Allium Sativum
Here are the names for Allium sativum:
- Garlic (most common and widely recognized name)
- Stinking rose (referencing the strong smell)
- Nectar of the gods (used more poetically to describe its flavor)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction Allium sativum
Common name:
Poor Man’s Treacle, Rustic’s Treacle
Family / Group / Class / Order:
Liliaceae family
Habit and habitat / Description:
A perennial herb with a strong, pungent odor, native to Central Asia and cultivated worldwide.
Formula / Symbols:
Allium sativum
Name of prover:
Petroz and Teste, 1852
Introduction and history:
Garlic has been used for centuries as a culinary spice and for its medicinal properties. In homeopathy, it is used to treat a variety of ailments including digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and skin conditions.
Doctrine of signature:
The doctrine of signature suggests that the appearance of a plant can indicate its medicinal uses. In the case of garlic, its pungent odor and strong flavor may suggest its ability to fight infection and clear congestion.
Parts used:
Tincture from the fresh bulb
Active principles:
Allicin, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide
The homeopathic remedy Allium sativum is prepared by potentizing a tincture made from the fresh bulb of the garlic plant.[1][2][3]
Constitution of Allium sativum
Physical Make-up:
- Plethoric, lymphatic constitution; tendency to obesity.
- Irritable, nervous, and easily excited.
- Catarrhal diathesis, with tendency to mucous discharges.
- Gouty diathesis.
Relation with Heat & Cold:
- Aggravation: Warmth, especially warm rooms and stuffy atmospheres.
- Amelioration: Open air, cool applications.
- Psora, with its characteristic catarrhal and skin manifestations.[4]
Please note that this information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Clinical Conditions of Allium sativum
- Respiratory: Coryza, influenza, bronchitis, asthma.
- Digestive: Dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, worms.
- Circulatory: Hypertension, arteriosclerosis.
- Nervous: Neuralgia, headache.
- Skin: Warts, corns.
Sites of Action / Pharmacodynamics:
- Mucous membranes: Especially of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
- Nervous system: Particularly the sensory nerves.
- Blood vessels: Causes vasodilation.
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
- Exposure to cold and dampness.
- Suppressed skin eruptions.
- Overindulgence in rich food.
Physiological Action:
- Expectorant: Promotes the expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
- Stimulant: Increases the activity of the digestive system.
- Antispasmodic: Reduces muscle spasms.
- Rubefacient: Causes redness of the skin.
- Antiseptic: Inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Patho-physiological Changes / Pathogenesis:
- Catarrhal inflammation: Especially of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts.
- Nervous irritation: Manifesting as neuralgia, headache, and irritability.
- Vascular congestion: Leading to hypertension and arteriosclerosis.[5]
Please note that this information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Allium Sativum
- Weak memory. Additionally, Lack of ideas.
- Desire to escape.
- Sadness when alone ; moral uneasiness ; afraid of never getting well ; fear of not being able to bear any kind of medicine ; fear of being poisoned ; sensitiveness ; impatience.
- Cannot bear anything ; wants many things but is not pleased with any ; especially every afternoon.
Easily angered, impatient, and prone to outbursts.
Apprehensive, worried, and fearful, especially about health.
Sadness, despondency, and a feeling of hopelessness.
Memory Weakness:
Difficulty remembering recent events and names.
Mental fogginess and difficulty concentrating.
Apathy, lack of interest, and difficulty thinking clearly.[6]
Please note that this information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Guiding Symptoms
- Vertigo : worse on looking long and steadily at anything whereas transient on rising from a seat and heaviness of head, > as soon as menses appear.
- Heaviness in head : in forehead, can hardly open eyes ; with mucus in throat ; ceases with onset of menses, also returns afterwards.
- Moreover, Pulsations in temples.
- Allium Sativum has Dull pain in occiput in morning when lying on back.
- Pressing pains from within outward.
- ** Headache. especially In dyspeptic subjects
- Dandruff and similarly Baldness.
- Could read only with spectacles ; additionally heaviness in eyes.
- Catarrhal ophthalmia at night ; smarting, burning, lachrymation ; eyelids agglutinated ; returns every night when he tries to read.
- Tarsi sore, with irritation of eyes.
- Profuse watering of eyes but without coryza.
