Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus Toxicodendron has a few synonyms:
- Rhus Tox (Abbreviation)
- Poison ivy: This is the source of the homeopathic remedy. Poison ivy is a common plant that causes an itchy, blistering rash when skin comes into contact with the urushiol oil in its leaves, stems, and roots.
- Toxicodendron pubescens: This is the scientific name for eastern poison ivy.
- Toxicodendron radicans: This is the scientific name for western poison ivy, a close relative to Toxicodendron pubescens with very similar properties.
Restlessness :
Great restlessness, apprehension anxiety, can’t It is one of the Nash’s trio of restlessness medicines. Rhus Tox. patient is mainly physically restless is restless both mentally and physically. Quietness contraindicates Rhus Tox.
Restlessness is frequently found in case of entericfever viz typhoid.
Rheumatic symptoms of Rhus Tox., esp. the rheumatic pains are again aggravated. Thus the pt. is compelled to cease the movement, which gives some relief after long continued motion.
However this stiffness is relieved and the pain decreases by continued motion.
Rheumatic pains comes on with severity during rest, increases as long as the pt. lies quiet.
The first motion is exceedingly painful .[5]
Excessive sensitiveness to open air :
Great sensitiveness to open air; putting the hand from under the bed-cover brings on cough (Baryta., Hep.S.).[5]
Stiffness of joints:
Great rigidity, stiffness and lameness, bruised feeling and pain are experienced on first moving after rest (Anac.. Con.. Caps., Ferrum, Lyco., Puls), or on waking up in the morning, relieved by walking or continued motion.[5]
Triangular red-tipped tongue :
Triangular red-tipped tongue with imprint of teeth (Ars.. Chel., Merc., Sep., Stram., Hydras., Podo.) and bitter taste in mouth (Ars., Bry.).
Great thirst, with dry tongue, mouth and throat.[5]
Most of the complaints are relieved by movement and aggravated by rest.
Motion always "limbers up" the Rhus, patient.
<Before a storm.
<Cold, wet rainy weather.
<At night, esp. after midnight.
<From getting wet while perspiration.
>Warm, dry weather.
>Wrapping up, hot things.
>Change of position.
> Moving affected parts.[5]
Ailments from:
Spraining or straining a single part, muscle or tendon (Cal. Nux V.); overlifting, particularly from stretching high to reach things, lying on damp ground, too much summer bathing in lake or river.[5]
Desire for cold milk (Phos.*, Staph. 3, Tub. 3) which relieves gastric complaints.
Bitter taste of food.
Dreams of great exertion, rowing, swimming, working hard at his daily occupation (Bry.), roaming over fields, etc. [5]
Profound Despondency
Helplessness and profound despondency.
Low spirited.
Loss of hope and courage.
Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, unable to cope with the intensity of emotions.
Reference: Farrington, E. A. (1996). Clinical Materia Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers. ("Farrington highlights the mental restlessness and agitation of Rhus tox, which can be linked to feeling overwhelmed").
Inclination to weep
Sad, begins to weep without knowing why.
Satiety of life, with desire to die, without sadness.
Depression and discouragement and dissatisfaction with the world, in the evening.
Apprehensive, anxious, and tremulous.
Timid, mild and very nervous person
Over mental exertion
Mental exertion aggravates all her complaints.
Not satisfied
Not satisfied by anyone.
Aversion to society.
indisposition to conversation.
Impatient and vexed at every trifle; she does not endure being talked to.
No desire for Company
There is no clinging, no desire for company
Desire for solitude
Wants to be alone
Extreme irritability
Extreme irritability of mind.
Constant anxious
The patient has many fears: fear of evil, fear of being hurt, of being murdered.
He is extremely superstitious.
The patient may have delusions and imagine he is going to be poisoned.
Emotional person.
Restlessness is a very marked feature and is compounded of an anxious mental state, and the results of the pain and irritation of kin, disturbing sleep and forcing the patient or prover to rise from bed and walk about.
Very restless mood.
Anxiety at night.
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Common name:
- Snowrose[1]
2. Synonyms:
- Poison oak, Poison ivy [1]
3. Family / Group / Class / Order
- Anacardiaceae [1]
4. Habit and habitat / Description:
- Rhus toxicodendron is a native medicine of North America, Canada and Georgia.
- It is found in the forests of United States.
