Natrum Muriaticum
Natrum muriaticum, also known by several other names, is a homeopathic remedy used for various emotional and physical complaints. Here are its common names and synonyms:
Common Names:
- Sodium chloride: This is its chemical name, the same as table salt.
- Sea salt
- Nat mur
- Sodium muriaticum
If you’re considering using natrum muriaticum, it’s important to talk to Homoeopathic doctor first.
Nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation:
The mental condition of Natrum Mur. is characterized by excessive irritability, passion from slightest cause. Hence Master Kent said, nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation, Master Kent elucidated, consolation brings on anger. As consolation aggravates, thus she appears to bid for sympathy and is mad when it is given. She walks in the floor in rage.
Farrington said, pt. stores up in his mind, every little real or imaginary offence.
Alternation of Mood:
This is characterized by vehement disposition, irresistible laughing at most unsuitable time which is followed by wee ping disposition in the next moment.
Master Kent said spasmodic laughter followed by sadness, joylessness. No matter how cheering the circumstances are, she cannot bring herself into the state of being joyful.
It is one of our leading remedies having lachrymal disposition. Sad, weeping mood (Apis., C.C., Caust.’, Graph., Ign., Lyco., Nat. Mur., Puls.’, Plat.’, Sep., Sulph., VA..); weeps without any cause.
Farrington said this tearful condition is accompanied by palpitation of the heart and intermittent pulse. Pt. is extremely emotional. Dr. Boericke said, pt. prefers solitude to cry.
But we should note that crying makes her worse (Stannum, Puls., Sep.) (Ref. Allen). Again, consolation is not welcomed by the pt. as consolation aggravates her troubles (Ign., Sep., Sil., Hell., Lil-Tig-craves consolation and that>, Puls.).
Robbers’ dream:
frequently dreams of robbers (Alum, Mag. Carb.) (Of animals, Arnica. Merc., N.V., Phos., Puls.; -of business, Bry., Cheli., Lach., Lyco., N.V., Rhus Tox. : -of the dead, Anac.. Arg Nit., Arnica., Mag Carb., Phos, Sulph. Thuja-of falling, Bell, Lach., Dig, Kreos., Puls., Sulph., Thuja. : -of fire, Anac., Hep. S Lauro., Mag. Carb., Mag. Mur… -of snake, Arg. Nit., Lac. Can.) (Ref. N. M. Chowdhury).
wakes up and will not believe until and unless the house is thoroughly searched.
Un-requited affections:
Master Kent said unrequited affections brings on com plaints, she is unable to control her affection, falls love with a married man or a coach-man.
She knows she is unwise but cannot help it. Our Natrum Mur. will cure her and bring this altered state into order. Give her, her drug.
Memory weak:
Cowperthwaite has denoted about the weakness of the memory. Distraction when talking, makes mistakes in writing.
Master Kent said difficulty in retaining thought. Brain-fag, extremely forgetful.
Talcott said due to profuse weeping this distraction of thought and weakness of memory takes place.
N. M. Chowdhury said due to loss of memory there is aggravation of many complaints from mental work (also suggested by Dr. Lippe).
Clarke reported weakness of memory, exhaustion after talking, embarrassment of brain.
Men aversion:
Talcott in his ‘Mental diseases’ pointed a characteristic feature a feminine symptom, i.e., aversion to men.
Clarke said she is unfit for labour.
Undue hasty:
Our Natrum Mur. pt. is hasty, awkward, drops things from nervous weakness (Apis., Bov.).
is hurried in his manifestations, hence flattering sensation of the heart is a marked distinguishing feature.
Recollection of past:
N. M. Chowdhury said pt. recollects the past disagreeable matters and broods over them. Master teacher, Tyler Kent said, unpleasant occurrences are recalled and she may grieve over them.
Farrington said, as past unpleasant events occupy in mind-thus pt. wakes up at night with palpitation of the heart and cannot go to sleep again.
Note: Dr. Farrington said, you will seldom find Natrum Mur. indicated in chronic affections, unless there is the low-spirited condition of the mind.
Consolation <:
Kent said that consolation aggravated the state of mind-the melancholy, the fearfulness, sometimes brings on anger. She appears to bid for sympathy and is mad when it is given. The patient prefers to be alone (Ref: Clarke). "Wants to be alone to cry."
Mur. patient hides their tears for fear of pity and consolation. (Ref: Blunt).
