Thuja Occidentalis

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Informative infographic about Thuja Occidentalis homeopathic remedy, highlighting its uses, symptoms, and treatment options offered at Mann Homeopathic Clinic.

Thuja Occidentalis


Thuja occidentalis, also known as northern white-cedar, eastern white-cedar, or arborvitae, is an evergreen coniferous tree native to eastern Canada and much of the north-central and northeastern United States.

It has several common names, including:

  • Swamp cedar
  • American arborvitae
  • Eastern arborvitae

In the horticultural trade in the United States, it is particularly known as arborvitae, which is Latin for "tree of life." This name refers to the supposed medicinal properties of the tree’s sap, bark, and twigs.

It is sometimes called white-cedar (hyphenated) or whitecedar (one word) to distinguish it from Cedrus, the true cedars.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Hydrogenoid constitution

A) Cause i.e.

i) Firstly, It is a condition characterised by excess of H+ and 0-ions in the individual cells of the body.

ii) Secondly, Thus, as a result of combustion of H+ and 0 ions, there occurs formation of water molecules.

iii) Thirdly, Thus therefore, the constitution is characterised by excess of fluid in the body.

B) Effects i.e.

i) Firstly, So the patient has an aversion or aggravation from intaking juicy substances, spinaches etc.. which in any way can increases the molecules of water in the organism.

ii) Secondly, So, the patient has an aversion or aggravation during rainy season, from damp wet weather, also as referred by Dr. Von Grauvogal also from cold. and cold foods. 

Medicines of hydrogenoid constitution i.e.

i) Firstly, Argentum Nitricum

ii) Secondly, Antim Tart

iii) Thirdly, Causticum.

iv) Fourthly, Thuja


Anti-sycotic Medicines

 i) Firstly, Pulsatilla, ii) Secondly, Thuja, iii) Thirdly, Medorrhinum.

Medicines for Warts

a) Causticum i.e.

  • Warts i.e.: large, jagged, often pedunculated.
  • Bleeding easily.
  • Exuding moisture.
  • Small, all over the body; additionally on eyelids face, on the nose.

b) Dulcamara i.e.

  • Warts i.e.: fleshy, large, smooth.
  • Either On face or back of hands also fingers.

c) Natrum mur i.e.

  • Warts on palms of hands.

 d)Nitric Acid i.e.

  • Warts, condylomata, sycotic or syphilitic i.e.: large, jagged, pedunculated.
  • Bleeding readily on washing.
  • Moist, oozing, sticking pain.

e) Thuja i.e.

  • Fig-warts, condylomata also wart like excrescences upon mucous also cutaneous surfaces.
  • Warts i.e.: large, seedy, pedunculated.

Medicines for fleshy persons 

i) Firstly, Calcarea Carb. ii) Secondly, Baryta Carb. iii) Thirdly, Thuja.

Medicines for Unhealthy skin

i) Firstly, Graphites. ii) Secondly, Hepar Sulph, iii) Thirdly, Merc. Sol, iv) Fourthly, Silicea, v) After that, Sulphur, vi) Lastly, Thuja.

Vertigo when closing eyes medicines

 i) Firstly, Apis, ii) Secondly, Antim Tart, iii) Thirdly, Lachesis, iv) Fourthly, Thuja.

Headache from Overheating Medicines

 i) Firstly, Antim Crud., ii) Secondly, Gelsemium., iii) Thirdly, Lachesis. iv) Fourthly, Natrum Mur., v) Lastly, Thuja.

Dandruff Medicines

  • Dandruff, falls out in clouds i.e.: Phosphorus also Lycopodium.
  • White, scaly dandruff i.e.: Thuja.

Eye Symptoms of Thuja

  • Ophthalmia neonatorum-sycotic or syphilitic.
  • Large granulations, like either warts or blisters.
  • If uncovered, feels as if a cold stream of air were blowing but through them.
  • Eyelids i.e.: agglutinated at night, dry, scaly on edges; styes also tarsal tumours; besides this chalazae, thick hard knots, like small condylomata; after Staphysagria partially relieved but does not cure.
  • Aggravation especially from uncovering.
  • Amelioration especially from warmth also covering.

Tooth Symptoms Thuja

  • Teeth decay at the roots, whereas crown remains sound.
  • Teeth crumble, turns yellow.
  • Toothache especially from tea drinking.
  • On blowing the nose a pressing pain either in the hollow tooth or at the side of it.

Tongue of Thuja

  • Varicose veins either on tongue or in mouth.
  • Tip of tongue very painful.
  • White blisters on side, close to root, painfully sore.