- It is a deciduous plant, growing from 1 to 3 feet in height. Stem is reddish, branching and climbing by rootlets. Stem is red in colour. Leaves are alternate, ovate, pointed and downy (soft) beneath.
- Leaves are three foliate. Flowers are small, greenishwhite and appear in June.
- The whole plant has a resinous-gummy, milky, acrid juice.
- It is externally poisonous.
- Fruit is globular and of grayish colour. [1]
5. Name of prover:
- Dr Hahnemann in 1816 [1]
6. Introduction and history:
- It is a very important polychrest remedy.
- The name ‘rhus’ means red, because its flowers and leaves are red in colour in autumn.
- ‘Toxicodendron’ means poison tree.
- It was used as permanent ink for marking clothes.
- It was introduced in homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann in 1816.
- It is a most valuable medicine of homeopathy.
- Bryonia has almost identical symptoms, like Rhus toxicodendron. Hahnemann calls them ‘these two antagonistic sister remedies.[1]
7. Parts used:
- Mother tincture of fresh leaves gathered at sunset just before flowering time.[1]
8. Active principles:
- It contains toxicodendralis, urushiol, pheridic oil, fisetin, gallic and tannin acid [1]
9. Preparation:
- Mother tincture of fresh leaves gathered at sunset just before flowering time [1]
Constitution of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Physical make up of Rhus Toxicodendron:
- psoric and tubercular constitutions.[1]
2. Temperament of Rhus Toxicodendron:
- Irritable [1]
3. Diathesis of Rhus Toxicodendron:
- Rheumatic and gouty [1]
4. Relation with heat & cold :
- Very chilly patient [1]
5. Miasm:
- Psora [1]
Clinical conditions of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Abortion, Chilblains, Cough, Cyanosis, Dengue fever, Dysentery, Eczema, Enteric fever, Erysipelas, Eye and ear affections, Gout, Headache, Herpes zoster, Lumbago, Measles, Menstrual disorders, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Ptosis, Pyaemia, Restlessness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Sprains [1]
2. Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Joints, ligaments, fibrous Tissues, tendons, mucous membranes, lymphatic glands, skin, muscular tissues, nerves, Tissues, eyes, mouth, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc. [1]
3. Causation (Causes / Ailments from) of Rhus Toxicodendron :
Slightest anger, cold, wetting head, using damp sheets,bathing in fresh or salt water, getting wet when heated, overstraining, overexertion, overlifting, raising arms high to lift things, drinking ice water, beer, bruises,getting wet in a rainstorm while sweating or when overheated. [1]
4. Physiological action of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Applied locally to the skin, Rhus toxicodendron is an irritant and causes itching and vesicular eruptions on the skin which may extend to the mucous membranes where it produces oedematous swelling, dryness, rawness and burning.
When taken internally or inhaled, there are colicky pains in the abdomen worse at night, diarrhoea, tenesmus, bloody stools and urine, and fever which is often typhoidal or intermittent in character; pains of a rheumatoid type in fibrous structures, joints and lumbar region, ameliorated by heat and aggravated by rest.
Fatal results have not followed any case of poisoning recorded. [1]
5. Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis of Rhus Toxicodendron :
It acts upon joints and produces irritation and inflammation. Also produces serous discharge in the form of evacuation or oedema.
Acts on skin where it produces irritation and vesicular erysipelas, pemphigus and eczema.
It acts on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, mouth,eyes and produces acute inflammation; also nausea, vomiting, enteritis, gastritis, pneumonia, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, etc.
It acts on the lymphatic glands causing generalised inflammation.
Acts on the tendons and muscles causing inflammation and rheumatic pains.
Acts on the circulatory system where there is blood poisoning resulting in depression of the heart and pulse, and typhoid-like symptoms with depression of vital forces. [1]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Rhus Toxicodendron
- Delirium with fear of being poisoned.
- Great anxiety towards the evening.
- Extreme restlessness, with constant change of position.
- Fear that he will die, desirous of die by suicide. Thoughts of suicide; wants to drown himself.
- Sensorium becomes cloudy. Slow in answering.
- Sad; patient begins to weep without knowing why.
- Dreams of working hard, swimming, rowing, his daily occupation and of great exertion.
- Full of sad thoughts; anxious, apprehensive, specially in the evening and at night.
- Fretful, impatient, ill-humoured, easily vexed.
