Calcarea Carb

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Calcarea Carb Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot

The Calcarea Carb:

Memory Tips for Guiding Symptoms

Hi Friends Let’s memorize guiding symptoms of Calcarea carb through name of Medicine ‘CALCAREACARB’.


  • Calcarea Carb. is a chilly pt. is sensitive to cold, damp air; great liability to take cold. Master Kent graded Calc. Carb. in second grade in the sub-rubric, tendency to take cold (Acon1., Baryta1., Bry1. Chamo.1, Dulc1., Hep.1, Lyco.1, Merc1., Nat. Mur1., Nit. Ac1. Psor1., Rumex1., Sil.’, Sep.,11, Bell2., Calc. Carb2. Graph2., Kali Bi2, Phos2, Puls2, Rhus Tox2, Sulph.2)
  • Master Kent in his Materia Medica said, sensitive to the coming of a storm, sensitive to coming of cold weather and when weather changes from warm to cold, seems impossible for him to keep warm.


  • It is one of our immortal Master Hahnemann’s trios of anti psoric. Trios are Sulphur., Calc.Carb. and Lycopodium.

Leuco phlegmatic:

  • Stedman’s Medical dictionary elaborated the term or etymology as a temperament or constitution marked by pallor of skin, slow and shallow respiration, sluggish circulation, hyperplasia of the lymphatic glands it is much the same as the scrofulous diathesis
  • Calcarea Carb. is of leucophlegmatic constitution with disposition to grow fat, tendency to obesity in youth (Am. Carb., Graph.), easily tired; psoric constitution.


  • Calcarea Carb. has coldness in general and in single parts (Kali. Bi.) Master Kent in his Repertory said, coldness in inner parts (Calc.2, Lauro.2).

Affection of glands:

  • Master Kent said, another marked feature running through the remedy is its tendency to attack glands, the glands of the neck, all the glands of the body especially the lymphatic glands. This is a condition characterized by pre-tubercular and cancerous manifestations.

Ravenous hunger:

  • Clarke said our Calcarea Carb. pt. has ravenous hunger. Hunger and feeling of emptiness immediately after a meal, and in the early morning.
  • Clarke elucidated the idea-as if the pt. does not have the breakfast at proper, time headache comes on.
  • Master Kent graded Calc. Carb. in second grade in the rubric, ravenous appetite soon after eating (Cina.1, lod.1, Lyc.1, Phos1., Calc2., Psor.2, Sulph2)
  • Emaciation and marasmus with ravenous appetite (Calc1., lod1., Nat. Mur1., Abrot2., Sulph2.). But it is to note that, Kent classed Cafe. Carb, in first grade Under the sub-rubric ravenous, canine, excessive, increased appetite (Am.C1. Arg. M1., Ars1., Calc1., Calc. Ph.1, China. ¹, Cina1., Graph1., lod1., Nat. M1., Nux Vom1., Phos1., Puls1., Sulph1., Sil1., V.A.1). This appetite is also characterized by craving for indigestible things, chalk, coal, etc. (Alumina., Cina., Cicuta., Nit. Ac., Psor.).

Excessive sour discharges:

  • Calcarea’s discharges are characterized by excessive sourness, sour vomiting, sour stool, sour diarrhoea-even the whole-body smells sour (Hep., Mag Carb., Rheum.).
  • Clarke said, even the taste of Calc. is sour

Assimilation altered:

  • Diseases arising from altered or defective assimilation (Baryta., Sil.). Dr. Clarke explained it-improper nutrition and imperfect digestion resulting imperfect ossification, difficulty in learning to walk or delayed milestones. (Late learning to walk due to mental dwarfism, Baryta Carb.: due to weak ankles, Sil-due to nervous weakness, Caust.).


  • Master Kent said, Calcarea is full of congestions, determination of blood to the head with hot head, congestion of the chest, of various parts.

