In homeopathy, Phosphorus itself is the most commonly used term for the remedy. There aren’t any true synonyms for it. However, some homeopathic retailers may abbreviate it as Phos.
Homeopathy is an alternative medicinal system that uses highly diluted substances to treat a wide range of conditions. If you are considering using a homeopathic remedy, it is important to speak to a qualified Homeopathic Doctor first.
The perspiration of Phosphorus is somewhat peculiar, it has the odor of sulphur.
Though in Kents Repertory, Master Kent graded this feature in third grade yet this peculiar type of perspiration has been considered as a leading indication by various authorities.
perspiration has the odor of cheese, Hep,-like boiled egg. Sulph-foetid Hap-honey like, Thuja.: -offensive, Am Graph Hap Lyco, Marc., Nit. Ac., Nux Vom Petrol, Puls, Sap, S., Sulph, Thuja. -sour, A, Bry, Colch, Hep. Lyco, Mag. C., Merc.. Nit. Ac, Psox, Sep S Sulph, VA’
Dr. John Henry Clarke said it corresponds to haemorrhagic diathesis and Dr. E. B. Nash said, profuse and persistent bleeding. even from small wounds and tumours.
Master Kent said, haemorrhage from the stomach, from the bladder, from the uterus and from ulcerations. Small wounds bleeds much, bright red blood.
Dr. Allen reported, frequent and profuse blood, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time.
Master Kent rightly denoted that Phos, has haemorrhagic constitution. Master Kent in his masterly Repertorial work classed that, "blood does not coagulate", Lach., Nit. Acid, Phos. Apis., Carbo Veg.", Crot. Hor*, Elaps.", Kali Ph.,Secale..
Oversensitiveness of all the senses, to external impressions. light, noise, touch and odor.
Master Kent said, slight causes lead to exhaustion of either body or mind; trembling throughout the body from slight causes.
Master Kent in his Repertory graded Phos. in first grade under the both rubrics, sensitive externally as well as internally. (-sensitiveness, externally, Apis., Arn., Bell, China., Lach, Nux Vom., Phos, Puls, Sil, Spig., Staph. :-internally, Canth., Hep., Lach. Nat. Mur.. Phos.. Sil.).
Sinking sensation
A weak, empty, all-gone sensation in head, chest, stomach and entire abdomen.
Dr. Clarke reported that the sinking. faint feeling of Phos. is felt in the whole abdominal cavity. also in head, chest and stomach.
Master Kent in his Repertory classed emptiness in abdomen, Arg.N., Cocc., Phos, Podo., Puls, Sep., Stannum., Sulp.Ac., Tab. :–hungry feeling, goneness. faintness, weak-feeling, emptiness in stomach, Ant.C., Ign., Merc., Nux Vom, Phos. Podo Puls, Sep.. Sulph., V.A., Zinc.; (-at 11 A.M., Sulph Nat. C., Phos., Zinc.;-not relieved by eating, Cina, Ign., Lyco. Lach, Phos., V.A..).
Dr. Allen remarked, pain: acute, esp. in the chest, aggravation from pressure, even slight, and lying on left side; excited by slightest chill; open air intolerable.
Master Kent said, tearing, drawing, burning pains throughout the body. pt. wants to be rubbed, and better after sleep.
Heat running up the back-burning
Dr. John Henry Clarke said. feeling of intense heat running up the back is a leading characteristic, and he has clearly emphasized that no other remedy has exactly this symptom.
In this regard it is to note that Phos. is one of the trio of Nash’s burners (others. Ars. Alb. and Sulph. ).
So, burning, in spots, along the spine, between the scapulae, or of palms, in chest and lungs, of every organ or tissues of the body. generally in diseases of nervous system.
Dr. Clarke said, burning palms, can t bear to have the hands covered, flushes of heat begining in hands and spread to face.
Master Kent also reported of this burning: burning in the brain, in the skin. in various parts.
Dr. E. B. Nash said. there is no organ or tissue in which the burning may not be found, from the outer skin to the innermost surface of every tract or parenchyma.
Opposite of Chelidonium ie, craves coldest drink
Our Phosphorus craves coldest drink in Materia Medica (-hotest drink, almost boiling, Cheli.).
Dr. Clarke said, Phos has burning thirst for cold water, cold water relieves, but as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach it is vomited.
Dr. Clarke also emphasized that desire for cold foods and preference of cold meat is very characteristic of Phos, and the cold food like the cold drink, may be vomited soon as it becomes warm in the stomach.
Desires cold drinks. Acon., Ars., Bry., Chamo., China., Cina. Merc. Phos V.A.,-cold food, Phos., Puls., Ant. Tart.". Lyco., SIL Thuja., V.A.) (Ref. Kent’s Repertory).
Phosphorus is one of our restless remedies; restless, fidgety: moves continually, cannot sit or stand-still a moment.
Nash’s trio of restless medicines, Acon., Ars.Alb.. Rhus Tox.:-rheumatic pain drive him out of bed at night and compels him to walk about. Chamo., Rhus Tox.;- at night unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment Caust, Eup. RhusTox.:-fidgety while sitting at work Graph:-fidgety feeling in the feet or lower extremities, must move them continuously, Zincum.
