Bryonia Alba

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Bryonia Alba


Here are other names for Bryonia alba:

  • White bryony
  • Wild hop
  • False mandrake
  • English mandrake
  • Wild vine
  • Wild hops
  • Wild nep
  • Tamus
  • Ladies’ seal
  • Tetterbury

Bryonia alba is a climbing vine in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae. It is native to Europe and Northern Iran. The plant has white flowers, red berries, and a thick, fleshy root with a strong, bitter odor.

Important Note: Bryonia alba is a poisonous plant and should not be ingested without professional medical guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Medicines for Rheumatic Diathesis

i) Firstly, Bryonia. ii) Secondly, Colchicum. iii) Thirdly, Rhus tox

 3 medicines

i) Firstly, Bryonia ii) Secondly, Causticum. iii) Thirdly, Nitric acid

i) Character of pain:

  • Stitching, tearing, darting pain.

Note: Bone-pains: the more general and severe, the better adapted (Eupat, Merc.).

ii) Modalities:

  • Agg: from motion, inspiration, coughing
  • Amel: by absolute rest. lying on painful side

 i) Excessive dryness of mucus membranes of entire body.

ii) G-I system: Lips and tongue: –

Dry, parched cracked. Additionally, Great thirst for large quantity of cold water.

Stool: –

Dry, as if burnt: obstinate constipation.

iii) Respiratory system: 

Cough-dry, hard racking with scanty expectoration

iv) Urinary system: 

Urine-Scanty also dark.

Complaints occuring from anger

i) Aconite., ii) Bryonia., iii) Chamomilla., iv) Colocynth. v) Lachesis., vi) Natrum mur. vii) Nux vomica.

Bad effects of hot summer weather

i) Firstly, Antim. crud. ii) Secondly, Carbo. veg. iii) Thirdly, Natrum mur. iv) Fourthly, Bryonia. v) Gelsemium. vi) Lastly, Podophyllum.

Vicarious Menstruation

According to Stedmann’s Medical Dictionary: vicarious word comes from Vicis-supplying place of; acting as a either substitute or occurring in an abnormal situation. In Bryonia and Phosphorus: Epistaxis or nose-bleed occurs in an abnormal situation; additionally, in place of menstruation-thus it is called as vicarious menstruation.

5 medicines

i) Firstly, Bryonia., ii) Secondly, Hepar sulph., iii) Thirdly, Nux vomica, iv) Fourthly, Pulsatilla., v) Lastly, Sulphur.

(Ref. Mag. phos. chapter of Allen’s key notes).

 a) Suitability:

Gastric also nervous headache of sedentary persons (Anac., Arg. nit, Nux vom.)

b) Causation:

i) Due to draught of cold air.

ii) From constipation.

iii) From ironing i.e., from warmth (Hering).

iv) Specifically, From bad effects of mortification, chagrin (Kent).

c) Location:

Especially in the fore-head but entire head is affected.

d) Sensation:

i) As if brain is burst through forehead. Kent as if the skull would split open.

ii) Fulness and heaviness of forehead; additionally head across the forehead (Aloe., Bell.).

e) Modalities:

Agg. 1) From slightest motion. ii) In the morning when eyes., iii) When stooping., iv) When coughing.

Amel. i) By pressure, bandage. ii) By lying on painful side., iii) From rest, lying (Phos. acid, Gels., Sil.).


Most of the head complaints are of congestive character and better from cool applications from cold air etc. yet there are some head complaints those are ameliorated especially by hot application and these complaints seem to have no accompanying cerebral congestion.

f) Concomitants:

i) Firstly, Dry, white coated tongue.

ii) Secondly, Great thirst for large quantities of cold water at long interval.

iii) Thirdly, Headaches are associated with congestive also inflammatory complaints-epistaxis, constipation etc.


i) Vertigo: when rising after stooping (Bell, Rhus tox.).

ii) Vertigo: especially from motion of the carriage.