- Forgetful, cannot remember the most recent events. Forgetful; difficult comprehension. Low, mild delirium [1]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Generalities for Rhus Toxicodendron:
The effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane affections, and a typhoid type of fever, make this remedy frequently indicated.
Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly- joints, tendons, sheaths-aponeurosis, etc., producing pains and stiffness.
Post-operative complications.
Septic conditions. Cellulitis and infections, carbuncles in early stages.[3]
2. Head of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Listless, sad.
Thoughts of suicide.
Extreme restlessness, with continued change of position. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned. [HYOS.]
Sensorium becomes cloudy. Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed.[3]
3. Eye of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Swollen, red, oedematous; ORBITAL CELLULITIS. Pustular inflammations.
Photophobia; profuse flow of yellow pus. Oedema of lids, suppurative iritis.
Lids inflamed, agglutinated, swollen.
Old injured eyes. Circumscribed corneal injection.
Intensive ulceration of the cornea.
Iritis, after exposure to cold and dampness, and of rheumatic origin. Eye painful on turning it or pressing, can hardly move it, as in acute retrobulbar neuritis.
Profuse gush of hot, scalding tears upon opening lids.[3]
4. Ears of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Swelling of the external ears (erysipelas).
Yellow, thick discharge from the canal.
Swelling of the glands beneath the ears. [4]
5. Nose of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Nostrils ulcerated, with discharge of offensive, purulent matter. External nose red and painful (erysipelas).
Nose-bleed at night and on stooping. [4]
6. Face of Rhus Toxicodendron:
General pale, sickly look, with sunken eyes.
Swelling of the face, with shining redness (erysipelas), with formation of vesicles.
Swelling of the glands under the jaws.
Lips cracked, dry covered with crusts.
Vesicular eruptions around the corners of the lips, with biting soreness on touch.
Cramp-like pain in the joints of the jaw, as if it would be wrenched out, especially when yawning. [4]
7. Mouth of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Toothache; shooting, jerking, evening and night teeth feel elongated and loose; usually (>) hot applications.
The lower incisors become loose, so that she cannot bite with them. Tongue sore, tip red.
Blisters on the tongue; coated yellowish- white at base; dry or with brown fur.
General dryness of the mouth, with thirst. Salivation at times.[4]
8. Throat of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Symptoms of paralysis of the muscles of the pharynx, with dryness and inability to swallow on account of choking. [4]
9. Stomach of Rhus Toxicodendron :
Want of appetite for any kind of food, with unquenchable thirst. Bitter taste. [Cupr.]
Nausea, vertigo, and bloated abdomen after eating.
Desire for milk.
Great thirst, with dry mouth and throat.
Pressure as from a stone. [Bry.; Ars.]
Drowsy after eating.[3]
10. Abdomen of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Violent pains, relieved by lying on abdomen.
Swelling of inguinal glands.
Pain in region of ascending colon.
Colic, compelling to walk bent.
Excessive distention after eating.
Rumbling of flatus on first rising, but disappears with continued motion.[3]
11. Rectum & Anus of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Diarrhoea of blood, slime, and reddish mucus.
Dysentery, with tearing pains down thighs.
Stools of cadaverous odor.
Frothy, painless stools.
Will often abort a beginning suppurative process near the rectum. Dysentery.[3]
12. Stool of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Watery diarrhoea, (<)night, with colic.
Diarrhoea of thin, red mucus or of bloody watery or jelly like mucus, even in voluntary at times, with tenesmus or pains in thighs.
Diarrhoea alternating with constipation.[4]
13. Urinary Organ:
Frequent discharge of copious watery urine.
Involuntary micturition when at rest.
Urine dark, scanty, turbid, hot.[4]
14. Sexual Organ:
Prepuce swollen, inflamed, with moist eruptions.
Scrotum swollen, thickened, with intolerable itching and moist eruptions.
Menstruation early profuse and prolonged, discharge causes biting pain in the genitals.[4]
15. Respiratory System of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Tickling dry cough in the evening until midnight, and again in the morning on waking; with stitches in the chest or pain in the stomach and perspiration; caused by tickling behind the upper part of the sternum.
Cough shattering the head, (<) wet weather.
Expectoration bloody. A feeling of constriction of the chest in the upper part. Stitches in the chest, (<) when at rest.[4]
16. Heart & Pulse of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Trembling and palpitation when sitting still; the body moves with each pulse.[4]
17. Neck & Back of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Pain in the nape of the neck as if it had been lying in an uncomfortable position.
