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Graphites Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Graphites is a homeopathic medicine made from graphite, also commonly known as plumbago . It does not have a common name or synonyms as it is referred to by its scientific name in homeopathy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • In specific conditions 6c to 30c.  
  • In constitutional indications high potencies, 200c and above. 
  • Locally as an ointment of 3x for cracks and skin diseases. 

Causative ailments:

i) Bad-effects of suppression of skin eruptions.

ii) Phlegmonous erysipelas after application of iodine; abuse of iodine. (Ref. Farrington) 

iii) Bad-effects of repelled eruption of any kind. (Dr. N.M. Chowdhury) 


i)Graphites is a great remedy for all sorts of skin eruptions. It has a tendency towards malignancy, e.g., Keloid, fibroma, pimples; acne, eczema, cancer of the breast, hand and painful cicatrices. These have got a tendency to break open again.

ii) Erysipelas beginning in the face and spreading to other parts, migratory erysipelas (Dunham). Farrington says preventive against constitutional erysipelas). 

iii) One of the best remedies for wens found in persons of herpetic dyscrasia. 


i) Skin affections are particularly located in the bend of the joints (Hepar Sulph), on the scalp and behind the ear (Caust, Nat-m). 

ii) Eczema on the occiput. Master Kent says, eruptions (Sep. Hepar Sulph.), of elbow, groins, popliteal fossa etc. (Kent) 

iii) Eruptions upon the ears, between the fingers and toes and various parts of the body. 


Every little injury suppurates. 

Cracks and fissures at the end of fingers, on nipples, anus, vulva, labial commisures.

Itching of the skin (esp. in scalp and bend of the joint) with or without eruptions also skin is hot at night (Kent).Accordingly Nash says, the characteristic is the: glutinous (Ref. Nash)  

  1. Skin affections not inclined to heal but ulcerates readily, itching, burning, oozing.
  2. Herpetic eruptions predominates (In Petroleum, eczematous eruptions predominate (Ref. Das Gupta’s Materia Medica). All parts of the body eps. about anus and genitals.
  3. Gastro-intestinal affections alternate with acne and erythema on face (Ref, Clarke)

VII. Phlegmonous erysipelas on face with burning pain commences on right side going to left. (After application of iodine). 

Syphilitic and constitutional ulcers. 

  1. Hard cicatrices appearing after mammary abscess can retard the flow of milk also Master Kent suggests thinking of Graphites when you come across a woman who has had abscess in the breast several years before and now the flow of milk is beginning for the new-born child. There is threatened abscess by the side of the old one-nodular inflammation and induration. At the site of an old cicatric consistency of the breast is soft and normal. However, the cicatrical tissue indurates and the old scar forms a hump especially before confinement. Dr. Farrington reports of a post-operative cicatrices in eye being removed
  2. Ulcers on the margin of the eyelids, covered with crusts also styes on the lids. Additionally, eczema of the lids can cause eruptions that are moist and fissened. The lids may appear red and margins covered with scales and crust (Leader of the Eczematous affections of hids Nash)
  3. Tyler’s trio of scar tissue remedy (Dros. Sil, Graph). 

XII. Dr. N M. Chowdhury reports that skin is found to be dry and absolutely devoid of moisture and is parchment like. Accordingly Dr. Clarke says, obstinate, dryness of the skin and absence of perspiration. Dry skin, never perspires. (Ref. Lilienthal) 


  1. Exudes a watery, transparent. gelatinous, sticky fluid also Dr. Clarke says, eruptions are oozing out a thick honey-like fluid, which is a characteristic. Kent says, eruptions of the skin oozes thick, honey liquid fluid. Dr. Cowperthwaite says, corrosive discharge.
  2. Offensive discharges and secretion. (Ref. Kent)
  3. Sweat stains the garment yellow, which sour and offensive smell. 

 a) Nails: -Nails are brittle, thick, crumble. deformed. They are very painful and sore, as it ulcerated, Deformity and thickness of nails (Ref. Clarke). Nash says, nail symptom is a characteristic

b) Hair-Great tendency of falling of hairs and whiskers with nude spots on the scalp, which looks bald and shining at places. (Ref, N.M. Chowdhury) S: -As nails and hairs are specialised structures of skin, hence included under skin.

 Modalities: Agg. at night, warmth of bed (Ref. Dr. J.H. Clarke)

Agg. before and during menstruation, during change of weather, from open air (Ref. Dr. Clarke), from wrapping up.  

Amel. in darkness. 

N.B. Indicated after Sulph. in skin affections. 

P.S. Controversial points 

  1. Moist Skin-Dry skin, dryness. (Ref. Dr. Clarke. Dr. N.M. Chowdhary) 
  2. Watery, transparent. (Ref. Allen)-Thick, honey liquid. (Ref. Kent & Nash)
  • Abdominal disorders, 
  • Acne,
  • Anaemia,
  • Barber’s itch,
  • Breast cancer,
  • Catarrh,
  • Chlorosis,
  • Colic,
  • Constipation,
  • Cracks,
  • Dropsy,
  • Ear affections,
  • Eczema,
  • Erysipelas,
  • Eye affections,
  • Fissures,
  • Headache,
  • Induration of the ovaries,
  • Leucorrhoea,
  • Lumpy goitre,
  • Menstrual disorders,
  • Piles,
  • Skin affections,
  • Styes,
  • Urinary disorders,
  • Whooping cough

i) Children: -Impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands 

ii) Cataleptic Condition-Conscious, but without power to move or speak.

iii) Takes cold easily, sensitive to drought of air.   

a) Causation :-

From suppression of skin eruptions 

b) Character of stool

i) Stool is too large, hard and knotty. 

ii) Stool in large lumps.

iii) Lumps are united together by mucus threads. 

iv) Smarting sore pain in anus after stool.

v) Long narrow stool like Phos. (Ref. Kent).

c) Modalities:-

from drinking hot milk,

d) Concomitants

i) Fissures may be present in the anus.

ii) Aversion to sexual intercourse.

iii) Unhealthy skin from which oozes a watery, trasnparent sticky fluid. 

iv) No desire to go to stool for many days, requires a long time to pass the stool. (Kent)

v) It often suits to patient who have no stool except by cathartic or purgatives. 