On coughing urinates:
Involuntary urination when walking, coughing, laughing (Caust., Puls., Sqilla, Arg.N., Zinc.M., Ferr.P.).
Mapped tongue:
Clarke discussed the characteristic tongue of Nat.M. is either a mapped tongue with red islands, or a clean shining tongue with froth along each side. There are many characteristic symptoms in connection with the tongue: -hair sensation; numbness and stiffness of one side; heavy. embarrassing speech.
- Nat M. corresponds to children who are late in talking.
- The tongue is blistered: sticks to roof of mouth. Dryness of mouth and throat with unquenchable thirst. Text says tongue like ringworm on sides (Ars., Lach, Nit.A., Tarax.).
<from sunrise to sunset esp. 10 or 11 A.M.
<< at the seashore or from sea air.
> in the open air. > while perspiring (Psor.-Rev. of Merc. Sol., Ver.Alb.).
> going without regular meals.
> by lying on right side (-on painful side, Ammon. Carb., Bry., Ign., Puls, Calc.C.).
On touch hair falls:
The hair falls out when touched, in nursing women (Sep.).
Note: Face oily, shiny, as if greased (Plb., Thuja. ).
Nervous economy:
The whole nervous economy is in a state of fret and imitation (Master Kent.).
Great irritability is the characteristic of Nat.Mur. patient; child cross when spoken to.
Crying from slightest cause, gets into a passion about trifles, especially when consoled with.
vehement condition of the mind. The lachrymal disposition and hypochondriacal mood are the key-note of Nat. M.
Marked disposition to weep, sad weeping mood without cause (Puls.).
Dreams of robbers in the house, is another peculiarity of the mental condition of Nat.M.
Tears stream down the face whenever he caughs. (Euph.).
Salt craving:
Craving for salt (Cal., Caust., Phos.).
Note: Patient also desires: bitter things, beer, farinaceous foods, sour things, salt, oysters, fish, milk.
Aversion and abuse:
Aversion to bread, meat, coffee, tobacco. Master Kent in his Repertory classed Nat. Mur. in first grade under thesub-rubric, aversion to bread, China., Nat. Mur., Con.", Lyco." Nat. S.". Nit. Ac., Nux Vom.", Phos., Puls", Sep.: -aversion to meat, Calc.’, China.’, Graph, Mur.Ac.. NuxVom., Puls., Sil.’, Sep., Alumina.", Carbo.V., Lyco.", Nat. M., Phos.", Rhus Tox.
Ailments from: Bad effects of anger, abuse of excessive use of salt, loss of vital fluid (Carbo.Veg., Staph., China.) sexual excess, profuse menses.
Losing flesh while living well:
Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well (Abrot..lod., AceticAc., Sanicula., Tuber.,-Ref. Nash); throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaints(Sanic.).
Tremendous emotional and sentimental:
The mentality of Lyco. indicate its intellectual side, that of Nat. Mur. on the emotional and sentimental side.
Kent said Nat. M. is the chronic of Ign. and where the latter is too superficial, Nat. Mur. cures.
"Falls in love with the wrong person, and breaks her heart. Is absurdly obsessed by a foolish passion for a married man-falls in love with the coachman, and Nat.M., brings order and sanity." (5)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Natrum Muriaticum
Common name :
- Sodium Chloride, Common Salt
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Mineral kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description :
- It occurs abundantly in nature, nearly everywhere.
- It crystallizes from aqueous solutions in colorless, transparent, anhydrous cubes; it is soluble in water but insoluble in absolute alcohol.
- It is extracted from sea water and is also found in rock salt, in north-west border of Pakistan, dissolved in sea water and lakes. (1)
Formula / Symbols :
- NaCl
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann, W. H. Schussler, Austrian Society of Provers
Introduction and history :
- It is a polychrest amongst polychrest. It is found in almost all the tissues of our body.
- It is a constitutional, very long and deep acting, antipsoric remedy.
- It is a biochemic remedy of highest importance. Deficiency of this salt produces malnutrition, emaciation and anaemia.
- It exists more largely in the aqueous humor of the eyes and the crystalline lens It is a great remedy for emaciation and loss of flesh.
- It stimulates digestion by increasing flavours of food and by increasing the quantity and quality of gastric juice. (1)
Preparation :
- The pure salt is used for preparation.
- It is dissolved in water in the proportion of 1 to 9 parts.