Pain in the back, with stiffness and tension, (<)cold,(>) bending backward.
Bruised feeling, in the sacrum when sitting as after long stooping. Stiffness of the sacrum.
With the pain in the sacrum, wants to lie upon something hard.[4]
18. Extremities:
Tremblings and numbness, with weakness, stiffness and paralyzed feeling, with heaviness.
Rheumatic gnawing pains, with desire to move the limbs frequently, which affords relief. Limbs on which he lies fall asleep.
Numerous pains, tearing or drawing; (<)lying still, (>) motion.
Weakness and heaviness in the legs, with unsteadiness on walking. Pains in the bones of the legs at night; must constantly move them.[4]
19. Skin of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Inflammation like erysipelas, with burning, startling, and itching. Vesicular eruption, followed by desquamation, with itching, stinging, and great heat.
Indurated swellings, especially of glands.
Vesicular eruptions often become pustular and ulcerate.
The skin is painfully sensitive to cold air.
Itching, associated with burning and smarting, with a feeling as if pierced with hot needles.[4]
20. Sleep of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Sleepy during the day, but sleepless at night, with inability to remain in bed.
Sleeplessness at night, with burning of the whole body; constant tossing about.
Persistent, anxious dreams of business immediately on falling asleep, followed by fatigue, cannot tossing about.[4]
21. Fever:
Chilliness towards evening, with stretching, cold hands, (<)every motion.
Rapid alternations of burning heat and shivering.
Sudden flushes of heat follow or alternate with the chills.
Sudden outbreak of sweat while sitting, often with violent trembling.
At night burning heat, often with sweat and cough on putting the hands out of bed.
Teasing dry cough frequently precedes or accompanies the chill.[4]
Characteristics of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Keynotes / Redline Symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Prolapse uterus from over reaching or straining.
Tonsillitis, after riding in cold wind.
Tearing pains down the thighs in dysentery.
Diarrhoea in typhoid fever, worse during night, better during day.
Dry cough during chill stage of fever.
Hypertrophy of heart from violent exercise, gets out of breath on exertion. [2]
2. Guiding Symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron:
All complaints brought on exposure to cold, damp weather, getting wet.
Great rigidity, stiffness, numbness and pain are experienced on first motion, after the rest > walking or continued motion.
Most complaints are relieved by movement and aggravated by rest.
< at night and in damp, rainy weather > heat in general e.g. covering the body, warm application, etc.
Desires-Cold milk which relieves gastric complaints.
Craving for beer, cheese, cold drinks, sweets, oysters.
Aversion to meat and liquor. [2]
3. PQRS Symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron:
It is a very good medicine for remittent fever, intermittent fever and continuous fever.
In intermittent fever, when the chill begins in one leg, usually in the thigh or between the shoulders or over one scapula and is relieved by warmth; during the chill there is a dry, teasing cough (Bry, Chin, Sabad, Sulph); along with external chill there is an internal heat.
Thirst is absent.
Urticaria and fever blisters around the mouth.
Sweat is very general, except about the face. [1]
It is a very prominent medicine for rheumatism.
That indicated not so much in the inflammatory form as in rheumatic diathesis, when the characteristic modality (that is, relief of symptoms from continued motion and aggravation on beginning to move) is present and when there is aggravation during damp weather or from dwelling in damp places.
It is especially suitable for rheumatism after exposure to cold or wet, particularly when one is over heated or perspiring. [1]
Indicated for urticarial rashes, herpes zoster, erysipelas and other skin diseases manifested by vesicles.
Eruptions with incessant itching, burning and tingling.
Itching is better by warm application.
The patient develops urticaria on getting wet. [1]
It is indicated in various forms of paralysis; especially in rheumatic patients, when the trouble has come on from overexertion or exposure to wet, as from lying on damp ground.
Especially useful in paralysis of rheumatic origin, provoked by exposure to a damp and cold atmosphere, particularly when there have been changes from tolerably warm to cold and wet days. [1]
Cough and cold:
A very useful remedy for cold, cough and other respiratory troubles from exposure to cold open air, or getting wet in rain.
Patient is very anxious and apprehensive.
Hoarseness and rawness in larynx with roughness and soreness in the chest.
There is a short, dry cough from tickling in the trachea. [1]
4. Confirmatory Symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron:
A/F dampness, getting wet, over exertion.
