Atrophic Rhinitis
It is a chronic inflammation of nose characterized by atrophy of nasal mucosa and turbinate bones. The nasal cavities are roomy and full of foul-smelling crusts. Atrophic rhinitis is of two types: primary and secondary.
Here are some synonyms for atrophic rhinitis:
- Ozena: This is the most common synonym and refers to the specific type of atrophic rhinitis characterized by a foul-smelling nasal discharge due to crusting.
- Dry rhinitis: This term emphasizes the dryness of the nasal passages as a key symptom.
- Merciful anosmia: This less common term refers to the loss of smell (anosmia) that can sometimes occur with atrophic rhinitis, which some might consider merciful due to the potential foul odor.
It’s important to note that while these terms are related, they may not be perfect substitutes depending on the context. "Ozena" is very specific, "dry rhinitis" doesn’t capture all the aspects of the condition, and "merciful anosmia" is a more obscure term.
Risk Factors
Clinical Features
Sign & Symptoms
Clinical Examination
Differential Diagnosis
Homeopathic Treatment
Diet & Regimen
Do's & Don'ts
Also Search As
Overview of Atrophic Rhinitis :
Atrophic rhinitis (AR) is a condition that affects the interior of your nose. The condition occurs when the tissue that lines the nose, known as the mucosa, and the bone underneath shrink down. This shrinking down is known as atrophy. It can lead to changes in function of the nasal passages.
Typically, AR is a condition that affects both of your nostrils at the same time. AR can be very bothersome, but it’s not life-threatening. You may require several types of treatment to resolve symptoms.[3]
Atrophic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic nasal condition characterized by progressive atrophy of the nasal mucosa and underlying bone. While specific epidemiological data for AR in India is limited, several studies provide insights into its prevalence and characteristics:
A study of Prevalence of primary and secondary atrophic rhinitis at tertiary health care centre (Medpulse, 2010):
- This study found an incidence of 0.62% among new outpatient cases at a tertiary care center. It also highlighted a higher prevalence of AR in females (56%) compared to males (44%). [6]
Clinicopathological study of atrophic rhinitis (International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2018):
- This study reported that AR cases constituted 0.34% of the total outpatient department attendance. It also noted a female predominance (82.4%) and a higher prevalence in the age group of 51-60 years. [7]
Atrophic Rhinitis with Maggot Infestation- A Demographic Study (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2015):
- This study focused on a subset of AR cases with maggot infestation and observed a higher prevalence in the age groups of 45-64 years and 65 years and above, with a transgender man ratio of 3.1:1. [8]
While these studies provide valuable information, it’s important to note that they may not represent the overall Indian population due to their focus on specific settings and subpopulations. Further research is needed to determine the nationwide prevalence and risk factors of AR in India.
Additionally, it’s crucial to distinguish between primary and secondary AR, as their etiology and risk factors may differ. While primary AR is idiopathic, secondary AR can be caused by various factors, including trauma, surgery, infections, and granulomatous diseases.
Please note that the provided information is based on available literature and may not be exhaustive. It’s recommended to consult specialized sources and healthcare professionals for a more comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology of atrophic rhinitis in India.
The exact cause is not known. Various theories advanced regarding its causation are:
Hereditary factors. Disease is known to involve more than one member in the same family.
Endocrinal disturbance. Disease usually starts at puberty, involves females more than males, the crusting and foetor associated with disease tends to cease after menopause; these factors have raised the possibility of disease being an endocrinal disorder.
Racial factors.
- White and yellow races are more susceptible than natives of equatorial Africa.
Nutritional deficiency. Disease may be due to deficiency of vitamin A, D or iron or some other dietary factors. The fact that incidence of disease is decreasing in western countries and is rarely seen in well-to-do families raises the possibility of some nutritional deficiency.
- Various organisms have been cultured from cases of atrophic rhinitis such as Klebsiella ozaenae, (Perez bacillus), diphtheroids, Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia coli, staphylococci and streptococci but they are all considered to be secondary invaders responsible for foul smell rather than the primary causative organisms of the disease.
Autoimmune process. The body reacts by a destructive process to the antigens released from the nasal mucosa. Viral infection or some other unspecified agents may trigger antigenicity of nasal mucosa. Pathology Ciliated columnar epithelium is lost and is replaced by stratified squamous type. There is atrophy of seromucinous glands, venous blood sinusoids and nerve elements. Arteries in the mucosa, periosteum and bone show obliterative endarteritis. The bone of turbinates undergoes resorption causing widening of nasal chambers. Paranasal sinuses are small due to their arrested development.
Specific infections like syphilis, lupus, leprosy and rhinoscleroma may cause destruction of the nasal structures leading to atrophic changes.
