Antimonium Tartaricum
Antimonium Tartaricum, also known as Tartar Emetic, is a homeopathic remedy derived from a compound of antimony and potassium tartrate. It is traditionally used to address respiratory conditions characterized by excessive mucus accumulation, rattling coughs, and difficulty breathing. This remedy is often considered when individuals experience weakness, drowsiness, and nausea alongside respiratory symptoms.
Common name: Tartar Emetic
Asphyxia Neonatarum
Antim. tart, is an excellent remedy for asphyxia neonatorum. It is most useful where there is much rattling in the chest and cyanosis. Mechanical asphyxia due to foreign body in the larynx leading to dyspnoea. Child at birth is pale, breathless or gasping although the cord still pulsates. (Compare with
Carbo. veg., Moschus).
[Materia medica by Dr.S.K.Dubey]
Nausea marked with every complication
NAUSEA, RETCHING, AND VOMITING, especially after food, with deathly faintness and prostration. THIRST FOR COLD WATER, LITTLE AND OFTEN, AND DESIRE FOR APPLES, FRUITS, AND ACIDS GENERALLY. Nausea produces fear; with pressure in praecordial region, followed by headache with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting.
[Materia Medica By Boericke W.]
Tongue :coated,white,thick,reddened pappilae
Tongue; thick, white pasty very red or red in streaks; dry in the middle; papillae show through white coat.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Irristable desire to sleep , with every complaint .
GREAT DROWSINESS; with all complaints, or from warmth. *Yawning with many complaints. Shocks on dropping to sleep. Cries during sleep with fixed eyes and trembling. Lies on back with left hand passed under head.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Mucopurulent (secretions)
mucus secretions from 2 systematic tracts , Respiratory and Gastrointestinal.
[The Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica (All 10 Vols.) By Hering C.]
Through Pneumogastric nerve it depresses respiration
Through the pneumogastric nerve it depresses the respiration and circulation, thus producing the keynote of the remedy, viz. , when the patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.
[Keynotes With Nosodes By Allen H.C.]
Apple craving marked
Craves apples, fruits and *acids which disagree.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Rattling , the death rattle.
Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping; asphyxia neonatorum. Relieves the "death-rattle."
[Keynotes With Nosodes By Allen H.C.]
Restlessness with moaning.
He groans and moans involuntarily, and restlessness drives him from his seat and makes him walk about. Anxious and restless.
[A Cyclopedia Of Drug Pathogenesy Vol.1 By Hughes R.]
Anticipatory anxiety
Anxious apprehension respecting the future (in the evening).
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
The irritable child.
The child will not allow itself touched, without whining and crying, whereby the toes and fingers are drawn inwards.
[Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.1 By Allen T.F.]
Time to time mood change.
The whole time an unusual, noticeable (more to others than to herself) wild gayety, toward evening; this gave place to fretfulness, peevishness, and anxious thoughts about the future; she thinks she will remain in her present condition.
[Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.1 By Allen T.F.]
Loss of hope .
Hopeless, despondent mood, toward evening, with chilliness, pain in the chest, and great sleepiness.
[[Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.1 By Allen T.F.]]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Common name:
Tartar Emetic
Tartar emetic, Tartrate of antimony and potassium
Family / Group / Class / Order:
Mineral Kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description:
It is available in chemist shops in the market.
Formula / Symbols:
K(Sb) C4H4O6 + ½ H2O[1]
Name of prover:
Hartlaub and Trinks
Introduction and history:
It is an excellent remedy. As every homeopath will testify, its range of action is very broad. It is a chemical salt of antimony and potassium. It is a colourless, transparent crystal or a white, granular, odourless powder having a sweet metallic taste. The crystals effloresce upon exposure to air; it is soluble in twelve parts of water and three parts of boiling water. It is insoluble in alcohol. The aqueous solution is slightly acidic.
Parts used:
It is prepared by dissolving a mixture of ten parts of potassium bitartrate with eight parts of antimony oxide, in 75 parts of boiling water, filtering while hot and allowing it to crystallize. It was also introduced by Glauber and proved by Dr Hartlaub and Trinks.Triturations are made from the potassium tartrate of antimony.
Described above.
Physical make up
Sickly,sunken face covered with cold sweat.[2]
Relation with heat & cold
Neither hot nor chilly
Psora , sycosis
Clinical conditions[3]
Alcoholism. Aphthæ. Asphyxia neonatorium. Asthma. Bilious affections. Bronchitis. Catarrh. Chicken-pox. Cholera. Cholera morbus. Coccygodynia. Cough. Group. Delirium-Tremens. Dyspepsia. Ecthyma. Eyes, inflamed. Impetigo. Intermittent fever. Laryngitis. Lumbago. Lungs, affections of. Myalgia. Paralysis agitans. Plica-polonica. Pneumonia. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Screaming. Small-pox. Stiff-neck. Sycosis. Synovitis. Taste, altered. Thirst. Tongue, coated. Tremors. Varioloid. Vomiting. Whooping-cough.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Mucous membranes, respiratory tract, brain, nerves, heart, skin, circulatory system, salivary glands, etc.
