Ignatia Amara
Ignatia amara itself is no longer the accepted scientific name for the plant. The current accepted name is Strychnos ignatii. However, Ignatia amara is still a recognized synonym.
Here are some other synonyms for Ignatia Amara:
- Strychnos ignatii
- Strychnos philippensis
- Ignatiana philippinica
- Strychnos balansae
- Strychnos hainanensis
- Strychnos ovalifolia
Involuntary sighing & sobbing:
Ignatia. Pt. wants to hides the grief (-Puls., shows it). A sensitive, delicate women lose her child, or her husband, suffers from this grief-has headache, various troubles, weeps and sobs, sleepless-unable to control herself, her grief has simply torn her to pieces give her drug,-Ignatia will rescue her.
(J) Jealousy:
Dr. Farrington reports of marked jealousy and suspiciousness in Ign. patient.
Nervous Women:
Ign. is esp. indicated in nervous women who are burdned with grief; particularly when they dwell upon their troubles in secret (Farrington).
It is a remedy for the immediate effects of emotion (Opium). Master Kent classically elucidated a sensitive, nervous, young girl, finds out that she has misplaced her affections: the young man has disappointed her, she has a weeping spell, tremble, she is nervous, sleepless.
Ignatia, will make her sensible, restore back to order.
Alternating mental condition:
There is a rapidly changing mental condition; from laughing to weeping, from joy to sorrow, one moment excessive and in the next moment rage etc. (Acon., Coff., Croc., Aurum Met, Nat. Mur., Phos.).
Ign. in cases of hysteria has got rapid alteration of moods, uncontrollable laughter alternates with outbursts of tears. Laughs when the patient ought to be serious (Clarke), with the character of globus hystericus (Clarke).
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, ‘Ignatia resembling another sister of her group Pulsatilla." Our Ignatia ‘weeps and sighs in silence’, unperceived by her imaginary aggressor and her friends- (Nat. Mur. is also another tearful weeping damsel.).
Tremendous exhausted by concentrated grief:
Persons physically and mentally exhausted by continued and concentrated grief (+++).
A sensitive girl falls in love with a married man, she lies awake nights, sobs, has tried herself out; she says, "Mother, why I do that, I cannot keep that man out of my mind"; if it is very resent, Ignatia will balance up that girls mind-if not Natrum Mur. comes in as a follower (Ref. Kent).
Inconstant. Impatient, Irresolute:
The Ign. patient is very much inconstant, impatient and irresolute (Baryta C.) and quarrelsome (Baryta C.) fearful, timid, busy restless.
Dr. Arrington reports Ign. patient fears of being poisoned.
Dr. Kent explained this inconstant and irresoluteness of Ignatia. Mentally the pt. does the most unaccountable and most unexpected things.
Seems to have no rule to work by. no soundness of mind, no judgement.
<by consolation (all troubles).
(Nat. Mur., Hell., Sil., Lil.Tig., Sepia.).
<after punishment, fear, fright. <by contradiction, which excites anger, (passion with redness of face).
Alone (desires), Apathetic, Anxious about unpardonable crime:
The pt. broods in solitude over imaginary troubles, full of suppressed grief (Cimic.).
Desire to be alone, desires solitude (Carbo An., Hyos. Rhus Tox.).
Taciturn, sad, melancholic, indifferent (Puls., Nat. M.).
Anxiety, as if some unpardonable crime.
Lachrymose and apathetic humour, (Clarke)has been commited by her.
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, Ignatia resembles Sepia and Lili um in its Indifference of mood which <during menstrual peri od-melancholy.
Memory loss:
Weakness of memory.
Commits mistakes in his talking and writing.
(M.) Moody: The Ign. patient is very moody (+++). finely sensitive mood and delicate conscience (Sil.)
Anger followed by quiet grief:
Very short-tempered patient.
Anger followed by quiet grief (Clarke), Ignatia hides her grief.
Good natured when well but quickly disturbed by slightest emotion and easily offended.
Anguish esp. in the morning, on wakings or at night.
Master Kent said, a woman has undergone controversy at home-is excited, and goes into cramps, trembles and quivers-Ignatia will quite her.
Remedy of spinal diseases:
As Ign. is pre-eminently a spinal-remedy (Farrington) (like Nux. Vom.), it seems to intensify the impressionability of all the senses, perhaps even more than Nux vom., characterising these by melancholy with tendency to weep, though the patient slightly smoothers her grief, nurses her sorrow (Farrington).
Melancholy after disappointment of love with spinal symptoms (Kent.), esp. in these oversensitive girls Nat Mur. is the chronic (Kent).