Risk Factors
Risk Factors:
While it’s not clear what exactly causes it, several underlying factors may put you more at risk for developing primary AR, including:
- genetics
- poor nutrition
- chronic infections
- anemia due to low iron levels
- endocrine conditions
- autoimmune conditions
- environmental factors
Primary AR is unusual in the United States. It’s more prevalent in tropical countries.
The conditions that may make you more likely to develop secondary AR include:
- syphilis
- tuberculosis
- lupus[3]
The pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis (AR) remains incompletely understood, and several theories have been proposed. Here are some key aspects highlighted:
Infection theory:
- This theory suggests that bacterial infection, particularly Klebsiella ozaenae, plays a crucial role in AR pathogenesis. However, the exact mechanism of how this bacteria leads to mucosal atrophy and bone resorption remains unclear.
Hereditary and racial predisposition:
- It mentions a possible genetic or racial predisposition to AR, but evidence for this remains inconclusive.
Autoimmune theory:
- This theory proposes that AR could be an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own nasal tissues, leading to inflammation and atrophy. [9]
Mucosal atrophy and metaplasia:
- This text emphasizes the progressive loss of nasal mucosa and its replacement with abnormal squamous epithelium, leading to impaired mucociliary clearance and chronic inflammation.
Vascular changes:
- It describes alterations in the blood vessels supplying the nasal mucosa, such as endarteritis and periarteritis, which could contribute to tissue ischemia and atrophy.
Bone resorption:
- The text highlights the loss of bone mass and density in the turbinates and other nasal structures, likely due to a combination of chronic inflammation, vascular insufficiency, and altered bone metabolism. [10]
Multifactorial nature:
- This text emphasizes the complex and multifactorial nature of AR pathogenesis, involving a combination of infectious, genetic, environmental, and autoimmune factors.
Role of biofilms:
It mentions the potential role of bacterial biofilms in AR, which could provide a protective environment for bacteria and contribute to chronic inflammation and tissue damage. [11]
In summary, the pathogenesis of AR is likely a complex interplay of various factors. While no single theory fully explains all aspects of the disease, the combination of infectious, autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors likely contributes to the development and progression of AR. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the underlying mechanisms and develop targeted therapies for this debilitating condition.
Ciliated columnar epithelium is lost and is replaced by stratified squamous type. There is atrophy of seromucous glands, venous blood sinusoids and nerve elements. Arteries in the mucosa, periosteum and bone show obliterative endarteritis. The bone of turbinates undergoes resorption causing widening of nasal chambers. Paranasal sinuses are small due to their arrested development.
Clinical Features
Clinical Features:
Foetor (Foul Smell):
- A characteristic feature of AR, often described as offensive and pervasive, caused by the accumulation of foul-smelling crusts in the nasal cavities.
- The formation of thick, greenish-black crusts that adhere to the nasal mucosa and can cause obstruction.
Atrophy of Nasal Mucosa:
- The nasal lining becomes thin, dry, and pale, leading to a widened nasal cavity.
Epistaxis (Nosebleeds):
- Frequent nosebleeds due to the fragile nature of the atrophied mucosa.
Anosmia (Loss of Smell):
- Impaired sense of smell due to damage to the olfactory receptors.
Headache and Nasal Discomfort:
- Patients may complain of headaches, nasal dryness, and a feeling of fullness in the nose. [9]
Widening of the Nasal Cavity:
- Due to the loss of turbinate tissue and mucosal atrophy, the nasal passages appear abnormally wide on examination.
‘Roomy Nose’ Appearance:
- The nasal cavity may appear spacious, and the posterior pharyngeal wall may be visible on anterior rhinoscopy.
Foreign Body Sensation:
- Patients may feel as if there is a foreign body or obstruction in the nose due to the presence of crusts. [10]
Rhinorrhea (Nasal Discharge):
- Patients may experience a thick, purulent, or blood-stained nasal discharge.
- A severe form of AR characterized by extreme mucosal atrophy, extensive crusting, and pronounced foetor.
Social and Psychological Impact:
- The foul smell and disfigurement associated with AR can lead to social isolation, anxiety, and depression. [11]
Sign & Symptoms
Sign & Symptoms:
Disease commonly seen in females and starts around puberty. There is foul smell from the nose making the patient a social outcast though patient himself is unaware of the smell due to marked anosmia (merciful anosmia) which accompanies these degenerative changes. Patient may complain of nasal obstruction in spite of unduly wide nasal chambers. This is due to large crusts filling the nose. Epistaxis may occur when the crusts are removed.
Examination shows nasal cavity to be full of greenish or greyish black dry crusts covering the turbinates and septum. Attempts to remove them may cause bleeding.