Aversion to meat:

  • Our Calcarea has aversion to meat (Calc.1, China1 Graph1., Mur. Ac1., Nux Vom1., Petrol1. Puls1., Sep1., Sil1., Sulph1., Alumina2., Arn2., Ars2, Bry2., Kali Bi2. Lyco.2, Nat. Mur2., Phos.2, Rhus Tox2. Tuber2.). Master Kent classed aversion to coffee (Calc1., Nux Vom.1).


  • Our sagacious Master Kent said, Calc. has great relaxation of the tissues everywhere, relaxation of muscles, relaxation of veins, relaxation of the walls of blood-vessels to a great extent.

Better when constipated:

  • A peculiar uncommon characteristic of Calc.Carb. -‘feels better everywhere when constipated.’ This is a general symptom, as feeling betterness as a whole is a generality. [4]

Memory Tips for Mental Symptoms

Hi Friends Let’s memorize mental symptoms of Calcarea Carb. through name of Medicine ‘CALCAREA.

Child is peevish:

  • Peevish, always obstinate and self-willed, aversion and repugnance to work with great irritability. 
  • Weeping disposition even about trifles, variation and lamentation on account of old offences, disposition to take everything in bad part.[2] 

Anxiety about health :

  • Fears she has a fatal disease, especially heart disease, fear of being unfortunate. 
  • Great anxiety and palpitation of heart.[2] 


Learning slowly : 

  • Late in teething and walking.[2] 


Conscientious, over responsible :

  • Hard working, overworking, capable, conscientious, over-responsible, take on too much. < Getting overworked. 
  • Life is completing your task-list. Cannot relax.  
  • Works to exhaustion, then must give up his job all together.  
  • Practical, down to earth.[2] 


Anxiety about future :

  • Anxiety about health, future. Worry about small things. [2] 

Restlessness :

  • Restlessness (nervous and in typhoid fever).[2] 

Easily frightened :

  • Fears: high places, mice, insects, rats, spiders, dogs, dark, infection, cancer, poverty, claustrophobia, earthquakes, storms, accidents, losing control, insanity, others will observe their inner state, a fear of the unknown. Many small fears.  
  • Fears she has a fatal disease, especially heart disease, fear of being unfortunate. 
  • Horrible things, sad stories affect them profoundly.[2] 


Aversion to work :

  • Always obstinate and self-willed, aversion and repugnance to work with great irritability.[2] 

Calcarea Carb Introduction

Hi Friends, Now we describing Drug picture of Calcarea Carb

Common name :

  • Carbonate of lime

Synonyms :

  • Calcium carbonate, Calcarea ostrearum

Family / Group / Class / Order :

  • Mineral kingdom

Habit and habitat / Description :

  • This remedy is a trituration of the middle layer of the oyster shell.

Formula / Symbols :

  • CaCO3

Name of prover : 

  • Dr Hahnemann

Introduction and history :

  • It is a great polychrest, antipsoric, deep and long-acting remedy.
  • It is one of the greatest monuments of Hahnemann’s work.
  • Calcarea is one of the greatest constitutional remedies.
  • It is also a nutritional remedy and acts from infancy to old age.

Preparation :

  • Trituration is prepared with sugar of milk up to 3c from which alcoholic potencies are prepared. [1]

Constitution of Calcarea Carbonica

Physical make up :

  • Fat, flabby, fair

Temperament :

  • Irritable and nervous

Diathesis :

  • Scrofulous and tubercular

Relation with heat & cold :

  • Very chilly patient

Miasm :

  • Psora [1]

Clinical Features of Calcarea Carbonica

Clinical conditions

In Homeopathy Calcarea Carb medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions

  • Adenopathy, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colds, Connective tissue disease, Constipation, Mononucleosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Nasal polyps, Otitis media, Phobic disorder, Premenstrual syndrome, Scleroderma, Scoliosis, Seizure disorder, Systemic lupus, Tonsillitis, Uterine fibroid. [2]

Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics

  • Nutrition, glands, bones, blood, lungs, skin, heart, female genital organs, mind, breast, lungs, digestive system, teeth, etc. [1]

Causation (Causes / Ailments from)