Female Symptoms Of Thuja

  • Distressing, burning pain in the left ovarian region, when walking or riding. In detail, Must sit or lie down, worse at each menstrual nisus.
  • Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of the vagina.
  • Warty excrescences either on vulua or perineum.
  • Menses i.e.: scanty, insensible . (Ref. Boericke)
  • Profuse leucorrhoea, thick, greenish.

Constipation of Thuja


  • Clarke says, constipation which continues several days, obstinate, as from either inactivity or from intussusception of the intestines.
  1. Character of stool i.e.
  • Basically; Hard, little ball like stool.
  • Stool partly expelled also recedes again.
  1. Concomitants and associated features i.e.
  • In general, Violent pain in rectum, compel to cease of effort.
  • Furthermore, Swollen also painful piles, pains are most severe when sitting.
  • Anus fissured, painful to touch, surrounded with either flat warts, or moist mucus condylomata.

Piles of Thuja

a) Type i.e.

  • Cauliflower like bleeding piles.

 b) Character of piles i.e.

  • Severe aching, burning pain.
  • Itching constantly.
  • Piles swollen.
  • Pain most severe while sitting.

 c) Modalities i.e.

  • In evening, from touch, when sitting.
  • During menses.

d) Concomitant i.e.

  • Either Flat warts or moist mucous condylomata may be present surrounding the anus.
  • Obstinate constipation, stool partly expelled, but recedes again.
  • Anus fissured, painful to touch.

Diarrhoea of Thuja

a) Causation i.e.

  • From taking onion, tea, bread, coffee, butter, fatty foods etc.
  • Especially After bad effects of vaccination.
  • After breakfast, i.e., after eating bread, butter, tea, coffee etc.

b) Time i.e.

c) Character of the stool i.e.

  • Pale, yellowish, greasy, either oily or bloody.
  • Profuse in quantity.
  • Comes out forcibly with much flatus; additionally which Dr. Clarke refers, as if the cork were pulled out of a full jug. (Ref. Clarke)

d) Before stool i.e.

  • Either Rumbling or flatulence in abdomen.

e) During stool i.e.

  • Stool is forcibly discharged with gurgling sensation, specifically as if water is passing through the bunghole.

f) After stool i.e.

  • Excessive exhaustion. (Ref. Clarke)

g) Modality i.e.

  • i) Firstly, In morning., ii) Secondly, Immediately after breakfast,

h) Concomitants i.e.

  • Night sweats i.e.: on uncovered parts.
  • Warts also moist mucous condylomata may be present, surrounding the anus.

Headache of Thuja

a) Causation i.e.

  • From bad-effects of vaccination.
  • From suppression of Gonorrhoea.
  • From sexual excess etc.
  • From tea drinking, over-heating etc.

Note: -Chronic headache, of sycotic or syphilitic origin.

b) Location i.e.

  • Left parietal region.
  • Left sided clavus.

c) Sensation i.e.

  • As if a nail had been driven into the parietal region.
  • As if a convex button were pressed in the affected part.

d) Modalities i.e.

  • Agg. i) Firstly, From sexual excess. ii) Secondly, From overheating. iii) Thirdly, From tea drinking. iv) Fourthly, From bad effects of sycosis also syphilis.
  • Amel. i) Firstly, From motion.

e) Concomitants i.e.

  • Fixed ideas i.e.: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated etc. Describe the skin symptoms of Thuja.

Skin Symptoms of Thuja

1) Introduction i.e.

  • Basically It is the king of anti-sycotic remedies and thus due to the relation of Thuja to the sycosis of Hahnemann; it covers fig-warts, condylomata, wart-like excrescences upon mucus also cutaneous surfaces of the body.

2) Causation i.e.

  • Bad effects of vaccination.
  • From either suppressed or mal-treated Gonorrhoea.

3) Look-up of the skin i.e.

  • Skin looks dirty; in detail unhealthy skin.
  • Either Brown or brownish-white spot’s here also there.

4) Warts i.e.

  • Fig warts, condylomata also wart like excrescences upon mucous membrane and cutaneous surfaces of the body.
  • Warts; large, seedy, pedunculated.

5) Eruptions i.e.

  • Only on covered parts.
  • "Burns especially after scratching.

       6) Fissures i.e.

  • Anal fissure, painful to touch.
  • Surrounded with either flat warts or by moist, mucous condylomata. 

7) Dandruff i.e.

  • White scaly, dandruff.

 8) Hair i.e.

  • Hair dry also falling about.