When the crusts have removed, nasal cavities appear roomy with atrophy of turbinates so much so that the posterior wall of nasopharynx can easily seen. Nasal turbinates may reduce to mere ridges. Nasal mucosa appears pale. Septal perforation and dermatitis of nasal vestibule may be present. Nose may show a saddle deformity. Atrophic changes may also seen in the pharyngeal mucosa which may appear dry and glazed with crusts). Similar changes may occur in the larynx with cough and hoarseness of voice (atrophic laryngitis). Hearing impairment may notice because of obstruction to eustachian tube and middle ear effusion. Paranasal sinuses are usually small and under develop with thick walls. They appear opaque on X-ray. Antral wash is difficult to perform due to thick walls of the sinuses.
Prognosis The disease persists for years but there is a tendency to recover spontaneously in middle age.
Specific infections like syphilis, lupus, leprosy and rhinoscleoma may cause destruction of the nasal structures leading to atrophic changes. Atrophic rhinitis can also result from long-standing purulent sinusitis, radiotherapy to nose or excessive surgical removal of turbinates. Unilateral atrophic rhinitis. Extreme deviation of nasal septum may be accompanied by atrophic rhinitis on the wider side.
Clinical Examination
Clinical Examination:
Physical Examination
The examination of patients with rhinitis should include an examination of the nose, and assessment for possible comorbidities and complications. The physical examination of a patient with rhinitis may reveal the following:[6][7]
General Appearance
- Rhinorrhea may be seen
- Mouth breathing from nasal congestion
- Sniffing
- Allergic shiners i.e.: Dark eye shadows beneath the lower eye lid due to blood/fluid accumulation in the infraorbital groove as a result of congestion of the nose/sinuses. It is commonly seen in childhood allergic rhinitis, and the degree of darkness is associated with the chronicity and severity of disease. It can also be seen in nonallergic rhinitis.
- Dennie–Morgan lines i.e.: These are wrinkles/ extra skin fold underneath the lower eyelids. It is seen in children with allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis.
- Allergic salute- A habitual gesture of rubbing the nose upward because of nasal discomfort and pruritus. It sometimes produces a persistent horizontal crease across the nose.
Vital signs
Increased temperature may be seen especially when there is an infectious etiology (infectious rhinitis/rhinosinusitis)
Ocular findings i.e.: Commonly seen in patients with allergic rhinitis. Some of the ocular findings include:[8]
- Bilateral conjunctival injection, papillae and cobblestones.
- Corneal involvement in severe cases (atopic and vernal keratoconjunctivitis).
- Frequent rubbing of the eyes, irritability, lacrimation, mucus discharge.
- Blepharospasm
- Periorbital edema
Nasal findings i.e.: Examination of the nasal cavity with a speculum or otoscope may reveal the following:
- Swollen/edematous turbinates
- Pale, bluish or erythematous mucosa. The mucosa is often pale/bluish in allergic rhinitis. Beefy red mucosa can be seen in rhinitis medicamentosa.
Ear findings i.e.: Otoscopic examination of the ears may reveal signs suggestive of associated co-morbidities such as:
- Otitis media with effusion- common in patients with allergic rhinitis.
- Acute otitis media
Face i.e.
- Facial tenderness/discomfort on palpation of the sinuses. This often occurs when the inflammation extends into the sinuses (rhinosinusitis), and it can be as a result of infection or allergy
- Abnormal facial development such as elongated facies may be seen, especially in chronic mouth breathers
Mouth and Throat i.e.
- Coexisting conditions like hypertrophied adenoids may be seen.
- Dental malocclusion frequently occurs in children who are chronic mouth breathers.
- High arch in the palate
- Cobblestoning of the oropharynx
- Posterior drainage of nasal secretions
Neck i.e.
- Swollen lymph nodes may be seen in infectious rhinitis secondary to upper respiratory tract infections.
- Eczema may be seen in patients with allergic rhinitis if there is coexisting atopic dermatitis.
- A thorough chest examination is essential, as it may reveal abnormalities suggestive of other pathological conditions or co-morbidities such as respiratory tract infections, asthma.[4]
It is based on clinical history and examination. Examination is clinical, via anterior rhinoscopy and fiberoptic, using nasal endoscopy. A CT scan can be used to confirm the diagnosis and review disease extent.
Differential Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis:
Chronic Rhinitis:
- This common condition can also cause crusting, nasal obstruction, and discharge, but lacks the characteristic foetor and severe mucosal atrophy of AR.
Foreign Body:
- Prolonged retention of a foreign body in the nasal cavity can lead to inflammation, crusting, and foul smell, mimicking AR.
Granulomatous Diseases:
- Conditions like sarcoidosis and Wegener’s granulomatosis can cause nasal crusting and inflammation, but often have additional systemic manifestations. [9]
Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS):
- This iatrogenic condition, often resulting from excessive turbinate resection, can lead to a sensation of nasal obstruction, dryness, and crusting, similar to AR.
