​Dress Rubrics with Homeopathic Medicine

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Dress Rubrics with Homeopathic Medicine Homeopathic Repertory

Dress Rubrics

​Dress Rubrics with Homeopathic Medicine


To furnish with clothing to decorate.

Important sub rubrics
Dresses Indecently
Mind indifference to his/her dress.

Dresses Ridiculously
Mind indifference exposes her person

Mind naked wants to be

Dresses appearance about personal
Mind Shameless exposes the person
Mind Tastelessness in dressing.

Pre occupied with his cloth or always wants to be dress at his best – A personality disorder
Mind Dress best at his

Resembling a man
Here girls desire to dress an behave like a man, and general acts masculine.

Careless in personal appearance or work
They are negligent in cleanliness and neatness in dress they are habitually careless about their looks even
though they may financially well.

Not neatly dressed, nor having a good order. They are very careless about their dress, work or personal
This may be either because they are too lazy to arouse themselves to do anything or they may be
disinclined towards any physical exertion.

The state of being unable to find beauty or having an unpleasing style or mannerisms in dressing or doing
things. No elegance.

​Dress Rubrics with Homeopathic Medicine

Untidy- *Sulph.* Carc.
Tastelessness in dressing- *Calc.c* *Nat m.*
FOPPISH, elegant- *Plat.* Chin. Lach. Nux v Phos. Verat
Indecently dressed- Hell. Hyos. Stram.
Mannish– *Fl. Ac.*, Nat m., plat, petr. Carb. v.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dress rubrics refer to a patient’s preferences or aversions to specific types of clothing, colors, or styles. These preferences can reveal underlying personality traits and emotional states, which can aid in selecting the most appropriate homeopathic remedy.Dress rubrics refer to a patient’s preferences or aversions to specific types of clothing, colors, or styles. These preferences can reveal underlying personality traits and emotional states, which can aid in selecting the most appropriate homeopathic remedy.

A person’s choice of clothing often reflects their inner state. By understanding the symbolism and psychology behind these choices, homeopaths can gain valuable insights into the patient’s overall constitution and identify remedies that resonate with their unique characteristics.


While dress rubrics offer valuable clues, they are just one piece of the puzzle in homeopathic case-taking. A comprehensive understanding of the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional symptoms is essential for accurate remedy selection.

Yes, certain remedies are known to have affinities with specific dress preferences. For example, individuals needing Pulsatilla often prefer loose, flowing clothing, while those needing Natrum muriaticum might favor dark or conservative attire.

Yes, as a person’s emotional state and overall health evolve, their dress preferences may also shift. Observing these changes can help homeopaths monitor the progress of treatment and adjust remedies as needed.

Excerpts (Summary)

Dress Rubrics: Unlocking Hidden Clues for Homeopathic Healing

Discover the fascinating world of dress rubrics in homeopathy. Learn how your clothing choices can reveal deeper aspects of your personality and health, guiding the selection of the most effective homeopathic remedies. Explore the connection between specific dress preferences and corresponding homeopathic medicines. Uncover the secrets hidden in your wardrobe and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.

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