Passivity/Lack of will:
"He has no ambition, no wants."
Kent, J. T. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica. (1905) B. Jain Publishers. (P. No. 625).
Guernsey, H. N. Keynotes to the Materia Medica. (1882) B. Jain Publishers. (P. No. 197) .
Sadness with apathy:
"Quiet; sadness."
Hering, C. Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. (1879) B. Jain Publishers. (Vol. 7, P. No. 292) .
Phobia of the future:
"Anxiety about the future."
Clarke, J. H. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. (1900) B. Jain Publishers. (Vol. 2, P. No. 993) .
Riches indifference :
"He is indifferent to the affairs of life…"
Kent, J. T. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica. (1905) B. Jain Publishers. (P. No. 625) .
Activity (aversion to):
"Mental debility first; later physical."
Boericke, W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. 9th ed. (1927) B. Jain Publishers. (P. No. 502) -.
Idiocy (perceived mental weakness):
"Impaired memory; weakness of mind." (This refers to the patient’s perception of mental weakness, not a clinical diagnosis of idiocy.)
Hering, C. Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. (1879) B. Jain Publishers. (Vol. 7, P. No. 295) .
- G:
- Grief, Growth retardation: Phosphoric Acid is a prominent remedy for the effects of grief, particularly when it leads to profound mental and physical exhaustion. This can manifest as apathy, indifference, and a sense of being overwhelmed by sadness. In children, it can lead to growth retardation.
- "Ailments from grief, chagrin, homesickness, disappointed love…" (Materia Medica with Repertory, William Boericke, 9th Edition, 2002, B. Jain Publishers, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 118)
- Grief, Growth retardation: Phosphoric Acid is a prominent remedy for the effects of grief, particularly when it leads to profound mental and physical exhaustion. This can manifest as apathy, indifference, and a sense of being overwhelmed by sadness. In children, it can lead to growth retardation.
- R:
- Rapid decline, Restlessness: The remedy is indicated when there is a rapid decline in health, often following acute illnesses or emotional shocks. This can be accompanied by restlessness, particularly mental restlessness with an inability to concentrate.
- "…great indifference… answers slowly;… apathy, mental debility first, later physical…" (Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics, E. B. Nash, 4th Edition, 1924, B. Jain Publishers, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 33)
- Rapid decline, Restlessness: The remedy is indicated when there is a rapid decline in health, often following acute illnesses or emotional shocks. This can be accompanied by restlessness, particularly mental restlessness with an inability to concentrate.
Overwhelmed, Oversensitive: Individuals needing Phosphoric Acid often feel overwhelmed by their circumstances and may exhibit heightened sensitivity to noise, light, or touch.
"Oversensitive to all external impressions, light, noise, odors, touch." (Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke, 6th Edition, 1999, B. Jain Publishers, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 69)
- Weakness, Wasting: A key feature of Phosphoric Acid is profound weakness and debility, both mental and physical. This can lead to wasting of muscles and a general emaciated appearance.
"Debility after acute diseases;… nervous exhaustion…" (The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, Constantine Hering, 10 Volumes, 1879-1891, B. Jain Publishers, Volume 7, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 237
Typhoid, Thinning hair: Phosphoric Acid is often indicated in the convalescence stage of typhoid fever, where there is persistent weakness, mental dullness, and hair loss.
"Hair falls out… after typhoid fever…" (A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, John Henry Clarke, 3 Volumes, 1900, B. Jain Publishers, Volume 1, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 48)
Homesickness, Headaches: The feeling of homesickness, with its associated sadness and debility, can be a strong indication for Phosphoric Acid. Headaches, often described as pressing or bursting, are also common, especially those aggravated by mental exertion or emotional stress.
"Homesickness with inclination to weep." (Allen’s Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons, H. C. Allen, 10th Edition, 1998, B. Jain Publishers, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 67)
- Sugar in urine (diabetes), Slowness: Phosphoric Acid can be helpful in cases of diabetes, particularly when associated with nervous exhaustion and debility. A general slowness of mind and body is another characteristic symptom.
- "Diabetes, urine profuse, with great debility." (Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, James Tyler Kent, 5th Edition, 1928, B. Jain Publishers, Chapter: Acidum phosphoricum, p. 381)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Common Name:[1]
- Phosphoric Acid
- Acidum phosphoricum
- Glacial phosphoric acid
- Orthophosphoric acid
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Kingdom: Mineral
- Family: Acids
Habit and Habitat / Description:
- Phosphoric acid is a colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid. It is derived from phosphate rock and is used in various industrial applications, including fertilizers, detergents, and food additives. In its concentrated form, it can be corrosive.
