Arsenicum Album
In homeopathy, Arsenicum Album is derived from Arsenic Trioxide. Here’s a breakdown of its names:
Common Name:
- Arsenicum Album
- Arsenic trioxide
- Arsenious oxide
- White oxide of arsenic
- Arsenious acid
- Arsenicum
Attractive order : Fastidious.
Dr. Tyler said, a morbid fastidiousness finds its similimum in Arsenic. Thus, Arsenic patient keeps everything clean and in order. (Nux Vom.2, Ref: Kents’ Repertory)
Master Kent rightly elucidated that Arsenic and Sulphur are right opposite in this point.
Kent said this fastidiousness is characterized by over sensitiveness to the circumstances, to the surroundings of the room.
N. B. Dr. Hering described Arsenic pt. as "the gold headed cane patient."
Restlessness: Nash’s trio.
Mentally restless, but physically too weak to move, can’t rest in any place.
Changing place continually, wants to be moved from one bed to another.
So, Arsenic patient is restless both mentally & physically. (-Rhus Tox. Patient is restless physically and Acon. Patient is restless mentally.)
These are the Nash’s trio of restless medicines. Dr. Hahnemann said in a footnote, "It scarcely occurs so markedly in any other medicine".
Dr. Guernsey said that the greater the suffuring the greater the anguish, restlessness, and fear of Death; Every moment followed by exhaustion.
Exhaustion is not felt by the Patient when lying still but as soon as he moves, he is surprised to find himself so weak.
N. B. Arsenic patient can be compared with the race of horse as Antim crud to swine and Pulsatilla to the race of sheep.
Dr. John Henry Clarke rightly said, as the horse is exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree and very prone to take fright- quite a picture of Arsenic temperament.
Severe prostration. Burning pain ameliorated by warmth.
Great prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital force, fainting, exhaustion.
Drawing pain between the scapulae, which compels him to lie down "the perspiration exhausts him as he lies in bed, almost to the production of syncope etc."
Hahnemann gives us a very important footnote, "That symptom of a not very important character and otherwise, trivial affections induce a sudden and complete sinking of the strength, is a very important and characteristic peculiarity of Arsenicum."
Excessive burning: Excessive thirst:
A). Burning is much peculiar of Arsenic.
Burning pains, the affected parts burn like fire, as if hot coals were applied to parts (Anthr.)
Amelioration by heat, by hot drinks, hot application.
Burning pain in eyes, in nostrils, in mouth, in throat, in stomach, in bowel, in haemorrhoids, in bladder, in urethra, in ovaries, genitalia generally, in breasts, in chest, about the heart, in spine, in vein, in ulcers, in skin, in cancer, in carbuncles etc.
Veins burn like fire especially at night (Ref. Tyler)
B). Great thirst for cold water, drink often but little at a time, ( eats seldom but much)
Kent points a peculiar feature of the Ars. Thirst ‘During the chill, there is no thirst expect for hot drinks, during the heat there is thirst, little & often, for enough water to moisten the mouth, which is almost no thirst, and during the sweat there is thirst for large drinks. Pt. will say ‘ I can drink the well dry’
In case of Bryonia, it has thirst for large quantities of cold water far apart (Ref. Master Kent)
So, regarding thirst according to master Kent there are three phases:
In acute state: thirst, little and often; desire for water, enough to moisten the lips.
In chronic state: thirstless.
Excessive thirst for water yet it does not quench the thirst, as if will drink the well dry.
Nausea : From smell or sight of the food.
Ars. patient can’t bear smell or sight of food (Colch., Sep., Stann.).
It produces nausea- ‘On account of nausea & sickness the patient must lie down in the forenoon’ (Ref. Tyler).
In this concern we will study Kent’s ‘Repertory. Aversion to smell of food, Cocc.1.
Master Kent said most of the remedies having loss of appetite, generally desires sweet but like Caust., Ars. Has aversion to sweet, Graph.. Caust., Ars., Phos., Zinc.
Its nausea – "On account of nausea & sick ness the patient must lie down in the forenoon"
Ars. patient has great fear of death.
He thinks that the disease is incurable, fatal and it is useless to take medicines.
Master Kent classically elaborated that pt. thinks, he must die, hence pt. says, "there is no use of your coming, I am going to die, you might as well go home". [1]
Cadaveric, Causation.
A). Cadaveric:
All discharges are acrid, scanty, putrid, dark and offensive-cadaverous odour.
B). Causation:
- Disease is caused by cold fruits, decayed foods, ice-cream, abuse of alcohol, chewing tobacco, ptomaine poisoning, decayed animal matter- whereby inoculation, inhalation or ingestion; sea- bathing, sausage poisoning, dissecting wounds and anthrax poison, stings of venomenous insects, septic poisoning, bad effects from mountain climbing (coca, Ars.), long exposure to malarial influences, poor- feeding, syphilis(Ref. Master Kent)
Usually annual onset or return.
Complaints return periodically (usually annually) (Carbo. Veg., Lach., Sulph., Thuja.). So, it is an unique remedy for Intermittent fever.[1]
Modalities.: Mid-day Mid night Aggravation.
Every symptom aggravate at mid-night & mid-day (1 to 2 A.M./P.M.), <from cold, cold drinks, cold foods.
