Antim Crud

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Antimonium Crudum

Antim Crud


Antim crud doesn’t have true common names in the way most medications do. This is because:

  • It’s a homeopathic remedy: Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances and follows a specific set of principles that differ from conventional medicine.
  • Brand variations: There might be variations in names depending on the brand that manufactures the homeopathic remedy.

However, there are a couple of ways you might remember "antim crud":

  • Full Name: Antimonium Crudum – This is the most precise way to identify the remedy.
  • Abbreviations: Healthcare providers who practice homeopathy might use abbreviations like "Ant-crud" or simply "Crud" when referring to it within that context.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Predominating gastric syptoms

  • Antim crud.  
  • Ipecac. 
  • Pulsatilla. 

Keynote of Antim Crud :

  • A thick milky-white coating on the tongue. 

A) Mental symptoms of children for Antim Crud :

1) Obstinate: -Child is very obstinate, irritable, fretful, peevish and cross.  

2) Crying-Child cries always. 

3) Cannot bear: – 

  • to be touched. 
  • to be looked at. 
  • to feel the pulse. 

4) Does not want to speak: -Sulky, does not want to speak or spoken to. 

5) Angry: -Child is angry at every little attention. 

 B) Mental symptoms of adults for Antim Crud:

 1) Sadness: -Great sadness, with weeping mood and melancholy. 

 2) Loathing of life: -Tired of life. 

 3) Anxious: -Anxious with lachrymose mood. 

 4) Sentimental: 

  • Sentimental mood in the moonlight. 
  • Slightest thing affects him/her. 
  • Sentimental mood after disappointed love. 

5) Suicidal tendency: -Wants to die by suicide 

6) Desire: -Irresistible desire to talk in rhymes by drowning. or repeat verses.  

7) Modalities: -Agg. i) In moonlight. ii) After disappointed love. 

Bad effects of overheating

  • Gastric and intestinal affections. 
  • Loss of voice or Hoarseness. 
  • Whooping cough (agg. From being over-Heated).

a) Causations: –

  • From overeating.  
  • After taking bread & pastry, 
  • From taking acids, alcohol, vinegar, sour and bad wines.
  • From overheating. 
  • From hot weather, etc. 

b) Characteristic symptoms of Antim Crud:

1) Digestion: -Weak digestion. 

                         Digestion easily disturbed. 

2) Appetite: – Complete loss of appetite. 

3) Flatus: Constant discharges of flatus up & down for years.  

4) Belching & eructation: Belching & eructation: tasting of ingesta. 

c) Modalities: –

  • Agg. after eating.  
  • Amel. from taking acids, pickles etc. 

d) Concomitants:

e) Diarrhoea:

1) Ch. of stool: – 

    • Stool is watery, with little hard lumps. 
    • Contains undigested food particles. 

2) Concomitants:  

f) Constipation:

1) Causation: – 

    • From gastric derangements.  
    • From taking beer, alcohol etc. 

2) Character of stool: – 

    • Solid, hard stool.  
    • Contains mucus flakes. 

3) Sensation: -As if much stool would pass, but only little hard stool comes out. 

4) Concomitants: 

    • Mucus piles with ichorous discharge.  
    • Constant discharge of flatus. 

Haemorrhoids of Antim Crud

  • Mucus piles. 
  • Oozing from anus which stains yellow. 
  • Ichorous. 

Antim Crud Skin

 1) Look of the skin: 
  • Disposition to abnormal growth of skin. 
  • Nostrils and labial commissures sore, cracked and crusty. 
2) Corns: – 
  • Large horny corns on soles of feet.  
  • Very sensitive when walking specially on stone pavements.  
3) Eruption: –
  • Pimples & vesicular eruptions with itching agg. at night.  
4) Nails: 
  • Finger nails do not grow rapidly.  
  • Crushed nails grow in splits like warts with horny spots. 

Antim Crud Nail Symptoms

  • Finger nail do not grow rapidly. 
  • Disabled nails on fingers and toes. 
  • Crushed nails grow and splits. 
  • Nails deformed brittle and crumbled. 

Corn Symptoms of Antim Crud

  • Large horny corns on soles of the feet. 
  • Those are very sensitive esp. when walking on stone pavement. 

Antim Crud Child

a) Constitution: –
  • Psoric. 
  • Fatty and inclined to grow fat.  
  • Disposition to unhealthy skin. 
b) Mental symptoms:
  • Child is very irritable, peevish, sad, obstinate, headstrong, cross, fretful. 
  • Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at.  
  • Does not want to speak or spoken to 
  • Child will not let you to feel the pulse. 
c) Physical symptoms: –

1) Tongue: -A thick milky white coated tongue 

2) Desire: -For acid, and sour food.  

3) Aversion: -To cold bathing 

4) Digestion: – Often suffers from diarrhoea with watery stool with undigested food particles. 

5) Whooping cough: –  


    • From the heat of the room. 
    • From the heat of sun. 

6) Piles: – 

    • Mucus piles. 
    • Ichorous, oozing, staining yellow. 

 7) Skin: – 

    • Unhealthy, irregular deposition of fats. 
    • Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin; finger nails do not Grow rapidly. 

Antim Crud Menstrual Symptoms

Amenorrhoea- Suppression of menses from cold bathing. 

FAQ Related To Trio of Medicine

Three medicines are:

Other is Baryta carb. 

Two medicines are

  • Ant. crud. 
  • Phosphorus. 

Medicines for lachrymal disposition

  • Antim. crud. 
  • Natrum mur. 
  • Apis mel. 
  • Pulsatilla. 

Three medicines are:

  • Antim. crud.  
  • Antim. tart.  
  • Hepar sulph. 

Inclination to grow fat:

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Calc. carb.  
  • Graphites.  
  • Pulsatilla. 

Five medicines are

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Calc. carb.  
  • Kali bich. 
  • Belladonna. 
  • Hepar sulph.

Medicines for Suicidal Tendency

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Arg. nit. 
  • Aur. met. 

(Others Ars. alb., Nux vom.) 

Three Medicines are

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Arg. nit.  
  • Sulphur.

Two Medicines

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Ant. tart. 

Bad effects of overeating

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Nux vomica

Aversion to washing

  • Ammon. carb.  
  • Calc. carb.  
  • Ant. crud. 
  • Sulphur. 

Four medicines are

  • Antim. crud.  
  • Gelsemium.  
  • Lachesis. 

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. A thick milky-white coating on the tongue is the red strand of the remedy.
  2. Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at is a gem symptom (Nash)
  3. Great desire for acids and pickles.
  4. Aversion to cold bathing.

Medicines for bad effects of disppointed love

  • L-Lachesis. 
  • A-Ant. crud. 
  • C-Causticum. 
  • C-Calc. phos. 
  • A-Aurum met.  
  • N-Natrum mur.  

Others, Ignatia., Verat. alb. 

  • Ant. crud.  
  • Carbo veg. [5] 

Excerpts (Summary)

"Antim Crud Homeopathic Medicine: A Natural Solution for Skin, Digestion, and Emotional Well-being

Antim Crud, derived from the mineral stibnite, is a versatile remedy in homeopathy. It's particularly well-suited for individuals with thick, crusty skin conditions, digestive complaints worsened by overindulgence, and a tendency towards irritability. If you experience a white-coated tongue, aversion to cold, or feel overwhelmed easily, Antim Crud might be the natural solution you've been seeking. Consult a homeopath to see if this remedy aligns with your individual needs."

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