Chronic Sinusitis:
- Inflammation of the sinuses can cause nasal discharge, crusting, and a foul smell, but imaging studies can help differentiate it from AR.
Tuberculosis and Leprosy:
- These infectious diseases can cause nasal mucosal destruction and deformity, but typically have distinct clinical and microbiological features.[10]
- Tertiary syphilis can lead to destructive lesions in the nasal cavity, including perforation of the septum and bony necrosis, resembling AR.
- Rarely, nasal tumors can present with crusting, bleeding, and obstruction, necessitating biopsy for definitive diagnosis.
Drug-Induced Rhinitis:
- Chronic use of certain medications, like topical decongestants, can lead to rebound congestion and mucosal dryness, mimicking AR. [11]
In conclusion, a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s history, physical examination findings, and appropriate investigations (such as nasal endoscopy, imaging, and biopsy) are crucial for accurate diagnosis and differentiation of atrophic rhinitis from other conditions.[11]
Atrophic rhinitis (AR), if left untreated, can lead to several complications, as documented here:
Pharyngitis Sicca and Laryngitis Sicca:
- The atrophy and dryness can extend to the pharynx and larynx, leading to similar symptoms like discomfort, crusting, and hoarseness.
- This severe form of AR is characterized by extensive crusting, extreme foetor, and significant social and psychological impact on the patient. [9]
Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS):
- This condition can occur after excessive turbinate resection, leading to a paradoxical sensation of nasal obstruction despite a wide nasal cavity.
Psychological Distress:
- The foul smell and social stigma associated with AR can cause significant psychological distress, leading to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. [10]
Secondary Infections:
- The altered nasal environment and compromised mucociliary clearance can predispose to recurrent infections, such as sinusitis and otitis media.
Nasal Deformity:
- In severe cases, the loss of bone and cartilage can lead to a saddle nose deformity, altering the appearance of the nose.[11]
In addition to these complications, other potential issues mentioned in various sources include:
- Loss of Smell (Anosmia): Due to damage to the olfactory receptors.
- Epistaxis (Nosebleeds): Due to the fragile nature of the atrophied mucosa.
- Headaches: Due to chronic inflammation and irritation of the nasal mucosa.
Prompt diagnosis and management of AR can help prevent or minimize these complications. It is crucial to address both the underlying cause and the associated symptoms to improve the patient’s quality of life. [11]
- Allergy tests to confirm or rule out allergies.
- CT scan to get detailed images of your nasal cavities.
- Nasal endoscopy using a flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) to view the inside of your nostrils and check for nasal polyps or other problems.
- Nasal inspiratory flow test to measure airflow when you breathe.[5]
It may be medical or surgical.
- Complete cure of the disease is not yet possible. Treatment aims at maintaining nasal hygiene by removal of crusts and the associated putrefying smell, and to further check crust formation.
(a) Firstly, Nasal irrigation and removal of crusts. Warm normal saline or an alkaline solution making by dissolving a teaspoonful of powder containing soda bicarbonate 1 part, sodium biforate 1 part, sodium chloride 2 parts in 280 mL of water is using to irrigate the nasal cavities. The solution is run through one nostril and comes out from the other. It loosens the crusts and removes thick tenacious discharge. Care should take to avoid pushing the fluid into the sinuses and eustachian tube. Initially, irrigations are doing two or three times a day but later once in every 2 or 3 days is sufficient. Hard crusts may difficult to remove by irrigation. They are first loosning and then mechanically remove with forceps or suction.
(b) Secondly, 25% glucose in glycerin. After crusts are removed, nose is painted with 25% glucose in glycerin. This inhibits the growth of proteolytic organisms which are responsible for foul smell.
(c) Thirdly, Local antibiotics. Spraying or painting the nose with appropriate antibiotics help to eliminate secondary infection. Kemicetine antiozaena solution contains chloromycetin, oestradiol and vitamin D2 and may found useful.
(d) Estradiol spray.
- Helps to increase vascularity of nasal mucosa and regeneration of seromucous glands.
(e) Placental extract injected submucosally in the nose may provide some relief.
(f) Systemic use of streptomycin. 1 g/day for 10 days has given good results in reducing crusting and odour. It is effective against Klebsiella organisms.
(g) Potassium iodide given by the mouth promotes and liquefies nasal secretion.
It includes: (a) Young’s operation. Both the nostrils are close completely just within the nasal vestibule by raising flaps. They are opening after 6 months or later. In these cases, mucosa may revert to normal and crusting reduced. Modified Young’s operation. To avoid the discomfort of bilateral nasal obstruction, modified Young’s operation aims to partially close the nostrils. It is also claiming to give the same benefit as Young’s.
(b) Narrowing the nasal cavities. Nasal chambers are very wide in atrophic rhinitis and air currents dry up secretions leading to crusting. Narrowing the size of the nasal airway helps to relieve the symptoms.