Un-common peculiar indications
There are some uncommon peculiar indications, which characterizes the medicine, viz:
i) Nausea from placing hands in warm water; though a chilly pt.
ii) During pregnancy: unable to drink water; sight of it causes vomiting: must close her eyes while bathing.
Stoop-shouldered, slender person
Dr. Allen reported, young, tall, slender persons of sanguine. sensitive temperament, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop-(walk stooped, Sulph.).
Dr. Clarke said, slender, narrow-chested, slim and disposed to stoop, are our Phos.(4)
Sympathetic and wants sympathy.
Craves company and touch, and rubbing, and help. Great lowness of spirits.
Easily vexed. (2)
Excitement; with heat and thirst; with singing and laughter, afterwards sleep, next morning anxiety on waking; then delirium, then somnolency, then delirium again; alternating with sopor.
Exhilaration. Spasmodic laughter and weeping. Liveliness, (<) afternoon; L., with singing and humming to herself. Cried loudly in bursts.
Screams, with clinching of hands; S., with biting and tearing the pillow with the teeth.
Said that he could not recover and gave disjointed directions about his business. Nervous, as if going to die. Discouraged about his health. Disinclination to mental or physical exertion; to study; to converse. Increased activity. (7)
Anxiety when Alone
Anxious; fears being alone at twilight; of ghosts; about future; of thunderstorms, as if something creeping out of every corner.
Anxious, restlessness, patient cannot sit or stand still for a moment esp. in dark or twilight. (8)
Shamelessness, Amativeness
Amative; will uncover his body and expose his genitals. (8)
HYPO-sensitive, indifferent. (3)
cOmpany desires
Loves company. Open, trusting nature.
Sparkles with intelligence, creativity, enthusiasm.
Craves company and touch, and rubbing, and help. (2)
The main feeling of Phosphorus is of being unloved and uncared for, to which the patient reacts by being affectionate, friendly and sympathetic in the hope that this love and care will be reciprocated (Affectionate, returns affection).
He must be sensitive to the feelings of others to win their affection. (9)
Bubbly, extroverted (2)
Phosphorus people is that they are very sensitive to those around them.
They tend to attract attention towards themselves, either by their appearance (if you examine the typical Phosphorus constitution you find that he is lean, fair with long curved eyelashes and a graceful walk, a physically attractive person), manner of speaking, or the warmth they show.
It is difficult to ignore a Phosphorus person. Yet behind this sensitivity is lurking the feeling that they are not getting enough attention, care and love.
This creates an insecurity in Phosphorus which makes the person seek more company, more friends, etc.
He tries to get the love he misses. He can do this by caring a lot for others, being helpful to others and going out of his way for them.
Phosphorus can make friends very easily.(9)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Phosphorus
Common name :
- Phosphorus
Synonyms :
- Yellow phosphorus
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Mineral kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description :
- Phosphorus is a colourless or pale yellow semi-translucent or transparent substance with a waxy lustre.
- Phosphorus has a disagreeable odour and no taste.
- It is brittle and crystalline at low temperatures, but soft and mailable at ordinary temperature. When exposed to air, it emits white fumes which are luminous in the dark and have a garlicky odour.
- It is a colourless or pale yellow semi-translucent or transparent substance with a waxy lustre.
- It has a disagreeable odour and no taste. It is brittle and crystalline at low temperatures, but soft and mailable at ordinary temperature. When exposed to air, it emits white fumes which are luminous in the dark and have a garlicky odour.
- Phosphorus is insoluble in water but dissolves in absolute alcohol at 15° C. It should be kept carefully under water, in a secure and moderately cool place, protected from light or else there is danger of fire.
- At room temperature, it burns to form phosphorus pentoxide
- is insoluble in water but dissolves in absolute alcohol at 15° C. It should be kept carefully under water, in a secure and moderately cool place, protected from light or else there is danger of fire.
- At room temperature, it burns to form phosphorus pentoxide.
Formula / Symbols :
- P
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann
Introduction and history :
- Phosphorus is one of the best polychrest remedies of very definite characteristic symptoms.
- Phosphorus was first discovered by the Alchemist Brand.
- It is called Phosphorus ‘Phos’ means light, ‘phrer’ means to carry, for its ‘glows’ in the dark.
- In Allen’s Encyclopaedia, it has more than 3,900 recorded symptoms.
- It is a great local irritant. Under the allopathic system of therapeutics, it is administered on general surmise, for the betterment of the deranged conditions of the nervous and the bony structures.
Preparation :
- It is dissolved in alcohol, from which higher potencies are prepared.
Constitution of Phosphorus
Physical make up of Phosphorus:
- Phosphorus is best suited to tall, slender persons with narrow chest, who are good and beautiful to look at, having a fair, thin, transparent skin, delicate eyelashes, brownish-red hair.
- Indicated in young people who grow too rapidly and are inclined to stoop.
Temperament of Phosphorus:
- Sanguine, bilious, lymphatic and irritable temperament.