At bed child’s convulsions:
Child when reprimanded, scolded and sent to bed, gets sick and has convulsion in sleep (Chamo., Staph.).
Master Kent said convulsion in children in the first period of dentition. Spasms in children from fright.
The child is cold and pale, and has a fixed staring look like Cina, convulsion with loss of consciousness.
III. Modality: Nervous affections and troubles of all sorts come on at the menstrual period.
1: Natrum Mur. is the chronic of Ignatia in mental plane.
2: Master Kent said, you will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints-take on complaints that are, similar to such symptoms as come in hysteria.
3: Dr. Allen reported -persons physically and men tally exhausted by long (!)-concentrated grief.
But Dr. Farrington in his Clinical Materia Medica clearly elucidated that-Ignatia is indicated in nervous women, who are burdened with grief, particularly when they dwell upon their troubles in secret. Such cases find relief in Ignatia, esp. when of recent origin. For the chronic or long-lasting effects of grief Dr. Farrington suggested, Phos. Acid, Natrum Mur.
Tiger prescriber Tyler Kent also supported this view; hence this becomes a point of controversy. [1]
Increased sexual desire with impotence:
Sweat on scrotum.
Itching about genitals, in bed.
Much itching in the penis, removed by scratching.
Soreness and ulcerative pain, with itching at margin of prepuce.
Pain in penis, during cough.
Penis, contracted, becomes small.
Lasciviousness and weakness of genital power, without erections.
Absence of sexual desire.
Sexual desire with impotence.
Erections with painful uneasiness and aching at the pubis.
Erection before and during stool with emission of prostatic fluid. (7)
Great Chaotic remedy (Asaf, Mosch, Val, Cocc, Nux-m):
Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to intense women.
You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to such symptoms as come in hysteria.
The intense diathesis is one that is very singular and difficult to comprehend. (8)
No thirst in fever:
During the chilly (early) stage of febrile conditions the patient is not relieved by warmth and is thirsty, whereas thirst is not present (as would be expected) during the heat. (9)
Thirst during chill. Red face during chill. No thirst in fever:
During the chilly (early) stage of febrile conditions the patient is not relieved by warmth and is thirsty. (9)
Ill effects of grief, fright, worry, disappointed love; jealousy; old spinal injuries:
Ailments from Ill effects of grief, fright, worry, disappointed love; jealousy; old spinal injuries.
Acute grief, acute disappointments makes patient bitter and hardened.
Depth of sorrow and grief stuck deep within, cannot be surfaced.
Romantic, idealistic, emotional, over sensitive, easily hurt feelings. (6)
Aversion for fruits:
Sour eructation. All-gone feeling in stomach; MUCH FLATULENCE; hiccough.
Cramps in stomach; worse slightest contact.
Averse to ordinary diet; longs for great variety of indigestible articles.
Craving for acid things.
Alert; Oversensitive and Nervous:
Alert, nervous, apprehensive, rigid, trembling patients who suffer acutely in mind or body, at the same time made worse by drinking coffee.
The SUPERFICIAL AND ERRATIC CHARACTER of its symptoms is most characteristic. (11)
Mouth-Toothache < in between acts of eating < lying down.
Bites inside of cheeks when chewing. (6)
Constantly full of saliva. Toothache; worse after drinking coffee and smoking. (11)
Angry with himself:
The rapid changes are as prominent in the mental sphere as anywhere-from joy to sorrow, laughing to weeping, grave to gay; an intense condition develops. The prover or patient is extremely sensitive and is easily offended, annoyed or angered by criticism or contradiction; is impatient; but these evidences of weaknesses make him angry with himself. There is a kind of hyperconscientiousness, almost of fear, that he is unworthy or has committed a crime; there is an apparent quarrelsomeness due to the rapid changes of disposition, temper or outlook- irresoluteness. (9)
Remedy of great contradictions like: -Roaring in ears > music:
Contradiction remedy -(Pain in ears > music. Piles > walking. Haemorrhoids and prolapsus ani with loose stool. Sore throat > when swallowing. Empty feeling in stomach not > eating. Spasmodic laughter from grief. Thirst and red face during chill. No thirst in fever). (6)
Ache as if a nail were driven out through the sides; end in yawning and vomiting; alternate with backache:
Ache as if a nail were driven out through the sides; end in yawning and vomiting; alternate with backache. Headache worse or better by stooping. Throws head backwards; from weight at occiput; or during spasms. Vertigo, with sparks before the eyes. Loud talking worse headache. Headache; from abuse of snuff, tobacco smoke, coffee, from close attention. (11)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Common name :
St. Ignatius Bean
Synonyms :
St. Ignatius bean
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Loganiaceae
Habit and Habitat / Description :
- It is found in southern Phillipines islands and is cultivated in China.