Among the techniques followed, i.e.:
(i) Firstly, Submucosal injection of teflon paste.
(ii) Secondly, Insertion of fat, cartilage, bone or teflon strips under the mucoperiosteal of the floor and lateral wall of nose and the muco-perichondrium of the septum.
(iii) Thirdly, Section and medial displacement of lateral wall of nose.
The prevention of atrophic rhinitis (AR) is a complex issue, as the exact cause of the primary form remains unknown. However, several resources provide strategies for potential prevention and management:
Early Detection and Treatment of Nasal Infections:
- Promptly addressing any nasal infections can prevent the progression to chronic inflammation and potential tissue damage that may contribute to AR.
Avoidance of Nasal Trauma and Irritants:
Minimizing nasal trauma from picking or excessive nose blowing, and avoiding exposure to irritants like dust, smoke, and chemicals, can help maintain the health of the nasal mucosa. [9]
Optimal Hygiene:
- Maintaining good nasal hygiene practices, such as regular nasal irrigation with saline solution, can help remove crusts, reduce inflammation, and promote mucosal healing.
Nutritional Support:
- Ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients, particularly iron and vitamin D, may help support mucosal health and prevent atrophy. [10]
Prevention of Secondary AR:
- Early identification and treatment of underlying conditions that can lead to secondary AR, such as granulomatous diseases, infections, and autoimmune disorders, can help prevent the development of this debilitating condition. [11]
They can contribute to maintaining nasal health and reducing the risk of developing this condition. Early intervention and consistent management are crucial in preventing the progression of AR and improving the patient’s quality of life.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis.
Which includes
- The medical history of the patient,
- Physical and mental constitution,
- Family history,
- Presenting symptoms,
- Underlying pathology,
- Possible causative factors etc.
A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
What Homoeopathic doctors do?
A homeopathy doctor tries to treat more than just the presenting symptoms. The focus is usually on what caused the disease condition? Why ‘this patient’ is sick ‘this way’?
The disease diagnosis is important but in homeopathy, the cause of disease not just probed to the level of bacteria and viruses. Other factors like mental, emotional and physical stress that could predispose a person to illness also looked for. Now a days, even modern medicine also considers a large number of diseases as psychosomatic. The correct homeopathy remedy tries to correct this disease predisposition.
The focus is not on curing the disease but to cure the person who is sick, to restore the health. If a disease pathology not very advanced, homeopathy remedies do give a hope for cure but even in incurable cases, the quality of life can greatly improve with homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic Medicines for Atrophic Rhinitis:
The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications also taken into account for selecting a remedy, potency and repetition of dose by Homeopathic doctor.
So, here we describe homeopathic medicine only for reference and education purpose. Do not take medicines without consulting registered homeopathic doctor (BHMS or M.D. Homeopath).
Lupus, cancer, polypi of nose, sanious discharge, especially when ulceration is present.
Soreness and scabs nose discharge of thick, yellow mucous or of dry, hard, yellow-green plugs; the parts, especially septum narium, swollen, red and sore to touch,
(<) evenings; point of nose cracked; WEAK OR ENTIRE LOSS OF SMELL.
Arsenicum Album
Indicated especially in Rhinitis. Cancer, ulcer on right alae nasi, burning, stinging, painful, forming a thick, hard crust, which comes off and leaves a bleeding, mattery surface soon followed by another crust; nostrils; corners of mouth also anus red and excoriated; CANNOT BREATHE THROUGH NOSTRILS WHEN ASLEEP; nose swollen, burns,
coppery-red, with desire for liquors; ichorous, sanious and foetid discharges, with marked prostration and great general debility (Ars. iod.).[2]
Offensive, greenish discharge from nose, with caries of bones and a feeling as if nose would burst; numbness of bones of face; pimple on tip of nose; small tubercles on cheeks; TEARING PAINS FROM WITHIN OUTWARD in bones of nose, (<) at night. Mercurio- syphilis and scrofula
Aurum Met
Scrofulous and syphilitic affections of bones of nose and face; caries of bones of nose and palate; PUTRID SMELL WHEN BLOWING NOSE, RECOGNIZE BY PATIENT, though olfaction impair; excessively foetid discharge; burning, itching, smarting soreness in nose which is sensitive to touch; unbearable frontal headache; caries extends into cheek-bones, with same tearing, boring pain; bony destruction of ear with Obstinate Otorrhea: Yellow, Thick discharge from nose, or dry firm pieces are blowing out, always of an offensive odor: nose sunken in, perforation of septum.