Diathesis of Phosphorus:
- Haemorrhagic and tubercular
Relation with heat & cold :
- Chilly patient but craves for cold, cold food, cold drinks and cold applications
Miasm :
- Psora, syphilis and sycosis (1)
Clinical conditions of Phosphorus
In Homeopathy PHOSPHORUS medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Anxiety, Cirrhosis, Coagulopathy, Congestive cardiac failure, Connective tissue disease, Detached retina, Diabetes, Emphysema, Epistaxis, Fibrocystic breast disease, Gastritis, Haemophilia, Hepatitis, Hypertension, Ichthyosis, Influenza, Malignancy, Multiple sclerosis, Peptic ulcer, Pharyngitis, Phobic disorders, Pneumonia, Psoriasis, Purpura, Retinal haemorrhage, Schizophrenia, Scoliosis, Tinnitus, Tuberculosis, Uterine fibroids, Uterine prolapse, valvular heart disorders, Vertigo. (02)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Brain, nerves, spine, circulation, blood, blood vessels, heart, lungs, sexual organs, stomach, bowels, bones, jaw, skin, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Strong emotions, mental exertion, gas vapours, strong odours, lightening, thunderstorm, wounds, fluids, sprains, sexual excesses, loss of vital fluids, tobacco, excessive use of table salt, having a haircut, by washing clothes, exposure to the drenching rain. (1)
Physiological action
- Phosphorus irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes, inflames spinal cord and nerves, causing paralysis, destroys bone, especially the lower jaw and tibia; disorganizes the blood, causing fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body and thus gives rise to hæmorrhages, and hæmatogenous jaundice. (3)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- Phophorus acts on the vegetative nervous system; manifests more specially as paralysis consequent upon the destruction of nerve fibres
- The most essential action of Phosphorus is upon blood. It diminishes the coagulation power of blood, thus predisposing to haemorrhage.
- It has a strong action over the nervous system. Acts upon the brain and spinal cord producing softening or atrophy, prostration, trembling, numbness and complete paralysis.
- Phophorus acts specifically upon the nerves of voluntary motion and on the muscles themselves. It impedes, diminishes and then completely destroys the power of movement or rather, it destroys the irritability of the motor nerves and the contractility of muscle fibres and then completely paralyses the power of movement.
- It acts on sexual organs causing at first general excitement and then depression.
- It has a very strong action over the bones and periosteum, particularly the jaw bones where it causes the process of necrosis to take place.
Other Changes
- It acts on the stomach, irritates it and causes loss of appetite, nausea, uneasiness along with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea.
- Therapeutically it produces increased activity in the development of bones. Cartilaginous epiphysis ossifies with undue speed and completeness; spongy bone tissues increase in thickness and grow compact and hard.
- Phophorus acts on various organs and tissues. There is fatty degeneration notably in the liver and heart.
- It causes nephritis, inflammation of kidneys, hepatitis and acute yellow atrophy of liver.
- It acts on all mucous membranes causing inflammation and degeneration, specially throughout the alimentary canal and respiratory tracts causing gastritis, enterocolitis and dysentery, all characterised by destructive processes and haemorrhages.
- Phophorus has a very strong action over the bones and periosteum, particularly the jaw bones where it causes the process of necrosis to take place[1]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Phosphorus
- Weary of life, full of gloomy forebodings.
- Sadness and anxiety, regularly recurring at twilight from nervous exhaustion.
- Mind is overactive, great flow of thoughts, difficult to arrange.
- The patient is very apathetic and indifferent to friends and surroundings.
- Thinks slowly, unwilling to talk, moves sluggishly.
- Shamelessness uncovers herself and wishes to go naked, as if impulsive.
- Mentally, the patient is quite and very intelligent, but physically weak.
- Fear of darkness, fear of death when alone, as if something was creeping out of every corner.
- Oversensitive to all external impressions – light, odour, noise, touch, etc.
- Great aversion to mental as well as physical work.
- Restless at twilight when alone, during thunderstorm. Filled with gloomy forebodings as if about to die.
- Mind is overactive, irritable, excitable, loquacious; does not like to be alone.
- The patient wants to be magnetised.
- Audacious alternation of laughing and weeping.
- Feeling of apprehension at the pit of the stomach; weak feeling in head.[1]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Phosphorus
1. Generalities
- Phosphorus causes inflammation and degeneration of the Mucous Membranes; of Stomach and Bowels; inflames the spinal cord and Nerves; causing paralysis; disorganises the blood; causing fatty degeneration of the Blood Vessels and every tissue and organ of the body; thus, it produces a picture of destructive metabolism.
- It is suited to those young people who, grow rapidly and inclined to stoop.
- Chorea of children who grow too fast.
- Tall, slender persons of sanguine temperament; nervous weak delicate persons who like to be magnetized.
- Insidious onset, gradually increasing debility, ending the severe or rapid disease.
- Haemorrhages; recurrent, vicarious; small wounds bleed much.
- Blood-streaked discharges. – Purpura haemorrhagica.
- Recurrent effects colds, croups etc.
- Great susceptibility to external impressions, light, sound, odour, touch; electrical changes, etc.
- Suddenness of symptoms; sudden; prostration, faints; weak spells, sweats, shooting pains.
2. Head of Phosphorus
- Vertigo; accompanies many symptoms; of aged; floating; on waking; whirling; amel. stool.
- Head; heavy; aches; over one eye; with hunger; agg. children; agg. lying on right side; amel. cold washing of face.
- Brain-fag; with coldness of occiput.
- Burning temples.
- Vertex; throbs, hot, after grief.
- Softening of a brain, with formication, numbness of limbs, feet drag.
- Congestion to head.