All symptoms are ameliorated by heat (-Rev. Sec.Cor) except outer head. [1]
Arsenic. pt. has fear of death.
Master Kent said, dread of death when alone, or on going to bed. He thinks that he is going to die and wants somebody with him.
sudden anxious fear comes over him at night, he jumps out of bed with fear that he is going to die, or that, he is going to suffocate.
Sometimes fear drives him out of bed, he hides in a closet.
fear of solitude
Also fear of spectres
violent increase of his fear. and horror in the dark and many complaints come on in the evening as darkness is coming on.
morbid fear of cholera
There is fear of robbers
Intermingled with fear. The anxiety takes form also in the restlessness
This anxious restlessness has three phases.
In acute stage, pt. goes from chair to chair, child goes from nurse to mother, from one’s lap to other.
Thonce an uneasiness comes as this constant change of position makes the patient exhausted.
Position makes the patient exhausted.
Thence he is in bed and unable to sit up, thus rolls in bed and thence the prostration comes out of position.
Exhaustion is not felt while lying still, but as soon as he moves, pt. is surprised to find himself so weak. Thus, this leads to cadaveric aspect of the pt., when he lies in bed like a cadaver.
Thus Master Kent warns us to remember that these states of anxiety and restlessness go towards death. Kent said, at first there is that anxious restlessness with fear, but the increasing weakness tends towards prostration.
Master Kent also reported another phase of anxiety viz. Anxiety like one who has commited murder. He finally works up to the idea of that the officers are coming after him and watches if they are coming in to arrest him.
Some unusual evil is going to happen – hence he is anxious.
Sadness prevails to a great extreme.
Master Kent said, averse to meeting – because he imagines that he has formerly offended them.
Great mental depression, great sadness, melancholy with despair of recovery.
Pt. is so sad that he is weary of life; he loathes life and wants to die.
Clarke said that great apathy and indifference also characterizes Ars, Alb.
N. M. Chowdhury said very frequently the insanity takes the form of religious melancholia by hopelessness and despairs of his salvation, life holds out no charm for him-melancholia.
Time modality
Master Kent reported that many of the mental troubles (as well as physical troubles), come on and increased at certain times<from 1-2 P. M. and 1-2 A. M. < after midnight.
Incurable disease
Pt. thinks that his disease is incurable – his disease is fatal and it is useless to take medicine as he is surely going to die.
Dreads solitude
Ars. Alb. pt. dreads solitude. Aversion to being alone
Master Kent said, pt. dreads solitude and wants company, because in company he can talk and put off the fear.
Dr. Talcott said, fears to be left alone lest he should do himself bodily harm.
Irritability is also a feature of Ars. Alb. Master Kent in his repertory kept it in the second grade.
Though kent kept it in first grade in the rubric ailments after anger with anxiety (Acon.1, Ign. 1 Nux Vom. 1)
Orderly mania
Pt. keeps everything in order, -tip-top. These patients are hard to please.
Dr. C. Hering is justified in calling Ars. Alb. pt. as ‘A gold-headed cane patient.’
Un-natural Oversensitive:
Sensitiveness is a feature of Arsenic. Oversensitive to circumstances, to surroundings of the room characterizes Ars. Alb.(Ref. Tyler)
Suicidal tendency :
Kent reported, Ars. pt. does died by suicide. It is a remedy full of suicidal tendencies. Suicidal disposition esp. at night and after midnight
Suicidal disposition by hanging with knife. [1]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Arsenicum Album
Common name :
- Arsenicum Trioxide
Synonyms :
- White oxide of arsenic
- Arsenious oxide
- Arsenic trioxide
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Mineral kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description:
- It is a white and transparent amorphous lump or crystalline powder, odourless but stable in air.
- It is slowly soluble in water.
- The amorphous variety is more soluble than the crystalline variety.
- It is sparingly soluble in alcohol and completely soluble in glycerine.
- It may be obtained by roasting certain Arsenic ores.
Being poisonous, it is not sold to common people.
Formula / Symbols :
- As2 O3
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann
Introduction and history :
- Arsenic is known to the world as a medicine from ancient times; in olden days it was used as a medicine in China and India.
- Arsenic is always compared with a race of horses for its restlessness.
- It is very poisonous when taken in fatal doses.
- It is one of the most frequently used remedies in both acute and chronic diseases
Constitution of Arsenicum Album
Physical make up :
- Arsenicum album Types are thin and stylish, well groomed
- Pale, Delicate skin and worry lines
- They are restless with quick movements [2]
Temperament :
Nervous 3+
- Anguish, driving one out of bed at night and from one place to another in the day time.
- Restlessness
- Great fear of being left alone
- Anger with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness.
Choleric 2+
- Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be Angry
- Caustic and jesting spirit
- Melancholy, sometimes of religious character, sadness, cares, and complains.
Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been commited.[1]
Diathesis :
- Haemorrhagic [5]
Relation with heat & cold :
- Arsenicum Album patients are usally Chilly Patient
- All symptoms are ameliorated by heat except outer head. [1]
Miasm :
Arsenicum Album is multimiasmatic polychrest remedy.