  • Alcohol, over lifting, strains, suppressed sweat, cold moist wind, loss of vital fluids, mental strains, fright, suppressed eruptions, self-abuse, suppressed menses, imperfect ossification, injury to lower spine, defective assimilation, etc. [1]

Physiological action

  • When taken in quantities over a long period of time, it produces a cachectic or depressed state which may lead to the development of various chronic disorders.
  • Functions of several organs are disturbed.
  • However, lymphatics are most prominently affected with resultant enlargement of the glands. Bones may soften or they may become more brittle.
  • Generally, the crude substance, carbonate of lime, is considered inert. [1]

Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis

  • It acts upon the vegetative system, exciting moderately the function of secretion and absorption, resulting in a condition of impaired nutrition of all organs.
  • It acts on glands causing induration and swelling.
  • It has a special affinity for the mucous membranes, fibrous system, nervous and lymphatic systems of the abdomen.
  • It acts on blood and alters the composition of blood. It raises the coagulability of blood.
  • It acts on skin producing ulceration with burning and itching.
  • It acts on deep muscles, producing abscesses.
  • It acts on bones producing swelling, softening and bending of bones. It is a definite stimulant to the periosteum.[1]

Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Calcarea Carbonica

  • Slight mental effort produces heat.
  • Aversion to every kind of work.
  • Great anxiety and palpitation of heart.
  • Mental confusion, very forgetful, confused and low spirited.
  • Least mental excitement causes a copious return of menstrual flow.
  • Irritable without cause; peevishness and obstinacy.
  • Fears she will lose her understanding and that people will observe her mental confusion.
  • Delusions, hallucinations of fire, rats, mice; night terror.
  • Foetid odour before the nose, as if from dunghill, rotten eggs or gunpowder.
  • Melancholy, sad, disposed to weep, even about trifles.
  • Child wakes at 2 or 3 am screaming, cannot understand why; remembers nothing of it in the morning.
  • Apprehensive of some impending misfortune, which becomes worse towards the evening.
  • Patient is restless and timid as if a ghost was impending over her.
  • Great desire to be magnetized. Thinking is difficult.
  • Fear of darkness, disposed to be easily frightened.
  • Child is peevish, obstinate, selfish, has an aversion to work.
  • Mental confusion, very forgetful, dejected, low spirited, melancholic and confused.
  • Forgetful, misplaces words and tendency to express himself wrongly.[1]


Guiding Symptoms of Calcarea Carbonica

  • C-Chilly Patient: Great liability to take cold
  • A-Antipsoric: Hahnemann’s trio antipsoric
  • L-Leucophlegmatic constitution
  • C-Coldness: of general and of single part
  • A-Acidity of digestive tract: sour eructations.
  • R-Return of menstrual flow from least mental excitement
  • E-Egg cravings
  • A-Aversion to meat
  • C-Curvature of bones, especially spine and long bones
  • A-Assimilation altered: imperfect ossification
  • R-Rawness of  soles of feet from perspiration
  • B-Back of head sweats profusely [7]

Generalities of Calcarea Carb

  • Emaciated children, with big head also big belly.
  • Patients are susceptible to Cold; Cold moist air chills through and through; takes cold easily especially in chest.
  • Tendency to sprain the muscles easily.
  • Parts lain on become numb.
  • Tendency to sprain the muscles easily.
  • Parts lain on become numb.
  • Tendency to the formation of calculi.
  • Malnutrition.

Head of Calcarea Carb

  • Vertigo; with many conditions, agg. ascending or turning head, scratching head; after epilepsy.
  • Headache from over lifting or other muscular strain.

Eye of Calcarea Carb

  • Ophthalmia; in new born; after taking cold.
  • Vision dim especially by constant reading, writing etc.

Ears of Calcarea Carb

  • Deafness; specifically from working in water or quinine.
  • Perversions of hearing.
  • Easily bleeding polypus

Nose of Calcarea Carb

  • Nostrils; dry, sore, ulcerated.
  • Coryza, with polyuria.
  • Offensive odour in nose, offensive.