- It is a large shrub or climbing tree, having fragrant white flowers; belongs to the natural order of Loganiaceae.
- Ignatia beans are dull, dark Gray, irregularly ovoid and about 25 mm long, usually having one large curved side and three or four smaller flattish surfaces with round angles.
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann in 1805
Introduction and History :
- It is a well-known woman’s remedy. The medicine is named after the name of the founder, the jersuits who highly esteemed the seeds as a medicine.
- It is a wonderful remedy of great contradictions. It is described as the feminine of masculine Nux vomica.
Parts used :
- The mother tincture is prepared from the seeds of the tree.
Active principles :
- Like Nux vomica, it contains strychnine and brucin in about the same quantity.
Preparation :
- The mother tincture is prepared from the seeds of the tree. [2]
Constitution of Ignatia Amara
Physical make up :
- Dark complexion
- Dark looking with dark hair
- Easily excited
- Sensitive
Temperament :
- Melancholic
Relation with heat & cold :
- Neither chilly nor hot but easily affected by cold
Miasm :
- Psora [2]
Clinical conditions
In Homeopathy Ignatia Amara medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Alopecia
- Asthma
- Bulimia
- Chorea
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Cough
- Depression
- Encephalitis
- Globus hystericus
- Hirsuitism
- Hysteria
- Lumbago,
- Migraine
- Obesity
- Rectal cramp
- Rectal fissure
- Rectal prolapse
- Spasms [6]
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Brain, nervous system, sensorium, spinal cord, particularly medulla oblongata, etc. [2]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
Grief, fear, disappointed love, jealousy, old spinal injuries, tobacco, shame and mortification, suppressed mental feelings, alcohol, tea, coffee, bad news, vexation, etc. [2]
Physiological action
- The toxicology of Ignatia closely resembles that of Nux vomica.
- Both produce similar excitation of spinal reflexes with the resultant tetanic spasms and muscular twitching.
- Death is caused by asphyxia occasioned by tetanic contractions of the respiratory muscles.
- Susceptibility of the nerves of special senses and all sensory nerves; initially they are excited but later, numbness and mental anguish succeed.
- Potter says in his materia medica, ‘Cerebrospinal irritability is diminished by small doses, though excited by large ones, Ignatia being probably the most efficient controller of functional phenomena of the cerebrospinal axis.’ [2]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It acts especially on the medulla oblongata and the spinal nervous system, producing tetanic convulsions, dyspnoea, spasms and chorea.
- It acts on the entire nervous system producing hyperaesthesia of all special senses.
- Also increases susceptibility to external impressions – mental and physical. The co-ordination of function is disturbed.
- It predominantly acts on the nervous system of women producing hysteria and a nervous temperament.
- It produces a rapid change in the mental and physical condition, opposite to each other with great contradictions. [2]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms of Ignatia (psychology)
- Patient is absentminded, sad, morose, moody, silent and has fixed ideas.
- Desire to be alone, weeps inwardly, full of suppressed grief.
- Easily offended, slightest contradiction excites anger, making one angry with oneself.
- Rapid changing of mental condition from joy to sorrow, laughing to weeping, happiness to sadness.
- Patient is good natured when well, but easily offended by the slightest disturbance.
- Great grief after losing people or objects that were very dear. Anger followed by quiet grief or sorrow.
- Involuntary sighing with a weak, empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.
- Children, when reprimanded, scolded or sent to bed get sick or have convulsions in sleep.
- Roaring in ears better by music.
- Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief.
- Anxiety, as if she had committed some great crime; finely sensitive mood.
- Howls, cries himself on account of trifles.
- Indifference to everything, unreasonable complaint about noise.
- Full of suppressed grief, seems weighed down by it, broods over imaginary troubles.
- All complaints and troubles are aggravated by consolation.
- Quarrelsome, inconstant, impatient, irresolute, restless and very timid.
- Always commits mistakes while writing and talking. [2]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Ignatia Amara
1. Generalities :
- The seeds of Ignatia contain a large proportion of strychnine than those of Nux-vomica, yet there is a great difference between the characteristic features of the two drugs.
- Though it affects the mind, emotional element is profoundly influenced and co-ordination of functions is interfered with; causing erratic; contradictory; paradoxical mental and physical effects; which change rapidly, and are opposite to each other.
- Nervous system is affected causing Spasmodic effects; often violent with rigidity, twitching and tremors.
- It is adapted to the persons of nervous temperament esp. women of sensitive, easily excited nature, mild disposition, quick to perceive and rapid in execution.
- Sense of lump, foreign body or sharp pressure.