Aurum Mur
Specifically indicated medicine for Rhinitis Ozaena scrofulous with unbearable odor: Nasal cavity ulcerated deep in, with dry yellowish scruff and senses of obstruction; nostrils stuffed up with hard crusts; lupus of alae nasi, ulceration of soft parts with perforation of Septum
Calcarea Carb
Swelling of nose and upper lip in children, with acrid discharge; purulent, thick, or yellow-red discharge, making lip sore; specifically red itching pustules on upper lip and cheeks; nose swollen inside and outside; impaired smell.; Additionally, EPISTAXIS FREQUENT AND PROFUSE, ALMOST TO FAINTING; loud breathing through nose.
Calcarea Flour
Copious, offensive, thick, greenish-yellow discharge with OSSEOUS GROWTHS IN NOSE; Moreover, blowing of much mucus from nose with ineffectual desire to sneeze.[2]
Carbo animalis
Scrofulous ozaena; swelling of nose, with pimples inside and outside, forming crusts which last a long time; vesicle at right nostril with malignant ulcerations; LITTLE BOILS INSIDE OF NOSE, WITH TENSE ALSO BURNING SENSATION, (<) during menses; saddle across nose with copper-colored eruption. Lastly, Carcinoma nasi.
Conium maculatum
Ozaena with burning in nostrils and stitching pain in septum; discharge of pus and blood from nose; additionally, boring in nostrils; smell of animals in back part of nose; fibrous polypi, hard and elastic, pricking also itching after touching or handling; EXCESSIVELY ACUTE SMELL, WITH PURULENT DISCHARGE.
Elaps cor
Offensive discharge from nose also throat, smelling like putrid herring pickle; posterior wall of throat covered with a dry greenish-yellow scab, Furthermore, extending up to nose; pains from root of nose to ears when swallowing; sense of smell; gone; NOSE BLEEDS WHEN VIOLENTLY BLOWN.
Indicated especially in Rhinitis. Dry scabs in nose, with sore, cracked and ulcerated nostrils; frequently discharge of thick, yellowish, fetid mucus from nose, which may form either hard masses or crusts; loss of smell dryness of noise; Besides this, discharge from nose MUCH MORE FOETID DURING MENSES, catches cold easily; oozing behind ears.[2]
Kali Brom
NOSE FEELS UNNATURALLY DRY, Moreover, being obstruct by large clinkers of dark-greenish, fetid, hard masses, hawk up from post- nasal space, (<) morning till noon; rapid exfoliation also ulceration; loss of smell; PERFORATING ULCERS ON SEPTUM AND ELSEWHERE; desires also fulness from inflammation of frontal sinuses; ropy, tough mucous discharge from posterior nares, offensive or not; polypus nasi.
Mercurious Cor
Ozaena, discharge from nose like glue, drying up in posterior nares; perspiration of septum; NOSE STOPPED UP AND RUNS AT THE SAME TIME; rawness and smarting in nostrils.
Mercurious Iod flavus
Septum sore with sharp pain; much mucus descends into throat, causing hawking; constant inclination to swallow; thick yellow coating on back of tongue.
Nitric Acid
Mercurio-syphilis; foetid, yellow, corroding nasal discharge; generally, ozaena with ulcers; STITCHES IN NOSE AS FROM SPLINTERS; dirty, bloody mucus from posterior nares; large, soft protuberances on alae, covered with crusts; green casts from nose every morning.[2]
Peru Balsam
Ozaena with ulceration; discharge also thick.
Ozaena scrofulosa, catches cold easily from deficiency of vital heat; loss of smell or foetid smell before nose; blowing of large lumps of yellow-green mucus or crusts with blood from nose; painful eruption on tip of nose; goneness in epigastrium; sweat in axillae, palms of hands and soles of feet.
Gnawing and ulcers high up the nose, with great sensitiveness of place of contact nose inwardly dry, excoriated, covered with crusts; obstructed mornings, fluent during day; intolerable itching of tip of nose; cold nose
Chronic catarrh, discharge offensive-smelling, thick, yellow or yellowish-green; caries of nasal bones; dull, thick, heavy sensation in forehead or throbbing extending to occiput; trickling into pharynx; itching behind ears, she would like to scratch them off.
SMELL IN NOSE AS OF FISH BRINE; painful scabs in nostrils; blows out much thick green mucus mixed with blood and pus; later brown scabs from; nose sore; red eruption on alae, often moist; skin of face greasy; watery, purulent otorrhea, smelling like putrid meat (Tell. like fish brine); persistent insomnia; sycosis [2]
Diet & Regimen
Diet & Regimen:
Some recommendations can be inferred based on the disease’s pathophysiology and associated symptoms:
- "The nasal cavities should be kept clean and moist by the regular use of alkaline nasal douches." This implies that adequate hydration is crucial to prevent further drying of the nasal mucosa.
Avoiding Irritants:
- Limiting exposure to environmental irritants like dust, smoke, and chemicals can help reduce inflammation and dryness.[9]
Balanced Diet:
- A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly iron and vitamin D, may help support mucosal health and prevent further atrophy.
