

Aphorism 286

Aphorism 286 § 286 Aphorism 286 : Fifth Edition For the same reason the effect of a homoeopathic dose of medicine increases, the greater the quantity of fluid in which it is dissolved when administered to the patient, although the actual amount of medicine it contains remains the same. For in this case, when the…

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Aphorism 285

Aphorism 285 § 285 Aphorism 285 : Fifth Edition The diminution of the dose essential for homoeopathic use, will also be promoted by diminishing its volume, so that, if, instead of a drop of a medicinal dilution, we take but quite a small part1 of such a drop for a dose, the object of diminishing the…

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Aphorism 284

Aphorism 284 § 284 Aphorism 284 : Fifth Edition The action of a dose, moreover, dose not diminish in the direct ratio of the quantity of material medicine contained in the dilutions used in homoeopathic practice. Eight drops of the tincture of a medicine to the dose do not produce four times as much effect…

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Aphorism 283

Aphorism 283 § 283 Aphorism 283 : Fifth Edition Now, in order to act really in conformity with nature, the true physician will prescribe his well-selected homoeopathic medicine only in exactly as small a dose as will just suffice to over power and annihilate the disease before him – in a dose of such minuteness,…

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Aphorism 282

Aphorism 282 § 282 Aphorism 282 : Fifth Edition The smallest possible dose of homoeopathic medicine capable of producing only the very slightest homoeopathic aggravation, will, because it has the power of exciting symptoms bearing the greatest possible resemblance to the original disease (but yet stronger even in the minute dose), attack principally and almost…

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Aphorism 281

Aphorism 281 § 281 Aphorism 281 : Fifth Edition Every patient is, especially in his diseased point, capable of being influenced in an incredible degree by medicinal agents corresponding by similarity of action; and there is no person, be he ever so robust, and even though he be affected only with a chronic or so-called…

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Aphorism 280

Aphorism 280 § 280 Aphorism 280 : Fifth Edition This incontrovertible axiom of experience is the standard of measurement by which the doses of all homoeopathic medicines, without exception, are to be reduced to such an extent that after their ingestion, they shall excite a scarcely observable homoeopathic aggravation, let the diminution of the dose…

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Aphorism 279

Aphorism 279 § 279 Aphorism 279 Fifth Edition This pure experience shows UNIVERSALLY, that if the disease do not manifestly depend on a considerable deterioration of an important viscus (even though it belong to the chronic and complicated diseases), and if during the treatment all other alien medicinal influences are kept away from the patients,…

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Aphorism 278

Aphorism 278 § 278 Aphorism 278 Fifth Edition Here the question arises, what is this most suitable degree of minuteness for sure and gentle remedial effect; how small, in other words, must be the dose of each individual medicine, homoeopathically selected for a case of disease, to effect the best cure? To solve this problem,…

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Aphorism 277

Aphorism 277 § 277 Aphorism 277 : For the same reason, and because a medicine, provided the dose of it was sufficiently small, is all the more salutary and almost marvellously efficacious the more accurately homoeopathic its selection has been, a medicine whose selection has been accurately homoeopathic must be all the more salutary the…

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