Face of Calcarea Carb

  • Swelling of upper lip, in the morning; with cracks and bleeding.
  • Chewing also swallowing in sleep; in children.

Mouth of Calcarea Carb

  • Tip of tongue feels scalded agg. warm food.
  • Teeth pain agg. either cold air or hot things

Throat of Calcarea Carb

  • Stitching pain on swallowing.
  • Small ulcers spreading up to palate.

Stomach of Calcarea Carb

  • Craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils, also for eggs, ice-creams. salt and sweets.
  • Aversion to meat, milk, boiled things, fat.
  • Loss of appetite, but when he begins to eat, he relishes it.

Abdomen of Calcarea Carb

  • Distended amel. slightest pressure.
  • Colic; with coldness of thighs; additionally after stopped coryza; or with cold feeling in abdomen.

Rectum & Anus of Calcarea Carb

  • Undigested stools-substances eaten are passed without any change.
  • Worms; tape, round.

Stool of Calcarea Carb

  • Stools; at first hard, then pasty then liquid.
  • Stools agg. eating also drinking.

Urinary Organ of Calcarea Carb

  • Urine; dark; brown, sour, foul or of strong odour.
  • White urinary sediment, with milky urine
  • Enuresis; in bed; when walking.

Sexual Organ of Calcarea Carb

  • Increased sexual desire, with irrational erections.
  • Hydrocele, of children
  • Coition followed especially by sweat and prostration.

Respiratory System of Calcarea Carb

  • Painless hoarseness agg. morning.
  • Everything makes him short of breath.
  • Emphysema
  • Tickling cough as from dust or feather in throat.
  • Cough; agg. inspiration, playing on piano, eating.
  • Sharp pains in chest going backwards.

Heart & Pulse of Calcarea Carb

  • Weak pulse
  • Palpitation, with feeling of coldness, with restless oppression of the chest.

Neck & Back of Calcarea Carb

  • Neck pains agg. lifting.
  • Pain in back as if sprained, can scarcely rise from his seat.
  • Pain between shoulder blades impeding breathing.

Extremities of Calcarea Carb

  • Cold Damp Feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn.
  • Cold, clammy, hands; knees.
  • Cramps in calves when stretching out leg, at night.

Skin of Calcarea Carb

  • Cold, like snake; flaccid; unhealthy.
  • Small wounds do not heal readily.

Sleep of Calcarea Carb

  • Sleepless from rush of ideas; some disagreeable idea always arouses from slight slumber.
  • Nightmares; children scream after midnight and cannot be pacified.

Fever of Calcarea Carb

  • Coldness; icy in different parts of the body; of affected part.
  • Internal heat with external coldness and sweat
  • Chill with sweat. [3]

Important characteristic features of Calcarea Carbonica

Keynotes / Redline symptoms:

  • Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.
  • During the sickness or convalescence, great longing for eggs or indigestible things.
  • Menses with cold, damp feet, as if they had a cold, damp stocking on.
  • The least mental excitement causes profuse return of menstrual flow.
  • Painless hoarseness < morning.
  • Feels better in every way when constipated.
  • Desire to be magnetised.[2]

Guiding symptoms:

  • Fat, fair, flabby, patient who becomes easily fatigued and tired on walking, much sweating, slow in movement.
  • Physically two body types: higher-weight person, flabby and Thin, lean.
  • Very active, healthy old people.
  • Coldness in general and of single parts, of head, of stomach, legs, which are habitually cold and damp as if they had a cold damp stocking on.
  • Slowness in development, in teething, in walking, in learning and grasping. Movements are slow, cannot tolerate exertion, mental and physical.
  • Sourness of discharges, eructations, stools, sweat, whole body smells sour.
  • Desire: sweets, sugar, ice cream, salt, soft boiled eggs, starch.
  • Craves eggs especially during sickness or convalescence, for indigestible things (Alum, Nit-ac, Cina, Cic, Psor)-chalk, pencils, eggs, farinaceous foods.
  • Longing for fresh air (Puls, Sulph).
  • Aversion to meat (Graph, Alum, Puls, Mur-ac), boiled things, milk disagrees, fat food, coffee, slimy food, hot food.
  • Takes cold at every change of weather, swelling of nose, upper lip in children. [2]

