Abdominal Examination

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Abdominal Examination


Abdominal Examination consider Symptoms of GI or Abdominal diseases are often vague, and signs of abnormality few unless the disease is advanced. Assessment of the nutrition status is particularly very important for coming to a diagnosis, in GI diseases or digestive problems. Proper history aids the process of diagnosis along with a thorough abdominal examination.Consult a homeopathic doctor for complains of abdominal pain or digestive problems.

Here are some synonyms for "abdominal examination":

  • Abdominal assessment
  • Belly check (informal)
  • Abdominal inspection
  • Abdominal palpation

These options focus on different aspects of the examination:

  • Assessment is a broader term that encompasses the entire evaluation process.
  • Inspection refers to visually examining the abdomen.
  • Palpation involves feeling the abdomen with the hands to assess for tenderness, masses, or other abnormalities.

You can also use more general terms for examination, such as:

  • Abdominal checkup
  • Abdominal evaluation
  • Physical examination of the abdomen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Abdominal Examination consider Symptoms of GI or Abdominal diseases are often vague, and signs of abnormality few unless the disease is advanced. Assessment of the nutrition status is particularly very important for coming to a diagnosis, in GI diseases. Proper history aids the process of diagnosis along with a thorough abdominal examination.

  • Liver
  • Spleen
  • Kidneys
  • Peristaltic sounds

  • Succussion splash

  • Arterial bruit

  • Venous hum

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Excerpts (Summary)

Abdominal Examination consider Symptoms of GI or Abdominal diseases are often vague, and signs of abnormality few unless the disease is advanced. Assessment of the nutrition status is particularly very important for coming to a diagnosis, in GI diseases. Proper history aids the process of diagnosis along with a thorough abdominal examination.

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