- Psoric
- Sycotic
- Tubercular
- Syphilitic [5]
Clinical conditions of Arsenicum Album
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Mind, heart, nerves, lungs, respiratory system, lymphatic glands, spleen, liver, digestive system, mucous membrane, skin, blood, etc.[1]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- diseases are caused by cold fruits, decayed food, ice cream, abuse of alcohol, chewing tobacco, ptomaine poisoning, decayed animal matter-whereby inoculation, inhalation or ingestion.
- Sea-bathing, sausage poisoning, dissecting wounds and anthrax poison, stings of venom nous insects, septic poisoning, bad-effects from mountain climbing (Coca, syphilis (Ref. Master Kent), long exposure to malarial influences, poor-feeding. [1]
Physiological action
- In stomach and intestinal atony with great flatulence
- In large doses, nausea, vomiting and violent gastrointestinal inflammation, especially of the destructive type.
- Induration and fatty degeneration of salivary glands, testicles, liver and kidney.
- Destruction of red blood corpuscles, anaemia, depressed temperature.
- Nodular and vesicular inflammation of the skin. [5]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
Mucous membranes:
- Destructive inflammation.
Serous membranes:
- Oedematous inflammation.
- Copious dropsy.
- Effusion
- Fatty degeneration.
- Albuminuria
- Disintegration
- Haemorrhage
- Serous effusions.
- Fatty degeneration.
- Motor paralysis.
- Vaso-motor paralysis
- Asthenia
- Fatty degeneration.
- Disorganisation
- Congestion of lungs
- Asthma
- Malignant catarrh.
C. N. S.:
- Motor and sensory paralysis.[1]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology)
- Arsenicum Album Patient is mentally restless, very anxious and anguished.
- Great fear of death when alone, fear of going to bed at midnight present in Arsenicum Album person.
- Patient is extremely fastidious, wants everything neat, clean and in order. Hence, Arsenicum is known as ‘a gold headed cane patient.’
- Thinks that he is going to die because his disease is incurable and there is no use in taking medicines.
- Weakness of memory, sad and awful.
- Patient picks up bedclothes because he sees all kinds of worms in bed.
- Determined to died by suicide, fears he will have to murder someone.
Other Characteristics Mental Symptoms
- Aversion to people, does not wants to mix with people, thinks that he has offended them.
- Hallucination of sight and smell.
- Patient is very melancholic, depressed and fearful.
- Dreams of thunderstorms, death, fire and darkness.
- Religious insanity, in delirium and during sleep; he weeps and screams due to pain.
- Cannot find rest anywhere, changes place continuously. Wants to go from one bed to another.
- Patient is too weak to move.
- He is very selfish, lacks courage.
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding symptoms of Arsenicum album
1. Generalities.
- A very deep acting remedy, affecting every organ and tissue
- Discharges of Mucous Membranes are Acrid, Thin and Scanty; coryza, saliva, sweats etc.
- Blood is disorganized causing pernicious type of anaemia and severe septic conditions.
- Haemorrhages, black, offensive. – Weakness and emaciation is rapid.
- The prostration seems to be out of proportion to the rest of his illness.
- Pains are maddening; burning Like Fire; hot needles or wires ameliorate by heat.
- Pains are even felt during sleep; awake the patient.
- Pains cause shortness of breath or chilliness
- Gradual loss of weight.
- Putrid Cadaveric Odours.
- Destructive process
- carbuncles, gangrene, cancer; malignancy [6]
2. Head
- Ache, congestive ameliorate Cold
- Restless head, it is in constant motion.
- Pain over left eye.
- Hemi crania, with icy feeling.
- Vertigo; with loss of consciousness, during coughing fits, in asthmatics, before epilepsy.
- Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair
- Hair becomes gray early; falling of hair.
- Chronic eruptions filled with pus.
- Pain alternates between head or stomach or body aggravate by people’s talk.
- Walks with head thrown backwards. [7]
3. Eye
- Burning in eyes with acrid Lacrimation
- Lids red, ulcerated, scabby, scaly, and granulated.
- Oedema around eyes.
- External inflammation, with extreme painfulness; BURNING, HOT, and excoriating Lacrimation.
- Corneal ulceration. INTENSE PHOTOPHOBIA; better external warmth. Ciliary neuralgia, with fine burning pain. [7]
4. Ears
- Skin within, raw and burning. THIN, EXCORIATING, OFFENSIVE otorrhoea.
- Roaring in ears, during a paroxysm of pain. [7]
5. Nose
- Nose feels STOPPED UP. Sneezing without relief.
- Hay-fever and Coryza; worse in open air; better indoors. BURNING and bleeding.
- Acne of nose.
- Lupus. [6]
6. Face
- Swollen, pale, yellow, CACHECTIC, sunken, cold, and covered with sweat.
- Expression of agony. Tearing, NEEDLE- LIKE pains; burning. Lips black, livid. Angry, circumscribed flush of cheeks.[6]
7. Throat
Swollen, oedematous, constricted, burning; unable to swallow.
- Diphtheritic membrane, looks dry and wrinkled.[6]
8. Stomach
- Vomiting just after drinking or eating with pains in abdomen and pharynx. It brings no relief.
- Abdomen swollen, painful; with UNBEARABLE ANXIETY; pain worse by pressure, causing him to bend forward.[6]
9. Abdomen
- Gnawing, burning pains like coals of fire; relieved by heat.
- Ascites and anasarca.
- Abdomen swollen and painful.