- Jerks run through the whole body.
- Tendency to start.
- Globus.
- Clavus.
- Hysteria.
- Chorea; after fright, from grief agg. after eating, amel. lying on back.
- Convulsions of children; during dentition; after punishment; after fear or fright; return at the same hour daily.
- Spasms, with cries or involuntary laughter.
- Tonic spasms of single parts, with frothing at the mouth.
- Spasms alternating with oppressed breathing.
- Pain in spot agg. close attention amel. [3]
2. Head :
- Ache as if a nail were driven out through the sides; end in yawning and vomiting; alternate with backache.
- Headache agg. or amel. by stooping.
- Throws head backwards; from weight at occiput; or during spasms.
- Vertigo, with sparks before the eyes.
- Loud talking agg. headache.
- Headache; from abuse of snuff, tobacco smoke, coffee, from close attention. [3]
3. Eye :
- Asthenopia; with spasms of the lids, and neuralgic pains around the eyes.
- Flashes of light, from violent coughing.
- Eyelids seem dry.
- Flickering, zigzags before the eyes. [3]
4. Ears :
- Roaring amel. by music.
- One ear red and hot.
- Deafness, except for human voice. [4]
5. Nose :
- Sensitive to inspired air.
- Pain over the root of the nose.
- Sneezing attacks.
- Cold, with hot knees. [3]
6. Face :
- Twitching of the muscles of face and lips.
- Redness and heat of one cheek; red and pale alternately.
- Masseters stiff and hard.
- Emotional trismus.
- Changes colour often when at rest.
- Facial muscles distort on attempting to speak [4]
7. Mouth :
- Spasmodic closing of the jaws; bites inside cheek or tongue when talking or chewing. Corners twitch.
- Taste sour.
- Toothache worse after drinking coffee and smoking.
- Sudden attacks of salivation. [4]
8. Throat :
- Inflamed, hard swollen tonsils, with small ulcers on them.
- Follicular tonsillitis.
- Feeling as of a lump, when not swallowing or that cannot be swallowed; amel. eating solids.
- Tendency to choke
- Globus hystericus.
- Stitches extend to ear; between acts of swallowing.
- Submaxillary glands painful when moving the neck.
- Cramps in gullet.
- Goitre.[4]
9. Stomach :
- Hunger, with nausea.
- Craves raw or indigestible things; sour things, bread esp. rye bread.
- Appetite for various things, but when offered appetite fails.
- Aversion to warm food, meat, alcohol, tobacco.
- Empty sinking or spasmodic ache in stomach not amel. by eating; amel. by taking and deep breath.
- Hiccough; with eructations empty or bitter; after eating, drinking, smoking. – Nausea or vomiting amel. indigestible things. [3]
10. Abdomen :
- Colicky griping pain in one or both sides of the abdomen.
- Stools ,painful, difficult although soft.
- Constrictive sore pain in the rectum, like from blind haemorrhoids, remains one or two hours after stools.
- Obstipation of neurasthenics.
- Pain shoots up in rectum.
- Piles amel. sitting; agg. coughing.
- Prolapsus of rectum; from moderate straining at stools.
- Pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outwards.
- Painless contractions of anus.
- Haemorrhage and pain agg. when stool is loose.
- Constipation; from taking cold; from riding in a carriage; urging to stool with erection. [3]
11.Rectum & Anus :
- Prolapsus from slight straining at stool.
- Cutting and sharp pains in the rectum, as from contraction and soreness, especially after stools.
- Itching and crawling as from thread-worms in the anus.
- Ineffectual urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum, felt particularly in the middle of the abdomen.
- Sensation of piles in the anus, with soreness and pain; usually better when walking. Sharp sticking pain in the anus, extending deep into the rectum. [5]
12. Stool :
- Diarrhoea; thin, involuntary.
- Diarrhoea resulting from fright or emotional excitement, especially grief. Diarrhoea, with tenesmus.
- Desire for stool is felt in the abdomen, but is ineffectual.
- Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. [5]
13. Urinary Organ :
- Frequent, profuse, watery urine.
- Urging to urinate, with inability to pass urine. [3]
14. Sexual Organ :
- Itching about the genitals in the evening; (>) scratching. Menstruation too early. Menstrual flow black, offensive, clotted.
- Clinical. Dysmenorrhoea, with great pressure. Ovarian pains. Uterine Haemorrhages from grief or emotional excitement.
- During pregnancy, nausea, weakness, sinking in the stomach, ameliorated by eating. During labor, spasms amounting almost to convulsions.[4]
15. Respiratory System :
- Takes deep breath; for relief.
- Choking; spasms of glottis.
