Cinchona Officinalis

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Cinchona Officinalis or China - Homeopathic Remedy Guide - Mann Homeopathic Clinic Infographic detailing the homeopathic uses of Cinchona Officinalis (China), including mental symptoms, key guiding symptoms, and physical ailments it can address. Mann Homeopathic Clinic specializes in providing homeopathic treatment using remedies like China.

Cinchona Officinalis


Cinchona officinalis has several synonyms, including:

  • Common names:

    • Quinine
    • Red cinchona
    • Cinchona bark
  • Historical names:

    • Jesuit’s bark (due to its use by Jesuit missionaries in South America)
    • Loxa bark (referencing Loja, Ecuador, a center for the cinchona trade)
    • Countess powder (named after the Countess of Chinchón, who was cured of malaria with cinchona bark)
    • Peruvian bark (referencing its origin in South America)

There are also vernacular names in other languages:

  • Spanish: quina, cascarilla, cargua cargua, corteza coja
  • French: quinquina, écorce du Pérou

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Periodicity of Cinchona is well-marked. 
  • Ailments of malarial origin with marked periodicity: return every other day.  
  • Colic periodical; at a certain hour each day. 
  • Intermittent fever returns every seven or fourteen days. [8] 

Acute diseases often result in dropsy, esp. during climaxis. 


  • Unrefreshing sleep. 
  • Constant sopor, 
  • Agg. after 3 A.M. 
  • Wakes early. 

Rheumatic Pain

  • Periodicity of Cinchona is well-marked. 
  • Ailments of malarial origin with marked periodicity: return every other day.  
  • Colic periodical; at a certain hour each day. 
  • Intermittent fever returns every seven or fourteen days. [8] 

Characteristic symptoms

  • Debility: Profound debility from exhausting dis- charges and loss of vital fluids.  
  • Periodicity:-It is well-marked: 
  • Ailments of malarial origin with marked period- icity; return every other day. 
  • Colic periodical, at a certain hour each day. 
  • Pain Pains are agg. from slightest touch but amel. by hard pressure. 
  • Desire: For sour things, sour foods, sour fruits. 
  • Fever: Fever never comes at night, generally inter- mittent. 
  • Ailments from:-Ailments from loss of vital fluids viz. haemorrhages, excessive lactation, menstruation, suppuration, diarrhoea etc. 


  • Type of fever
    • Intermittent fever (Tertian, quo- tidian or double quotidian type).  
  • Causation
    • :From bad effects of quinine from exhausting discharges or loss of vital fluids, bad effects of tea-drinking, abuse of Chamomilla. 
  • Onset:
    • Slow and gradual (insidous). 
  • Time
    • Only in day time, fever never comes at night 
  • Physical symptoms
    • It is well-marked. 
  • Periodicity:-
    • Fever returns at every 7th day. 
  • Thirst:
    • Too much, before the beginning of chill 
  • Paroxysm:
    • Anticipates from two or three hours each attack, 
  • Sweat: 
    •  Profusely all over the body. 
    • When covered. 
    • During sleep. 
  •  Mental symptoms:
    • Taciturn, gloomy, ill-humoured  
  • Chill stage:
    • Dr. Boericke says, chill comes generally in the forenoon and it begins in the breast. 
  • Heat stage:
    • Wants to be uncovered. 
  • Sweat stage
    • Profuse debilatating sweat.  
    • Too much thirst. 
  • Modalities:
    • Agg. In day.. 
  • Note: Dr. N.M. Chowdhury says, the prodromal state of fever is prominent by its thirst canaine hunger, nausea. anguish, headache, debility and palpitation of the heart. [8] 


  • Causation:
    • From haemorrhage. 
    • From sexual excess.  
    • From loss of vital fluids. 
    • From anaemia, etc. 
    • From suppressed coryza. 
  • Location:
    • From forehead to occiput (whole head). 
  • Sensation:
    • As if the skull would burst. 
    • Throbbing of brain and carotids. 
  • Modalities:
    • Agg. – In open air , When sitting or lying down. 
    • Amel. – By hard pressure, By standing or walking. 


  • Introduction
    • :It is used both for acute and chronic diarrhoea. 
  • Causation:-
    • After taking cold things. 
    • After taking fruits as Dr. Farrington says, occurring in hot weather after eating fruits.
  • Time:
  • Character of stool:-
    • Stool is watery, greenish or yellowish.  
    • Stool is offensive and painless. 
    • Contains undigested particles of food. 
    • Stool is fermented and frothy. 
  • Concomitants:- 
    • Distention of the whole abdomen and not amel. by flatus. 
    • After meal. 
    • Every stool is followed by pro- found debility.

Excerpts (Summary)

Cinchona Officinalis - Key Information

This mnemonic device uses the letters of "CHINA" to help remember the mental symptoms associated with Cinchona Officinalis, and the letter "P" to recall its key guiding symptoms.

A remedy derived from the cinchona tree, historically used for malaria and fluid loss. Key symptoms include:

Mental: Mood swings, irritability, anxiety. Physical: Periodic symptoms, weakness, touch sensitivity, bleeding, digestive issues. Distinctive features are periodic symptoms, debility from fluid loss, and touch sensitivity relieved by pressure.

Therapeutic applications include malaria, digestive problems, anemia, headaches, and fevers.

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