- Dandruff; copious.
- Itching of scalp.
- Falling of hair in large bunches; in spots.
- Occiput; cold; shocks in; epilepsy.
- Feels as if pulled by hair.
3. Eye of Phosphorus
- Lachrymation; in wind.
- Vision; flashes; haloes; red; green; black; amel. shading by hands.
- Narrow field of vision.
- Balls feel large; stiff.
- Coloured vision then migraine.
- Degenerative changes in retinal cells.
- Partial loss of vision from abuse of tobacco, sexual excess, lightning.
- Eyes hollow, with blue rings around them.
- Vitreous opacities.
- Letters appear red when reading.
- Sensation as if everything were covered with mist; dust or veil or something pulled over tightly over eyes.
- Eyes turned outwards.
4. Ears of Phosphorus
- Difficult hearing; of human voice.
- Echoes and reverberations of sounds; esp. music.
- Polypi in the ear.
- Otitis; media.
- Mastoiditis.
- Dullness of hearing after typhoid.
- As if foreign bodies were lodged.
- Something seems constantly in front of ears.
5. Nose of Phosphorus
- Nervous fan like motions of alae nasi.
- Coryza; alternately fluent and dry; on alternate sides.
- Epistaxis; instead of menses; of youths, then pneumonia; with cough, during stool.
- Nose swollen.
- Ulcers in the nose.
- Nasal polypus, bleeding easily.
- Chronic catarrh, blows blood from the nose.
- Sneezing; agg. odours, smokes etc.; with dyspnoea, causes pain in the throat.
- Descending nose colds.
- Oversensitive to smell.
- Sneezing and coryza on putting hands in water.
- Swollen, red, shiny.
- Bad smell.
6. Face of Phosphorus
- Pale about nose and mouth; sickly; changing, colour.
- Narcosis of the lower jaw.
- Burning heat and redness of cheek.
- Lips; blue, dry cracked, sooty, scabby.
- Skin as if too tight.
7. Mouth
- Teeth numb.
- Toothache from washing clothes; from having hands in cold or warm water.
- Gums; bleeding; sore behind central incisors.
- Tongue dry, smooth, red.
- Persistent bleeding from tooth extraction.; itching of palate.
- Abscess of hard palate.
- Taste sour; after milk; bitter; sweetish, when coughing.
- Mouth drawn to the left.
- Speech difficult, stutters.
- Salivation; saltish or sweetish.
- Nursing sore mouth with sore breast.
8. Throat
- Dry; glistening.
- As of a cotton or something hanging in.
- Burning in oesophagus.
- Stricture of oesophagus.
- Tonsils and uvula elongated.
9. Stomach
- Craves Cold Drinks; Which amel. but are Vomited in a Little While, when it becomes warms in the stomach.
- Post-operative vomiting, after chloroform.
- Regurgitates ingesta, by mouthfuls.
- Pain in stomach amel. cold drinks.
- Hunger; ravenous; nightly; before the attack of sickness.
- Waterbrash.
- Food scarcely swallowed comes up again; spasms of oesophagus at the cardiac end.
- Vomiting; of bile, blood, coffee grounds.
- Ulcer of stomach.
- Burning in stomach agg. eating.
- Craves; salt, acid and spicy things; what is refused when offered.
- Empty hollow feeling in stomach; as if hanging down agg. emotions.
- Tremors; fluttering or something rolling over in stomach.
- Unable to drink water; during pregnancy, the sigh of water makes her vomit, has to close her eyes when taking bath.
- Nausea on putting hands in warm water.
- Stomach cold as if frozen.
10. Abdomen
- Pressure above epigastrium.
- Sore spot in pit of stomach.
- Rubs abdomen for relief.
- Stools; like cooked sago; granular; slender, tough.
- Very foetid stools and flatus.
- Painless; copious; grey bluish; watery; pouring out; nervous; involuntary, after fright; exhausting diarrhoea.
- Alternate diarrhoea and constipation in old people.
- Dysentery.
- Anus open; prolapsed.
- Stricture of rectum; stools flattened.
- Burning in rectum.
- Jaundice; with pneumonia or brain disease; during pregnancy; from nervous excitement; malignant; haematogenous.
- Acute yellow atrophy of liver.
- Acute hepatitis.
- Large yellow spots on abdomen.
- Tearing in anus amel. warm cloth.
- Discharge of blood from rectum, during stool.
- Flatulent colic agg. hot drinks.
- Urging for stool, on lying on left side.
11. Rectum & Anus
- Anus open; prolapsed.
- Stricture of rectum; stools flattened.
- Burning in rectum.
- Discharge of blood from rectum, during stool.
- Urging for stool, on lying on left side.
12. Stool
- Stools; like cooked sago; granular; slender, tough.
- Very foetid stools and flatus.
- Painless; copious; grey bluish; watery; pouring out; nervous; involuntary, after fright; exhausting diarrhoea.
- Alternate diarrhoea and constipation in old people.
- Dysentery.
13. Urinary Organ
- Profuse pale, watery urination; then weakness.
- Pellicle on urine.
- Haematuria; in acute nephritis; with jaundice.
- Albuminuria; periodical.
- Bladder is full without urging.