- Pain as from a wound in abdomen on coughing.[6]
10. Rectum & Anus
- Painful, spasmodic protrusion of rectum.
- Tenesmus
- BURNING pain and pressure in rectum and anus.[4]
11. Stool
- WORSE AT NIGHT, AND AFTER EATING AND DRINKING; from chilling stomach, alcoholic abuse, spoiled meat.
- Dysentery dark, bloody, very offensive. Cholera, with intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst.
- Body cold as ice.
- Haemorrhoids burn like fire; relieved by heat. Skin excoriated about anus.[4]
12. Urinary Organ
- Urine; scanty, burning, involuntary.
- Feeling of weakness in abdomen after urination.
- Atony of bladder, in old persons.
- Uraemia
- Albuminuria
- Diabetes
- Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed, after parturition.
- Urine black as if mixed with dung.
- Dysuria [7]
13. Sexual Organ
- Scrotum oedematous.
- Emissions during diarrhoeic stools.
- Erysipelatous inflammation of scrotum.
- Syphilitic ulcers; with burning, stitching [6]
- Profuse acrid, yellowish, thick leucorrhoea agg. standing, passing flatus.
- Cancer of uterus.
- Burning in ovarian region.
- Pressive, stitching pain in ovary, into the thigh, which feels numb and unimpressive agg. motion or bending.
- Menorrhagia, with black blood.
- Burning in mammae ameliorate by motion.
- Increased sexual desire at menses.
- Menses suppressed, in weak, tired careworn women.
- Stitching in rectum during menses.
- Dysmenorrhoea ameliorate by [6]
14. Respiratory System
- Unable to lie down; fears suffocation.
- Air-passages constricted.
- Asthma worse midnight.
- Burning in chest.
- Suffocative catarrh.
- Cough worse after midnight; worse lying on back. Expectoration scanty, FROTHY.
- Wheezing respiration.
- Haemoptysis with pain between shoulders; burning heat all over.
- Cough dry, as from sulphur fumes; AFTER DRINKING.[7]
15. Heart & Pulse
- Palpitation, pain, dyspnoea, faintness. Irritable heart in smokers and tobacco-chewers.
- Cyanosis
- Fatty degeneration. Angina pectoris, with pain in neck and occiput.[6]
16. Neck & Back
- Weakness in small of back. Drawing in of shoulders.
- Pain and burning in back.
17. Extremities
- Trembling, twitching, spasms, weakness, heaviness, uneasiness.
- Cramps in calves.
- Swelling of feet.
- Burning pains. Peripheral neuritis.
- Diabetic gangrene. Ulcers on heel [Cepa; Lamium] Paralysis of lower limbs with atrophy.[7]
18. Skin
- Dry, rough, scaly, dirty, shrivelled.
- Looks seared.
- Eczema
- Acuminate eruptions.
- Free desquamation.
- Hives agg.
- eating shell fish.
- Ulcers; chronic, with burning, with cutting pain and bloody discharge.
- Gangrene
- Carbuncle
- Skin, like parchment.
- Skin symptoms alternate with internal affections.
- Spots; blue, black, white.
- Pimples, vesicles, burning violently.[7]
19. Sleep
- Disturbed, anxious, restless. Must have head raised by pillows.
- Suffocative fits during sleep. Sleeps with hands over head.
- Dreams are full of care also fear. Drowsy, sleeping sickness.[2]
20. Fever
Characteristic of Arsenicum Album
- Asthma worse at midnight. Burning in chest, suffocative catarrh. Cough worse after midnight, worse lying on back.
- Expectoration scanty, frothy. Darting pain through upper third of right lung.
- Burning pain all over; for dry cough; haemoptysis; complaints with restlessness and prostration; unable to lie down, fear of suffocation.
- Fever:
- High temperature. Periodicity marked with dilemma; septic fever; paralysis incomplete, with marked exhaustion.
- Hay fever, cold sweat, complete restlessness, great heat at about 3 am.
- There is a total image of death during fever – eyes are sunken; lips, mouth also tongue are cracked, black, sore, even the teeth and gums bleed during fever.
- Gastric derangement from cold food, ice cream, ice water, sausages also alcoholic drinks.
- Stools are watery, acrid, scanty also offensive with vomiting and burning in the abdomen; enlargement of liver with diarrhoea and vomiting.
- Dysentery – dark, bloody, very offensive.
- Due to diarrhoea, skin around anus is excoriated.
- All complaints are associated with fear of death.
- It is a very good medicine for cholera.
- Main causes include consuming decayed food, ice cream, ptomaine poisoning, sour beer, etc.
- Cholera stools are rice watery in colour, having a very offensive smell, marked restlessness also anxiety with great prostration and weakness; diarrhoea worse at night 12-2 am.
- Sometimes, the colour of stool is blackish; patient is very fastidious with an intense thirst for cold water in small quantities at short intervals.
- Much anxiety with fear of death; burning sensation all over the body except head.
Thirst, nausea and vomiting:
- In Arsenicum there also burning and unquenchable thirst for cold and small quantities of water at short intervals.
- Patient drinks sips of cold water very often.
- Even the smell of food causes nausea and vomiting; patient takes cold water but as there is irritability of stomach it causes immediate vomiting.
- Patient is very restless with anxiety
- In Arsenicum there is great fear of death.