- Further dilutions are prepared from this in water or alcohol to highest potencies according to homeopathic pharmacy. (1)
Constitution of Natrum Muriaticum
Physical make up :
- It is best suited to cachectic, anaemic, emaciated people; young people having a tendency to grow fat.
- The face is as if greased, oily, waxy and shiny. (1)
Temperament :
- Melancholic 3, Choleric2 (8)
Diathesis :
- Anaemic Diathesis
Relation with heat & cold :
- Hot
Miasm :
- Psora, sycosis, Tubercular (2)
Clinical conditions of Natrum Muriaticum
In Homeopathy Natrum Muriaticum medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Anaemia, Aphthae, Arrhythmia, Asthma, Colitis, Depression, Dyspareunia, Eczema, Fever, Gastritis, Goitre, Grave’s disease, Headache, Herpes, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Insomnia, Lumbago, Malignancy, Multiple sclerosis, Nephritis, Peptic ulcer, Premenstrual syndrome, Psoriasis, Sciatica, Stomatitis, Suicidal states, Tinea, Urticaria, Vaginitis. (2)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Brain, mind, blood, heart, muscles, spleen, glands, nutrition, liver, genital organs, lymphatic system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Disappointment, fright, loss of fluids, masturbation, fit of passion, quinine, profuse menses, vexation, anger, grief, bread, excessive use of salt, wine, injury to head, sexual excess, acid food. (1)
Physiological action
- When taken in normal quantities with the food, sodium chloride increases the appetite and the flow of the gastric juice; assists in maintaining nerve and muscle tone, and flavours assimilation and excretion of waste matter, especially that of urea.
- In the form of normal salt solution, it is a non-irritating douche for mucous surfaces and is administered intravenously or subcutaneously in collapse from surgical shock or serious haemorrhages.
- Excessive use of salt causes anaemia, bloated face, nervousness, headaches, acidity of the stomach, great thirst, swelling and sponginess of the gums, constipation or diarrhoea, debility, mental sluggishness, sleepiness and Oedema of the lower extremities. It also causes persistent dryness of mucous membranes, falling of hair in all parts of the body; dirty, torpid skin; herpes, tatters and boils.
- Too large an amount of salt taken by mistake or given intravenously or hypodermically is followed by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever – at times as high as 104° F, delirium and even coma, convulsions, collapse and death. (1)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It stimulates every tissue of the body by entering the cells of the body.
- It stimulates digestion by improving the flavor of food, acting on the stomach itself by favoring the secretion of gastric juice.
- It acts on skin, stimulates the sebaceous glands, causes an oily skin and greasy appearance of face.
- It acts upon blood causing deterioration of blood, resulting in ulcers, eruptions as well as destructive inflammation of mucous and glandular tissues which is called dyscrasia.
- Deterioration of blood occurs in quantity as well as in quality, producing anaemia.
- It acts upon male genital organs causing great weakness of these, giving rise to seminal emissions during sleep.
- It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, keeping up its tone. Muscular tone is also favored by the presence of salt in muscular tissues.
- It promotes the activity of tissue change and increases the excretion of urea. Hence, it is useful in chronic scrofulous ailments affecting the glands, bowels and skin.
- Mucous membranes everywhere are affected, producing sponginess and swelling with venous Hyperaemia, bleeding and increased mucous secretion; hence, catarrh of all mucous membranes with secretion of transparent, watery, coarse, frothy mucous. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Natrum Muriaticum
- Weeping disposition, sad with palpitation and intermittent pulse; aggravation from consolation.
- Religious melancholy; joyless, indifferent, taciturn.
- Wants to be alone to cry; at times there is tearfulness with laughter.
- Child is cross when spoken to; angry about trifles, and more irritable when consoled.
- Absentmindedness, awkward in talking, does not know what to say.
- Hypochondriacal; tired of life, hurriedness with anxiety.
- Extremely emotional. State of fret and irritation.
- Dreams of robbers and thieves at night. On waking will not go to sleep again unless the house has been searched. Frightful dreams of murder, fire, etc.
- vehement condition of mind; weeping alternates with laughing; weeping mood without any cause.
- vehement girls fall in love with people, where the relationship is objectionable.
- Tendency to make mistakes while speaking and writing.
- Aversion to mental work, indifferent.
- Very forgetful, absentminded, makes purchases and walks away without them. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Natrum Muriaticum
- N- Nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation. (Ref. Kent)
- A- Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness.