All the complaints < initial or first motion < rest > continued motion > warmth, warm application.
Left sided symptoms, or symptoms go from left to right.
Pain-aching, tearing, sore, bruised, stiff, as if bones were scrapped with a knife, lameness all these are associated with rheumatic conditions.
Sprains and strains- very useful in sprains and strains and for soreness of muscles and tendons. [2]
5. Nucleus symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron:
Suited to complains arising from over exertion, over straining, or from dampness, or getting wet.
The most severe symptoms are excited when the body or the limbs are at rest.
Initial motion linkers up the patient. He is restless, gets relief from continued motion.
Tension, as if shortening of muscle. [2]
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Rhus Toxicodendron
Abortion, Chilblains, Cough, Cyanosis, Dengue fever, Dysentery, Eczema, Enteric fever, Erysipelas, Eye and ear affections, Gout, Headache, Herpes zoster, Lumbago, Measles, Menstrual disorders, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Ptosis, Pyaemia, Restlessness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Sprains, etc. [1]
Modality of Rhus Toxicodendron
- During rest, at night, after midnight; before storms, cold, wet, rainy weather, beginning to move, drinking cold water. [1]
- Continuous motion, moving affected parts, change of position, warm dry weather, warmth to parts, stretching limbs. [1]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Complimentary:
- Bry, Calc [1]
2. Follows Well:
- Ph-ac, Ars, Arn, Bell, Bry, Berb, Cact, Calc, Calc-p, Mur-ac.Antidotes: Anac, Acon, Am-c, Bell, Bry, Camph, Coff, Clem, Crot-t, Cypr, Grind, Mez, Plb. [1]
3. Inimical:
- Apis. [1]
4. Antidoted By:
- Bell, Bry, Camph, Coff, Croto-t, Grin, Merc, Sang, Sulph, Verbe-h. [2]
5. It Antidotes:
- Ant-t, Bry, Ran-b, Rhod, Sapo. [2]
6. Comparison:
- Acon, Agar, Am-c, Am-m, Ant-c, Apis, Arg-n, Ars, Asar, Atro, Aur, Bapt, Bar-c, Bell, Bell-p, Brom, Bry, Calc, Carb-an, Carbn-s, Caust, Cham, Cimic, Cinch, Clem, Coca, Colch, Coloc, Com, Daph, Dros, Euphr, Fl-ac, Gels, Glon, Hep, Hydr-ac, Hyos, Hyper, Ign, Jug-r, Kali-bi, Kali-br, Kali-c, Kalm, Lach, Led, Lob, Lyc, Merc, Mez, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Petr, Ph-ac, Phos, Phyt, Piloc, Plb, Puls, Ran-b, Sabad, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sulph, Thuj, Valer, Zinc.[1]
Dose of Rhus Toxicodendron:
- Single dose recommended. [1]
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000. [1]
Duration of Action:
- 1-7 Days Or 20-30 Days. [2]
Terminology for Rhus Toxicodendron Article
- Restlessness: A key symptom indicating physical and mental unease, often accompanied by a need for constant movement.
- Rheumatic Symptoms: Pains and stiffness in joints and muscles, often worsened by rest and relieved by motion.
- Excessive Sensitivity to Open Air: A heightened sensitivity to drafts or cold air, which may trigger symptoms like coughing.
- Stiffness of Joints: Rigidity and limited mobility in joints, particularly after rest or upon waking.
- Triangular Red-Tipped Tongue: A characteristic tongue appearance with a red tip and teeth indentations.
- Ailments From: Conditions or events that trigger or worsen symptoms, including sprains, strains, overexertion, and exposure to dampness.
- Desires: Specific cravings, such as a desire for cold milk, which may be indicative of the remedy.
- Dreams of Great Exertion: Vivid dreams involving intense physical activity, often associated with Rhus Tox.
Other Termonology
- Keynote Symptoms: Highly distinctive symptoms that strongly point to the use of a particular remedy.
- Constitution: The individual’s physical and mental characteristics, which help determine suitable remedies.
- Diathesis: Predisposition to certain disease patterns or symptom groups.
- Miasm: Inherited or acquired tendencies towards specific disease patterns.
- Clinical Conditions: Ailments or diseases for which the remedy may be considered.
- Sites of Action: Body parts or systems primarily affected by the remedy.