- Dry, hacking spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks; shutting of the breath; cough; as from dust or sulphur fumes.
- Coughing increases the desire to cough.
- Cough, everytime he stands still during a walk. Constriction of the chest, feels as if too small.
- Whispering voice, can not speak loudly.
- Sleepy after coughing.
- Stitches in nipples on deep inspiration.[3]
16. Heart & Pulse:
- Palpitation, during menses.
- Anxious feeling in the region. [4]
17. Neck & Back :
- Stiffness of the nape of the neck.
- Convulsive bending backwards of the back. [3]
18. Extremities :
- Jerking in limbs.
- Warm sweat on the palms.
- Cramps in calves.
- Heavy feet. [3]
19. Skin :
- Dislocative pain in joints.
- Knees are involuntarily drawn upwards, when walking.
- Trembling of hands when writing in anyone’s presence.
- Burning in heels on placing them near one another, when they come in contact, they are cold to touch; agg. at night.
- Sciatica agg. in winter; amel. in summer.
- Corns painful as if sore.
- Knees hot with cold nose.
- As if flesh was loose on bones from a blow. [4]
20. Sleep :
- Violent spasmodic yawning, with running from eyes.
- Sleep light; every sound wakes.
- Jerking of limbs on going to sleep.
- Somnambulism from wounded honour.
- Dreams; same horrid dreams over the over again.
- Child awakes from sleep with piercing cries and trembles all over.
- Hiccough, chewing motions of mouth in sleep. (children). [4]
21. Fever :
- Chill with red face.
- Shaking chill with thirst.
- Sweat agg. on eating; often on a small spot on the face.
- Heat, with aversion to uncover but no thirst.
- Chill, during pains. [3]
Charecteristic Symptoms of Ignatia Amara
Keynotes / Redline of Ignatia Amara:
- Deep sighing – takes deep breath for amelioration.
- Contradiction remedy – (Pain in ears > music. Piles > walking.
- Haemorrhoids and prolapsus ani with loose stool.
- Sore throat > when swallowing. Empty feeling in stomach not > eating.
- Spasmodic laughter from grief.
- Thirst and red face during chill. No thirst in fever).
- Spasmodic effects of single parts.
- Pain in small spots covered by finger.
- Cannot stand tobacco in any form.
- Headache > profuse urination.
- Sweats on a small spot-on face while eating.
- Constipation with urge in upper abdomen. [6]
Guiding of Ignatia Amara:
I- Increased sexual desire with impotence.
G- Great chaotic remedy (Asaf, Mosch, Val, Cocc, Nux-m).
N- No thirst in fever
A- Alopecia after grief.
T- Thirst during chill. Red face during chill. No thirst in fever.
I- Ill effects of grief, fright, worry, disappointed love; jealousy; old spinal injuries
A- Aversion for fruits.
A- Alert; oversensitive and nervous
M- Mouth-Toothache < in between acts of eating < lying down.
A- Angry with himself.
R- Remedy of great contradictions like: -Roaring in ears > music.
A- Ache as if a nail were driven out through the sides; end in yawning and vomiting; alternate with backache. [6]
PQRS of Ignaia Amara:
Dr. Nash says it is a remedy of ‘paradoxicalities’, thus all the contradictory symptoms are uncommon and peculiar, viz.
- Roaring in ears >by music
- Liquid is more painful than solid (Bryo., Lyco.)
- The piles > when walking.
- Empty feeling in stomach not> by eating (Hydr., Sep.).
- Cough < the more he coughs; more on standings less or nil on walking.
- Sore throat> by swallowing solid.
- Prolapse of anus with soft stool.
- Piles protrude when the stool is soft, but not during hard stool.
- Spasmodic laughter from grief instead of weeping.
- Thirst during chill and heat without thirst etc. [1]
Confirmatory of ignatia Amara:
- Mentally and physically exhausted by grief.
- Changeability of symptoms.
- Contradictory symptoms.
- Involuntary sighing.
- Headache as if a nail was driven out through the side
- lying on painful side > profuse urination.
- Cannot bear tobacco in any form. [6]
Nucleus symptoms of Ignatia Amara:
- Produces hyperaesthesia of all senses, and tendency to produce clonic spasms.
- Adapted to individuals with nervous temperament, who are alert, nervous, rigid and apprehensive.
- Patients who have silent grief or disappointment in love.
- Great remedy for contradiction.
- Spasmodic effects.