I. Introduction:

The respiratory symptoms of Bryonia commence with cold. There may be at first loss of voice with rawness in the trachea and great soreness in the chest (Kent).


a) Causation i.e.:

i) After taking cold. ii) From getting hot in summer., iii) From exposure to draught of air., iv) On entering a warm room.

b) Location i.e.: –

Usually right side of the chest is affected.

c) Character i.e.:-

i) Cough predominately dry, spasmodic. ii) Cough with scanty expectoration., iii) Cough shakes the whole body; compels him to spring up in the bed involuntarily., iv) With gagging also vomiting., v) With stitching pain in side of the chest.

d) Modalities i.e.:

Agg. i) After eating & drinking: especially after cold drinks cough is worse (Kent).

ii)After entering into a warm room.

iii) After taking a deep inspiration.

iv) From motion

v) In the evening also night (Kent).


i) From absolute rest.

ii) From pressure (on chest especially by hands).

iii) Lying on painful side.

e) Concomitants i.e.:

i) Firstly, Headache, as if head would fly to pieces.

ii) Secondly, Constipation.

iii) Thirdly, Thirst for large quantities of cold water at long interval.

Nose: –

I) Vicarious menstruation i.e.:

Nose bleed appears in place of menses.

II) Dryness i.e.:

Dryness of mucus membranes sneezing also loss of small. Note: Kent says, all the complaints of Bryonia begins in the nose-sneezing, coryza, etc.

III) Pneumonia i.e.:

i) Stage i.e.: –In early stage of pneumonia. But Dr. Farrington refers that Bryonia is not a remedy for early stage of inflammation, but when exudation results.

ii) Site i.e.: -Lower lobe of the right lung is affected.

Note! Schematic representation!

iii) Pain i.e.: -Stitching pain in the chest.

iv) Modalities i.e.: –

from slightest deep inspiration. Amel. by complete rest, by pressure; so patient holds motion; she the chest.

v) Concomitants i.e.:

1) Firstly, Dry, white coated tongue.

2) Secondly, Thirst for large quantities of cold-water at large intervals.

3) Thirdly, Constipation with dryness of all mucus membranes.

i) Character of pain i.e.: –

Tearing, stitching toothache.

ii) Aggravations i.e.:

a) Toothache if anything warm is taken into the mouth-from warm foods also drinks.

b) Toothache worse especially in a warm room.

c) From smoking. 

iii) Ameliorations i.e.:

a) Toothache relieved by holding ice-water in the mouth, but returns when water becomes warm (Caust., Puls.).

b) Wants to be in cold air.

c) By lying on painful side: pressing hard upon the painful tooth.

 i) Stomach:

a) Pressure as from stone at pit of the stomach, relieved especially by eructation.

b) Gastric pain aggravates during the process of digestion (Nux vom).

c) Bloating with nausea-every motion renews the disposition to vomit.

a) Causation i.e.:

  • After taking cold food also cold drinks when overheated.
  • When the days are hot also nights are cold.
  • During the spell of hot weather.
  • From suddenly checked perspiration in hot weather.
  • From either fruit or sour krout.
  • From ice cream (Ars, Arg.nit, Puls)

b) Time i.e.: 

Morning diarrhoea; as soon as the patient gets up, on morning   even a hand also foot.

c) Character of stool i.e.:

i) Dirty water stool, ii)Bilious, acrid, iii) Stool contain undigested foods, iv) Yellowish, like corn meal, v) Cheesy putrid odour (Kent).

Note i.e.:

Wakes up Bloating and distension of abdomen à Slightest movement (on moving even a hand or foot)à Colic with urging Hurry to the closet Yellowish evacuation, Prostration, Slight movement.

a) Causation:

  • Due to dryness of mucus membrane of lower portion of GI tract.
  • Ongoing to sea.

b) Character of stool:

Stool is large, hard, dark, dry, knotty as if burnt.

c) Sensation:

No inclination or no desire for stool at all, due to inactive rectum.

d) Modalities: 

After too much movements.

e) Concomitants:

i) Firstly, Headache due to constipation

ii) Secondly, Dry tongue with white coating.

iii) Thirdly, Thirst for large quantities of cold water at long interval.

iv) Fourthly, Nausea also faintness.

 i) Colour:


ii) Quantity: 


iii) Character:

 Kent says. involuntary urination burning pain in the meatus.

iv) Modality: 

Amelioration especially from the flow.