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
Vaccination, living in damp houses, anger, debauchery,smallpox, debility, after eating, vexation.
Physiological action
1.Applied to the skin, it produces a papular eruption, which becomes vesicular,
then pustular with central umbilication.
2. Small doses taken internally cause nausea, increase saliva, gastric and
intestinal juices and mucous in the bronchi.
3. Large doses produce vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps in the epigastrium;
depresses heart action, with consequent falling of blood pressure, lowers
body temperature; greatly increases bronchial mucous; causes fainting,
coldness and paralysis of both motor and sensory centers and diminishes
reflex excitability.
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
1. It is an irritant and depressant.
2. It acts directly on the mucous membrane of the stomach. Secondly, when
absorbed, it acts upon the medulla oblongata and through the vagus the
depressant action continues; nausea and vomiting are the manifestations of
its influence.
3. It acts on the pneumogastric nerve, causes depression of respiration producing
pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc. It makes the local catarrh more serious
and may induce a degree of asphyxia.
4. Due to the action on the pneumogastric nerve, it causes depression of
5. It also acts on the skin producing pustular eruptions like smallpox; also acts
on all tissues and promotes rapid waste.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Antimonium Tartaricum
1. Apprehension and restlessness during the evening.
2. Vertigo on closing the eyes, alternates with drowsiness, dullness and
3. Confusion of head with a feeling as if he should sleep.
4. Vertigo when walking; flickering before the eyes when lifting the head, so
she must lie down.
5. Fear of being alone, muttering delirium and stupor with great despondency.
6. Child will not be touched without whining, clings to those around, wants to
be carried.
7. Headache as if from a band compressing.
8. Frightened at every trifle, bad humour.
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
There is some similarity of symptoms between Ant-c. and Ant-t. esp. in mental and digestive sphere.
Ant-t, affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES esp. of Bronchi and Lungs, causing GREAT ACCUMULATION OF MUCUS, with coarse rattling; thereby respiration is impeded and heart action becomes laboured; defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs.
All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power.
Patient becomes INCREASINGLY WEAK, SWEATS, BECOMES DROWSY and RELAXED with Lack of reaction.
It is suitable to old people and children; to gouty subjects and drunkards, with gastric affections.
Trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness.
Sensation of weight or heaviness in many parts; head, occiput, coccyx, limbs.
Convulsive twitching.
Band like feeling in the forehead.
Head hot and sweaty.Trembling of head, while coughing.
Vertigo; with dullness and confusion; alternating with drowsiness.
As of a lump in forehead.
Vertigo from lifting head from pillow.
Fits. as of vertigo with sparking before the eyes.
Head amel. in open air, washing with cold water and motion.
Head bend back
Dim, swimming eyes.
Collection of mucus in margins of lids (in Pneumonia).
One eye closed.
Pustular eruptions on the conjunctiva.
Flickering; sparks before the eyes.
Eyes staring
Sickly, sunken.
Pale, bluish or twitching, with cough.
Covered with cold sweat.
Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw.
Flow of saliva; during pregnancy.
Tongue; thick, white pasty; very red or red in streaks; dry in the middle; papillae show through white coat.
Mouth remains open after yawning.
Taste; bitter, flat.
Tongue flaccid, dry.
Imprints of teeth on border of the tongue.
Much mucus in throat with short breathing.
Swallowing painful or impossible.
Craves apples, fruits and acids which disagree.
Nausea; comes in waves; with weakness and cold sweat; Loathing, anxiety or fear, followed by headache, with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting.
Vomiting forcible, then exhaustion and sleep.
Violent retching.
Sinking at stomach.
Vomits with great effort.
Thirst for cold water little and often.
Eructations like bad eggs.
Vomiting amel. lying on right side.
Aversion to milk, to all kind of nourishment.
Feels as if full of stones.
Violent colic with drowsiness.
Diarrhoea, of eruptive diseases.
Stools – mucus, of grass green.
Pain in the groins and cold creeps before menses.
Palpitation during stools.
Mucus , grass green colored.
Urinary Organ
Burning in urethra during and after urination.
Last drop bloody, with pain in the bladder.
Sexual Organ
Pain in testicles after checked gonorrhoea.
Warts on glans penis.
Leucorrhoea, of watery blood agg. sitting.
Puerperal convulsions amel. after the child is born.