14. Sexual Organ
- Irresistible desire; but impotent. – Lascivious; strips himself; sexual mania. – Erections feeble or none at all. – Constant discharge of thin, slimy, colourless fluid from urethra.
- Menses; too early, scanty, not profuse but prolonged
- Leucorrhoea; profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses.
- Nymphomania.
- Sterility; from excessive voluptuousness; or with profuse, or too late menses.
- Frequent and profuse; or short uterine bleeding in between the periods; in nursing women.
- Amenorrhoea; with blood spitting; bleeding from the anus or haematuria or with milk in breast.
- Suppuration in mammae; with fistulous ulcers.
- Left infra-mammary pains.
- Vagina numb during coition in spite of sexual excitement.
- Violent sexual desire during pregnancy and lactation.
- Nipple hot and sore.
15. Respiratory System
- Oppressive breathing; agg. least motion.
- Tight suffocative breathing; agg. cough.
- Larynx; raw, sore, furry; painful on speaking.
- Voice; low; hoarse agg. morning and evening; croupy, then bronchitis.
- Cough; hard, wheezing; dry, violent, painful, tickling, hacking, exhausting; with retching; causes pain in abdomen; burning in air passages and trembling, agg. reading aloud; change of weather; before strangers, laughing, exertion, singing.
- Sputum; easy, frothy, rusty bluish, salty, sour, sweetish, or cold.
- Pneumonia; of left lower lung; secondary, with sopor.
- Chest; full; heavy; pains into throat or right arm; or alternating sides; stitches in left upper chest; rattling agg. cold drinks.
- Dry hot feeling in chest; with cough; at first dry then loose.
- Asthma after cough.
- Repeated haemoptysis.
- Tuberculosis, in tall; slender, rapidly growing persons.
16. Heart & Pulse
- Violent palpitation with anxiety; from least thing; during goitre.
- Pains into right arm.
- Dilatation of heart from fatty degeneration or endo-carditis.
- Heart weak.
- Pulse rapid, small, soft.
- Feeling of warmth in heart.
- Yellow spots on chest.
17. Neck & Back
- Back pains as if broken, impeding all motion.
- Cramp; burning; between scapulae.
- Spinal irritation agg. heat.
- Pain forward from left scapula.
- Burning spot in lumbar region amel. rubbing.
- Pain in sacrum after confinement.
- Stitching pain from coccyx up the spine to occiput agg. during stool.
18. Extremities
- Ascending sensory and motor paralysis from ends of fingers and toes
- Can scarcely hold anything with his hands.
- Tearing left shoulder at night.
- Numb; arms; hands; fingers and toes.
- Palms burn.
- Hands and arms cold during diarrhoea.
- Paralyzing stitches in hips; then up back.
- Pains in tibias; periostitis.
- Ankles; as if to break; easy dislocation.
- Tottery; stumbles easily.
- Suppressed foot sweat.
- Icy cold feet. – Toes cramp.
- Joints suddenly give way.
- Periodical contraction of fingers like cramp.
- Weakness and trembling of limbs on every exertion.
- Post-diphtheritic paralysis, with formication of hands and feet.
- Knees cold; in bed.
- Legs heavy, feet as if glued to the floor.
- Walks with legs apart (waddling); stands with legs widely separated.
19. Skin
- Small wounds bleed much; they heal and break out again and bleed.
- Brownish or blood red spots here and there.
- Ecchymosis.
- Purpura haemorrhagica.
- Fungus haematodes.
- Skin burns on shaving.
- Fatty cysts.
- Thin foul, bloody pus.
- Ulcers bleed during menses.
20. Sleep
- Drowsiness; coma vigil.
- Sleepy by day; sleepless before midnight.
- Sleepless; can’t close the eyes; from internal heat.
- Short naps and frequent waking.
- Somnambulism.
- Dreams of fire; lewd; of haemorrhage.
- Feels in the morning as if he had not slept enough.
21. Fever
- Chilly in warm room, down back.
- Craves ices during the chill.
- Burning heat; local, up back.
- Hectic.
- Sweat; early morning; stickly; without relief.
- Painless fevers(2)(3)
Keynotes / Redline of Phosphorus
- Burning in spots, especially along the spine.
- Empty, all gone sensation in chest, stomach, etc.
- Sensation as if anus remained wide open.
- Vomiting, water is thrown out as soon as it gets warm in stomach.
- Nausea from placing hands in warm water.
- Nervous, desires to be magnetized. (2)
- Inflammation and degeneration of the mucous membranes of stomach and bowels. Inflammation of the spinal cord and nerves, leading to paralysis.
- Disorganization the blood, fatty degeneration of blood vessels and every tissue and organ of the body. Thus a picture of destructive metabolism.
- It is suited to those young people who, grow rapidly and are inclined to stoop.
- Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with fine features and long fingers, of sanguine temperament. Nervous, weak, delicate persons who like to magnetized, weakened by loss of animal fluids.
- Haemorrhages-recurrent, vicarious, small wounds bleed much, blood streaked discharges, profuse, watery bright red blood, which is non coagulable.
- Insidious onset, gradually increasing debility, ending in severe or rapid disease.
- Longs for cold food and drink: juicy refreshing things; ice-cream gastric
- Nausea from placing hands in warm water; sneezing and coryza from putting hands in cold water. (Lac.D.).
- Perspiration has the odor of Sulphur.