- Patient is very worried about his illness.
- He thinks that his illness is incurable and there is no use in calling the doctor and taking medicines because he is not going to get cured at all.
- Hence, refuses to take medicines.
- Master Kent said, dread of death when alone, on going to bed, he jumps out of the bed with fear, thinks that he is going to die or suffocate.
- Sometimes fear drives him out of bed; he hides in a closet.
- He is violent, increase of fear also horror in the dark.
- Many complaints come in the evening as darkness approaches.
- Arsenicum patient is very restless also anxious; too weak to walk.
- The patient becomes very irritable also sensitive. (In Aconite also there is fear of death, but the patient tells the exact date and time of death; he also thinks that he can be cured by taking medicine).
- This is one of the Nash’s Trio of Restlessness. Mentally restless, but physically too weak to move, cannot rest in any place.
- Changes place continuously, wants to be moved from one bed to another.
- The greater the suffering the greater the anguish, restlessness and fear of death; every movement is followed by exhaustion.
- Thus, an Arsenicum patient is restless, both mentally also physically.
- The other medicines of Nash’s Trio of Restlessness are Rhus tox where the patient is restless physically also Aconitum where the patient is restless mentally.
- It is one of the Nash’s Trio of Burning medicines. Burning is very peculiar – burning pains, the affected parts burn like fire, as if hot coals were applied to parts, better by heat, hot drinks also hot application.
- Burning pain in eyes, nostrils, mouth, throat, stomach, bowels, haemorrhoids, bladder, urethra, ovaries, genitalia especially in breasts, chest, about the heart, spine, back, veins, ulcers of skin, cancer, carbuncles, etc.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Arsenicum Album
Modality of Arsenicum Album
- at mid-night & mid-day (1 to 2 A.M. /P.M.), from cold, cold drinks, cold foods.[1]
- by heat except outer head. [1]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Arsenicum Album
All-s. , Carbo-V, Nat-S, Phos. Pyro, Thuj.
Follows Well
Acon, Arn, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-v, Cinch, Ferr, Hep, Iod, Ip, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph, Verat
Antidoted By
Camph, Chin, Chin-s, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Iod, Ip, Nux-v, Sambu, Tab, Verat
It Antidotes
Chin-S, Camph., Carb-V, Chin., Euph., Ferr., Graph, Hep., Iod., Ipec., Kali-bi, Merc., Nux, Op., Sulph., Tabac.
Dose of Arsenicum Album
- Third to thirtieth potency.
- The very highest potencies often yield brilliant results.
- Low attenuations in gastric, intestinal, and kidney diseases; higher in neuralgias, nervous diseases, and skin.
- Only if surface conditions call for it, give the lowest potencies, 2x to 3x trit. Repeated doses advisable. [3]
Duration of action
- Short acting remedy, it may act for over 30 days in chronic conditions.
Reference of Arsenicum Album
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM- 2001 Vol I-Chap-1,2 > Arsenicum Album.
- Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.1 by Allen T.F.
- Materia Medica by Boericke W.
- Thousand Remedies by Boericke.
- Textbook of Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Dr. J.D.Patil 1st Edition.
- MM of Homeopathy Medicine by Phatak
- PHATAK S. R., Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines
Terminologies of Arsenicum Album
The homeopathic article on Arsenicum album you provided uses several key terminologies commonly found in homeopathic literature:
Materia Medica:
- A comprehensive reference book detailing the symptoms, characteristics, and therapeutic applications of homeopathic remedies. In this article, it refers to the specific information related to Arsenicum album.
- A healthy individual who participates in a homeopathic proving, where they take a remedy and record their physical, mental, and emotional responses. This information contributes to the remedy’s materia medica.
- An index of symptoms used in homeopathy to guide the selection of remedies. It lists various symptoms and the remedies associated with them.
- The overall physical, mental, and emotional makeup of an individual, including their tendencies towards certain illnesses. In homeopathy, remedies are often selected based on a person’s constitution.
- Factors that make symptoms better or worse, such as time of day, temperature, or movement. These are important considerations when choosing a homeopathic remedy.
- A temporary worsening of symptoms after taking a remedy, which can be a sign that the remedy is working and stimulating the body’s healing response.
- An improvement of symptoms after taking a remedy, indicating that the remedy is effectively addressing the underlying imbalance.
Guiding Symptoms:
- The most characteristic and prominent symptoms of a remedy, often used as key indicators for its selection.
Therapeutic Value:
- The specific conditions or diseases for which a remedy is known to be effective based on its symptom picture and clinical experience.
- The degree of dilution and succussion (shaking) a homeopathic remedy undergoes. Different potencies may be used depending on the individual case and the practitioner’s approach.
- The frequency with which a remedy is administered, which can vary depending on the acuteness or chronicity of the condition.
Duration of Action:
- The length of time a remedy’s effects are expected to last, which can vary depending on the potency and individual response.
Additional Terms in the Article:
- Miasm: Inherited predispositions to certain disease patterns, believed to be underlying causes of chronic illness in homeopathy.
- Pathogenesis: The development of a disease or morbid condition. In homeopathy, it refers to the artificial disease state created by proving a remedy.
- Polychrest: A homeopathic remedy with a wide range of applications due to its broad symptom picture.
- Rubric: A symptom category in a repertory.