- Hysteria.[6]
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Ignatia Amara
Abdominal disorders, Anxiety, Appetite, Chorea, Constipation, Convulsion, Cough, Croup, Debility, Dentition, Epilepsy, Flatulence, Genital organs, Headache, Heart affections, Hysteria, Intermittent fever, Locomotor ataxia, Melancholia, Menstrual disorders, Numbness, Paralysis, Piles, prolapse of anus, Respiratory troubles, Sleep disorders, Throat trouble, Tremors, Voice lost, Yawning. [2]
- From consolation, coffee, brandy, tobacco, after meals, grief, mental emotions, walking fast, strong odours, contact, touch, etc.
- Swallowing, hard pressure, walking, warmth, change of position etc. [2]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Ignatia Amara
- Nat-m, Aur-m, Sulph, Phos.
Follows Well
- Calc, Sulph, Ars, Sep, Sil, Bell, Lyc.
- Tab, Nux-v, Coff.
Antidoted By
- Cham., Coff.
It Antidotes
- Arn, Coff, Puls, Nux-v, Camph, Cocc.
- Aloe, Sulph, Croc, Nat-m, Anac, Spig, Lyc.[6]
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
- Tincture to 30 potency. In case of spinal cord, brain and nervous system, higher potencies are recommended.
Duration of action
- Lower dilutions can be repeated, but higher potencies are to be given in a single dose. [2]
Plant Terminology
Ignatia Amara: The traditional name for the plant used in homeopathy, derived from Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Strychnos Ignatii: The current, scientifically accepted name for the plant.
Synonym: Different names for the same plant (e.g., Ignatia Amara and Strychnos Ignatii are synonyms).
Homeopathic Terminology
Prover: A healthy person who takes a homeopathic remedy to record its effects, helping to understand the remedy’s symptom picture.
Constitution: The overall physical and mental makeup of an individual, considered when choosing a homeopathic remedy.
Miasm: A predisposition to certain types of diseases, believed to be inherited. Ignatia is often associated with the psora miasm (skin conditions, hypersensitivity).
Causation: Factors that trigger or worsen symptoms. For Ignatia, these often include emotional distress like grief, fright, or disappointment.
Pathogenesis: The pattern of physical and mental symptoms a remedy produces. Ignatia’s pathogenesis involves the nervous system, emotions, and contradictory symptoms.
Rubrics: Categories in homeopathic reference books where symptoms are listed, helping practitioners find the right remedy.
Modalities: Factors that make symptoms better or worse. For Ignatia, consolation often worsens emotional symptoms.
Complementary Remedies: Remedies that work well alongside Ignatia Amara to address different aspects of a case.
Potency: The strength of a homeopathic remedy, determined by the number of dilutions. Ignatia is often used in low to medium potencies.
Specific Ignatia Amara Terms
Globus Hystericus: A sensation of a lump in the throat, often associated with emotional distress.
Contradiction Remedy: A remedy known for producing opposite or contradictory symptoms (e.g., pain better by pressure).
Chaotic Remedy: Describes the complex and often unpredictable nature of Ignatia’s symptoms.
Silent Grief: Refers to the tendency of Ignatia patients to suppress their emotions or express them in an inward manner.
Oversensitive: Ignatia patients are highly sensitive to emotional and physical stimuli.
- Synoptic Memorizer Materia Medica (S.K. Banerjea) > Part 1 > Chap Ignatia Amara
- J.D. Patil Materia Medica edition 2013 > Chap Ignatia Amara
- PHATAK S. R., Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines > Chap Ignatia Amara
- MM of Homeopathy Medicine By pathak > Chap Ignatia Amara
- A Primer of Materia Medica by T. F. Allen. > Chap Ignatia Amara
- Zomeo Lane version > Materia Medica > Keynote > Ignatia Amara
- Nature’s Materia Medica By Robin Murphy, Md > Chap Ignatia Amara
- Lectures On Homoeopathy By Kent J. T. > Chap Ignatia Amara
- A Manual Of Homoeopathic Therapeutics By Neatby E. > Chap Ignatia Amara
- Materia Medica By Boericke W. > Chap Ignatia Amara
- Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak > Chap Ignatia Amara
- Synoptic Memorizer Materia Medica (S.K. Banerjea ) > Part 2 > Chap Ignatia Amara
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- Homeopathic Websites and Repertories: Many homeopathic organizations and practitioners have websites with information on remedies. Reputable online repertories (databases of homeopathic symptoms) often have sections dedicated to Ignatia.
- Search Engines: A general search using terms like "Ignatia Amara homeopathy," "homeopathic remedy Ignatia," or "Ignatia Amara materia medica" will often yield relevant articles, blog posts, and research studies.
- Homeopathic Forums and Communities: Online forums and communities dedicated to homeopathy can be a valuable resource for finding discussions, experiences, and articles related to Ignatia.