- Vomiting as soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach.
- a) Dog like stool in constipation. b) Sago like particles in diarrhoea, with sensation, as if anus remained wide
- Pain lying on left side.
- During pregnancy: unable to drink water; sight of it causes vomiting: must close her eyes while bathing (Lys.).
- Young people who grow too rapidly are inclined to stoop. (-walk stoop, Sulph.) (6)
Confirmatory Symptoms of Phosphorus
- Burning all over and in spots.
- Empty all gone sensation.
- Haemorrhagic tendency. Profuse bright red, non-coagulable blood.
- Restlessness. Weakness and prostration with nervous trembling.
- Craves ice-cold drinks. Vomits out water as soon as it turns warm in the stomach.(2)
Nucleus symptoms of Phosphorus
- For tall slender persons, with sanguine temperament.
- Sensitive nature, quick perception.
- Tubercular diathesis.
- Anxious; universal restlessness.
- < dark, < when left alone, < before a thunderstorm.
- Haemorrhagic tendency where blood is bright red, profuse, non-coagulable.
- Burning all over and in spots.
- Empty all gone sensation.
- Restlessness from nervous trembling.
- Tightness.[2]
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value Phosphorus
- Anaemia
- Asthma
- Bone diseases
- Brain affections
- Cancer
- Catarrh
- Constipation
- Cough
- Diarrhoea
- Dropsy
- Ecchymosis
- Enteric fever
- Epilepsy
- Epistaxis
- Eye affections
- Flatulence
- Gastritis
- Haemorrhage
- Headache
- Heart affections
- Jaundice
- Liver affections
- Locomotor ataxia
- Marasmus
- Menstrual disorders
- Neuralgia
- Numbness
- Paralysis
- Rheumatism
- Throat and lung affections
- Tuberculosis
- Ulcers
- Vomiting, etc.[1]
Modality of Phosphorus
- Morning,
- evening,
- before midnight,
- before falling asleep,
- on waking,
- before breakfast,
- lying on the left or painful side,
- during a thunderstorm,
- from weather changes,
- either hot or cold.
- In the dark,
- lying on the right side,
- from being rubbed or mesmerised,
- from cold food, cold water.[1]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Realationship of Phosphorus
- All-c, Ars, Carb-v, Ip.
Follows Well
- Ars, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Chin, Kali-c, Lyc, Nux-v, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph.
- Caust
Antidoted By
- Coff, Kali-perm, Ter.
It Antidotes
- Camph, Iod, Nat-m, Petr, Rhus-v, Ter
- Agar, Aloe, Alum, Ambr, Am-c, Anac, Ant-t, Apis, Ars, Bac, Bapt, Berb, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Cann–i, Canth, Caps, Carb-v, Caust, Cham, Chin, Chin-s, Coll, Coloc, Con, Conch, Cur, Ferr, Graph, Hyos, Ign, Ind, Iod, Ip, Kreos, Lac-d, Lach, Lens-c, Luna, Lyc, Merc, Merc-c, Morph, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Orig, Petr, Ph-ac, Phel, Pic-ac, Plat, Psor, Puls, Rhod, Senec, Sep, Sil, Stann, Stict, Stram, Sulph, Teucr, Thuj, Tub, Valer, Zinc.[1]
Potency of Phosphorus
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
Repetition of Phosphorus
- Third to thirtieth potency. Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses. Especially in tuberculous cases. It may act as Euthanasia here.
Duration of action
- 40 Days (3)
- Phosphorus: The most commonly used term for the homeopathic remedy derived from the element phosphorus.
- Phos: An abbreviation sometimes used by homeopathic retailers for the remedy Phosphorus.
- Homeopathy: An alternative medicinal system that uses highly diluted substances to treat various conditions.
- Homeopathic Doctor: A qualified practitioner of homeopathy.
Guiding Symptoms & Memory Tips
- Perspiration: The perspiration of a Phosphorus patient may have a peculiar sulfurous odor.
- Haemorrhage: Phosphorus is associated with a tendency towards bleeding, even from minor wounds. Blood may not clot easily.
- Oversensitiveness: Patients may be overly sensitive to external stimuli like light, noise, touch, and smells.
- Sinking sensation: A feeling of weakness, emptiness, or faintness in the head, chest, stomach, or abdomen.
- Pain: Pains may be acute, particularly in the chest, and worsen with pressure or lying on the left side.
- Heat/Burning: A sensation of intense heat, often running up the back. Burning sensations may be felt in various parts of the body.
- Opposite of Chelidonium: While Chelidonium desires hot drinks, Phosphorus craves cold drinks.
- Restless: Patients may be fidgety and unable to stay still.
- Un-common peculiar indications: Unique symptoms like nausea from putting hands in warm water, or aversion to water during pregnancy.
- Stoop-shouldered, slender person: The typical Phosphorus constitution is tall, slender, and may have a tendency to stoop.
Mental Symptoms & Memory Tips
- Sympathetic: Patients are often compassionate and desire sympathy and company.
- Excitement: May experience periods of excitement, alternating with anxiety or sleepiness.
- Anxiety when Alone: Fears being alone, especially at twilight.
- Shamelessness, Amativeness: May exhibit increased sexual desire or inappropriate behavior.
- Hypo-sensitive: Can also be indifferent or apathetic at times.