Also Search As
Arsenicum Album Also Search as
Specific Keywords:
- Arsenicum album
- Homeopathic remedy for anxiety
- Burning pain relief
- Restlessness treatment
- Homeopathy for diarrhea
- Arsenicum album for food poisoning
- Homeopathic remedies for exhaustion
Phrases and Questions:
- Homeopathic medicine for fear of death
- What is Arsenicum album used for?
- Symptoms of Arsenicum album
- How to take Arsenicum album
- Can homeopathy help with anxiety?
- Natural remedies for burning pain
- Homeopathic treatment for restlessness
There are several ways to search for information on Arsenicum Album, a homeopathic remedy:
Online Resources:
Homeopathic websites and databases: Reputable homeopathy organizations and schools often have detailed information on remedies. You can search their websites or online materia medica (encyclopedias of homeopathic remedies). Some examples include:
- The School of Homeopathy: https://www.homeopathyschool.com/the-clinic/self-help-remedies/arsenicum-album/
- ABC Homeopathy: https://abchomeopathy.com/r.php/Ars
Online pharmacies: Many online pharmacies specializing in homeopathic remedies offer detailed descriptions of Arsenicum Album, its uses, and indications.
General search engines: You can use search engines like Google or DuckDuckGo to search for "Arsenicum Album homeopathy" or related terms. This will bring up various articles, blogs, and websites discussing the remedy.
Homeopathic Materia Medica: These books contain detailed descriptions of remedies, their symptoms, and indications. Some popular materia medica include:
- Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann
- Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent
Homeopathic Repertories: These books help you find the right remedy based on specific symptoms. They are organized by body systems and symptoms, and you can look up "asthma" or related symptoms to see which remedies are indicated.
Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner:
The best way to get personalized information on Arsenicum Album and its suitability for your specific case is to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can assess your symptoms, health history, and constitution to determine if this remedy is the right choice for you.
Additional Tips:
- When searching online, look for information from reputable sources, such as homeopathic organizations, schools, and practitioners.
- Be aware that there is a lot of misinformation about homeopathy online. Stick to reliable sources and consult a professional if you have any doubts.
- Remember that homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, and the choice of remedy depends on the individual’s unique characteristics and symptoms.
There are several approaches you can take to search for information on Arsenicum Album, a homeopathic remedy:
1. Online Resources:
Homeopathic Websites and Databases: Reputable homeopathy organizations and schools like the School of Homeopathy or ABC Homeopathy offer detailed information on Arsenicum Album, its properties, indications, and uses. Search their websites or online materia medica (encyclopedias of homeopathic remedies).
Online Pharmacies: Many online pharmacies specializing in homeopathic remedies provide detailed descriptions of Arsenicum Album, including its therapeutic applications and potential benefits.
Research Databases: Databases like PubMed or Google Scholar may contain scientific studies or articles discussing the effects or potential applications of Arsenicum Album. Use keywords like "Arsenicum Album," "homeopathy," and the specific condition you’re interested in.
General Search Engines: Search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing can be helpful in finding a variety of sources, including articles, blogs, and forums discussing Arsenicum Album. However, be sure to evaluate the credibility of the information you find.
2. Books:
Homeopathic Materia Medica: These books contain detailed descriptions of remedies, their symptoms, and indications. Look for "Arsenicum Album" in the index or table of contents.
Homeopathic Repertories: These books help you find the right remedy based on specific symptoms. Look up "asthma" or related symptoms to see if Arsenicum Album is listed as a potential remedy.
3. Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner:
This is the most reliable way to get personalized information on Arsenicum Album and its suitability for your specific situation. A qualified homeopathic practitioner can assess your symptoms, health history, and constitution to determine if this remedy is the right choice for you.
Additional Tips:
Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "Arsenicum Album," include terms like "homeopathy," "asthma," or other relevant symptoms to narrow down your search.
Evaluate the source: Ensure the information you find is from a credible source, such as a reputable homeopathic organization, practitioner, or published book.
Cross-reference information: Check multiple sources to confirm the information you find and get a well-rounded understanding of Arsenicum Album.
By utilizing these various methods, you can access a wealth of information on Arsenicum Album and make informed decisions about its potential use in your healthcare journey.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mention the uncommon peculiar symptoms of Arsenicum album?
- Burning pains; the affected parts burns like fire, relieved either by heat or by hot application
- Burning thirst without special desire to drink, the stomach does not seem to tolerate, because it cannot assimilate cold water; lies like a stone in the stomach. It is wanted, but he cannot or dare not to drink it.
Mention three medicines for prostration.
- Firstly, alb.
- Secondly, Carbo veg.
- Thirdly, alb.
Name three medicines where patient cannot bear the smell or sight of food.
- Firstly, Alb: faintness from the odour of cooking foods.
- Secondly, Colchicum: smell painfully acute; nausea and faintness from the odour of cooking food.
- Thirdly, Ipecac: -In all diseases with the constant and continual nausea; vomiting without relief.
Mention three medicines for bad effects resulting from intaking ice-cream.
- Firstly, Arsenic Alb
- Secondly, Arg. Nit
- Thirdly, Pulsatilla
Name five medicines for burning pain.
- Firstly, Arsenicum alb.
- Secondly, Apis mel.
- Thirdly, Chamomilla
- Fourthly, Phosphrous
- Lastly, Secale cor.