Books and Publications
- Homeopathic Materia Medicas: Materia Medicas are comprehensive reference books detailing the symptoms and uses of homeopathic remedies. Look for classic works by authors like Kent, Boericke, or Allen, as well as modern materia medicas.
- Homeopathic Journals and Magazines: Professional homeopathic journals often publish articles on specific remedies like Ignatia, including research findings, case studies, and clinical experiences.
Tips for Effective Searching
- Use Specific Terms: Be specific in your search terms to get the most relevant results. Include terms like "homeopathy," "Ignatia Amara," and the type of information you’re seeking (e.g., "symptoms," "uses," "case studies").
- Verify Credibility: When using online sources, be sure to evaluate the credibility of the information. Look for articles written by qualified homeopathic practitioners or published in reputable homeopathic journals.
- Consult a Homeopathic Practitioner: If you are interested in using Ignatia Amara for a health concern, it’s always recommended to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure safe and effective use of the remedy.
Other Way to Search
Here are different ways to search for information on Ignatia Amara, catering to various needs and preferences:
Quick Overviews:
- Websites of Homeopathic Brands: Companies like Boiron (https://boironusa.com/product/ignatia-amara/) often have simplified descriptions of remedies, good for a basic understanding.
- Informative Articles: The American Association for Homeopathic Products (https://theaahp.org/articles/how-to-use-ignatia-amara/) has articles explaining uses in layman’s terms.
For In-Depth Homeopathic Knowledge:
- Materia Medicas: These are the core texts. Look for renowned authors like Kent, Boericke, Allen, or modern ones with updated information. They detail symptoms, uses, and cases.
- Homeopathic Repertories: These are symptom indexes. If you have specific complaints, searching them in a repertory (online or book) can suggest Ignatia if it matches the picture.
- Professional Journals: Publications like "Homeopathy" or "The American Homeopath" may have articles with research or clinical cases related to Ignatia.
Practical Application:
- Consult a Homeopath: This is the most reliable way to determine if Ignatia is right for YOU. They consider your whole case, not just isolated symptoms.
- Homeopathic Forums: Online communities (with caution, as not all info is expert-vetted) can show how others use Ignatia, but it’s no substitute for professional advice.
Additional/Specific Searches:
- YouTube Videos: Search for "Ignatia Amara homeopathy" on YouTube. Some practitioners explain the remedy well, but be discerning of the source’s qualifications.
- Specific Keywords: If you want to know, say, Ignatia’s use in grief, search "Ignatia Amara grief homeopathy". The more specific, the better results.
- "Label" Search: On DailyMed (https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/lookup.cfm?setid=d6f7af5c-62d5-435b-854d-d43ede0350c9), you can see the official US labeling of Ignatia products.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Moody Ignatia’-explain?
1.Symptoms of Joy:
i) Moody suddenly becomes lively happy.
ii) Finely sensitive mood.
iii) Amiable in disposition if feeling well.
2. Symptoms of Sorrow:
i) Moody: suddenly becomes despondent; from laughing to weeping.
ii) Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief.
iii) Involuntary sighing.
iv) Desire to be alone.
v) Impatient. irresolute, quarrel some.
vi) Easily offended.
State the fever of Ignatia?
Stages of Fever
i) Red-face during chill.
ii) Chill with thirst.
iii) Ameliorated by external heat.
i) Heat without thirst.
ii) Aggravation from covering.
i) Sweat on the face on a small spot, only while eating.
d) Concomitant:
i) Over sensitiveness to pain.
ii) Complaints return precisely at the same hour.
iii) Pain in small, circumscribed spots.
iv) Twitching, jerkings, even spasm of single limbs or whole body, when falling asleep.
v) Cannot bear tobacco in any form.
State the headache of Ignatia Amara.
Introduction: –
It is full of headaches. Headache in nervous sensitive temperaments, whose nervous system has been impressed by anxiety, grief or mental works (Ref. Kent.)
Neurasthemic and intense headache.
i) From tobacco.
ii) From anger, grief, sorrow, bad news
iii) From alcohol.
iv) From close attention (Ref. Kent).
v) From abuse of snuff (Ref. Nash).
i) Temporal region.
ii) Frontal region, over the glabella.
i) As if a nail had been driven out through the temporal region, amel, by lying on the side affected.
ii) There are congestive and throbbing headaches (Ref. Kent).
iii) Tearing and pressing headache (Ref. Kent).
iv) Great heaviness of the head, as if it were full of blood (Ref. Clarke).
