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Fracture Definition Symptoms Cause Diet Regimen Homeopathic Medicine Homeopath Treatment In Rajkot India



A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broken. [2]

Fracture synonyms depend on the context you’re using it in. Here are some options:

General breaking:

  • Break
  • Crack
  • Split
  • Shatter
  • Smash

More specific to bones:

  • Rupture
  • Splinter
  • Displacement

Figurative (e.g., fracture in a relationship):

  • Disruption
  • Breach
  • Rift
  • Schism
  • Severance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broken.


  • Treatment depends on the type and severity of the fracture. Minor fractures may only require immobilization with a cast or splint. More complex fractures may need surgery to realign the bones and promote healing.



Doctors typically diagnose fractures using X-rays, which provide detailed images of the bones. In some cases, additional imaging tests like CT scans or MRIs may be needed.

  • Marked pain
  • Swelling
  • Abnormal movement of the affected limb
  • Crepitus
  • Deformity
  • Angulation
  • Unable to put weight on the injured area
  • Affected bone or joint may have a grating sensation
  • Open fracture– bleeding

Homoeopathy for Fracture

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to healing fractures. While it doesn’t replace conventional medical treatment, it can complement it by supporting the body’s natural healing processes and potentially aiding in pain management.

Generally, yes.

It’s important to consult with both your homeopath and your conventional doctor to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications.

Homeopathic Medicines of Fracture

  • Symphytum Officinale
  • Arnica Montana
  • Calcarea Phosphorica
  • Silicea
  • Calendula Officinalis
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Excerpts (Summary)

A fracture, often known as a broken bone, is a common injury that affects people of all ages. Whether it's a minor crack or a complete break, understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for a swift recovery.Fractures come in various forms, each with its own characteristics. Some common types include: Closed Fracture: The bone breaks but does not pierce the skin. Open Fracture: The bone breaks and protrudes through the skin. Comminuted Fracture: The bone shatters into multiple pieces. Stress Fracture: A tiny crack caused by repetitive stress.Timely medical attention is vital for proper fracture healing. Treatment options range from casts and splints for immobilization to surgery for more complex cases. Rehabilitation exercises play a crucial role in restoring strength and mobility.

A fracture can be a jarring experience, both physically and emotionally. While conventional medicine focuses on setting and stabilizing the bone, homeopathy offers a unique approach to support the body's innate healing wisdom. Discover how gentle yet powerful remedies can complement traditional treatments and potentially accelerate your recovery

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