- T-Tears: stream down the face whenever he coughs: lachrymal disposition.
- R-Relief from perspiration.
- U-Urine: involuntary; when coughing, laughing has to wait a long time.
- M-Mapped tongue: with red insular patches.
- M-Marasmus: emaciation; losing flesh while living well.
- U-Urticaria: especially after violent exercise.
- R-Robber’s dream.
Keynotes / Redline:
- Great emaciation, losing flesh while living well. Throat also neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint.
- Cannot pass urine in front of others.
- Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness.
- Heart’s pulsations shake the body.
- Sweats while eating.
- Mapped tongue.
- Urticaria after violent exercise. (2)
Guiding symptoms:
- Pale, earthy or yellowish, greasy- looking complexion; children emaciated (esp. about the neck) also old in appearance; debility (from loss of vital fluids.
- Great depression; lachrymose yet irritable esp. at small, non- essential noises; seems to desire but is markedly (<) consolation; dislikes company, (>) alone; additionally emotionally sensitive to music memory weak with inability to concentrate; hysteria, affections beyond control.
- Headaches, chronic, hammering, periodic, blinding; from sunrise to sunset, (<) motion (>) semi-recumbent position, face pale or only slightly diffused; esp. in anaemic girls and women.
- Condition of mucous membranes: – (a) Chronic; dryness with ulcerations or cracks; e.g., of alimentary canal with constipation, dry, crumbling stools, also sore, fissured anus; (b) acute; free watery discharges, often coarse, frothy mucus esp. from upper respiratory tract.
- Good appetite yet emaciation; inordinate craving for salt (Phos.) dislike to facts also bread; (>) going without regular meals.
- "Mapped" tongue (patch appearance) with sense of dryness and violent thirst.
- Skin; (a) chronic; dryness with fissures, corns, warts, hangnails, etc. (b) acute; eczematous eruptions, raw surface, acrid, watery discharge, esp. at scalp margin; acne; urticaria after violent exercise; hydro on lips or tongue, esp. during colds or intermittent.
- Backache; severe, Sacro-lumbar; (>) pressure, e.g. lying on something hard; often assoc. with delayed M.P. and bearing-down pains.
- Modalities; (<) heat esp. close room, must have air though apt to feel chilly and take cold; (<) 9-11 a.m.; salt; at seaside, etc.; mental exertion; (>) loose clothing. (7)
PQRS Symptoms:
- Prolonged deep silent grief or sorrow.
- Closed also hard, since highly sensitive and easily hurt.
- Dwells on insults or criticism, and cannot forgive.
- Introverted, reserved, serious, responsible, dignified, perfectionist.
- Disappointment in love. Sad, yet unable to weep.
- Unable to urinate in front of others.
- Herpetic eruptions.
- Sun headaches in school girls, of hammering type < 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.
- Insomnia from grief.(7)
Confirmatory Symptoms:
- Disposition to weep; consolation <.
- Emaciation from above downwards especially of throat and neck.
- Marked periodicity especially 10 – 11 a.m.
- Dryness of mucous membranes with violent thirst.
- Tongue mapped with red insular patches like ringworm on sides.
- Intense craving for salt, bitter things, fish. Aversion to bread also coffee.
Nucleus Symptoms:
- The patient is thin, thirsty, poorly nourished, on account of digestive disturbances and he is hopeless and awkward in nature.
- Emaciation though eating well. Loses flesh especially from above downwards throat, neck.
- Periodicity marked.
- Dryness of mucous membranes.
- Tongue mapped, with red insular patches like ringworm on sides. (2)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Natrum Muriaticum
- Anaemia, Atrophy, Catarrh, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Eye affections, Glandular affections, Headache, Heart affections, Intermittent fever, Leucorrhoea, Marasmus, Menstrual troubles, Respiratory troubles, Rickets, Skin troubles, Sterility, Tongue affections, Urinary affections, Vertigo, Warts, Whooping cough. (1)
Modalities of Natrum Muriaticum
- Aggravation: At 10 or 11 am, at the sea shore, from heat of sun, stove, by consolation, mental exertion, lying down, crying, sea air, lying on the left side, Alternate days, After menses, Cold bathing, Dampness, Puberty, Bread, fat, sour, Coition, Seashore, Touch, Music, Full moon, Warm room, Sun, Sunrise to sunset.