Respiratory System
Unequal breathing; abdominal breathing; Suffocative Shortness of Breath; before cough or alternating with cough.
A leaflet seems to close the trachea.
Coarse Losse, Rattling Cough.
Chest Seems Full Yet Less and Less Is Raised.
Cough followed by vomiting or sleep agg. anger.
Must sit up to breathe or cough.
Coughs and yawns alternately.
Expectoration thick.
Asphyxia Neonatorum, child breathless and pale when born.
Paralysis of lungs, with oedema.
Cough and Dyspnea amel. lying on right side, by eructations, agg. warm drinks.
Capillary bronchitis; pleuro-pneumonia.
Velvety felling in chest.
Child bends backwards, with cough.
Heart & Pulse
Great precordial anxiety, with vomiting of mucus and bile.
Palpitation with uncomfortable hot feeling.
Paralytic depression of heart.
Weak quick pulse.
Sensation of coldness in blood vessels.
Palpitation with loose stools.
Neck & Back
Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region, slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat agg. lifting.
Sensation as of a heavy load was hanging on end of coccyx, dragging downwards all time.
Vertebrae seem to rub against each other.
Trembling of the hands.
Fingertips icy cold or dead, numb, dry and hard.
Restless arm.
Feet go to sleep on sitting.
Dropsy of the legs; of knee joint (left).
Tension in hamstring when walking.
Joints swollen.
Jerking up of limbs during sleep, with loose stools.
Pustular eruption leaving a bluish red mark.
Thick eruptions like pocks.
Sycosis barbae.
Delayed or receding eruptions.
Blue eruptions.
Great Drowsiness; with all complaints, or from warmth. Yawning with many complaints.
Shocks on dropping to sleep.
Cries during sleep with fixed eyes and trembling.
Lies on back with left hands passed under hand.
Copious Cold Clammy Sweat.
Coldness, trembling and chilliness.
Burning sensation.
Heat coming from heart.
Cold creeping before menses.
Important characteristic features
Keynotes / Redline:
1. Extraordinary craving for apple.
2. Great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated.
3. Coarse rattling, like death rattle.
4. Vomiting in any position except lying on the right side.
Adapted to persons of hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, torpid, phlegmatic persons. It is suited to old people and children to gouty subjects and drunkards with respiratory affection.
-Ill-effects of vaccination when remedies fail and Silicea is not indicated.
-All complaints are attended with irresistible to desire to sleep.
-Entire absence of thirst.
-Respiratory system-Ant-t affects the mucous membrane especially of bronchi and lungs.
-Causing great accumulation of mucous with coarse rattling and bubbling rales in the chest- coarse, like the death rattle; thereby respiration is impeded and heart’s action becomes laboured, defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs.
-All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power.
-Great rattling of mucus when very little is expectorated.
-Chest seems full, yet less and less in raised.
-Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus.
-Rapid, short, difficult breathing, abdominal breathing, seems as if he would suffocate, must sit up to breathe or cough.
–Cough followed by vomiting or sleep.
-Oedema and impending paralysis of lungs.
-Coughing and gasping consecutively.
–Cough excited by eating, with pain chest and larynx < 3 a.m.
-Dyspnoea relieved by eructation, by lying on right side.
-Asphyxia neonatrum, child breathless and pale when born.
-Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath.
-Child coughs when angry.
-Child bends backward with cough.
-Expectoration thick and white.
-Thirstlessness with all these bronchial troubles with copious discharge of mucus and great rattling in the chest.
Great weakness/prostration.
Nausea and vomiting with respiratory complaints.
Desire to be carried, yet irritability.
Cyanosis (bluish discoloration).
Worse from warmth, better from cool air.
1. All complaints are attended with irresistible desire to sleep.
2. Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, sweat, runs through the whole of this remedy.
3. Great accumulation of mucus, very little expectoration.
4. Extraordinary craving of apple.
5. Tongue thick, white, pasty, with reddened papillae and red edges and red in streaks.
6. Nausea and vomiting in any position except lying on right side.
7. Complete absence of thirst with bronchial troubles.
8. Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region < lifting, slight effort to move, may cause retching and cold clammy sweat.
9. Pustular eruptions like small pox.
Nucleus symptoms
-Through the pneumogastric nerve, it depress the respiration and circulation, causing great accumulation of mucus, great rattling of mucus. Death rattle, but very little is expectorated.
-Nausea, vomiting, coldness, drowsiness, prostration, sweat runs through the whole of this remedy.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Antimonium Tartaricum
Alcoholism, Asphyxia neonatorum, Asthma, Bronchitis,Catarrh, Chickenpox, Cholera, Convulsions, Drowsiness, Fever, Impetigo,Lung affections, Pneumonia, Pustular eruptions, Rheumatism, Skin diseases,Smallpox, Vomiting,Whooping cough, etc.