- Causation: Factors that contribute to the development of symptoms or conditions.
- Physiological Action: The remedy’s effects on the body’s functions and processes.
- Pathogenesis: The development and progression of disease or symptoms.
- Therapeutic Value: The range of conditions for which the remedy may be potentially helpful.
- Remedy Relationship: Complementary, synergistic, or antidotal relationships with other remedies.
- Dose and Potency: The appropriate dosage and strength of the remedy.
- Duration of Action: The estimated length of time the remedy’s effects may last.
Reference of Rhus Toxicodendron
- Textbook of homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. J. D. Patil.
- Zomeo Lan chapter > Rhus Tox.
- Materia Medica By Boericke W.
- A Primer Of Materia Medica By T. F. Allen.
- Synoptic memorizer of materia medica by Dr Subrata kumar Banerjea.
- Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.8 By Allen T.F.
- Materia Medica By Boericke W.
- The Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran
- A Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica By Fahnestock, Joseph C
- A Manual Of Homoeopathic Therapeutics By Neatby E
- Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak
- The Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica (All 10 Vols.) By Hering C.
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Rhus Toxicodendron Also Search As
Specific Search Terms:
Simple Keywords:
- "Rhus tox"
- "Rhus toxicodendron"
- "Poison ivy homeopathy"
Combining Keywords:
- "Rhus tox homeopathy"
- "Rhus toxicodendron materia medica"
- "Rhus tox clinical cases"
- "Homeopathic uses of Rhus tox"
- "Rhus tox remedy picture"
Specific Conditions:
- "Rhus tox for arthritis"
- "Rhus tox for skin conditions"
- "Rhus tox for flu"
- "Rhus tox for sprains"
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- Search Engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo): Start with general searches using the keywords above. Consider adding "article" or "research" to narrow results.
- Homeopathic Websites and Forums: Search within websites of homeopathic organizations, clinics, or practitioners. Look for dedicated blogs or article sections.
- Homeopathic Journals and Databases: Access online homeopathic journals or specialized databases like HomBRex or Hompath.
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- Use Quotation Marks: Enclose phrases in quotation marks to search for exact matches.
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- Filter by Date: If looking for recent information, filter results by publication date.
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Additional Resources
- Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner: Discuss your interest with a qualified homeopath. They can provide personalized recommendations and information on relevant research.
- Homeopathic Libraries: Visit libraries with specialized collections on homeopathy.
- Online Homeopathic Communities: Participate in online forums or groups to connect with others interested in homeopathy and Rhus Tox.
- Evidence: While there are anecdotal reports and traditional uses of Rhus tox, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. Approach information with a critical eye.
- Consult a Doctor: Always seek advice from a qualified medical professional for the diagnosis and treatment of any health condition. Homeopathy can be considered as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatment, but only under the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
State three medicines for rheumatic diathesis.
Medicines For rheaumatic diathesis
- Bryonia.
- Colchicum.
- Rhus Tox.
State a few right sided medicines.
Right Sided Medicine
- Apis Mel.
- Belladonna.
- Bryonia.
- Causticum.
- Lycopodium.
- Rhus Toxicodendron.
- Podophyllum.
Mention a few medicines where symptoms proceeds from left to right.
- Colchicm Pain goes from left to right.
- Ipecac
- Cutting pain across the abdomen, from left to right.
- Lachesis
- Affections proceeds from left then to the right.
- Rhus Tox
- Erysipelas: from left to right.
Describe the pain symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
a) Causation
- From spraining or staining a single part, muscle, or tendon.
- From overlifting.
- Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being overheated.
b) Sensation
- As if sprained.
- As if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment.
- As if bones were scraped with a knife.
- Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning.
- Affected parts sore to touch.
c) Character
- Cannot remain in bed, must change position often to obtain relief from pain.
- Restless. can not stay long in one position.
- Rheumatic drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs, worse stormy weather. at rest and during rough
- Back: pain between the shoulders on swa- llowing pain and stiffness in small of back.
- Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side.
- Rheumatic pain in shoulder joint, Agg. from raising the arm laterally.
- Aching in left arm with heart disease.
- Tearing pain down the posterior part of limbs, during stool.
d) Modalities
- Pains worse from rest, after midnight,
- In wet rainy weather.
- Backache: Agg. by sitting or lying.
- By walking or continued motion.
- Backache amel. by lying on something hard.
State the tongue symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
- Dry, sore and cracked.