Formula / Symbols:
- H3PO4
Name of Prover:
- Hahnemann
Introduction and History:
- Phosphoric acid was first proved by Hahnemann and included in his Materia Medica Pura. It has been used in homeopathy since the early 19th century for conditions arising from grief, mental exhaustion, and physical debility.
Doctrine of Signature:
- Phosphoric acid, being a substance that can dissolve bone, might be considered for conditions involving weakness and demineralization.
Parts Used:
- The diluted acid is used in homeopathic preparations.
- Dilutions are prepared from the crystals of phosphoric acid.
Physical make up:
- Stooped posture, showing signs of physical and mental debility. There may be dark circles under the eyes and a general air of sadness or apathy
- Melancholic
- Tubercular
Relation with heat & cold:
- Chilly
- Psora
Clinical conditions:
-Useful in relieving pain of cancer.
-Typhoid when other symptoms match. Low fevers where nervous system is affected rather than blood. Intestinal haemorrhage of typhoid fever.
-Ph-ac has more than once proved curative in purpurea and passive haemorrhage- Dr. Tyler.
-Ph-ac excels in diabetes where the starting point of the disease was in nervous system -Dr. Richard Huges.[2]
-For post-influenzal nervous asthenias – Dr. D.M. Borland.
-In chronic affections following sorrowful experiences, we give Ph-ac dil 6x, – Dr. Beta Gumpertz.
-For falling of the hair from debility after fevers, Phos-ac works successfully – Dr. Hughes.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics:
While homeopathy’s mechanism of action is still being researched, phosphoric acid is believed to act primarily on:
The nervous system: Addressing conditions of nervous exhaustion, depression, and apathy.
The mind: Helping to process grief, shock, and emotional trauma.
The musculoskeletal system: Supporting bone health and healing.
The urinary system: Reducing excessive urination and associated weakness.
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):[3]
-Violent acute disease
-GRIEF (Ign)
-Separation from home
-Disappointed affection
-Shock (Nat-m, Hyos, Ign )
-Long succession of moral emotions
-Injuries, Operations
-Bad news
-Disappointed love
-After illness
Physiological action:
The nervous system: Addressing conditions of nervous exhaustion, depression, and apathy.
The mind: Helping to process grief, shock, and emotional trauma.
The musculoskeletal system: Supporting bone health and healing.
The urinary system: Reducing excessive urination and associated weakness
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis:
In conditions where phosphoric acid is indicated, there may be:
- Nervous system depletion: Leading to fatigue, poor concentration, and emotional instability.
- Disturbed metabolism: Affecting growth, bone health, and overall vitality.
- Hormonal imbalances: Contributing to growth issues and emotional disturbances.
- Weakened immune response: Making individuals more susceptible to infections and slow healing.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology):
-AILMENTS FROM GRIEF. Suffers in silence.
-Softening or a dropping down in tone on the emotional plane, leading to indifference, apathy. Wants to be left alone. Sleeps with face to the wall. Listless, APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT to affairs of life, prostrated and stupified with grief to those things that used to be of most interest. Affections of mind, especially of emotional side. Brain fag.
-‘Frozen down’ emotions, indifferent to any kind of stimulation (Hyos, Sep).
-Answers slowly (Hell). Slowness, slow grasp. Can’t collect his ideas, hunts for words.
-Forgetfulness and weakness of memory, especially for words.
–Delirium muttering, lies in a stupor, lies like a log, when aroused is fully conscious, answers slowly and correctly and relapses into stupor.
-Quiet, unwilling to speak or hasty speech.
-Mental DEBILITY first and then physical.
-Intolerance of noise especially music, which causes stitches in ear, even while singing himself. Every second re-echoes loudly in ear[4]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
- Debilitation from loss of vital fluids (semen, blood, etc.)
- Rapid growth in children and young people
- Weakness with free secretions (urine, sweat, emissions)
- Sleepy by day, wakeful at night
- Pain goes to the side lain on
- Great fatigue after walking
- Pinching and squeezing pains
- Headaches:
- Of school girls from eye strain
- Of students growing too fast
- From long-lasting grief or exhausted nerves
- In occiput and nape
- Crushing weight on vertex < shaking, noise (especially music), least motion, mental exertion, after coition; > lying down
- Falling of hair (head, eyebrows, genitalia)
- Hair becomes gray
- Vertigo towards evening when standing or walking
Sight confused, as if looking through a mist
Dull, sunken eyes with blue circles
Pale, sickly face; white of egg seems dried on it
Red streak in middle of tongue
Sordes on teeth
Bleeding, swollen gums
Dry mouth, thirst
Craving for refreshing, juicy things, fruit, cold milk
Important characteristic features
Keynotes / Redline
1. Apathetic, indifferent, listless.
2. A/F – loss of vital fluids.
3. > Short sleep.