Good Hygiene:
- Maintaining good nasal hygiene through regular saline irrigation can help remove crusts, reduce bacterial load, and promote healing.[10]
Smoking Cessation:
- If the patient is a smoker, quitting is crucial, as smoking further damages the nasal mucosa and exacerbates symptoms.
Stress Management:
- Stress can worsen the symptoms of AR, so finding ways to manage stress, such as relaxation techniques or exercise, may be beneficial.[11]
some complementary sources suggest:
- Increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids: These can have anti-inflammatory effects and may help improve mucosal health.
- Avoiding spicy and acidic foods: These can irritate the already sensitive nasal mucosa.
- Using nasal lubricants: These can help relieve dryness and discomfort. [11]
It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss specific dietary and lifestyle modifications that may be appropriate for individual patients with AR.
Do's & Don'ts
The Do’s & Don’ts:
- Do maintain good nasal hygiene: "The nasal cavities should be kept clean and moist by the regular use of alkaline nasal douches…" This implies regular cleaning and moisturizing of the nasal passages.
- Do seek medical attention: "… the patient should be encouraged to return at regular intervals…" This suggests regular follow-up with a healthcare professional is essential. [9]
- Do use nasal lubricants: "… crusting may be reduced with the use of nasal lubricants such as ointments containing glucose and glycerin…" This recommends using lubricants to alleviate dryness and crusting.[10]
- Do consider surgical options: The book discusses surgical procedures like Young’s operation for severe cases of AR, indicating surgery as a potential treatment option.[11]
- Don’t neglect treatment: The book emphasizes the importance of early treatment to prevent progression and complications. [9]
- Don’t pick the nose: This can worsen irritation and bleeding.[10]
- Don’t smoke: Smoking can exacerbate mucosal dryness and damage.[11]
- Don’texpose yourself to irritants: Dust, smoke, and other pollutants can worsen symptoms.
- Don’t use harsh nasal sprays or decongestants: These can further dry out the nasal mucosa.[11]
Key Terminologies and Meanings:
- Atrophic Rhinitis (AR): A chronic condition characterized by the gradual thinning and deterioration of the nasal tissues (mucosa) and underlying bone.
- Ozena: A specific type of atrophic rhinitis with a distinctive foul-smelling nasal discharge due to the formation of crusts within the nasal cavity.
- Dry Rhinitis: A term highlighting the dryness of the nasal passages, which is a prominent symptom of atrophic rhinitis.
- Merciful Anosmia: Refers to the loss of smell that can sometimes accompany atrophic rhinitis. It’s termed "merciful" because it may spare the individual from experiencing the foul odor associated with the condition.
- Primary Atrophic Rhinitis: The form of AR with an unknown or idiopathic cause.
- Secondary Atrophic Rhinitis: AR that arises due to an identifiable cause, such as infection, trauma, surgery, or certain medical conditions.
- Klebsiella ozaenae: A bacterium often found in the nasal passages of individuals with atrophic rhinitis, though its role in causing the disease is not fully understood.
- Autoimmune Process: A theory suggesting that AR could be an autoimmune condition, where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own nasal tissues.
- Turbinates: Bony structures inside the nose that help to warm, moisten, and filter the air we breathe. In AR, these often shrink or atrophy.
- Foetor: The medical term for a foul or offensive odor, which is a hallmark symptom of atrophic rhinitis.
- Epistaxis: The medical term for nosebleeds, a common occurrence in AR due to the fragility of the thinned nasal tissues.
- Anosmia: The loss or impairment of the sense of smell.
Additional Homeopathic Terms:
- Vital Force: The homeopathic concept of an energy or life force that animates the body and is responsible for maintaining health. Imbalance in this force can lead to disease.
- Constitutional Weakness: An inherent predisposition or susceptibility to certain diseases or imbalances, according to homeopathic principles.
- Homeopathic Remedies: Highly diluted substances used in homeopathy to stimulate the body’s healing response.
- Miasmatic Tendency: In homeopathy, a miasm refers to a predisposing factor or inherited tendency towards certain types of illnesses.
- Diseases_of_Ear_Nose_and_Throat_6Edition
- Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal
- https://www.healthline.com/health/atrophic-rhinitis
- https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Rhinitis_physical_examination
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22886-atrophic-rhinitis#management-and-treatment
A study of Prevalence of primary and secondary atrophic rhinitis at tertiary health care centre (Medpulse, 2010)
Clinicopathological study of atrophic rhinitis (International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2018)
Atrophic Rhinitis with Maggot Infestation- A Demographic Study (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2015)
Logan Turner’s Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and Ear (11th edition, James B. Snow, 2008, Plural Publishing)
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (7th edition, John Hibbert, 2008, Hodder Arnold Publication)
Ballenger’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (17th edition, Jonas T. Johnson, 2009, BC Decker Inc.)