Note: Kent says, lithic also uric acid diathesis (Lyco.).

a) Causation:

i) Firstly, After taking cold in hot summer weather.

ii) Secondly, From exposure to draught of cold wind.

iii) Thirdly, When the days are hot also nights.

iv) Lastly, Taking cold when getting warm.

b) Onset: –

Slow, gradual also insidious.

c) Attitude-

During fever patient lies quietly on the bed-like a cadaver.

d) Physical symptoms:

1) Dryness i.e.-Dryness of all the mucus mem branes.

2) Tongue i.e.: -Dry white coated tongue.

3) Thirst i.e.: -For large quantities of cold water at long interval.

4) Pulse i.e.: -Full, hard, tense, quick.

5) Constipation i.e.: -Stool dry, hard, knotty es? burnt.

6) Taste i.e.: -Bitter taste in the mouth.

7) Headache i.e.: –As if head will burst out and amelioration by pressure.

8) Respiratory i.e.: -i) Dry cough with stitching pain in the chest., ii) Constriction of the chest; scanty expectoration; profuse perspiration bloody sputum are the indications of Bryonia.

9) Nausea i.e.: –Nausea and faintness.

10) Perspiration i.e.: –Profuse perspiration.

11) Meningeal fever i.e.: -In meningeal fever, the is constant motion of left arm and leg are cold.

e) Mental symptoms:

1) Delirium i.e.: – i) Low muttering delirium. ii) Patient talks about his daily business, iii) Wants to go home, although he is in the home.

f) Modalities i.e.: -Agg. from slightest motion.

Amel. 1) Firstly, By absolute rest. ii) Secondly, By hard pressure.

 i) Firstly, Belladonna. ii) Secondly, Bryonia, iii) Thirdly, Hepar sulph.

Child symptoms

i) Children dislike either to be carried or to be raised.

ii) Desire things immediately which are not to be had or which when offered are refused.

iii) Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm of coughing.

iv) Hydrocephalus in children: constant also voluntary motion of left arm and leg.

v) In convulsion: automatic motion of one hand also head.

 i) Menses i.e.-

Too early, too profuse, dark, clotted blood.

ii) Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) i.e.:

a) In menstrual period-marked congestion in the ovaries, -pain in the ovaries, with sensitiveness to touch.

b) Pain agg. especially from motion.

c) Amelioration from rest, by hot drinks also by lying on painful side.

iii) Amenorrhoea i.e.: –

Over-heated from exertion; such as, from ironing or washing a few days before the menstrual period.

iv) Breast i.e.

i) Mammae heavy, of a stony hardness. Tumefied breast, hard like old cheese (Phyto., Lac. can.).

ii) Pale but hard: hot and painful.

iii) Must support the breast-esp. when going up or down stairs.

iv) Heaviness and hardness of the breast, prior to menstruation (Kent). 


i) Firstly, Dreams of great exertion-rowing, swimming working hard, etc.

ii) Secondly, Dreams of his daily occupation.

 i) Modalities i.e.: 

Dr. Nash says, the leading characteristics of Bryonia lies in its modalities

  •  aggravation especially from any motion. On the other hand, amelioration from absolute rest and lying on painful side.

ii) Dryness i.e.: –

Excessive dryness of mucus membranes of the entire body.

iii) Thirst i.e.: –

Great thirst especially for large quantities of cold water at long interval.

iv) Desire i.e.: – 

a) Desires things immediately which are not to be had, or which when offered are refused. b) Desire for coffee, cold drinks, etc.

v) Ailments from i.e.: – 

a) from anger b) when warm weather sets in after cold days c) from cold drinks or ice in hot weather d) after taking cold or getting hot in summer e) from chilling when overheated f) from exposure to draft, cold wind, g) from suppressed discharges: of menses, milk or eruption of acute exanthema.

vi) Onset i.e.-

All the complaints of Bryonia develops, slowly, -insidious onset. (5)

In Homeopathy Bryonia Alba medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions

Bryonia Alba Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot
Bryonia Alba
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Excerpts (Summary)

"Bryonia alba is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating conditions like pain, inflammation, and respiratory issues. Learn more about its uses, benefits, and how it can support your health journey."

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