4. All discharges profuse and debilitating except diarrhoea.
5. Headache- crushing weight on vertex < music, motion > lying down, in rapidly growing children.
-Sensorial depression as a result of depressing emotions, grief, loss of vital fluids.-Weakness and debility, with free secretions, profound mental debility followed by physical debility.
-Best suited to originally strong constitution, who have become weak or debilitated by a long succession of moral emotions, loss of vital fluids, sexual excesses or vital acute disease.
- Guiding:
Suited to the persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by LOSS OF VITAL FLUIDS.
-Children and young people who grow too rapidly. (Cact, Calc-p)
-Weakness and DEBILITY with free secretions, profuse urine, emissions, sweat < night except diarrhoea which is non-debilitating.
-Pinching and squeezing pains.
-SLEEPY BY DAY, but wakeful at night. Sleep deep, but when aroused fully conscious.
-Craving for REFRESHING, juicy things, FRUIT, cold milk.
-Dryness of mucous membranes.
Nucleus of Phosphoric Acid
The central idea of Phosphoric Acid is deep-seated exhaustion and weakness of the mind and body, often stemming from grief, loss, or prolonged stress. This exhaustion is accompanied by profuse secretions and a tendency towards slow healing and recovery.
Confirmatory Symptoms: These are symptoms that, when present alongside the core picture, strongly suggest Phosphoric Acid:
- Milky urine
- Sleepiness during the day and wakefulness at night
- Painless diarrhea
- Crushing headache
- Hair loss
- PQRS Symptoms:
- Debility with free secretions: This is a hallmark of Phosphoric Acid. The person is weak, but instead of dryness, they have profuse urination, sweating, or seminal emissions.
- Painless diarrhea: The diarrhea is copious but doesn’t cause much pain or exhaustion, which is unusual.
- Sleepy by day, wakeful at night: This reversal of the usual sleep pattern is a strong indicator.
- Milky urine: The urine appears milky, especially at the end of urination.
- Pain goes to the side lain on: This peculiar sensation is a strong characteristic
Therapeutic Value
Loss of vital fluids, especially seminal
Self abuse
Sexual excess
Short sleep
Remedy Relationship
- Complimentary: Chin, Ferr, Nux-v, Rhus-t, Verat.
- Follows Well: Ars, Bell, Calc-p, Caust, Ferr-p, Kali-p, Lyc, Nat-p, Nux-v, Puls, Sep, Sulph.
- Antidoted By: Camph, Coff, Staph.
- Comparison: Ailments from homesickness: Ign, Ph-ac, Caps.
Mild yielding disposition: Ph-ac, Puls.
Headache of school girls from eyestrain: Calc-p, Nat-m, Ph-ac.
Diarrhoea with flatus: Aloe, Nat-m, Ph-ac.
Chest weakness from talking or cough: Ph-ac, Stann.
Indifferent to one’s occupation: Fl-ac, Ph-ac, Sep.
Craving for acids or refreshing things: Ph-ac, Verat.
- Potency: First to twelfth potency
- Duration of Action: 40 Days
Tab Content
Reference :
1.Patil, J. D. (2013). Gems Textbook of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers.
2.Hughes,Richard,A Manual of Pharmacodynamics,Henry Turner & Company, 1867
4. Kent,J.T.,Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica – Together with Kent’s New Remedies incorporated and arranged in alphabetical order,2007,B.Jain Publishers,Delhi.
5.Dubey, S. K. (2020). Text Book of Materia Medica (5th ed.). Books & Allied (P) Ltd.
Also Search As
Also Search As
1. Online Search Engines:
- Specific Keywords: Use precise terms like "homeopathic phosphoric acid," "phosphoric acid homeopathy uses," "Acid Phos 30C," or "phosphoric acid materia medica."
- Symptom-Based Searches: If they know the symptoms they’re looking for help with, they can search for things like "homeopathy for grief," "homeopathy for hair loss after illness," or "homeopathy for mental exhaustion."
- Combine Keywords: Combine different search terms to narrow down results, such as "homeopathy phosphoric acid teenage depression."