Also Search As
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There are several ways people can search for information on Atrophic Rhinitis:
Online Search Engines:
- General Search: Use search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo and type "Atrophic Rhinitis." This will yield a wide range of results, including general information, medical websites, news articles, and research papers.
- Specific Search: To narrow down results, use more specific search terms like "Atrophic Rhinitis symptoms," "Atrophic Rhinitis causes," or "Atrophic Rhinitis treatment."
- Scholarly Search: For research papers and academic articles, use Google Scholar or other academic search engines like PubMed.
Medical Websites and Databases:
- Reputable Medical Websites: Websites like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, WebMD, and Healthline provide reliable information on medical conditions, including Atrophic Rhinitis.
- Medical Databases: If you have access, databases like PubMed, MedlinePlus, and Cochrane Library contain a wealth of medical research and literature on various health topics.
- Medical Libraries: If you have access to a university or medical library, you can search their catalog for books and journals on Atrophic Rhinitis.
- Public Libraries: Public libraries also often have resources on medical conditions.
Consulting Healthcare Professionals:
- Doctors and Specialists: Talking to your doctor or an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist is the best way to get personalized information and advice on Atrophic Rhinitis.
Tips for Effective Searching:
- Use Reliable Sources: Stick to reputable medical websites, academic journals, and trusted healthcare providers to ensure the information you find is accurate and up-to-date.
- Be Specific: Using specific search terms will help you find the most relevant information.
- Consider the Date: Look for recent articles and publications to ensure the information is current.
- Consult a Professional: If you have any concerns or questions, always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
There are several ways to search for articles on any topic, including Atrophic Rhinitis:
Online Resources:
- Search Engines: Use general search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo and enter specific keywords related to the article you are looking for. For example, search for "Atrophic Rhinitis treatment guidelines" or "Recent research on Atrophic Rhinitis."
- Academic Databases: Access scholarly databases like Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, or Web of Science. These databases index academic journals and publications, providing access to a wide range of research articles.
- Medical Websites: Reputable medical websites like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, WebMD, and Healthline often publish articles on various health topics, including Atrophic Rhinitis.
- Physical Libraries: Visit your local or university library and use their catalog to search for books, journals, or magazines containing articles on Atrophic Rhinitis. Librarians can also assist you with your search.
- Online Library Databases: Many libraries offer access to online databases containing academic articles and publications. These databases can be accessed remotely with your library card or institution login.
Specialized Resources:
- Medical Societies: Organizations like the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) often publish articles and guidelines on various ENT conditions, including Atrophic Rhinitis.
- Patient Advocacy Groups: Groups dedicated to specific diseases may provide resources and articles on their websites or through newsletters.
Additional Tips:
- Use Specific Keywords: Be specific with your search terms to narrow down results. Use medical terminology and synonyms if needed.
- Refine Your Search: Utilize filters provided by search engines or databases to refine your search by date, type of publication, author, or other criteria.
- Look for Reputable Sources: Prioritize articles published in peer-reviewed journals or by reputable organizations to ensure the information is accurate and reliable.
- Consult with a Librarian: If you are having trouble finding relevant articles, librarians can help you navigate through various resources and databases.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is atrophic rhinitis?
Atrophic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic nasal condition characterized by the progressive thinning and deterioration of the nasal lining and underlying bone.
What are the symptoms of atrophic rhinitis?
It’s essential to discuss any existing treatments with your homeopath to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential interactions.
What causes atrophic rhinitis?
The exact cause is unknown, but it’s thought to involve a combination of factors like infection, genetics, environmental triggers, and autoimmune reactions.
Is atrophic rhinitis curable?
There’s no cure for AR, but treatment can effectively manage symptoms and improve quality of life
Is atrophic rhinitis contagious?
No, atrophic rhinitis is not contagious.
Can homeopathy treat atrophic rhinitis effectively?
Yes, homeopathy offers a holistic approach to managing atrophic rhinitis, aiming to address the root cause and relieve symptoms through individualized remedies.
Is homeopathic treatment for atrophic rhinitis safe?
Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when prescribed by a qualified practitioner. They are highly diluted and individualized to the patient’s needs.
What are the common homeopathic remedies for atrophic rhinitis?
Several remedies are commonly used, including Kali Bichromicum, Silicea, Pulsatilla, and Lemna Minor, each chosen based on the specific symptoms and individual characteristics.
Are there any dietary or lifestyle recommendations for atrophic rhinitis in homeopathy?
Yes, homeopaths may suggest dietary changes, stress management techniques, and lifestyle modifications to support the healing process and prevent recurrence.
Can I use homeopathic remedies alongside conventional treatments for atrophic rhinitis?
It’s essential to discuss any existing treatments with your homeopath to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential interactions.