- Company desires: Craves company and touch.
- Reciprocated: Desires love and care to be reciprocated.
- Extrovert: Tends to be outgoing and bubbly.
Other Important Terms
- Constitution: The physical and mental characteristics of an individual that help determine the most suitable homeopathic remedy.
- Clinical: The specific diseases or conditions for which a remedy may be used.
- Guiding Symptoms: The key symptoms that indicate a particular remedy.
- Characteristic: Unique or distinctive symptoms associated with a remedy.
- Therapeutic Value: The range of conditions a remedy can potentially treat.
- Modality: Factors that make symptoms better or worse.
- Remedy Relationship: How different remedies relate to each other (e.g., complementary, inimical).
- Dose: The potency and frequency of administration of a remedy.
Reference of Phosphorus
- J.D. Patil MM 2013, Section- II, Chap >Phosphorus.
- Zomeo lane Chap > Phosphorus
- Boricke MM Chap > Phosphorus
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- I, Chap- 2,> Phosphrus
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- II, Section-1,> Phosphorus
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- I, Chap- 3,> Phosphrus
- Handbook of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic therapeutics by Allen T.F.>Phosphorus
- Concise Materia medica of Homeopathic Remedies by S. R. Pathak> Phosphorus
- The Soul Of Remedies by Dr Rajan Shankaran> phosphrus
- Elements of Homoeopathy by Jan Scholten
Also Search As
Phosphorus Also Search As
Online Search Engines
Use specific search terms:
- "homeopathic Phosphorus"
- "Phosphorus materia medica"
- "Phosphorus remedy"
- "Phosphorus case studies"
- Combine with specific conditions: "Phosphorus pneumonia", "Phosphorus anxiety"
Utilize advanced search features:
- Use quotation marks for exact phrases.
- Use the minus sign to exclude irrelevant terms.
- Search within specific websites (e.g., "Phosphorus site:homeopathyjournal.com")
Homeopathic Websites and Databases
Reputable homeopathic websites:
- National Center for Homeopathy (NCH)
- Homeopathy Plus
- ABC Homeopathy
- Hpathy.com
Homeopathic materia medica databases:
- Synthesis Repertory
- RADAR software
Libraries and Books
- Visit your local library or a specialized homeopathic library.
- Consult classic homeopathic materia medica books like:
- Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann
- Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by J.T. Kent
- The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by T.F. Allen
Homeopathic Practitioners
- Ask your homeopathic doctor or practitioner for recommendations on reliable sources of information.
Additional Tips
- Be mindful of the source’s credibility and expertise.
- Look for peer-reviewed articles or studies whenever possible.
- Cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Describe Phosphorus cough.
Cough of Phosphorus
a) Causation
- i) From cold air.
- ii) From thunderstorm.
- iii) Going from warm to cold air.
- iv) Cough from tickling in throat (Ref.Boericke).
b) Location – Cough with irritation and pain in the left side of the chest.
c) Character of cough.
- i) Hard, dry, hollow, tight cough.
- ii) Racking cough.
- iii) Loose cough with muco-purulent expectoration
- iv) Nervous cough provoked by strong odours, from entrance of a stranger (Ref. Boericke).
d) Character of sputa – Rusty, bloody or purulent.
e) Sensation
- i) As if some weight is lying on the chest.
- ii) Cannot talk, the larynx is so painful; is dry,raw, rough, sore,
- iii) Sweetish taste while coughing.
- iv) Tightness across the chest, with great weight
f) Character of pain – Sharp, stitching, burning pain in the chest.
g) Respiration – Quickened and oppressed.
h) Modalities
- i) From lying on left side.
- ii) Coming from warm to cold air.
- iii) From laughing, talking, reading, drinking etc.
- i) From lying on right side.
- ii) After sleep.
- iii) From cold drinks.
Note:-Cold air relieves the head and face symptoms, but aggravates those of chest, throat and neck.
- i) Weak, empty sensation in chest and abdomen.
- ii) Thirst for cold water.
- iii) Burning between the shoulders with burning pain, heat and oppression in the chest.
- iv) Hoarseness: worse in the evening.
- v) Clergyman’s sore-throat, violent tickling in larynx, while speaking.
State the Phosphorus diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea of Phosphorus
a) Introduction –
Master Hahnemann says, ‘Acts most beneficially when patient suffers from chronic loose stool or diarrhoea.
b) Causation
- i) After taking cold.
- ii) As soon as anything enters into the rectum.
c) Time –
Morning diarrhoea, especially of old people.
d) Character of stool
- i) Profuse, watery, green-mucus.
- ii) Stool pouring away as from a hydrant.
- iii) Sago like or granules like particles in stool.
- iv) Stool involuntary as if anus remained wide open.
- v) Painless. copious. very foetid stool with flatus.
- vi) Long narrow, hard, like a dog’s stool.
e) Modalities
- i) In the morning.
- ii) From warm food.
- iii) After 2 to 3 hours of eating, when stool enters the rectum.
- iv) Desire for stool on lying on left side. (Ref. Boericke)
f) Concomitants
- i) A weak, empty, all gone sensation, in stomach, abdomen or in chest,
- ii) Burning sensation in anus, and in between the scapulae.
- iii) Thirst for cold water, which is followed by vomiting, when water becomes warm in the stomach.