- Amelioration: Lying on the right side, cold bathing, in the open air, going without regular meals, pressure against the back, sleep Rest, Talking, Perspiration, Fasting, Deep breathing, Tight clothing. (2)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Natrum Muriaticum
- Apis, Caps, Ign, Nat-n, Sep
Follows Well
- Bell, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Cinch, Ferr-ph, Graph, Kali-m, Kali-ph, Kali-s, Lach, Lyc, Natr-s, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Thuj
Antidoted By
- Ars, Camph, Nitr-Sp-d, Nux-v, Phos
It Antidotes
- Apis, Arg-n
- Anac, Ars, Aur, Bar-c, Bell, Borx, Bry, Calc, Calc-p, Camph, Caps, Carb-v, Caust, Chic, Cimic, Con, Eup-per, Ferr, Fl-ac, Gels, Glon, Hep, Ign, Iod, Iris-v, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Kali-chl, Kissingen, Sil, Lach, Lil-t, Lith-c, Lyc, Nat-c, Nat-hip, Nit-ac, Onos, Op, Petr, Phos, Plat, Puls, Ran-s Nat-s, Rhus-t, Sang, Scil, Sep, Spig, Staph, Stn, Sul-ac, Sulph, Tarax, Tell, Titan, Verat. (2)
- The very highest potencies often yield most brilliant results. And in infrequent dosage.
- Twelfth to thirtieth and higher
Duration of action
- 40-50 Days (3)
- Sodium chloride: The chemical name for table salt, the basis of Natrum Muriaticum.
- Sea salt: Another term for sodium chloride, often used interchangeably.
- Nat mur: A common abbreviation for Natrum Muriaticum.
- Sodium muriaticum: A synonym for Natrum Muriaticum.
- Nervous economy: Refers to the overall state of the nervous system. In Natrum Muriaticum, this is characterized by irritability and fretfulness.
- Alternation of mood: Describes the rapid shifts in mood seen in Natrum Muriaticum, such as laughing followed by weeping.
- Lachrymal disposition: Means a tendency to cry easily, a hallmark of Natrum Muriaticum.
- Unrequited affections: Refers to unreturned love, a situation that can worsen symptoms in Natrum Muriaticum.
- Mapped tongue: Describes a tongue with red, patchy areas, a characteristic symptom of Natrum Muriaticum.
- Modalities: The factors that worsen or improve symptoms. For Natrum Muriaticum, these include time of day, weather, and food.
- Consolation <: Indicates that consolation worsens the emotional state of the individual.
- Mapped tongue: A tongue with red, patchy areas, a distinctive feature of Natrum Muriaticum.
- Nervous economy: Describes the overall state of the nervous system, characterized by irritability and fretfulness in Natrum Muriaticum.
- Salt craving: An intense desire for salt, a common symptom in Natrum Muriaticum.
- Aversion: A strong dislike for something. In Natrum Muriaticum, this could include certain foods or situations.
- Losing flesh while living well: Refers to weight loss despite a good appetite, a symptom associated with Natrum Muriaticum.
- J. D. Patil 2013, Section II, chap Nat mur
- Zomoeo Lite chap Nat mur
- Boricke MM chap Nat mur
- Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 1, Chap- 1,>Nat mur
- Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 1, Chap- 2,>Nat mur
- Synoptic memorizer MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol- 2, Part-1 ,>Nat mur
- Decachords arranged by Gladstone Clarke chap Nat mur
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Online Search Engines:
- Simply type "Natrum Muriaticum homeopathy" or "Natrum Mur homeopathic remedy" into Google, Bing, or another search engine. This will bring up a variety of articles, blog posts, and websites dedicated to this remedy.
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Homeopathic Websites:
- Many websites are dedicated to homeopathy and have specific information on various remedies. Look for reputable websites like:
- National Center for Homeopathy (NCH)
- American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH)
- British Homeopathic Association (BHA)
- These websites often have searchable databases or libraries where you can find articles on Natrum Muriaticum.
Homeopathic Repertories and Materia Medicas:
- Repertories and Materia Medicas are essential reference books for homeopaths. They contain detailed information on remedies, including their symptoms and indications.
- Look for online or physical copies of these books and search for the Natrum Muriaticum entry. These entries often have references to other articles and studies.
Online Homeopathic Forums and Communities:
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Homeopathic Libraries:
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mention five medicines for great liability to take cold.
i) Firstly, Calcarea Carb,
ii) Secondly, Belladonna,
iii) Thirdly, Hepar Sulph,
iv) Fourthly, Natrum Mur,
v) Lastly, Rhus Tox.