- Deafness of left ear (catarrhal).
- Hardened earwax (topically with milk).
- Furthermore, Hardened crusts in outer canal.
- His customary aural catarrh disappeared ; surprisingly he heard better in diseased ear.
- Basically Increased secretion of nasal mucus, with slight stoppage of both nostrils.
- Coryza comparatively more dry than fluent, with pressive pain from above root of nose.
Ozana. - At last, Allium Sativum has Smarting at junction of ala and face, mostly left.
- Allium Sat. has Smarting, also itching of face.
- Spots in face.
- Besides this, Stinging in one side of face.
- Smarting as from herpetic eruption, especially near left angle of lips.
- Lips dry.
- Toothache paroxysmal also severe.
- Tickling sensation in lower teeth.
- Drawing in teeth, swollen gums, sensation of a hair on tongue, < from reading.
- Pressing, transitory jerking in jaws also upper molars of r. side, in forenoon.
- Taste : hot, as from throat, causing increase of saliva.
- Allium Sat. has Tongue furred white, with a disagreeable taste.
- Additionally, Tongue dry at night.
- Copious, sweetish saliva ; especially after meals, more after supper and at night.
- Moreover Mouth symptoms worse from reading.
- Sores in mouth.
- Sticky feeling in throat, with dryness, tickling heat and raw feeling in larynx.
- Anterior part of throat not sensitive to touch.
Allium Sat. has Ulcerated throat.
- Similarly, Accumulation of mucus in throat with heaviness of head in morning.
- Feels as if something cold, then again something hot also stinging ascended oesophagus.
- Voracious appetite.
- Hunger and emptiness in stomach, but without appetite.
- Desire for butter.
- Heartburn.
- Pressure as from a stone.
- Long-standing dyspepsia, especially in old, fleshy people, whose bowels are disturbed by slightest deviation from a regular diet.
- In forenoon pressure in epigastrium and transverse colon, had to sit bent forward also press with hands.
- Pain under short ribs, then back and lastly at right side.
- Bowels disturbed by slightest deviation in diet.
- The least change in his usual manner of living increases dyspepsia.
- Complaints from bad water.
- In general, Chests complaints worse after eating.
- Copious flow of saliva after eating.
- Burning eructations especially after a meal.
- Weight in hypogastrium especially immediately after a meal.
- Complaints of those who eat to excess ; gluttony.
- Belching after every change of diet.
- Pain in region of descending colon, just below ribs.
- Violent burning in abdomen.
- Wind-colic.
Everything (in abdomen) seems to drag downward. - Every step on pavement caused excruciating pain, as if intestines would be torn apart ; > by lying down.
Rectum & Anus
- Expels flatus.
- Looseness of bowels.
- Prolapsus ani.
- Expels worms.
- Stools at first fecal, after that watery and hot.
- Constipation with almost constant dull pains in bowels.
- Normal stool immediately after a meal.
Urinary Organ
- Pain in region of kidneys.
- Bladder distended, could bear no pressure ; continual urging to urinate with passing of a few drops.
- Ulceration of bladder, caused by calculi.
- Allium Sat. has Urine whitish, abundant, becomes cloudy from nitric acid.
- Urine increased, or lessened in quantity.
- Urine dark brown with copious sediment.
- A kind of diabetes.
Sexual Organ
- Menses too early ; headache and dizziness lessen as flow becomes established.
- Soreness of vulva and thighs during menstrual flow.
- Pustules on vulva during menses.
- Bright red spots, with itching and smarting on inside of labia majora and at vulva.
- Said to be injurious during pregnancy.
- After-birth remains.
- Mamma swollen and painful to touch.
- Allium Sat. has Dull stitches in right mamma.
- Said to be injurious to the nursing.
- Mamma swell after weaning.
Respiratory System
- Voice rough ; hoarse.
- Sore sensation in larynx.
- Chronic catarrh of windpipe without fever, but with difficult breathing and moist cough.
- Almost continuous mucous rales in bronchi.
- Difficult respiration as if sternum was compressed.
- Periodical asthma.
- Chronic cough, dyspnoea ; ropy sputum.
- Cough hollow, dry, not very frequent.
- Morning cough, after leaving his bed-room, with extremely copious mucous expectoration.