2. Homeopathic Resources:
- Homeopathic Journals and Databases: Search within specialized databases like PubMed with a focus on complementary medicine, or journals like The Homeopath or Homeopathy.
- Homeopathic Websites: Look for reputable websites of homeopathic organizations, pharmacies, or practitioners that offer articles and information on remedies.
- Materia Medica Search Tools: Some online materia medica resources allow you to search by remedy name (like Phosphoric Acid) or by symptom.
3. Libraries and Books:
- Library Catalogs: Search your local library catalog for books on homeopathy or materia medica that include information on phosphoric acid.
- Classic Texts: Look for well-known homeopathic books like Kent’s Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica or Clarke’s Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica.
4. Asking Experts:
- Homeopathic Practitioners: Consult with a qualified homeopath. They can provide personalized information and guidance on using phosphoric acid.
- Homeopathic Forums and Communities: Engage in online forums or communities where people discuss homeopathy and share experiences.
5.Homeopathic Resources
Specialized Databases:
- PubMed: A vast medical database, use filters to focus on "complementary medicine" or "homeopathy" alongside your phosphoric acid search.
- Homeopathic Libraries: Many homeopathic schools or organizations have online libraries with journals, articles, and research papers.
Reputable Websites:
- Homeopathic Organizations: National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH), etc.
- Homeopathic Pharmacies: Boiron, Helios, etc., often have remedy information sections.
- Practitioner Websites: Many homeopaths have blogs or articles on their sites.
Materia Medica Search Tools:
- Some online materia medica resources (like ReferenceWorks) have searchable databases where you can enter "phosphoric acid" or specific symptoms.
6.Traditional Resources
Library Catalogs: Search your local library or university library for books on these topics:
- Homeopathic Materia Medica (general books)
- Specific books on phosphoric acid (if any exist)
- Homeopathy for specific conditions phosphoric acid is used for
Classic Texts: These often have detailed sections on phosphoric acid:
- Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by J.T. Kent
- Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke
- Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by J.T. Kent
7.Expert Consultation
- Homeopathic Practitioners: The best source for personalized advice on phosphoric acid and its suitability for your needs.
- Homeopathic Forums and Communities: Online groups can provide insights and shared experiences, but always verify information with qualified practitioners.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the key symptoms indicating a need for Phosphoric Acid in homeopathy?
Phosphoric acid is often indicated for individuals experiencing:
- Firstly, profound mental and physical exhaustion, often following grief, loss, or disappointment.
- Secondly, apathy and indifference towards their surroundings and loved ones.
- Additionally, a marked tendency towards forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
- Moreover, hair loss, particularly in young people, and bone pain may also be present.
2. How is the potency of Phosphoric Acid selected in homeopathic practice?
- Generally, lower potencies (6C, 12C) are considered for acute conditions, such as grief or exhaustion after an illness.
- Conversely, higher potencies (30C, 200C) may be employed for chronic conditions or deep-seated emotional issues.
- However, potency selection should always be individualized based on the specific case and the practitioner’s judgment.
3. Can Phosphoric Acid be used for children?
- Indeed, phosphoric acid can be a valuable remedy for children experiencing growth-related issues, such as rapid growth spurts accompanied by fatigue and bone pain.
4. What are some common complementary remedies often used with Phosphoric Acid?
- Depending on the specific case, remedies like Calc carb, Kali phos, and Nat mur may be used alongside Phosphoric Acid to address the individual’s unique needs.
5.How is Phosphoric Acid different from other homeopathic remedies for exhaustion?
- Grief or disappointment: A sense of loss or emotional shock is a key indicator.
- Mental overexertion: Burnout from prolonged stress or mental strain.
- Rapid growth spurts: Often seen in teenagers experiencing rapid growth and accompanying fatigue.
6.Is Phosphoric Acid safe for children?
Yes, when prescribed by a qualified homeopath, Phosphoric Acid can be safe for children. It is often used for children experiencing:
- Growing pains: Bone pain and fatigue associated with growth spurts.
- Grief and emotional distress: Difficulty coping with loss or change.
- School-related stress: Exhaustion and lack of concentration due to academic pressure.
7.How do I take Phosphoric Acid?
Phosphoric Acid is available in various potencies (dilutions). A qualified homeopath will select the appropriate potency and dosage based on your individual needs. It is typically taken in pellet form, dissolved under the tongue.
8. Can Phosphoric Acid be taken alongside conventional medications?
Generally, yes. Homeopathic remedies are often used alongside conventional treatments. However, it’s crucial to inform your doctor and homeopath about all medications you are taking to ensure there are no potential interactions.