PQRS symptoms:

  • Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around (Sil., Sanic.), profuse perspiration mostly on back of head and neck, chest & upper part of body. (Sil.).
  • Great longing for eggs during either sickness or convalescence.
  • Longing for fresh air (when in a room) which inspires, benefits, strengthens (Puls., Sulph.).
  • Coldness of single parts (Kali. bich.) aversion to cold open air; great liability to take cold.
  • Feels better in every way when constipated.
  • Stool has to be removed mechanically (Aloe., Sanic., Sel., Sep., Sil.).
  • Painless hoarseness, <in the morning.
  • Desires to be magnetized (Phos.).[5]

Confirmatory symptoms:

  • Fat, fair, flabby persons.
  • Extremely sensitive to cold.
  • Craving for eggs and indigestible things.
  • Profuse sweating especially about the head.
  • Sourness of discharges.
  • Feels better in every way when constipated.
  • Menses return from the slightest mental excitement.[2]

Nucleus symptoms:

  • Fat, fair, flabby blondes who sweat profusely on head, chest, during sleep.
  • Sour smelling discharges.
  • Defective nutrition and assimilation causing anaemia, glandular swellings, weakness and curvature of bones, lax and flabby muscles.
  • Easy sweating, profuse discharges – usually sour.
  • Late in teething and walking.[2]


Therapeutic value of Calcarea Carbonica

  • Abdominal disorders, Acidity, Anaemia, Bone affections, Breast affections, Cancer, Corneal opacity, Cough, Dentition, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Fatty cyst, Fever, Glandular affection, Headache, Leucorrhoea, Lung affection, Menstrual disorders, Miscarriage, Pregnancy disorders, Rickets, Tuberculosis Ulcer, Uterine affections, Vertigo, Worm troubles.[2]

Modality of Calcarea Carbonica


  • In the morning, evening, after midnight, from cold air, during full moon, from wet weather, from washing, cold water, dry fruits, milk, stretching the affected part, after eating.


  • Dry weather, lying on the painful side, after rising, after breakfast.[1]


Remedy Relationship of Calcarea Carbonica


  • Rhus-t, Bell.

Follows Well

  • Lyc, Phos, Nux-v, Kali-c, Sil, Cham, Cupr.


  • Bry, Nit-ac, Sulph, Bar-c

Antidoted By

  • Chin, Nit-ac, Camph, Ip.

It Antidotes

  • Dig, Nux-v, Nit-ac.


  • Lyc, Sil, Puls, Cham[1]

Posology of Calcarea Carbonica


  • Low potency is given in acute diseases, and high and highest potencies may be given when the constitutional symptoms call for the remedy.


  • 3x, 6x, 12x, 30x, 200, 1000

Duration of action

  • Up to 60 days


Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is use of Calcarea Carbonica?


In Homeopathy Calcarea Carb medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions

  • Adenopathy, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colds, Connective tissue disease, Constipation, Mononucleosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Nasal polyps, Otitis media, Phobic disorder, Premenstrual syndrome, Scleroderma, Scoliosis, Seizure disorder, Systemic lupus, Tonsillitis, Uterine fibroid. [2]

Q 2. Name three medicines for late learning to walk in children, with indications in the said sphere.


i) Calcarea carb. i.e.: Late learning to walk in children due to curvature of bones especially, spine also long bones. Bones soft, crooked, deformed; irregularly developed. Besides this, Defective assimilation: imperfect ossification-children have no disposition to walk and will not try.

ii) Baryta carb i.e.: Late learning to walk-children both physically also mentally weak. Memory deficient: child can’t be taught for as it cannot remember.

iii) Causticum i.e.: Children slow in learning to walk due to disturbed functional activities of brain also spinal cord, resulting paralytic weakness of the brain.

iv) Silicea i.e.: Slow in learning to walk due to weak ankles; resulting in late walking which is also characterised by malnutrition-constitution suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or in quantity, but from imperfect assimilation.