- Cough which seems to come from stomach.
- Dry cough after eating.
- Cough which gives rise to a fetid smell.
- Sudden paroxysm of hard dry cough while smoking, obliging him to quit.
- Expectoration of a thin, yellowish, purulent-looking, bloodstreaked mucus, of a putrid odor.
- Great difficulty in expectorating a glutinous mucus.
- Pain in left side of chest, with dark urine.
- Lancinating in one side of chest.
Heart & Pulse
- Palpitation.
- Additionally, Allium Sativum has Jerking pulsations of heart.
- Accelerates circulation.
Neck & Back
- Drawing or darting pains in neck.
- Moreover, Backache.
Weak back, child does not learn to walk ; marasmus (topically). - Allium Sativum has Red spots like ringworm on back.
- Cutting pain in sacrum in morning.
- Red spots on hands.
- Skin peels off the hand.
- Dry heat on back of hands ; slight moisture of palms.
- Rheumatism of hips.
- Allium Sativum has Tearing pain in hip.
- Intolerable pain confined to common tendon of iliac and psoas muscles ; < from least movement ; extorts cries when he tries to cross his limbs ; no pain if he lifts leg gently with hand ; < 8 P. M. in bed, as a result they cannot change his position or sleep.
- Pains in limbs < from changes of temperature but under influence of moist heat.
- Weakness of legs ; worse at knees.
Legs do not grow as rapidly as rest of body. - Pain as from a sprain in ankle joint.
- Tearing pain in feet.
Sensation of stiffness in feet. - Toe joints pain as if sprained. Additionally, Burning in soles.
- Skin sensitive ; dry ; wilted.
- Swelling with itching also burning.
- Herpetic, itching, burning, either red or whitish spots on a swollen surface.
- Tetter on ankle.
- Drowsiness after a meal.
- Muscles twitching on falling asleep.
- Sleep prevented by : stitches in chest ; weight in stomach ; thirst.
- Coldness felt in sleep as soon as awakening him frequently.
- Allium Sativum has Restless sleep.
- Dreams : of water and storm ; of rapid transit from place to place ; anxious ; continue after waking.
Important Characteristic Features of Allium Sativum:
Keynotes / Redline Symptoms:
- Catarrhal symptoms: Profuse, watery, acrid discharge from nose and eyes, with burning and excoriation.
- Digestive symptoms: Colic, flatulence, diarrhea, and burning sensation in the stomach.
- Cardiovascular symptoms: Palpitation, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.
- Nervous symptoms: Neuralgia, especially in the face and head, with burning and stitching pains.
- Skin symptoms: Warts, corns, and itching eruptions.
Guiding Symptoms:
- Aggravation: Warmth, warm rooms, evening, after eating.
- Amelioration: Open air, cool applications, lying down.
- Concomitants: Thirst, chilliness, weakness, and irritability.
PQRS Symptoms:
- P: Burning, stitching pains; profuse, watery discharges.
- Q: Worse from warmth, better from cool air.
- R: Catarrhal conditions, digestive disorders, neuralgia.
- S: Irritable, anxious, forgetful.
Confirmatory Symptoms:
- Craving for onions and garlic.
- Aversion to meat.
- Foul breath.
Nucleus Symptoms:
- Acrid coryza with excoriation of the nose and upper lip.
- Burning and stitching pains in various parts of the body.
- Colic and diarrhea from indigestion.
- Warts and corns.[1][2][6][7]
Please note: This information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Allium Sativum
Respiratory System:
Digestive System:
- Dyspepsia: Flatulence, heartburn, and fullness after eating.
- Colic: Colicky pains with diarrhea and urging to stool.
- Diarrhea: Watery, offensive stools, especially after eating onions or garlic.
- Worms: Roundworms and threadworms.
Cardiovascular System:
Nervous System:
- Neuralgia: Facial and head neuralgia with burning, stinging pains.
- Headache: Catarrhal headache with coryza and digestive disturbances.
- Warts: Especially on the hands and face.
- Corns: Painful corns with burning sensation.
- Eruptions: Itching eruptions with watery discharge.[8][9]
Please note: This information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Modalities of Allium Sativum
- Warmth, especially warm rooms and stuffy atmospheres.
- Evening and night.
