Hepar Sulphur

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Hepar Sulph

Hepar Sulphur


Here are some synonyms for Hepar Sulphur:

  • Liver sulfur : This is an older term referring to a mixture of various sulfur compounds, historically obtained by fusing potassium carbonate and sulfur.
  • Hepar sulfuris calcareum: This Latin term translates to "liver of sulfur with calcium".
  • Calcium sulfide (This is the chemical compound that Hepar Sulphur is derived from, but not exactly the same thing.): Hepar Sulphur is a homeopathic remedy prepared from calcium sulfide, but it’s important to note that homeopathic remedies undergo a specific dilution and preparation process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

a) Extremely sensitive to cold air 

i) Imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room.

ii) Must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather. 

iii) Cannot bear to be uncovered. 

iv) Takes cold from slightest exposure to fresh air.

b) Cough

i)When any part of the body is uncovered.  

ii) From exposure to dry west wind, land wind.

c) Croup: 

i) After exposure to dry cold wind. 

ii) Aggravation from cold air, cold drinks.

d) General modality:

i) Aggravation from cold air, uncovering, eating or drinking cold things. 

ii) Amelioration from warmth in general, wrapping up warmly, especially the head.

Renders patient less susceptible to atmospheric change and cold air. 

a) Character of the urine  

i) Urine is dark, red, hot and sometimes bloody.

ii) Corrodes the prepuce. 

iii) Urine passes involuntarily, without any force. 

iv) Flow of urine is impeded, voided slowly drop by drop, intermittent, due to weakness of the bladder.

b) Before urination:

i) is obliged to wait a long time before passing the urine.

c) During urination 

i) Bladder is weak, unable to finish.

d) After urination

i) Unable to finish, seems as if some urine always remains in the bladder.

 e) Concomitants

i) Very chilly patient.

ii) Prepuce is very sensitive to touch.

iii) Oversensitive, both mentally and physically. 

Introduction: Dr. Tyler refers, it is one of the nursery medicines for cold, cough and croup. 


a) Causation

i)From cold air. 

ii) When any part of the body is uncovered etc. 

iii) After exposure to dry west wind, the land wind.  

b) Character of cough

i) Cough may be dry, rough, deep and braking. 

ii) Croupy with choking, gagging and strangling.

iii) Great soreness of the chest. 

iv) Suffocative cough.

v) Breathing: It is rattling in character with hoarseness.

c) Modalities


i) When any part of the body is exposed. 

ii) In the morning, before midnight and towards

evening. Dr. Hering says at night from 11 p.m. to 12 midnight there is violent cough. 

iii) In cold air from dry west wind.  

iv) After cold drinks.


i) From warmth in general. 

ii) In damp wet weather.

d) Concomitant and accompanying features:

i) Cough along with profuse sweating, which neither aggravate nor ameliorates. 

ii) Weeps with or before the cough (Ref. Dr. Tyler).


a) Causation  

i) After suppression of skin diseases.

ii) After abuse of mercury.

b) Character 

i) Breathing:-Deep breathing, with wheezing, rattling of mucous.

ii) Suffocation :-Threatened suffocation, takes deep breath must bend head backwards while sitting.

c) Modalities 


i) From bending head backwards while sitting. 

ii) In damp wet weather.

iii) From covering the body warmly, and from warmth in general. 


Introduction – It is one of the members of Boennighausen’s trio of croup powder, others are Aconite and Spongia: all in 200th potency. 

a) Causation : 

After exposure to dry, cold wind. 

b) Character: 

i) Deep, rough, barking cough

ii) With hoarseness and rattling of mucus.

c) Modalities 


i) From cold air.  

ii) Cold drinks.

iii) Before midnight.  

iv) Towards evening.


Hoarseness with aphonia, agg. in the morning. 

i) Eyeballs: sore to touch.

ii) Pain, as if they would be pulled back into head.

5 Medicines

i) Hepar Sulphur

ii) Graphites. 

iii) Merc Sol. 

iv) Sulphur.

v) Silicea.

1) Causative Ailments 

i) Mercurialization (abuse of mercury),

ii) Suppressed eruptions,

iii) Gonorrhoea, 

iv) Syphilis,

v) Injuries (Ref. Clarke)

2) Clinical 

Erysipelatous inflammation: Carbuncle; Nettle rash; Cancerous ulcers; Eczema; Itch; Herpes: Chilblains; Psoriasis; Urticaria; Acne; Boils; Abscess; Rash eruptions, Grocers itch and Psoriasis palmaris (Ref. Dr. Huge), Wool workers’ Itch (Ref. Dr. J. H. Clarke) 

3) Location  

Dr. Guernsey recommends that flexors of the elbow and knee are the especial seat of those eruptions. 