- Red, with triangular red-tip.
- Takes imprint of teeth.
- Great thirst with dry tongue.
Mention two medicines for cold sensation in larynx on inspiration.
- Rhus Tox.
- Sulphur.
State the uvula symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
Uvula symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
- Uvula; large, dropsical, almost translucent.
- Large swelling, but little redness.
Indicate the eye symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
Eye symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
- Eyes agglutinated in the morning.
- Tears fairly gush out.
- Swollen, red, oedematous, orbital cellulitis.
- Inneva (Ref. Boericke)
- Old injured eyes.
- Oedema of lids; suppurative iritis.
- Intensive ulceration of cornea.
- Eye: painful on turning or pressing it: can hardly move it.[5]
State the febrile symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron
1. Ailments from
- From summer bathing.
- Rainy weather.
- Damp weather especially from cold air, walking in damp place.
- Tank or river bathing.
- From wetting; getting wet when heated, from wetting the head,
- Drinking ice-water (Ref. Clarke).
- Over-exertion etc.
2. Mode of onset
- Usually there is insidious onset, or when acute diseases assume a typhoid form.
3. Symptoms at onset
- Rhus Tox may be indicated in any and every kind of fevers viz., intermittent, remittent and continuous type of fevers.
- In case of intermittent fever there is dry teasing cough with taste of blood, followed by chill with great thirst and dryness of ton- gue, mouth and throat.
- In case of remittent and conutinuous fever. at the onset there is diarrnoea with beginning of typhoid.
- There is shivering and coldness, generally in the evening and accompanied by paroxysms of pain and other accessory symptoms.
- Internal shivering with external heat and vice-versa.
- Fever in the evening: first shivering, then heat and thirst (and perspiration); accompanied and followed by cutting pain and diarrhoea.
4. Sweat
- Fever in the evening., first shivering and then heat and thirst with perspiration; accompanied or followed by diarrhoea.
- Headache (throbbing in temples) then chilliness with thirst, tearing pain from the limbs afterwards, with general warmth and slight chills and finally profuse sour smelling perspiration.
- Transient heat with perspiration; sweat during the pains.
- Offensive perspiration when seated often with violent trembling.
- Nocturnal sweat sometimes with miliary or itching eruptions.
5. Pulse
- Pulse is irregular generally accelerated, but weak, soft sometimes it can not be felt or is intermittent.
- Pulse: quick and small; coma somnolentum with snoring and moans.
6. Facial look
- Coldness and paleness of the face alternates with heat and redness.
- Livid face
- Patient is very much restless and mental anxiety is remarkably present there, and both of them are predominently manifested in the facial appearance of Rhus Tox patient.
7. Modality
- Agg. cold, wet rainy weather, at night, during rest (pain aggravates).
- Amel. in warm dry weather, wrapping up, moving affected parts.
Describe the indications of Rhus Toxicodendron in Typhoid fever.
1. Causation
- Lying on damp ground, damp cellars, in basements.
- From too much summer bathing.
- From getting wet when heated.
- From cold air.
- From spraining or straining a single part, muscle of tendon, inordinate exertions of muscles; sematic exertion.
- From cold (but not to the grade of Acon., Bell., Bry., Dulc.) (Ref. Clarke)
- In rainy weather.
- From drinking ice-water.
- From lying in damp sheets.
- From wetting head. (Ref. Clarke).
2. Clinical
- It is suitable in any and every kind of fever, intermittent, continous or remittent viz., enteric, influenza, dengue, etc.
3. Mode of onset
- Generally, in case of remittent and continuous fever there is insidious onset or when acute disease assume a typhoid form.
- Slow pace (Ref. Kent).
- Onset is marked by diarrhoea; language of the text narrates, diarrhoea with begining of typhoid.
4. During remittent fever: general symptomatology
- Nash’s trio of restless medicine. Must change position frequently to obtain relief, until the patient is exhausted (Ref. Nash).
- Kent says, patient never perfectfully at ease and never finds rest.
- Nash says with Rhus Tox restlessness, is due to pain and soreness which is Amel. by a temporary motion. There is a nervous internal uneasiness, which makes the patient bound to be on motion (Ref. Nash).
- Restless as motion ameliorates.
- Great rigidity, stiffness, lameness, bruised feeling and pain are experienced on first movement and Amel. by walking or continued motion.[5]