Give two medicines where painful haemorrhoids prevents sleep.
- Firstly, Aloe soc.
- Secondly, Ars.alb.
Name three medicines for indifferent tendency
- Firstly, Ars alb.
- Secondly, China
- Thirdly, Phosphrous
Name few medicines for restlessness their indications with in the said sphere.
Aconitum nap. i.e.: –
Restless; does everything in great haste; mentally restless.
Arsenicum alb.:
Mentally restless, but physically too weak to move; changes place continually; mentally and physically restless.
Rhus tox. i.e.: –
Great restlessness; cannot remain in bed, must change position often to obtain relief from pain. Physically restless.
Arnica mont i.e.: –
Everything on which he lies seems too hard; complains constantly of it and keeps moving from place to place in search of a soft spot.
Baptisia tinc. i.e.: –
Head or body feels scattered no about the bed; restless and tosses about to get the pieces together; thought she was three persons, could not keep them covered, so wants to collect them and cover them – and becomes restless.
Rhus tox. i.e.: –
Movement ameliorates symptoms. Note: Arnica., Baptisia. and Rhus tox. are the trio of Nash’s restless medicines in typhoid fever.
Causticum i.e.: –
At night, unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment. Must move cons tantly but motion does not relieve.
Chamomilla i.e.: –
Violent rheumatic pains drive him di out of bed at night, compel him to walk about restless.
Graphites i.e.: –
Fidgety, while sitting at work.
Pulsatilla i.e.: –
Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) with intense pain and great restlessness and tossing about
Phosphorus i.e.: –
Restless, fidgety; moves continually; cannot sit or stand still a moment.
Silicea i.e.: –
Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise.
Mention five medicines for periodical complaints
- Firstly, All complaints are characterized by periodicity China.
- Secondly, Complaints returns annually-Carbo veg., Lachesis., Sulph., Thuja.
- Thirdly, Itch appears each year, as winter approaches – Aloe soc.
- Fourthly, Complaints occurring in hot weather-Kali bich.
Mention two medicines where suffering parts emaciate.
- Firstly, Ars. alb.
- Secondly, Graphities
Describe five medicines where ailments from alcoholic drinks.
- Firstly, Ars alb.
- Secondly, Kali bich.
- Thirdly, Sulphur
- Fourthly, Carbo veg.
- Lastly, Nux vom.
Mention three medicines for aversion of being alone.
- Firstly, Ars alb.
- Secondly, Lycopodium
- Thirdly, Kali carb. (-Reverse; wants to be alone. Ignatia & Nux vom.)
Mention the skin symptoms of Arsenic.
- Firstly, Skin dry and scally.
- Secondly, Cold blue and wrinkled skin.
- Thirdly, Skin like parchment, white and pasty.
- Fourthly, Black vesicles with burning pain.
- After that, Cold clammy perspiration.
- Lastly, Anasarca, skin pale, waxy, earth-coloured.
State the sleeping posture of Arsenicum Album
- Sleeps better on back.
(-Reverse; sleeps better on abdomen, Ammon. carb., Cina, Podophyllum).
Mention three modalities which you think most important for choosing Arsenicum Album as a drug of choice.
- Burning pain i.e.: the affected part burns like fire; Amel. by warmth, hot drink and hot applications (except head).
- at mid-day and mid-night.
- from lying on affected side.
Discuss the child symptoms of Arsenicum Album
- Teething children who are pale weak and fretful.
- Wants to be carried rapidly.
Mention the thirst of Arsenicum Album
i) In acute state i.e.: –
- Thirst little and often; desire for water enough to moisten the tongue.
- Burning thirst, without special desire to drink, the stomach does not seem to tolerate, because it cannot assimilate cold water; lies like a stone in the stomach.
ii) In chronic state i.e.: -Thirstless (Kent).
iii) Another phase i.e.: -Excessive thirst for water yet it does not quench the thirst, -as if will drink the well dry.
B) Character of thirst:-
Cold water i.e.:
- Great thirst for cold water.
- Drinks often, but little at a drinks. time.
- Cold water lies like a stone in the stomach; it is wanted, but he cannot or dare not to drink it.
Hot water i.e.:
- Desire for very hot
- Unless almost boiling; stomach will not retain them.
Describe the cholera symptoms of Arsenicum Album
Causation i.e. :
- From taking ice-cream, cold fruits etc.
- From decayed food, sour beer, bad sausage. nig alcoholic drinks, strong cheese.
- Ptomaine poisoning
Time of occurrence i.e.:-During cholera epidemic.
Type i.e.:-Cholera morbus.
Ch. of stool i.e.:
- Dark or black, scanty stool
- Very offensive.
- But no rice-watery stool (Lilienthal).
Ch. symptoms i.e.:
i)Thirst i.e.: -Thirst for cold water at a short interval; dinks often but little at a time; just to moisten the tongue
ii) Secondly, Prostration i.e.:
Great prostration, and exhaustion after every stool.
iii) Exhaustion is not felt by the patient while mad to lying still; when he moves he is surprised to find himself so weak.
iv) Chilliness i.e.: -Too much chilly, coveres up except the head.)
v) Restlessness & fear i.e.:
- Restlessness, anxiety and fear of death.