A. Causative ailments: 

I. Menstrual trouble results from extremes of heat and cold. Moreover, Master Kent says that complaints that come from overheating are related to carbon

From getting feet wet. (Puls)

III. From grief and vexation. 

Troubles from suppression of skin eruptions.

Constitutional suitability

  • Dr. N.M. Chowdhury reports that the term aptly sum up the whole essence of Graph, is chilly and costive. It is also termed as Puls, of the climacteric age. (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury). 
  • Usually a lady of climacteric age; fair, flabby, inclined to obesity with habitual constipation: unhealthy skin and history of delayed menstruation. Dr. Farrington reports, anaemic though has a higher weight. 

Characteristic features of menstruation:

a) Time of onset:

i) Delayed menstruation: menses 6-8 weeks apart.

ii) Suppression of menses with heaviness of arms.

b) Quantity: -Too scanty (Puls). 

c) Duration: -Short (Puls).

d) Character of blood: -Too-pale. like washing of meat.


  • Before menses: Swelling and bursting pain continues during menses. in the rt. ovarian region (Ref, Clarke). 
  • During Menses: Swelling and bursting pain continues during menses. in the rt. ovarian region, Violent colicky pain during menses (++) esp. in epigastrium, (Ref. Boericke) 


  • Before Menses:

 Morning Sickness

  • During menses: Morning sickness during menstruation. 


  • Before menses: Present (before menses), the discharge is very much acrid and excoriating. It occurs in gushes day and night (++). The leukorrhoeal discharge causes great weakness in the back (Ref. Boericke)
  • During menses: Present at night and may be instead of menses (Ref.Dr. Kent). Leucorrhoea of same character. 
  • After menses: Present 

 Other concomitant factors

  • Dry cough, sweat, hoarseness, headache all appears during menses (Kent) Menses with constipation (Ref. Boericke) also Patient is weak and prostrated. 

P.S– Mammae swollen and hard with induration. 

Nipples are sore, cracked and blisters in nursing woman. (Ref. Kent) Also decided aversion to coitus. 


Agg every time she takes cold or gets her feet wet. (Ref. Dr. Clarke) 

Agg. from reaching high with arms or lifting-pain in uterus, (Ref. Dr. J.H. Clarke). 

Agg. before, during and after menses (other symptoms also aggravates). 

Agg. from exertion (Kent).  

Amel. in open air. 

 i) Baryta carb. ii) Graphites. iii) Sulphur. 

a) Adoptability: 

i) Suited to women, inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation; with a history of delayed menses.

i) What Pulsatilla is at Graphites is at menopause.

b) Leucorrhoea:

i) Time-Occurs in gushes, days and night. Before and after menses. 

ii) Character-Acrid, excoriating.

c) Menstruation

i) Onset: -Delayed from getting feet wet.

ii) Duration: –

ii) Quantity of flow: -Too scanty. 

iv) Character of blood: –

v) Type-Irregular.

vi) Modality: – at night.

vii) Concomitant and associated symptoms:  

1) Violent colic. 

2) Morning sickness during menstruation. 

3) Very weak and prostrated.   

d) Sterility and impotency

i) Sexual debility from sexual abuse.

ii) Decided aversion to coition, in both sexes.

Note: Similar to Lycopodium and Pulsatilla in menstrual troubles. 

a) Onset:

Before and after menses. 

b) Character of leucorrhoea

i) Acrid, excoriating. 

ii) Discharge occurs in gushes day and night.

iii) It makes yellow spots in the linen. 

iv) Always before and after menses.

v) Agg. in the morning, when rising from bed.

c) Concomitants

i) Painful pressure in the pudendum.

ii) Great weakness in the small of the back.

iii) Sore and cracked nipples in nursing woman( Kent)

i) Constitution:-

Graphites is especially suited to woman at climactaric age, inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation as so, Nash sum the characteristic-chilly, fatty and costive.

Note:-What Pulsatilla is at puberty, Graphites is at menopause. 

ii) Rush of blood –

A marked characteristic of Graphites is rush of blood to head with flushed face or rush of blood to head with distension and flatulence. (Kent)

iii) Mind:-

Music makes her weep. Patient is sad and despondent, music increases all her suffer ings. 

iv) Sexual debility:-

From sexual abuse

v) Desire and aversions

i) Desire: for hot milk which relieves constipation and gastric symptoms.

ii) Aversion: to meat, sweet, fish, salt etc.

iii) Decided aversion to coition, on both sexes.

iv) Suppuration:-Every little injury suppurate. It is one of the leading medicine of suppurative diathesis. 

They’re as below:

i) Baryta carb.,

ii) Graphites.,

iii) Silicea.  

  •  Acon
  • Ars
  • Nux-v 

Excerpts (Summary)

Discover the healing power of Graphites, a homeopathic remedy for various skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, and emotional issues. Learn about its key symptoms, who it benefits, and how to use it safely. Find a qualified homeopathic practitioner to explore if Graphites is right for you.

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