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Sulphur Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Synonyms for Sulphur in homeopathic medicine include:

  • Brimstone
  • Flowers of Sulphur
  • Sublimed Sulphur
  • Milk of Sulphur
  • Sulph.

These terms are often used interchangeably in homeopathic practice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Sulphur for following disease

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Allergies
  • Swelling of the back of the throat (pharyngitis).
  • Clogged arteries.
  • Menopausal symptoms.
  • Lice
  • Cold sores.
  • Warts
  • Scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis).
  • Poison oaky, ivy, and sumac infections.
  • Acne
  • Hay fever, common cold
  • High cholesterol
  • Dandruff
  • Scabies.


A) Causations i.e.
  • Abuse of ointments, lotion, medicated, soaps.
  • Bad effects of suppressed skin eruptions.
  • Reprocessed eruptions.
  • Haemorrhoids that has been suppressed especially by ointments.
  • Abuse of metals.
B) Clinicals i.e.:
C) Location i.e.:
  • Sulphur predominantly acts upon the skin eruptions which occurs in the joints. especially flexor surfaces of the joints.
  • Farrington suggests, "It also has profound affinity to develop eruptions in between the edges of fingers.
 D) Character
1) Acne i.e.
  • Develops in the face, as a result of repurcussed eruptions.
  • Bad effects especially of ointments. Excessive intake of sugar.
  • Acne with itching-scratches-good to scratch but bleeds.
2) Boils i.e.
  • Appears in crops.
  • Especially during summer season.
  • As a member of suppurative diathesis it brings forth suppuration also sometimes aborts.
  • Itching pimples develops surrounding the boils also develops severe itching.
3) Eruptions and Itch i.e.
  • Occurs all over the body, especially on the aforesaid locations.
  • There occurs severe itching. Agg. especially by warmth of bed, which results scratching It is good to scratch, but results bleeding.
  • Sensation – Rawness, soreness also burning occurs in that region.
4) Ulcers i.e.
  • Ulcers of various type, along with gangrenous ulceration, bed sores, fistulous ulcers etc. are covered especially by Sulphur.
  • There is raw elevated edge, with discharge of foetid, strong-smelling filthy substances.
E) Appearance of skin i.e.
  • Farrington suggests, measly, rough, harsh and dry appearance is the criteria of Sulphur.
  • Dry skin with rare perspiration.
  • The filthy unwashed appearance with bad (in other words, filthy) odour stands for Sulphur.
F) Associated symptoms i.e.:
  • Burning all over the body, Nash’s trio of burners.
  • Redness in the external orifices: looking at lips it seems that blood would burst through it.
  • Complaints that relapse: when well selected remedy fails.
G) Modality i.e.
  • especially from warmth in general.
  • from warmth of bed.
  • especially at night.
  • from scratching.
  • from washing with cold water.
  • from putting the extremities out of covering.
  • especially from scratching the limbs (which ameliorates the soreness of joints).

1) Constitution i.e.

  • Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis. subject to venous congestion; especially of portal system.
  • For lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooping; additionally walk stooping like old men.
  • All in all, Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections.

2) Kind of the kingdom of psora i.e.

  • The king of the antipsoric medicines.
  • It is one of the members of Hahnemann’s trio of antipsorics (Lyco-and Calc. Carb). (Ref. Tyler)

3) Relapsing complaints i.e.

  • Complaints that are continually relapsing.
  • Patient seems to get almost well, when disease returns again and again.
  • When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system, also clears up the case.

4) Burning i.e.

  • Great burning i.e.: all over the body.
  • It is one of the Nash’s trio of burners.
  • All in all, Burning on vertex, smarting in eyes, in face, in anus, rectum, in itching piles, in spots between scapulae, in chest etc. -like fire in ripples, with hot flushes.

5) Standing i.e.

  • Basically, Standing is the worst position, they cannot stand.
  • especially after standing.
  • Lastly, Every standing position is uncomfortable.

6) Aversion of bathing i.e.

  • Aversion to being washed.
  • Always Agg. especially after a bath.
  • Children cannot bear to be either washed or bathed.

