Hypophysis: Essential element of hormonal system. Controls the internal secretion, the contents of lactic acid in the blood, the mineralization and the fluidic content of the body.
Pancreas: Lowers blood sugar level, Stimulates production of digestive secretions.
Testes: Senility, declining potency, faulty memory, depression, functional disturbances of the glands, inferiority complex, nocturnal enuresis, Frigidity of women, oligo- and azzoospermia, faulty circulation, congestion.
Glandulae thymi: Exhaustion, mongolism.
Thyroidinum: Regulation of the thyroid gland, interrupted development of thyroidinum Myxoedema, hypothermy, retarded intellectual development, helps drain the organism.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Endocrine dysfunction?
R19 Euglandin-M Glandular Drops
What are the uses of R19 Euglandin-M Glandular Drops?
What is the Dose of R19 Euglandin-M Glandular Drops?
Generally 3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water.
How can I find Homeopathic Medicines or homeopathic treatments in my area?
Finding specific homeopathic remedies like homeopathic R19 Euglandin-M Glandular Drops in Rajkot, Gujarat, India (your target city or area or near me)? This guide empowers you with various avenues to explore: However, this guide offers several professional avenues to explore in Rajkot, Gujarat, India (your target city or area or near me).
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