State the sexual symptoms of Natrum Mur.
a) Firstly, Seminal emission soon after coition, with increased desire.
b) Secondly, Weakness of organs with irrational emission during an embrace.
c) Thirdly, Impotency, spinal irritation, paralysis, after sexual excesses.
a) Firstly, Prolapse i.e.: Pressing, pushing towards genitals every morning.
b) Secondly, Must sit down to prevent prolapse.
c) Thirdly, Coition prevented by dryness of vagina.
State the febrile symptoms of Natrum Mur.
i) Firstly, Old, chronic badly treated cases, especially after suppression by quinine.
ii) Secondly, Intermittent fever: paroxysm at 10 or 11 A.M.
iii) Thirdly, Unconsciousness during chill and heat associated with headache.
iv) Fourthly, Sweat ameliorates pain.
v) Lastly, If the vertigo and headache be very persistent, or prostration be prolonged after Natrum Mur., Nux. Vomica will relieve such cases.
Mention three medicines where middle of the lower lip cracked.
i) Firstly, Ammon Carb,
ii) Secondly, Hepar Sulph,
iii) Thirdly, Natrum Mur,
Describe the eye-symptoms of Natrum Mur.
i) Firstly, Lachrymation: tears stream down the face whenever he coughs.
ii) Secondly, Aching in and over eyes, after using eyes at fine work, watch making, engraving.
iii) Thirdly, Severe itching pain in the right eye and orbit, Agg. at noon and leaves at sun-set.
iv) Fourthly, Eye symptoms are ameliorated in the open air.
State the urinary symptoms of Natrum Mur.?
Urinary Symptoms
a) Character of urine i.e.
- Watery, frequent, copious flow.
- Involuntary urination when coughing, laughing, walking, sneezing etc.
b) Before urination i.e.
- Has to wait a long time for urination, if others are present.
c) During urination i.e.
- With urine: discharge of mucous comes from the urethra.
d) After urination i.e.
- Violent, cutting, burning pain in the urethra after urination.
- Discharge of mucus comes from the urethra, after urination which causes itching also buming.
e) Modalities
Agg. i) Firstly, During day time. ii) Secondly, After urination.
f) Concomitants i.e.
- Craving for salts.
- Mapped tongue etc.
State the characteristic symptoms of Natrum Mur.
Characteristics Symptoms
i) Emaciation i.e.
- Great emaciation, especially at the neck, losing flesh while living well.
ii) Modalities i.e.
- from heat of the sun, during day time. especially at 11 A.M. and Amel. by profuse perspiration.
iii) Mind i.e.
- Melancholy, depressed, sad, weeping mood. but extremely irritable too, whilst, consolation Agg. her complaints.
iv) Temperature i.e.
- Nervous, much awkward and hasty and drop things from hand, due to nervous weakness.
v) Desire i.e.
- Intense craving for salts, bitter things.
vi) Aversion i.e.
- Aversion to bread.(6)
State the mental symptoms of Natrum Mur.
Mental Symptoms
1) Irritability i.e.
- Excessive irritability i.e.: nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation. (Ref. Kent)
2) Lachrymal i.e.
- Weeping without any cause.
- Marked disposition to weep.
- But consolation aggravates her troubles.
3) Nervousness i.e.
- Awkward, hasty, drop things from hands due to nervous weakness.
4) Bad effects of i.e.
- Bad effects of anger.
- Bad effects of grief.
- Bad effects of fright.
- Bad effects of vexation.
- Bad effects of mortification.
5) Dreams i.e.
- Dreams of robbers in the house and on waking will not believe until a thorough search is made of the house.
- Dreams of burning thirst,
6) Mood i.e.
- Hypochondriacal mood.
7) Relation with Ignatia i.e.
- Mentally it is the chronic of Ignatia.
8) Modalities i.e.
- Mental symptoms are Agg. especially by consolation.
Describe a Natrum Mur. child.
1) Constitution
a) Physical make-up i.e.
- Pale, anaemic, weak and emaciated. Emaciation especially marked in the neck with long neck (-short neck, Kali. Phos.)
- There is descending type of marasmus(-progressive marasmus in lower extremities, Arg. Nit., Am. Mur.).
- Baby loses flesh while living well
b) Miasm i.e.
- Covers all the 3-miasms.
c) Relation to heat and cold i.e.