9) Nails i.e.

  • Deformed, brittle.

10) Small-pox i.e.

  • Vesicles, in the stage of maturation.

11) Perspiration on skin i.e.

  • Only on uncovered parts.
  • Sweetish also strong smelling.
  • Smelling specifically like honey from genitals.

12) Styes, chalazae i.e.

  • Styes also tarsal tumours upon eyelids.
  • Chalazae, thick, hard knots, like small condylomata, after Staphysagria has partially ameliorated, but does not cure.

13) Polyps i.e.

  • Polypi in ears, pale red, cellular, bleeding easily.

14) Modalities i.e.

  • Aggravation especially from heat of bed, from cold.
  • Amelioration especially from touch. (Ref. Clarke)

Mental Symptoms of Thuja

1) Introduction i.e.

  • Thuja patient has various types of fixed-ideas. those are ‘AS IF’ sensations, as follows:

2) Strange person at his side i.e.

  • As if a strange person were at his side.

3) Soul and body i.e.

  • As if his soul also body were separated.

 4)Hallucination i.e.

  • Generally, As if he is under the influence of some superhuman power.
  • Furthermore, As if she is delicate and transparent. (Ref. Kent.)
  • Besides this, As if she is made up of brittle substances, so will not anybody to approach her.
  • Lastly, impulsive woman will not be either touched or approached.

5) Sensation: In scalp i.e.

  • Flesh was beaten also scrapped from the bones, especially the scalp feels as if beaten. (Ref Clarke)

6) Sensation in head i.e.

  • As if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone.
  • As if a convex button were pressed on the head.

 7) Sensation in eyes i.e.

  • As if fine sands are put on the eyes. (Ref. Dr Clarke)

 8) Sensation in ears i.e.

  • As if the ears are being stabbed. (Ref. Clarke)

9) Sensation abdomen i.e.

  • As if a living animal is moving in the abdomen.
  • As if protrudes here also there like the arm of foetus.

10) Sensation in organs i.e.

  • As if urine is always trickling in the urethra, especially after urination.

11) Sensation in limbs i.e.

  • As if body, especially the limbs were made up of glass also would break easily.

12) Sensations in muscles i.e.

  • As is muscle, flesh, were beaten also scrapped from the bones.

13) Music i.e.

  • Music is unbearable, it causes sadness, also weeping mood.

Characteristic Symptoms of Thuja

1) King of the kingdom sycosis i.e.

  • The king of anti-sycotic medicines.
  • Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of Hahnemann, that either Sulphur does to psora or Mercury to syphilis.

2) Constitution i.e.

  • Specifically, Adapted to hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, which is related to sycosis, as effect is to cause.
  • Acts well especially in lymphatic temperament, in very fleshy persons dark complexions, also black-hair, 

3) Fixed manias i.e.

  • Various fixed ideas are present, i.e.

i) Firstly, As if a strange person were at his side.

ii) Secondly, As if soul and body were separated.

iii) Thirdly, As if a living animal were in abdomen etc.

4) Side i.e.: predominancy

  • A prominent left sided medicine.
  • Most of the complaints are aggravation especially in the left side.

5) Fig warts i.e.

  • Fig warts, condylomata and wart-like excrescences upon the mucous membranes also cutaneous surfaces of the entire body i.e.: which is related to sycosis.

6) Bad effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea i.e.

  • Due to bad effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea i.e.: articular rheumatism, prostatitis, sycosis, impotency, condylomata also many other constitutional trouble results.

7) Bad effects of vaccination i.e.

  • Due to bad effects of vaccination either diarrhoea or skin diseases occurs. i.e.

8) Sweat i.e.

  • In general, Sweat only on uncovered parts.
  • Or all over, excepting the head.
  • Furthermore, Profuse, sour-smelling, foetid sweat, at night.
  • Besides this, Perspiration, smelling like honey, on the genitals.
  • Either at night or when he sleeps.
  • Lastly, Sweat stops when he wakes.(6)

Excerpts (Summary)

Thuja Occidentalis: A Homeopathic Remedy for Warts, Skin Issues, and More

Discover the healing potential of Thuja occidentalis, a versatile homeopathic remedy derived from the Northern White Cedar tree. Explore its traditional uses for conditions like warts, skin problems, and respiratory ailments. Learn about the characteristic symptoms that may indicate a need for Thuja occidentalis, such as a tendency towards warts, sensitivity to dampness, and specific emotional states. Understand how to safely use Thuja occidentalis under the guidance of a qualified homeopath and its potential benefits for promoting overall well-being.

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