Avoidance of Seasonal Skin Problems
How Can You Avoid Seasonal Skin Problems?
Avoidance of Seasonal Skin Problems is necessary because, it is a general problem or condition which affects our day to day life during various seasons.
Here are some synonyms for "seasonal skin problems" depending on the specific issue:
General Terms:
- Seasonal skin flare-ups
- Weather-related skin issues
- Climate-induced skin conditions
Specific Problems:
- Winter: Dryness, chapping, irritation (from cold or dry air), eczema flare-ups (for those prone)
- Summer: Sunburn, heat rash, excessive sweating, acne breakouts (for some)
- Spring: Allergies (leading to dryness, itching, redness), increased sensitivity (due to sun after winter)
- Fall: Dryness (due to cooler temperatures and indoor heating), irritation (from allergens like ragweed)
Additionally, depending on the severity:
- Seasonal skin discomforts
- Seasonal skin concerns
- Seasonal skin challenges
Top 10 Skin Conditions
These avoiding to Problems are not possible in following conditions:
Are you facing hair-fall or dandruff issues?
Are your nails discoloured, pitted or brittle?
If yes, then seeing one of the dermatologists Homeopathic Doctors in Rajkot is what you should consider.How can you avoid Seasonal Skin Problems ?
Moreover, With thousands of errands on your to-do list, you may rarely find some time to work out, jog or walk, let alone go for your regular medical check-ups.
More often than people do not realize how important it is to take care of skin. Healthy skin is very important as it can contribute positively to the overall well-being. But most of the times, this does not fall in the schedule.
By consulting skin specialist, you can keep all kinds of problems related to your hair, nails also skin at bay.
These skin specialists are trained to handle various skin problems like acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and rosacea among plenty others.
Cosmetic skin care and beauty products can offer you a quick-fix but they cannot cure the skin problem. And some products can actually worsen the problem because of the chemicals used in them.
Pesky winter skin problems that can be nightmarish:
Winter season brings along a lot of skin problem which may range from flaky locks to chapped lips. The harsh weather can be detrimental to the skin. In detail, It causes skin dryness making the skin feel parched. While slathering a moisturizer is a safe bet but at times the condition cannot be fixed with the help of a cream. And you have to take the appointment of a skin specialist. Here are some common skin conditions that show up in winter:
1. Dry Skin –
The bitter cold outside can result in dry cheeks. The combination of windburn, sun exposure and dehydration can lead to this condition during winter.
2. Dehydrated Skin –
During winter, your skin tends to get dehydrated as the body is stripped off its naturally occurring sebum. Additionally, this makes the skin tight giving it a dull appearance.
3. Chapped Lips –
This is a very common condition that appears during winter. Chapped and peeling lips can be painful and should be addressed immediately so that the problem does not aggravate further.
4. Dry Hands and Feet –
Hands and feet have lesser sebaceous glands than the skin on other parts of the body. Lesser sebaceous glands mean that these areas are more prone to developing dry skin.
5. Dandruff –
One of the biggest enemies of your scalp, dandruff shows up during winter months. The cold and dry air makes the condition worse. Dandruff also leads to excessive hair loss.
6. Dry Cuticles –
More than often, nails also bear the brunt of the cold weather. Painful cuticles and skin peeling around the nails can be extremely painful.
7. Keratosis Pilaris Breakouts –
The changing temperature during the winter season can lead to sudden development of rashes and lumps on your arms and legs.
What are the common skin problems that occur in summer ?
Your skin may witness major damage during summer. The harsh sun rays and the pollution are the main causes of skin problems during this time. Excessive exposure to sun rays can also cause sunburns which if left untreated can result in skin pigmentation. Mentioned below are some common skin problems occurring during summer that need the attention of a professional skin specialist.
1. Dry and Frizzy Hair:
Due to high humidity, the hair becomes dry and frizzy which causes major damage to the hair cuticle.
2. Sun Tan:
As a result of constant exposure to the sun, the skin tans which can lead to the development of redness on the skin and skin peeling.
Since you sweat more in summer season than other times of the year, the sebaceous glands tend to produce more sebum or oil. Due to this, the pores get clogged resulting in acne formation.
4. Polymorphic Light Eruption (PMLE):
Overexposure to sunlight can lead to a photo-allergic reaction, which is termed as polymorphic light eruption causing patchy skin, pigmentation and skin tanning.
5. Prickly Heat:
This skin condition occurs due to blocked sweat glands which do not let the sweat to release from the skin. As a result, it keeps accumulating under the skin resulting in development of tiny rashes and bumps. As these rashes burst and release sweat, it gives a prickly sensation.
6. Folliculitis:
The hair grows out of an opening which is known as a follicle. An infected follicle can result in folliculitis which look like pimples.
Skin problems that arise during monsoon:
Monsoon season is associated with a barrage of skin issues. Excessive humidity increases the chances of skin infections during rainy season. During this time of the year, the body secretes an excessive amount of oil that leads to several skin and hair related problems with a rise in fungal and bacterial infections. Although most of these problems might not be very serious, however leaving them unaddressed can definitely up the risk and severity.
Here are some common skin problems occurring during monsoon:
1. Skin Allergies –
Due to the high level of pollution, developing skin allergies is quite common during the rainy season. These allergies may develop on the hands, feet and upper back.
2. Skin Infections –
Facial folliculitis, ringworm and acne are some common infections occurring during monsoon. The nature of these infections is either bacterial or fungal. The reasons behind such infections are mostly dehydration, excessive sweating, humidity and photo-toxic effects of the sun.
3. Hyperhidrosis –
If you have this medical condition, you are likely to sweat excessively during monsoon season. It can lead to body odour which can result in further infections.
4. Nail Infection –
Your nails are at a higher risk of contracting a fungal infection during monsoon. The nails turn brittle, dull and discoloured.
5. Athlete’s Foot –
If you wear wet or ill-fitting shoes, it can lead to Athlete’s foot which is a painful fungal infection. Wearing plastic shoes, leather shoes or canvas should be completely avoided during this time of the year.
6. Fizzy Hair –
Sweat and the subsequent drying during monsoon can take the moisture off your hair resulting in split ends and frizzy hair. Constant sweating can also result in fungal infections.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Avoidance of Seasonal Skin Problems?
Avoidance of Seasonal Skin Problems is necessary because, it is a general problem or condition which affects our day to day life during various seasons.
What are Summer skin problems?
- Dry and Frizzy Hair
- Sun Tan
- Acne
- Polymorphic Light Eruption
- Prickly Heat
- Folliculitis
Name of Winter skin problems.
- Dry Skin
- Dehydrated Skin
- Chapped Lips
- Dandruff
- Dry Cuticles
- Dry Hands and Feet
What are Monsoon skin problems?
- Skin Allergies
- Skin Infections
- Athlete’s Foot
- Hyperhidrosis
- Athlete’s Foot
- Fizzy Hair
- Nail Infection