Q 3. Disposed to grow fat-mention five medicines.

Ans. i)  Firstly, Antim. crud. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb. iii) Thirdly, Ammon. carb. iv) Fourthly, Graphites, v) Lastly, Pulsatilla.

Q 4.From which sources the prepared?

Ans. It is prepared from two sources i.e.:

i) Animal kingdom: Specifically From the middle layer of oyster shell (Most common). ii) Mineral kingdom: Specifically From Calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Q 5. Name three medicines for blond hair

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Phosphorus. iii) Thirdly, Pulsatilla.

Q 6. Name three medicines for psoric constitutions.

Ans. Master Hahnemann’s trio of anti psoric: (Ref. Tyler’s Lyco. chapter).

i) The king of the kingdom of psora: Sulphur. ii) The prince of the kingdom of psora: Lycopodium. iii) The queen of the kingdom of psora: Calcarea carb.

Q 7. Name three medicines where constitution is deficient of animal heat.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Lycopodium. iii) Thirdly, Silicea.

Q 8. Name three medicines those are ideal to begin the treatment of a chronic case.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Pulsatilla. iii) Thirdly, Sulphur.

Q 9. ‘Sweat easily’-mention three medicines.


i) Free sweat i.e.: Bryonia.

ii) Children who sweat easily i.e.: Calcarea carb.

iii) Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint i.e.: Mercurius.

Q 10. Describe the sweat of Calcarea carb.

Ans. I)Location i.e.:

a) Mostly on back of head and neck.

b) On chest and upper part of body (Silicea).

c) Sweat in single parts; head, scalp wat & cold; nape of neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs; hands, knees, feet, etc.

ii) Character i.e.:

i) Firstly, Head sweats profusely while sleeping wetting the pillow far around.

ii) Secondly, Rawness of soles of feet from perspiration.

iii) Thirdly, Blisters and offensive foot sweat.

iv) Fourthly, Sweat in patches (Kent).

v) After that, Sweat is sour smelling.

vi) Lastly, Suppressed sweat sometimes in children.

Q 11. ‘Large head open fontanelles and sutures’-mention two medicines.


i) Calcarea carb. i.e.: Large head fontanelles also sutures open; bones soft, develop very slowly.

ii) Silicea i.e.: Scrofulous, rachitic children, with large head, open fontanelles also sutures

Q 12. Describe a Calcarea carb. child.

Ans. Introduction: Diseases arising from defective assimilation; furthermore imperfect ossification.

a) Constitution:

i) Psoric, chilly, scrofulous, leucophlegmatic.

ii) Fair, fatty and flabby. In detail, Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwredy.

iii) large head also anterior fontanelle also sutures are open.

iv) Abdomen swollen like an inverted saucer.

v) Puffy face.

vi) Children with red face, flabby muscles; additionally pale, weak, timid, easily tired.

vii) Who sweats easily also take cold readily in consequence.

viii) Children prone to brain troubles (Bell., Hell., Tuber.).

b) Physical symptoms:

1) Bones i.e.:

i) Firstly, Delayed ossification; additionally bones soft, develops very slowly.

ii) Secondly, Curvature of bones especially spine, and long bones.

iii) Thirdly, Extremities are crooked, deformed.

iv) Fourthly, Bones irregularly developed; so, late learning to walk.

2) Head i.e.:  

i) Firstly, Large.

ii) Secondly, Fontanelles also sutures are open,

3) Teeth i.e.:

Difficult also delayed dentition.

4) Tonsil i.e.:

i) Firstly, Tendency to enlarge, due to tubercular diathesis.

ii) Secondly, Cold settles in the tonsil.

5) Abdomen i.e.:

i) Firstly, Enlarged abdomen.

ii) Secondly, Pit of the stomach swollen like an inverted saucer, also painful to pressure.