- Morbid fear of cholera (Nit. acid).
vi) Coldness i.e.: – Coldness of the skin and clammy sweat.
vii) Burning i.e.: -Violent pain and burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, Amel. by hot drink.
viii) Collapse i.e.-Sudden deathly collapse.
Modalities i.e.:
Agg. i) Firstly, At 12-2 A.M. and P.M. especially 12-2 A.M. i.e. after midnight.
ii) Secondly, From taking cold food and drinks. Amel. from warmth in general
State the diarrhoea of Arsenicum Album
a) Causation i.e.:
i) Firstly, After eating or drinking (diarrhoea as soon as he drinks: Ars., Arg. nit., Croton tig., Thremb.).
ii) Secondly, After taking cold.
iii) Thirdly, From chilling the stomach by eating the ice or ice-cream.
iv) Fourthly, From taking decayed foods or meats.
v) Lastly, Diarrhoea of malarial origin.
b) Character of stool i.e.:
i) Firstly, Stool is scanty, dark coloured.
ii) Secondly, Offensive and excoriating.
iii) Thirdly, Small or large in character.
c) Modalities i.e.:
Bono Agg. i) Firstly, Generally, midday and midnight. ii) Secondly, After eating and drinking.
d) Concomitants i.e.:
i) Firstly, Every stool is followed by great prostration & trembling (Verat. alb.).
ii) Secondly, Thirst for small quantities of cold water at short intervals but immediately followed by vomiting. iii) Burning sensation in anus, Amel. by hot applications.
iii) Thirdly, Mentally restlessness with anxiety and fear of death.
Describe the haemorrhoids (piles) of Arsenicum album
a) Firstly, Type:-Painful, strangulated haemorrhoids.
b) Secondly, Looking:-Bluish, swollen, protruding.
c) Character i.e.:
i) Firstly, Bleeding piles.
ii) Secondly, Stitching pain in rectum when walking or sitting but not during stool.
iii) Thirdly, Painful piles which prevents sitting or sleep.
d)Pain i.e.:-
i) Firstly, Burning pain, Amel, by heat.
ii) Secondly, Stitching pain when walking & sitting.
e)Modalities i.e.:-
Agg. From cold applications, Pain agg. when walking or sitting.
Amel. From warm applications.
f) Concomitants i.e.:
i) Firstly, Anal fissures make voiding urine difficult.
ii) Secondly, Sleep prevented by burning and stitching pain in rectum.
iii) Thirdly, Great restlessness, anxiety, fear of death anguish and debility runs through the remedy.
Mention six characteristic symptoms of Arsenicum Album
i) Fear of death i.e.: –
Great fear of death. Thinks that his disease is incurable and it is useless to take medicines.
ii) Prostration i.e.:-
a) Great prostration: sinking of strength but out of proportion to the degree of illness. Exhaustion is not felt by the patient while lying still; when he moves he is surprised to find himself so weak. b) Master Hahnemann says, trivial affections induce a sudden and complete sinking of the strength (Tyler).
iii) Fastidiousness i.e.:
-Dr Tyler refers morbid fastidiousness wants everything neat and clean; in tip-top condition.
iv) Burning i.e.: –
Burning pain all over the body, affected part burns like fire. Ameliorated by heat, hot drinks and hot applications. (Except the head).
v) Thirst i.e.:-
Thirst for small quantities of cold water at short interval but followed by vomiting. Cold water lies like a stone in the stomach; it is wanted, but he cannot or dare not drink it. Desire for very hot drinks, unless almost boiling stomach will not retain them. (Chelidon.).
vi) Modalities i.e.: –
All troubles agg. from 12 to 2 A.M. and 12 to 2 P.M. i.e., midday & midnight. ii) Burning pain Amel. by heat in general (except the headache which is temporarily. Amel. by cold bathing.
State the mental symptoms of Arsenicum Album
1) Restlessness i.e.:
i) Firstly, Mentally restless, but physically too week to move.
ii) Secondly, Mentally restless, cannot rest in one place.
iii) Thirdly, Changing places continually.
iv) Fourthly, Wants to move from one bed to another.
v)Lastly, Patient lies here and there.
2) Fear i.e.:
i) Firstly, Great fear of death when alone.
ii) Secondly, Fear when going to bed.
iii) Thirdly, Morbid fear of cholera.
iv) Fourthly, Fears of drying (Lac. can.).
3)Anxious i.e.:
i) Firstly, Very much anxious, full of anguish thinks it is useless to take medicine, the disease in incurable, and is surely going to die.
ii) Secondly, Attacks of anxiety driving the patient out of bed at night.
4)Fastidiousness i.e.:
i) Firstly, Dr. Tyler said, a morbid fastidiousness finds its similimum in Arsenic.
ii) Secondly, Wants everything neat and clean and in order.
iii) Thirdly, Wants to maintain their lives in tip-top condition.
iv) Fourthly, Dr. Hering described Ars. patients as, ‘the gold headed cane patient’.
5) Disposition i.e.:-
i) Depressing, melancholy, des pairing, indifferent, anxious, fearful restless, full of anguish, irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed
6) Modalities i.e.:
i) Firstly, All the mental symptoms agg. at midday and midnight, esp. after midnight (after 12’o clock).
ii) Secondly, The greater the sufferings, the greater the anguish, restlessness and fear of death.