Character of Pain:
i) Pain changes their locality, comes gradually or comes and goes suddenly. (Clarke)
Agg. From tobacco smoking, strong smell, When stooping, jar, motion, From reading and writing, noise (Ref. Clarke), From sun-light., From cold (Ref, Kent), When pressing at stool., From excitement, (Kent)
Amel. i) By lying on painful side. ii) By profuse urination. By bending the head forwards,
Note: -Kent says, temporarily ameliorated by eating, but soon after aggravates.
Give the mental symptoms of Ignatia.
Mental Symptoms
a) It is a remedy of great contradictions or paradoxicalities. So, mental symptoms are also con tradictory in nature.
b) Guernsey refers, persons suffering from sup pressed or deep grief, with long drawn sighs, much sobbing and others, also much unhappiness, entirely in grief; Ignatia rescues such cases.
Bad effects of :
i) Bad effects of anger.
ii) Bad effects of grief especially of recent Bad effects of sorrow.
iv) Bad effects of disappointed love.
v) Bad effects of brooding in solitude, over imaginary trouble.
vi) Bad effects of fright,
vii) Bad effects of reserved displeasure; suppressed sexual desire. [1]
State the bad-effects that Ignatia covers?
i) Bad-effects of anger.
ii) Bad-effects of grief.
iii) Bad-effects of disappointment in love.
iv) Bad-effects from bad-news.
v) Bad-effects from vexation with reserved dis pleasure.
vi) Bad-effects from suppressed mental sufferings,
vii) Bad-offects of shame and mortification.
viii)Bad-effects of tobacco: in any form.
Describe the constipation of Ignatia Amara.
i) Women who are habitual coffee drinkers.
ii) From paralysis of rectum.
iii) From carriage riding.
iv) From tobacco, brandy etc.
v) Clarke says, from taking cold.
Character of stool:
i) Excessive urging, felt more in the upper abdomen.
ii) There is great pain, thus dreads to go to closet.
iii) Prolapse of ani from moderate straining. lifting or stooping.
iv) Prolapse of ani when the stool, is loose.
v) Ineffectual urging for stool, felt more in the upper abdomen (Ref Clarke).
i) Cannot bear tobacco.
ii) Haemorrhoid: prolapses with every stool.
State the characteristic symptoms of Ignatia.
Contradictions: –
- The remedy of great contra dictions; which Dr. Nash says, a remedy of para doxicalities-viz. liquid is more painful than solid: empty feeling in stomach not relieved by eating: sexual desire with impotency etc.
Effect of grief:
- Person-mentally and physically both exhausted by long concentrated and continued grief; resulting involuntary sighing.
Bad effects of:
- Bad effects of anger, grief, disappointed love fear, jealousy, suppressed sexual desire, bad-news, vexation with reserved displeasure, suppressed mental sufferings from shame and mortification, excitation. (Ref. Kent)
Note: -Dr. N, M. Chowdhury reports it is particularly useful after the bad-effects of grief of recent origin (For chronic long-lasting effect, Natrum Mur, Phosphoric Acid).
Tobacco intolerance:
- Cannot bear tobacco in any form, which always aggravates the comp saints, there is utter intolerance to tobacco.
- Hypersensitiveness to all the external impressions viz, pain, odour. touch etc. Dr. Farrington says, as it is pre-eminently a spinal remedy (more in degree than Nux Vom), so intensifies the impressionability of all the senses (Ref. Dr. Farrington).
- Desire for cold food, (Ref. Kent); acid things, onion, fruits, bread, butter, great variety of indigestible things and wants to be alone.
- Aversion to work, meat, milk, warm food, open air and mental exertions of any kind.
What is Ignatia Amara used for in homeopathy?
Ignatia Amara is a homeopathic remedy primarily used for emotional conditions like grief, anxiety, and stress. It’s also used for physical symptoms often linked to emotional distress, such as headaches, insomnia, and digestive problems.
Can you spot an Ignatia-lady without questioning?
Ignatia Lady
i) Involuntary sighing.
ii) Mental conditions rapidly, in an almost incredibly short-time, change from joy to sorrow, from laughing to weeping mood.
iii) Broods in solitude over imaginary troubles: desire to be alone.
iv) Cannot bear tobacco; smoking, or being in tobacco is unbearable.
v) In talking or chewing: bites inside of cheek.
vi) Sweat on the face on a small spot, only while eating.
vii) Twitching, jerkings, even spasms of single limbs or whole body, when falling asleep.
viii) Fever: red face during chill.
What are the key symptoms of someone who needs Ignatia Amara?
Key Symptoms Includes
- Mood swings and emotional sensitivity
- Changeable moods (laughing to crying)
- Sighing and feeling of a lump in the throat
- Insomnia and sleep disturbances
- Headaches triggered by stress or grief
- Digestive issues (cramps, gas) worsened by emotions.