6) Desire i.e.:

i) Firstly, For indigestible things, such as clay. chalk, etc.

ii) Secondly, Desire for either yellow portion of the egg or boiled egg.

iii) Thirdly, Longing for fresh air which inspires. benefits and strengthens.

iv) Fourthly, Insatiate craving for salt.

7) Stool i.e.:

i) During dentition.

ii) Either Clay or white coloured.

iii) Diarrhoea of children, sour smelling (Hepar).

iv) Feels better in every way when constipated.

v) During constipation- stool has to be removed mechanically.

vi) Constipation: stool large, hard, impacted, so that it requires mechanical aid

8) Sweat i.e.: 

i) Firstly, Profuse head sweats while sleeping.

ii) Secondly, Mostly on back of head and neck, or chest also upper part of the body.

iii) Thirdly, Wets pillow far around.

iv) Fourthly, Sour sweat-sour odour of the whole body.

c) Mind: i) Firstly, Desire to be magnetised

ii) Secondly, Full of fear: can’t bear to be alone: fear of darkness; anxious if they listens the tales of quarrel. In the evening his imagination is so excited; sees visions of rats, mice, etc.

iii) Thirdly, Night terrors in children.

Q  13. Do you think Calcarea carb. is also suitable for tall, slender persons rather than fair, fat, flabby constitution? If so, discuss with indications.


i) Firstly, lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth.

ii) Secondly, In children and young people, who grow too rapidly (Phos. acid, Calc phos.).

Q 14. Name five medicines having longing for fresh air.

Ans    i) Firstly, Argentum nitricum. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb. iii) Thirdly, Apis mel. iv) Fourthly, Pulsatilla, v) Lastly, Sulphur.

Q 15. State the menstrual symptoms of Calcarea carb.


a) Suitability i.e.:

I) Firstly, Suited to those, whose menarche (first menstruation) commence at an early age.

ii) Secondly, Girls who are fleshy, plethoric and grow too rapidly.

b) Time i.e.:

Too early; additionally premature.

c) Quantity i.e.:

i) Firstly, Too profuse.

ii) Secondly, Sometimes scanty or suppressed menses.

d) Duration i.e.:

Too long lasting with subsequent amenorrhoea.

e) Character of blood i.e.

Bright red blood.

f) Before menstruation i.e.:

i) Firstly, Swelling, painful sensitiveness and tenderness of breasts (Clarke).

ii) Secondly, Disposition to be frightened.

iii) Thirdly, Headache before menses (Clarke).

g) During menstruation i.e.:

i) Firstly, Feet feels habitually cold and damp, as if they had on cold damp stockings.

ii) Secondly, Rush of blood to the head.

iii) Thirdly, Vertigo with heat in the head.

iv) Fourthly, Toothache, nausea, colic during menses (Clarke).

v) Lastly, Sour vomiting.

h) After menstruation i.e.:

Pleasurable sensation especially in the parts.

i) Modalities i.e.:

Agg. Specifically, From least mental excitement, which causes profuse return of menstrual flow (Sulphur, Tuber.).

j) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Great anxiety and palpitation of the heart.

ii) Secondly, Back of the head and upper part of the body sweats profusely.

iii) Thirdly, Craving for sour foods and eggs.

iv) Fourthly, Coldness in general and in single parts.

v) Lastly, Eruption on face of young women, esp. during scanty menses (Bellis.,Eugenia., Psor., Sang. can.).

Q 16. Describe the leucorrhoea of Calc. carb.


a) Suitability i.e.:

i) Firstly, In little girls.

ii) Secondly, Before puberty or at the time of puberty.

iii) Thirdly, Leucorrhoea in children from atony (Millefolium).

b) Ch. of leucorrhoea i.e.:

i) Firstly, Cervical leucorrhoea.

ii) Secondly, Milky white, mucus also albuminous; acrid in character.

iii) Thirdly, Leucorrhoea before also after menses.

iv) Fourthly, Burning, itching of the vulva and cervix.

v) Lastly, Leucorrhoea during the emission of urging (Clarke).

c) Associated symptoms with great lassitude also debility.