7) All gone sensation i.e.

  • A weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in the stomach especially about 11 A.M.
  • Cannot wait for lunch.
  • Frequent, weak faint spells during the day.

8) Congestion i.e.

  • Congestion to single parts.
  • Congestion of eyes, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries etc. or any organ of the body. marking the onset of tumours or malignant growths; especially at climacteric.
  • Besides this, Redness of all the orifices of the body.
  • Lastly, Bright redness of lips, as if blood would burst through.

a) Causation i.e.

  • Due to suppression of skin diseases.

b) Stage i.e.

  • In delayed or resolution stage.

c) Location i.e.

  • Usually upper left lobe of the lung is affected.

d) Sensation i.e.

  • Chest feels heavy with oppression also burning sensation in chest.

e) Character of cough i.e.

  • Loose cough with much rattling of mucus.

f) Character of sputa i.e.:

  • Greenish: purulent, sweetish expectoration.
  • Generally, no expectoration in the evening also night. But in the morning and day time. patient expectorates darkish or greenish sputum which may also be bloody.
  • Some times its taste is sour, nauseating or saltfish. (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury)

g) Character of pain i.e.

  • There is stitching pain in the chest, shooting through the back.
  • Sometimes there is a peculiar sensation of coldness in the chest as if a lump of ice is in the chest.
  • Dyspnoea in the middle of night with difficult respiration, wants windows open.

 h) Modalities

Aggravation i.e.: –At night, lying on back.

Amelioration i.e.: -By lying on right side.

Note: -Sulphur should be thought of in late stage of pneumonia, when carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect.

Lazy Remedies

i) Aloe i.e.
  • Indolent, ‘weary’ persons; averse to either mental or physical labor, mental labor fatigues.
ii)Phosphorus i.e.:
  • Apathetic, unwilling to talk; answers slowly move sluggishly.
 iii) Sulphur i.e.
  • Too lazy to rouse himself, too unhappy to live.

 i) Apis Mel.

ii) Baryta Carb.

iii) Calcarea Carb

iv) Silicea

v) Sulphur.

 i) Aloes.,

ii) Belladonna,

iii) Sulphur.

i) Phosphorus i.e.

  • Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop. (Due to tall, rapid growth: stoops).

ii) Sulphur i.e.

  • For lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooping: walk stooping like old men (Born stoop)

Antim Crud. i.e.  

  • Aversion to cold bathing.
  • Aggravation from cold baths.
  • Child cries when washed or bathed with cold water.
  • Cold bathing causes violent headache,
  • causes suppressed menses.
  • Cold from swimming or falling into water.

Sulphur i.e.:

  • Aversion to being washed.
  • Always aggravation after a bath.
  • Children, can not bear to washed or bathed.

i) Silicea.

ii) Sulphur.

 i) Cina.,

ii) Calcarea Carb.

iii) Sulphur.

 i) Causticum,

ii) Graphites.,

iii) Sulphur.

 i) Graphites.,

ii) Lachesis.,

iii) Sulphur.

i) Arnica i.e.

  • Heat of upper part of the body; coldness of the lower.
  • The face or head also face alone is hot, the body cool.

ii) Cinchona i.e.

  • One hand icy cold, the other warm (Ipecac Pulsatilla).

iii) Sulphur i.e.

  • Constant heat on vertex.
  • Cold feet in day time with burning soles at night.
  • Sick headache; with hot vertex also cold-feet.

 i) Causticum.,

ii) Ignatia.

iii) Sulphur.

 i) Ignatia.,

ii) Pulsatilla.,

iii) Phosphorus.,

iv) Sulphur.

Medicines for Morning diarrhoea

 i) Aloe.,

ii) Bryonia,

iii) Nux Vomica.

iv) Phosphorus.,

v) Podophyllum,

vi) Sulphur.

vii) Thuja.

i) Cinchona.,

ii) Graphites.,

iii) Podophyllum.,

iv) Sulphur

i) Bryonia.,

ii) Graphites.

iii) Sulphur.