- iv) Diarrhoea with gradual loss of strength debilitating diarrhoea (Ref. Boericke).
- v) Discharge of blood from anus with stool
- vi) Bleeding haemorrhoids (Ref. Boericke).
State the vomiting of Phosphorus.
- i) During pregnancy.
- ii) Irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, as soon as cold water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up.
- iii) From placing hand in warm water.
- iv) From bad-effects of eating too much salt (Ref. Boericke).
b) Character of the Vomiting
- i) Vomiting in relation with water
- ii) As soon as cold water becomes warm in stomach, vomiting occurs.
2) Regurgitation.
- i) Regurgitation of ingesta, in mouthful.
- ii) Belching of large quantities of wind,after eating, with vomiting.
3) Nausea – Nausea from placing the hands in warm water.
4) During pregnancy
- i) Unable to drink water.
- ii) Sight of water causes vomiting.
- iii) Must close her eyes while bathing.
5) Sometimes there may be vomiting of bright red blood.
6) Dr. Boericke refers, post-operative vomiting.
c) Modalities
- i) In the evening and mid-night.
- ii) Lying on left side,
Amel: From lying on right side.
State the Pneumonia of Phosphorus.
Pneumonia of Phosphorus
a) Pneumonia
1) Stage of indication – Hepatisation stage.
2) Site – Upper lobe of the left lung.
3) Sensation – Heaviness of chest, as if a weight was lying on it.
4) Character of cough
5) Character of sputa
- i) Rusty bloody and purulent.
- ii) Boericke refers, sweetish taste while coughing.
6) Character of pain
- i) While coughing: stitching pain in the chest.
- ii) Pain: acute, especially in the chest. aggravation from pressure, even slight; in Intercostal spaces, and on lying on left side, excited by slightest chill; open air is intolerable.
7) Modalities
- i) By lying on left side, or painful side.
- ii) When going from warm to cold.
- iii) Cough Agg. from talking, laughing, reading, drinking, eating
- iv) Towards evening.
- i) By lying on right side.
- ii) From sleep.
8) Concomitant
- i) Desire for cold, refreshing drinks.
- ii) A weak, empty, all gone sensation, in head, chest, stomach, entire abdomen etc.
State the female symptoms of Phosphorus.
Female symptoms of Phosphorus
A) Adaptability
- Delicate, tall, slender, fine blond of sensitive nature
- Very tall for her age, are inclined
- Metrorrhagia with cancer uteri.
- Menses: too early and scanty but lasts too long.
- Weeps before menses.
- Amenorrhoea with vicarious menstruation, in debiliated constitution
- Instead of menses (Ref. Boericke)
- Great debility, weakness seems to proceed from abdomen, pelvis.
- Profuse, smarting, corroding.
C) Pregnancy
- During pregnancy, unable to drink water.
- Sight of it causes vomiting.
- Must close her eyes, while bathing.
State the characteristic symptoms of Phosphorus.
i) Constitution
- Tall, slender persons with fair skin, delicate eyelashes. fine blond; who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop.
ii) Burning
- a) Burning all over the body, but especially in spots; along the spine, between the scapulae: Amel, by cold.
- b) Burning generally in diseases of nervous system.
- c) One of Nash’s trio of burners.
iii) Empty feeling sensation
- A weak, empty, all gone sensation in head, chest. stomach or throughout the entire abdomen.
iv) Oversensitiveness
- Oversensitiveness of all the senses: to external impressions, light, noise, odour, touch
v) Craving
- a) Craving for coldest drinks of Materia Medica. Ice-cream Amel. gastric complaints and pain.
- b) Longs for cold food and drinks, juicy, refreshing
- c) Craving for salt,
vi) Mentality
- a) Apathetic, unwilling to talk,
- b) Weary of life, full of gloomy foreboding.
- Haemorrhage both active and passive.
- Small wound bleeds profusely.
- Intermittent flow, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time.
- Haemorrhagic diathesis.
viii) Perspiration
- Perspiration has the odour of sulphur.
ix) Fidgety
- Constant fidgety all over the body.
- Restless, moves continually; cannot sit or standstill a moment.
x) Modalities
- i) From lying on left side: all the complaints are aggravated by Iving on left side viz; restlessness. pain etc.
- ii)From lying on painful side.
- iii) Because of a thunder storm.
- i)Symptoms ameliorated from sleep.
- ii) From lying on right side.
- iii) From being rubbed.(5)
Mention four medicines where persons predispose to lung and hepatic affections.
- Calcarea
- Lycopodium.
- Phosphorus.
- Sulphur.
Great weakness and prostration-mention five medicines with their indications.
- Calcarea Carb- Easily tired when walking.
- Carbo Veg.- Haemorrhage, in systems broken down, deblliated, Vital force exhausted.
- Cinchona- For systems once robust, which have become debiliated, ‘broken-down’ from exhausting discharges.
- Gelsemium- Weakness and trembling of entire body. General depression from heat of sun or summer.
- Phosphorus- Great weakness and prostration, with nervous debility and trembling of whole body. Weakness and weariness from loss of vital fluids
- Sulphur- Too lazy to rouse himself.
Mention three medicines for aggravation of complaints during thunderstorm.
- Phosphorus.
- Petroleum.
- Psorinum.