4) Symptomatology regarding Skin 

  • Unhealthy suppurating skin, every little injury suppurates (Sulph. Graph, Peter, Sil, Merc. Sol.) boils, abscess and papules are prone to suppuration. 
  • The skin is very much sensitive to touch (+++) which Dr. E, B. Nash calls it the strongest characteristic.The skin eruptions are so sensitive that the patient can’t endure the touch of cloth even (Lach). Dr. Guernsey opens his discussion with emphasizing upon this sensitiveness. The great sensitiveness of this remedy is not to be overlooked, (Ref. Dr. Guernsey) Eczema spreads by means of new pimples appear.  
  • ring just above the old one. 
  • Ulcers are very sensitive to contact, easily bleeding, burning and stinging pain. Patient is oversensitive to pain. Dr. E. B. Nash says. patient is so sensitive to pain that she faints away, even when, it is slight. Ulcers surrounded by little pimples and pustules and spread by coalescing. 


  • Putrid ulcers, smelling like old rotten cheese and easily bleeding, looking like a lump of lard with hole in it. (Ref. Dr. Guernsey)
  • The nail suppurates and loosens, comes off. Sensation of slinter (++) under the mails (Ref. Kent). The nails become hard and brittle. Warts crack and opens, bleeds, stinging and burning with suppuration (Ref. Kent). Splinter sensation in the affected part (++) (Tyler says higher than Sil.).
  • Middle of the lower lip cracked. (Ammon Carb., Nat, Mur). 

5) Look-up of the skin 

Unhealthy: yellowish colour of the skin esp. on the face (reports Dr. Clarke). Moist skin. (dry skin. Sulph.). 

6) Discharges 

i) Master Kent says discharges smell like decom. posed (rotten) cheese and this character runs through the remedy. 

ii) Body smells like old cheese.

iii) Kent also refers to sour smelling discharge: Kent reports that babies are always scur inspite of much washing. 

iv) Kent says perspiration is sour smelling.

v) The discharges from the ulcers are also sour 

vi) Pus-Rich, thick and creamy. (Ref. Dr. N. Chowdhury)

7) Sweat  

Profuse sweat, day and night without any relief, Sweats easily on every mental or physical exertion. 

8) Glandular affections Swelling, inflammation and suppuration of all the glands of the body and Dr. Tyler reports it is sudden and rapid. 

9) Modality  

Agg. from cold air, uncovering, touching affected parts, from lying on painful side (Bell), in clear fine weather, from getting the skin rubbed off., in the night.  

Amel. from warmth in general in damp wet weather (Medo, Nux. Vom.; Caust). 

10) Mental generals

Oversensitive both mentally and physically. Very much impulsive, impulse to do violence. 

11) Physical constitution 

Master Kent says suited to scrawny persons with a tendency to enlargement of glands. Highly chilly patient, with sluggish-tropid, lymphatic constitution, suppurative and scrofulous diathesis. 

i) Chilliness:-

Extremely chilly patient, imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room, must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered.

ii) Oversensitiveness

a) Oversensitiveness both physically and mentally. 

b) Mental hypersensitivity :- Slightest cause irritates him, hyper impulsive.

c) Physical hypersensitiveness 

i) Hyperaesthesia :- Oversensitive to touch, to pain, even to clothes.

ii) Oversensitive to cold; takes cold from slightest exposure to fresh air.

iii) Sensations :-Sensation of a splinter in the throat, in the affected part viz. in ulcers, piles etc. 

iv) Sweat- Profuse sweat: day and night, but sweat does not ameliorates. Hepar has perspiration of cheesy odour.

v) Sourness of all discharges All the discharges are sour smelling. sweat, stool etc. Dr. Tyler says, smells like old cheese. Dr. Nash refers, whole child smells sour.

vi) Suppurative diathesis – Slightest in- jury tends to suppurate is a notable feature of Hepar Sulph.

vii) Sour cravings: – Patient has craving for sour, acids etc., as Dr. Kent in his Repertory has classed it in first grade. (9) 

Excerpts (Summary)

Hepar Sulphur: A Deep Dive into the Homeopathic Remedy for Hypersensitivity and Suppuration

Hepar Sulphur is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating conditions with suppuration, hypersensitivity, and a chilly constitution. It's often used for skin ailments, respiratory issues, and emotional irritability. Learn about its key symptoms, benefits, and how to use it safely in this comprehensive guide.

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