Constipation Alternate with diarrhoea

 i) Antim Crud.,

ii) Nux Vomica.,

iii) Sulphur.

 i) Merc, Sol.,

ii) Sulphur.

iii) Veratrum Album

i) Arsenicum Alb.,

ii) Nitric Acid.,

iii) Sulphur.

To facilitate the absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in joints: when Bryonia, Kali Mur, or the best selected remedies fails then Sulphur to be thought of.

Menstrual Symptoms

a) Time i.e.
  • Too early. Dr. Clarke also refers, that it may be premature.
  • But Dr. Boericke refers, too late.
  • J.H. Clarke reports, delay of first menses.
b) Duration i.e.:
  • Short (Ref. Boericke).
c) Quantity i.e.
  • Profuse: protracted.
  • Boericke refers, scanty also difficult.
d) Character of blood i.e.
  • Pale, thick, black, acrid.
  • Very much acrid; in detail wherever touches, make the part sore.
  • Sour smelling.
 e) Before menses i.e.
  • Menses preceded specifically by headache (Ref. Boericke).
  • Burning, itching in vulva.
 f) During menses i.e.
  • Vagina burns with itching of pudenda.
  • Furthermore, Pressure in the forehead.
  • Epistaxis
  • Lastly, Very sleepy in day time.
g) After menses i.e.
  • Acrid, smarting excoriating leucorrhoea.
  • Swelling, burning also redness of the vulva.
  • Numbness of the arms also legs and sick feeling. (Ref. Clarke)
h) Modalities i.e.

Agg. i) Firstly, When standing. ii) Secondly, From warmth of bed.

i) Concomitants i.e.
  • During menstruation, patient becomes very weak, cannot stand properly.
  • Fullness also bearing down sensation of pelvis.

Note: –Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage.

i) Apis Mel,

ii) Merc. Sol.,


i) Bryonia.,

ii) Natrum Mur.,

iii) Phosphorus.,

iv) Sulphur

Mental Symptoms of sulphur

1) Causations i.e.
  • Mental symptoms engrafted in a psoric base after suppression of skin diseases.
  • Over-exertion of body, of mind. (Ref. J.H. Clarke)
2) Ragged Philosopher i.e.
  • Everything looks pretty which the pattern takes a fancy to.
  • Even rags seem beautiful
3) Selfishness i.e.
  • Extremely selfish, no regards for others.
  • Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself.
4) Dreams i.e.
  • Happy dreams, wakes up singing.
5) Mania i.e.
  • Thinks something alive in the abdomen movement in abdomen as of a child.
  • Religious mania-patient meditates on: ‘who made God’ leading to religious melancholia.
6) Nervous i.e.
  • Very much nervous.
7) Hypochondrial mood i.e.
  • Hypochondrial mood.
  • Hering says. hypochondriacal mood throughout the day; merry in the evening.

a) Causation i.e.:

  • From taking alcohol, beer, etc.
  • From suppression of skin eruptions.

b) Character of stool i.e.

i) Firstly, Stool: hard knotty, dry as if burnt.

ii) Secondly, Large also painful to pass.

iii) Thirdly, Child is afraid to have the stool on account of pain, or pain compels child to desist on first effort.

c) Modalities i.e.

Agg. i) In the morning (frequent unsuccessful desire).

d) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Constipation alternates with diarrhoea.

ii) Secondly, Constant heat on vertex.

iii) Thirdly, A weak, empty sensation in abdomen at 11 A.M.

iv) Fourthly, Standing aggravates all troubles.

v) Lastly, Redness around the anal orifice.

a) Type i.e.

  • Either Blind or bleeding piles.
  • Chronic in nature.
  • Piles dependent upon abdominal plethora also congestion of portal circulation.

b) Character of piles i.e.:

  • Very painful.
  • Constant itching: itching followed especially by severe burning in anus.
  • Bluish venous blood oozing out with belching

c) Sensation i.e.:

  • Sensation of fullness also soreness.
  • Frequent unsuccessful desire especially for stool. (Ref. Boericke),

d) Modalities

Agg. i.e.

  • After standing.
  • During stool.
  • In the evening (itching becomes intense).

Amel. i.e. – From cold applications.

e) Concomitants i.e.

