscular fiber.
- Everything seems loose and open no action, but no expulsive action, especially in labor.
- Burning in all parts of the body.
- As if sparks of fire were falling on the patient.
Desire and Aversions
- Craves acids, lemonade
- Unnatural ravenous appetite.
- Unquenchable thirst for a very large quantity of cold water. [3]
Declare the menstrual symptoms of Secale Cor.
a) Causation
- Master Kent says women who have taken ergot to produce abortion or dosed with it to facilitate parturition.
- Kent refers, patient will say, ‘I have had no health since I aborted’.
b) Time
- Irregularly regular. (Which means the interval of cycle may be short or prolonged i.e. irregular, but in that way, it is repeated regularly.)
(c) Duration
- Long lasting, continuous discharge of watery blood until the next period.
(d) Quantity
- Profuse
(e) Character of blood
- Thin, dark, black.
- Brown fluid and of a disgusting smell.
- Kent says, flow is, blackish then dark, watery flow, changes to thick, black and offensive discharge.
- Considerable flow on the first day, fluid and blackish, this goes for a couple of weeks and then dark, watery flow comes, which lasts until next period. Then comes thick, black fluid, horribly offensive flow again.
(f) Before menstruation
- Agg. of all her complaints.
- Great weariness and dread of death.
(g) During menstruation
- Violent crampy pain due to excessive uterine contractions.
- Dread of death.
- Labor like pain in the abdomen.
(h) After menstruation
- Great anxiety and fear of death.
(i) Modalities
- Agg. Before menstruation.
- From moving about.
(j) Concomitants
- Very hot patient cannot cover up.
- Skin feels cold to touch, yet patient cannot tolerate coverings.
- Craves acids and lemonades
- Extensor type of cramps may occur.
Mention three medicines suitable for anemic women.
- Natrum Mur.
- Pulsatilla.
- Secale Cor.
Skin symptom State the skin symptoms State the skin symptoms of Secale Cor. of Secale Cor. ms of Secale Cor.
Skin Symptoms
- Boils Small painful with green contents, mature very slowly and heals slowly. Very debilitating.
- Gangrene Dry, aggravation from external heat.
- Large ecchymoses and blood-blisters often commencement of gangrene.
- The skin feels cold to touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering.
- Master Kent says, the toes become black and gangrenous; vessels close-up, vasoconstriction, no blood to the toes, they become numb and black, devoid of sensation (Ref. Kent). Skin wrinkled, shrivelled, as if it had not been washed.
- Mottled, dusky, blue tinge (Ref. Boericke).
- Varicose ulcers, with burning sensation, better by cold; wants the parts uncovered, though cold to touch. (Ref. Boericke).
- The slightest or trivial wound continues to bleed. (Ref. Boericke)
- Kent says, eruptions abscess, boils carbuncles, all have discharge of green pus with a green purplish appearance.
- Dr. Clarke refers to injury gangrene.
Name three medicines for unnatural ravenous appetite.
Three medicines for unnatural ravenous appetite
- Cina.
- Lycopodium.
- Secale Cor.