- After eating, especially onions or garlic.
- Rest.
- Overexertion.
- Open air.
- Cool applications.
- Motion.[4][6][7]
Please note that this information is a compilation from various homeopathic sources and should not be taken as the sole basis for prescribing. A qualified homeopathic practitioner should be consulted for individual case analysis and treatment.
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Similar to :
Bryon. ; Capsic. (asthma, fetid breath with cough) ; Coloc. (colic, hip-pain) ;Ignat. ; Lycop. ; Nux vom. also Senega.
Not following well :
Aloes, All cep., Scilla.
Complementary to:
Arsen., especially in catarrh, asthma also effects of overexertion.
Antidote to All. sat. :
The dosage of Allium sativum varies depending on the nature and severity of the condition, as well as individual sensitivity. It is generally prescribed in:
- Low potencies (3x, 6x, 12x): For acute complaints, like colds and indigestion.
- Medium potencies (30c): For subacute or recurring conditions.
- High potencies (200c and above): For chronic conditions and deep-seated pathology.
The most commonly used potencies are:
- 3x, 6x: For acute colds, cough, and digestive complaints.
- 30c: For chronic nasal catarrh, recurrent infections, and skin conditions.
- 200c: For constitutional treatment and deep-seated chronic ailments.
Duration of Action:
The duration of action of Allium sativum can vary depending on the potency and individual response. However, a general guideline is:
- Low potencies: Act for a few hours to a day.
- Medium potencies: Act for a few days to a week.
- High potencies: Act for several weeks to months.[10]
Please note that the information provided here is a general guideline. Always consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalized prescription and dosage. Self-medication can be harmful.
Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann (4th edition, 1846)
The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by Timothy F. Allen (1874-1879)
The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering (1879-1891)
- Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics by E. B. Nash (4th Edition, 1906, Boericke & Tafel)
- Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke (3 volumes, 1900, B. Jain Publishers)
- Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering (10 volumes, 1879-1891, B. Jain Publishers)
- Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of Some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica by H. C. Allen (1906, B. Jain Publishers)
- Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory by William Boericke (9th edition, 1927, B. Jain Publishers)
- Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics by E. B. Nash (4th edition, 1906, B. Jain Publishers)
- Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann (6th edition, 1842, B. Jain Publishers)
Here’s a breakdown of some common homeopathic terminology used in the Allium sativum article, along with their meanings:
Key Homeopathic Terms
The overall physical and mental makeup of an individual, including their tendencies towards certain diseases or symptoms.
Relating to the practical observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theoretical or laboratory studies.
Mental Symptoms:
The emotional and psychological aspects of a person’s illness, which are considered important in homeopathic case analysis.
Guiding Symptoms:
The most characteristic and unique symptoms of a remedy, helping to differentiate it from others.
A symptom or group of symptoms that are particularly distinctive or indicative of a specific remedy.
Therapeutic Value:
The conditions or diseases for which a remedy is known to be effective.
Factors that make symptoms better or worse, such as time of day, temperature, or movement.
Remedy Relationship:
How different remedies relate to each other, such as being similar, complementary, or antidotes.
The amount and frequency of a remedy to be taken.
The degree of dilution and succussion of a homeopathic remedy.
A healthy individual who takes a homeopathic substance to record its effects, aiding in understanding the remedy’s symptom picture.
A predisposition to certain types of diseases or conditions.
In homeopathy, a miasm is a theory of inherited predisposition to certain chronic diseases.
Terms Specific to Allium sativum
Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose, often with discharge.
Indigestion, often with discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen.
Gas in the stomach or intestines.
Severe pain along the course of a nerve.
Having a ruddy complexion, often associated with a full or robust constitution.
A substance that causes redness of the skin.
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Search Engines:
- Use keywords like "Allium sativum homeopathy," "garlic homeopathic remedy," or specific symptoms mentioned in the article (e.g., "homeopathy for coryza," "homeopathic remedy for warts").
- Include phrases like "homeopathic materia medica" or "homeopathic remedy guide" to find resources that list and describe remedies.
Websites and Forums of homoeopathic:
- Visit reputable homeopathic websites that offer information about remedies, such as the National Center for Homeopathy or the British Homeopathic Association.