  • Redness of anal orifice.
  • Weak, empty, gone feeling in the stomach especially at 11 AM.
  • Constant heat on vertex; burning of palm also sole.
  • Aversion to bath.

1) Causation i.e.

  • Suppression of skin diseases.
  • From alcohol.

2) Time i.e.

  • Early in the morning, after midnight, driving out of bed early in the morning.

3) Sensation i.e.

  • There is lack of power of sphincter Ani. patient runs to the closet, immediately as soon as the desire is felt.

4) Character i.e.

  • Involuntary, painless diarrhoea.
  • The stool contains undigested food particles
  • Whitish, greenish, very offensive, acrid with excoriation of anus.
  • Stool may be mucus tinged, almost involuntary (Ref. Dunham).\

5) Before stool i.e.

  • Aching in the abdomen also intestines.

6). During stool i.e.

  • During defaecation, patient may have prolapsus ani.
  • Nausea, heavy headache, painful pressure in rectum.
  • There is tenesmus in diarrhoea (Ref. Bell’s book on Diarrhoea) i.e.: though regarded as painless diarrheic medicine.

7) Modality i.e.

  • in the early morning, after taking milk. specifically, from alcohol.

8) Concomitant i.e.

  • Diarrhoea alternates with constipation.
  • Redness of anal orifices.
  • Burning in anus. Amel. especially by cold application.

a) Introduction i.e.

  • Scrofulous, psoric chronic diseases that results from suppressed eruptions.
  • Complaints that are continually relapsing. When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system; clears up the case.

b) Constitution i.e.

  • Scrofulous diathesis. subject to venous congestion, especially of portal system.
  • Lean, thin, emaciated, pot bellied children.
  • Stoop-shouldered.
  • Dirty, filthy look of the body, disposed to skin eruptions.
  • Nervous temperament, quick motioned quick tempered, plethoric, restless children.

c) Physical symptoms

1) Dislikes bathing i.e.
  • Child cannot bear to be washed or bathed.
2) Diarrhoea i.e.
  • Morning diarrhoea.
  • Painless, watery, involuntary, acrid stool.
  • Redness of the anal orifice.
3) Desire and Aversion i.e.
  • Desire for sweets.
  • Aversion to milk.
4) Skin i.e.
  • Itching, voluptuous i.e.: which is ameliorated by scratching.
  • Feels good to scratch.
  • Scratching causes burning.
  • Soreness especially in folds.
  • Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps, ointments etc.
  • Tendency to small, painful summer boils in crops; or a single boil is succeeded by another, as soon as the first is healed.
  • from washing, from heat of the bed.
5) Hot patient i.e.
  • Child is very hot.
  • Cannot tolerate covering especially in night, kicks of clothing, even in coldest weather.
6) Burning i.e.
  • Burning sensation all over the body, especially in the palm, sole also vertex.
7) Constipation i.e.
  • Large, hard, knotty stool, as if burnt.
  • Violent pain, child is afraid to have the stool on account of pain.
8) Stool and Urine i.e.
  • The discharge, both urine also faeces are painful to parts over which it touches.
  • All the discharges are acrid also excoriating, wherever they touch,
9) Worm affections i.e.
  • Have worms; but indicated when best selected remedy fails.
10) Congestion i.e.
  • Congestion to single parts.
  • All the orifices of the body are red.
  • Bright redness of lips, as if blood would burst through.
11) Hunger i.e.
  • Weak, empty, either gone or faint feeling in the stomach about 11 A.M.
  • Cannot wait for lunch.

 i) Sulphur –> Calcarea Carb –>   Lycopodium.

ii) Sulphur –> Sarsaparilla –> Sepia. (7)

Excerpts (Summary)

Discover the amazing benefits of homeopathic Sulphur for skin conditions, hair loss, and more. Learn about its uses, dosage, and how it can help improve your health. Read our comprehensive guide to Sulphur.

Homeopathic Sulphur: A powerful remedy for skin problems, respiratory issues, and digestive complaints. Learn about its uses, indications, and how it can help restore balance in your body. Discover if Sulphur is the right remedy for you.

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