Warm; room, wraps weather.
Cold; dampness.
Sitting erect.
Lying on right side.
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Follows well:
Camph, Carb-v, Sil, Sulph, Bar-c.
Bry, Camph, Caust, Sep, Bar-c.
Antidoted by:
Chin, Merc, Op, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep
Dose of Antimonium Tartaricum
- The lowest potencies sometimes aggravate.
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 200, 1000.
- Duration of Action
- 20-30 days[4]
Core Homeopathic Terminology:
Materia Medica:
This refers to the body of knowledge describing the properties and symptom pictures of homeopathic remedies. It details the symptoms a substance can produce in a healthy person (proving) and, therefore, cure in a sick person.
A repertory is an index of homeopathic symptoms, cross-referenced with remedies that have been known to address those symptoms. It’s a tool used to find the most appropriate remedy based on a patient’s individual symptom presentation.
This refers to the dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) of a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies are prepared through serial dilutions, with each dilution followed by succussion. Potencies are typically expressed in "C" (centesimal) or "X" (decimal) scales (e.g., 30C, 6X).
A proving is the process by which homeopathic remedies are tested on healthy individuals to determine the symptoms they produce. These symptoms are then recorded in the materia medica.
In homeopathy, symptoms are not just signs of disease, but also individual characteristics of a patient’s experience of illness. This includes mental, emotional, and physical symptoms.
Totality of Symptoms:
This refers to the complete picture of a patient’s symptoms, including their unique characteristics and modalities. Homeopaths aim to match the totality of symptoms with the symptom picture of the most similar remedy.
These are factors that aggravate or ameliorate symptoms (e.g., worse from heat, better from cold, worse at night).
The act of coughing up and spitting out mucus or phlegm from the lungs and airways. Antimonium Tartaricum is often associated with copious, rattling mucus, but difficult expectoration.
Rattling Mucus:
This term describes the coarse, wet sound of mucus moving in the chest, often heard during breathing.
Respiratory Conditions:
Antimonium Tartaricum is highly associated with respiratory ailments, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.
This term refers to a state of extreme physical weakness or exhaustion, a symptom often related to the remedy.
[1] Gems materia medica by Dr.J.D.Patil
[2] Materia Medica by Dr.S.R.Phatak
[3] Dictionary of practical Materia medica by Dr.J.H.Clarke
[4] Zomeo
Also Search As
Also Search As
1. Online Database and Website Searches:
- General Search Engines:
- Using search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo with specific keywords is a primary method.
Specialized Databases:
- DailyMed: This provides official drug labeling information, which can be helpful for understanding the composition of homeopathic preparations.
- Websites of reputable homeopathic organizations often have online materia medica or databases.
- DailyMed: This provides official drug labeling information, which can be helpful for understanding the composition of homeopathic preparations.
2. Traditional Resource Searches:
- Homeopathic Materia Medica:
- Referencing classic homeopathic texts like those by William Boericke or James Tyler Kent provides detailed descriptions of the remedy’s properties.
- Homeopathic Repertories:
- These books index symptoms and corresponding remedies, allowing for targeted searches based on specific symptom presentations.
- These books index symptoms and corresponding remedies, allowing for targeted searches based on specific symptom presentations.
3. Direct Consultation and Professional Searches:
Consulting a Qualified Homeopath:
- A professional homeopath can provide personalized information and guidance based on individual needs.
- A professional homeopath can provide personalized information and guidance based on individual needs.
Searching Professional Homeopathic Journals:
- Researching articles in peer-reviewed homeopathic journals can provide insights into clinical studies and case reports.
4. Product-Specific Searches:
- Online Pharmacy Websites:
- Websites selling homeopathic remedies often provide product descriptions and usage information.
- When searching on these sites, use the full name "Antimonium Tartaricum" and specify the potency (e.g., "Antimonium Tartaricum 30C").
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Antimonium Tartaricum used for?
What are the key symptoms of Antimonium Tartaricum?
Key symptoms include:
Rattling mucus with difficulty coughing it up.
Significant weakness and prostration.
Nausea and vomiting alongside respiratory issues.
Cyanosis (bluish skin).
Is Antimonium Tartaricum safe for children?
Homeopathic remedies, including Antimonium Tartaricum, should be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, especially for children.
Can Antimonium Tartaricum help with asthma?
It may be helpful for asthma cases with the characteristic rattling mucus and difficulty expectorating.
What are the modalities of Antimonium Tartaricum?
Generally worse from warmth, and better from cool air.
How do homeopaths administer Antimonium Tart?
Homeopaths prescribe Antimonium Tart in highly diluted forms, known as potencies. Specifically, they tailor the potency to the individual’s needs.