Q 17. Describe the Calcarea carb. uro-genital symptoms.


Causation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Uraemic or other diseases brought on by standing on cold, damp pavements.

ii) Secondly, Working while standing in cold water.

iii) Thirdly, Modellers or workers in cold-clay.

Q 18. Name five medicines where patient could weep at any moment.


Apis mel., Calcarea carb., Pulsatilla., Aurum. met., Lachesis. PAR (Ref. Lac. can. chapter of Allen’s key-note).

Q 19. Name few medicines for coldness in general or in single parts, with their indications.


i)Coldness of single parts i.e.: Calc. carb., Kali bi.

ii)Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms, and many other parts i.e.: Veratrum alb.

iii)Cold feeling in abdomen i.e.: Colchicum., Veratrum alb.

iv) Awakens from cold knees at night i.e.: Apis., Carbo. veg.

v) One hand icy cold, the other warm i.e.: China., Ipecac. Puls.

vi) Hydrocephalus: deathly coldness in forearm of children i.e.: Arnica.

vii) Heat of upper part of body, coldness of lower i.e.: Arnica,

viii) In the last stage of disease, with ‘cold tongue i.e.: Carbo veg.

Q 20. Name three medicines where patient is very hungry, cannot eat enough to satisfy; as hungry after eating as before.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Cina. iii) Thirdly, Lycopodium.

(Ref. Lac. can. chapter of Allen’s key-note).

Q 21. Name three medicines for burning spots on vertex.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii)Secondly, Graphites. iii) Thirdly, Sulphur.

Q 22. Name four medicines where subject is predisposed to lung & hepatic affections.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Phosphorus III) Thirdly, Lycopodium. iv) Fourthly, Sulphur.

Q 23. Name three medicines for white stool.

Ans. i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, China. III) Thirdly, Hepar sulph (Other Digitalis).

Q 24. Mention six characteristic symptoms of Calcarea carb.


1.Anti psoric i.e.: -It is one of the members of Master Hahnemann’s trio of anti psoric. (-others, Lyco podium also Sulphur). (Ref. Lycopodium chapter of Dr Tylers’ Drug pictures).

2.Chilly i.e.-i) Firstly, Constitution is deficient of a (Alumina, Silicea).ii) Secondly, Sensitive to cold, take cold readily. Animal,  iii) Thirdly, Aversion to cold right through her.

3. Coldness i.e.: i) Firstly, Generalized, ii) Secondly, Of single parts viz. of head, stomach, feet and legs.

4.Sweat: —

i) Location i.e.: a) Mostly on back of head also neck., b) on chest also upper part of the body.

ii) Character i.e.:, a) Head sweats profusely, while sleeping wetting the pillow far around., b) Sweat is sour smelling.

5.Desires i.e.- i) Firstly, Longing for eggs., ii) Secondly, Desire to be magnetised., iii) Thirdly, Longing for fresh air, iv) Fourthly, Craves indigestible things.

6) Discharges i.e.: – All the discharges are sour in character-sour vomiting and diarrhoea, sour perspiration; additionally sour odour of the whole body.

Q 25. Who is acute of the Calcarea carb?

Ans. Belladonna. (Esp. the children who catch cold easily, sensitive to draughts of air, suffers from congestive attacks of fever, headache, catarrh, etc. and controlled by Belladonna in acute stage; these cases find similimum in Calcarea carb. provided the constitutional totality corroborates-it removes such dyscrasias) [6]


  1. Textbook of homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. J.D. Patil 2013, Section II, chap Calc Crab
  2. Zomoeo Lan Version> Materia Medica> Keynotes > chap calc carb
  3. Phatak materia medica > chap calc carb
  4. Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 1, Chap- 2,>Calc carb
  5. Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 1, Chap- 3,>Calc carb
  6. Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 2, Part-1 ,>Calc carb
  7. Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 2, Part-2 ,>Calc carb

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