- Hot baby, yet the child has great liability to catch cold with frequent sneezing and watering of the nose.
d) Diathesis i.e.:
- Scrofulous diathesis.
- Mentally the baby is very much cross, irritable even when kindly spoken to, cries from the slights cause.
- The child gets into a passion about trifles especially when consoled.
- Consolation agg. all troubles.
- Baby is awkward, hasty, drops things from hand (Child of-5-6 years)-this is from nervous weakness (Apis. Bov.). v) Marked disposition to weep.
3) Symptomatology
i) Nasal i.e.
- Violent and fluent coryza with frequent sneezing also stoppage of nose. Discharge is thin and watery like the white of an egg.
ii) Mile- stone i.e.
- Heavy and difficult speech.
- The ankles are weak and turns easily as described by Dr. E. B. Nash, hence the baby is late in learning to walk.
iii)Urinary i.e.
- Due to slow action of the bladder, lack of force in the flow of urine, involuntary urination especially when walking, coughing. laughing. Cutting pain in urethra after urination (Thuja, Sars.).
iv) Gastro-Intestinal i.e.
- Tongue: Mapped tongue with red insular patches like little ring worms at the side (Ars… Lach, Merc. Sol.. Nit, Ac., Tarax).
- Stool: Generally constipated with sensation of contraction in the anus. Knows not whether flatus or faeces will escape (Aloe., Podo., Mur. Acid., Oleand., lod.)
- Sweats while eating (++). (Ref. Dr. Boericke)
v) Desire and Aversions i.e.
a) Firstly, Intense craving for salt.
b) Secondly, Aversion to bread (+++).
vi) Skin i.e.
- Baby may prone to suffer from eruptions.
- Greasy, oily skin.
- Eczema: Raw. inflamed eczema on the margins of hairs, scalp, behind the ears.
- Urticaria, herpes etc.
- Warts on the palms of hands (Anac.) (-dorsum of hand, Dulc.).
vii) Heart i.e.
- Fluttering sensation of the heart. In detail, Heart’s pulsation shakes the whole body.
viii) Head i.e.
- Headache of school children (Ref. Dr. Boericke as he refers such symptoms in children hence here placed). Anaemic headache Agg. by heat of the sun. Agg. from dawn to twilight, especially 10-11 a.m.
4) Causative Factors i.e.
- Bad effect of anger, salt abuse, abuse of quinine mortification.
5) Modalities i.e.
- from down to twilight especially 10-11 a.m. Agg. at sea shore. Agg. from mental exertion, Agg. from consolation, Amel, in open air. Amel, from going without regular meals.
State the headache of Natrum Mur.
Introduction- Dr. E.B. Nash says, one of the remedies for chronic headaches.
a) Causation i.e.
i) Firstly, Taking too much of salts.
ii) Secondly, From loss of vital fluids
iii) Thirdly, From exposure to sun.
iv) Fourthly, From eye-strain etc.
v) Lastly, After menstruation, as Dr. E. B. Nash says, headache occurs after the menstrual period, as if caused by loss of blood.
b) Location i.e.
- Left sided clavus. Dr. Boericke says semi lateral.
c) Sensation i.e.
i) Firstly, As if head will be burst out.
ii) Secondly, As if thousands of little hammers are hammering in the brain.
iii) Thirdly, Throbbing, pulsation and hammering in head especially during movement. (Ref. Dr. Clarke)
d) Character i.e.
i) Firstly, Bursting type of headache.
ii) Secondly, Dr. Nash refers, intense throbbing with congestion of blood to head. Head feels heavy.
iii) Thirdly, Headache starts with blindness, zig-zag. dazzling vision, like lightning in eyes, ushering in a throbbing headache. Natrum Muriaticum
e) Adoptability i.e.
- Usually found in school girls who are emaciated and anaemic.
f) Modalities:
Agg. i.e.
i) Firstly, From heat of the sun.
ii) Secondly, From sunrise to sunset especially 10 to 11 A.M.
iii) Thirdly, At seashore.
Amel. i.e.
i) Firstly, By profuse perspiration.
ii) Secondly, When lying down with head high. (Ref.Clarke)
iii) Thirdly, In open air.
g) Concomitants i.e.
i) Firstly, Blindness before the headache.
ii) Secondly, Nausea and vomiting before and during the headache.
iii) Thirdly, Vertigo: on rising from bed, on waking, on stooping.