- Search online homeopathic forums and communities for discussions and experiences with Allium sativum.
Homeopathic Books and Materia Medicas:
- Refer to classic homeopathic texts like "Materia Medica Pura" by Samuel Hahnemann or "Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica" by Constantine Hering.
- Look for modern materia medicas and repertories that provide detailed information on remedies and their indications.
Homeopathic Practitioners:
Consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your specific symptoms and health history.
Additional Tips:
- If you are searching online, use quotation marks around specific phrases (e.g., "Allium sativum") to narrow down your results.
- Combine keywords with synonyms (e.g., "garlic" or "stinking rose") to expand your search.
- Be specific about the type of information you are looking for (e.g., "dosage," "therapeutic uses," or "side effects").
By using a combination of these methods, you can find a wealth of information about the homeopathic use of Allium sativum.
Given that the article is not published on a specific website or platform, searching for it directly via search engines like Google or Bing might not be the most effective method. However, you can try the following approaches to find information on Allium sativum in homeopathy:
Targeted Keyword Searches:
Use specific search terms related to the content of the article. Examples include:
- "Allium sativum homeopathy"
- "Garlic homeopathic remedy"
- "Homeopathic remedies for coryza" (or any other specific symptom mentioned)
- "Homeopathic materia medica Allium sativum"
Explore Homeopathic Resources:
- Websites: Visit reputable homeopathic websites like the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) or the British Homeopathic Association (BHA). They often have remedy databases and articles.
- Books: Look for classic homeopathic texts like "Materia Medica Pura" by Samuel Hahnemann or "Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica" by Constantine Hering. You can find these in libraries or purchase them online.
- Online Materia Medicas: Websites like Homeopathic Materia Medica by William Boericke or Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke offer comprehensive information on homeopathic remedies.
Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner:
The most direct way to get personalized information on Allium sativum is to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can assess your specific symptoms and recommend the appropriate remedy and dosage.
Online Forums and Communities:
Search for online forums or groups dedicated to homeopathy. These platforms often have discussions and threads on specific remedies, including Allium sativum.
Additional Tips:
- When searching online, use quotation marks around specific phrases (e.g., "Allium sativum") to narrow down your results.
- Combine keywords with synonyms (e.g., "garlic" or "stinking rose") to expand your search.
By using a combination of these methods, you’ll likely find the information you’re looking for on Allium sativum as a homeopathic remedy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the health benefits of Allium Sativum (Garlic)?
Garlic is known for its potential to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels. It also contains antioxidants that may help protect against cell damage
How does Allium Sativum (Garlic) work as a homeopathic remedy?
In homeopathy, Allium Sativum is used in a highly diluted form to treat conditions like respiratory infections, digestive issues, and skin problems. It is believed to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities.
Can I use Allium Sativum alongside conventional medicine?
It’s advisable to consult with both your homeopathic practitioner and conventional doctor to ensure there are no interactions or contraindications with any existing medications you might be taking.
How is Allium Sativum prepared as a homeopathic remedy?
The remedy is typically prepared from fresh garlic bulbs, which are processed and diluted according to homeopathic principles to create a safe and effective medicine.
Where can I purchase Allium Sativum in homeopathic form?
You can find Allium Sativum in various potencies at most homoeopathic clinic and online homoeopathic clinic or local homoeopathic pharmacy and homoeopathic medicine store or online homoeopathic retailers specializing in homeopathic remedies.
This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for diagnosis, treatment and to determine the appropriate dose and potency for your individual case.
FAQ Related to General Information of Medicine
Is Allium Sativum safe for everyone to Consume?
While garlic is generally safe for most people, some may experience side effects like bad breath, heartburn, or upset stomach. It’s also important to consult with your doctor if you’re taking blood thinners.
Can Allium sativum help with colds or the flu?
Some studies suggest that garlic may have antiviral properties, but more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness in treating or preventing colds and the flu.
What are the different forms of Allium Sativum available?
Form of Allium Sativum
Allium Sativum is available in various forms, including fresh cloves, garlic powder, garlic supplements, and homeopathic preparations.
What are the potential side effects of Allium Sativum?
side effects:
Some potential side effects of Allium Sativum include bad breath, body odor, heartburn, and stomach upset. Allergic reactions can also occur in rare cases.