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Dulcamara has synonyms depending on whether you’re referring to the plant itself or its other uses:

For the Plant:

  • Common names:
    • Bittersweet
    • Bittersweet nightshade
    • Woody nightshade
    • Climbing nightshade
    • Violet bloom (referencing the flowers)
    • (and many others)

Important Note: Dulcamara is poisonous, so these common names should be used with caution, especially if there’s a risk of someone confusing it with a safe plant.

For other uses:

  • Dulcamara itself means "bittersweet" (literally "sweet-bitter") – This refers to the taste of the plant.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dulcamara is available in various potencies (dilutions). The appropriate potency and dosage will be determined by a homeopathic practitioner based on the individual’s specific symptoms and health history.

Dulcamara Effect In Cold

Catarrhal rheumatism which is  brought on or aggravated by exposure to cold, damp, rainy weather or sudden changes in hot weather.  

ii) Skin is delicate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions, especially urticaria; every time patient takes cold or is long exposed to cold.

iii) Increased secretion of mucous membranes; perspiration being suppressed from cold.  

iv) Dropsy: after suppresses sweat; exposure to cold. 

v) Catarrhal ischuria in grown-up children, with milky urine; from wading with bare-feet in cold water.

vi) Diarrhoea : from taking cold in damp places, or during damp, foggy weather; change from warm to cold weather

vii) Aggravation from cold in general, cold air, cold wet weather. 

Skin Symptoms Of Dulcamara

i) Skin affections: brought on or aggravated by expo sure to cold, damp, rainy weather, or sudden changes in hot weather. 

ii) Skin is delicate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions, especially urticaria; every time patient takes cold or is long exposed to cold. 

iii) Rash before the menses. 

iv) Urticaria over whole body, no fever; itching, burns after scratching. Agg. from warmth. Amel. from cold.

v) thick brown-yellow crusts on scalp, face, forehead, temples, chin, with reddish borders, bleeding when scratched. ben

vi) Warts: fleshy, large, smooth; on face or back of hands and fingers.

Individuals prone to catching colds in damp conditions, experiencing skin problems during cold weather, or suffering from joint pain aggravated by dampness are often good candidates for Dulcamara. It’s also used for specific complaints like urinary issues and colic triggered by cold exposure.

Febrile Symptoms Of Dulcamara

a) Causation
  • i) From exposure to damp cold air. 
  • ii) From wet or rainy weather.
  • iii) From drenching in rain.  
b) Types of fever
  • i) Influenza or other types of pyrexia.
c) Onset
  • i)Very slow or insidious.
d) Symptoms
1) Catarrhal discharge
  • i) Profuse, watery discharge from the nose.
  • ii) Discharges are thick and yellowish. 
2) Heat
  • Dry, burning heat all over the body.  
3) Pain
  • Aching pain all over the body. 
4) Tongue
  • Presents imprint of teeth with profuse salivation. 
5) Cough
  • During fever loose cough and profuse discharge comes out. 
6) Stool
  • Loose stool, from taking cold in damp places. 
e) Modalities
  • i) From cold.
  • ii) From damp.
  • iii) From rainy weather.
  • iv) From cold drink. (Ref. Clarks)
  • v) In the evening and night
  • vi) From rest.
  • i) By warm food and warm dress
  • ii) From motion.
  • iii) From pressure. 
f) Concomitants
  • i) Thick brown-yellow crusts on promise scalp, face, forehead, temples and chin; with reddish borders, bleeding when scratched.
  • ii) Anasarca after ague, scarlet
  • iii) Increased secretion of mucous membranes. 
  • iv) Headache better by conversation.

Urinary Symptoms Of Dulcamara

a) Causation:
  1. Urinary trouble occurs from: 
  • i) Cold, damp, wet weather.
  • ii) From wading with bare-foot in cold water. 
b) Character of urine
  • i) Thick, milky urine passes involuntarily, due to paralysis of the bladder.
  • ii) Thick mucus, purulent sediment.
  • iii) Offensive odour. 
c) Before urination
  • Burning pain in the bladder. 
d) During urination
  • i) Burning in the urinary meatus.
  • ii) Urine drops vertically without force.
  • iii) Cannot empty the bladder thoroughly. 
 e) After urination
  • Slimy sediment, deposits in the
f) Modalities
  • i) From cold.
  • ii) From damp wet weather, etc. 
g) Concomitants
  • i) Catarrhal ischuria in grown up
  • ii) Flabby moist tongue with profuse (4)

Key Symptoms 

Key symptoms include a stuffy nose that worsens in cold rain, thick yellowish nasal discharge, skin rashes before menstruation, urticaria (hives), and a strong desire for cold drinks. Additionally, any condition aggravated by damp, cold weather may indicate Dulcamara.

Dulcamara is known to cause and exacerbate respiratory issues, especially when triggered by cold and damp conditions. Common symptoms include: 

  • Thick, yellow nasal discharge
  • Stuffy nose, worse in cold air 
  • Dry or loose cough, often with rattling
  • Asthma, especially after suppressed skin eruptions
  • Bronchial catarrh with greenish expectoration

Correlation: These respiratory symptoms are often accompanied by Dulcamara’s characteristic skin eruptions, muscle aches, and overall sensitivity to cold and dampness.

Differentiation: Dulcamara is differentiated from other remedies like Bryonia (dry cough, worse with motion) and Rhus tox (rheumatic pains, restlessness) by its distinct modality of aggravation from dampness and cold.

Dulcamara is a prime remedy for various skin issues, including:

  • Urticaria (hives) that worsen with warmth and improve with cold
  • Skin rashes, especially before menstruation
  • Warts, particularly on the face and hands
  • Thick, crusty eruptions on the scalp, face, and body
  • Intense itching, especially when undressing in cold air

Correlation: Skin issues often coincide with respiratory problems, muscle aches, and diarrhea.

Differentiation: Dulcamara’s urticaria that worsens with warmth is a key differentiator. Rhus tox urticaria typically improves with warmth, while Apis is indicated for stinging, burning hives.

Dulcamara is known for its effect on muscles and joints, causing:

  • Rheumatic pains and stiffness, worse in damp weather
  • Muscle aches, often with a bruised feeling
  • Soreness and swelling of joints
  • Paralysis of the arms, especially when cold

Excerpts (Summary)

Dulcamara: The Homeopathic Remedy for Damp-Cold Ailments

This comprehensive guide explores the homeopathic uses of Dulcamara, a remedy derived from the bittersweet nightshade plant. Learn about its effectiveness in addressing health issues like colds, skin rashes, rheumatism, and urinary problems, all triggered or worsened by damp, cold weather. Discover if Dulcamara is the right remedy for you.

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