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Lachesis Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Lachesis is the common name of the homeopathic medicine derived from the venom of the bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta). It has no commonly used synonyms in homeopathy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Left Sided Medicines

 i) Berberis Vulg,

ii) Colocynth,

iii) Colchicum,

iv) Lachesis,

v) Thuja.

  • In throat symptoms: Prostration is out of all proportion to appearance of throat.
  • Extremes of heat or cold causes great debility.
  • Great physical and mental exhaustion; trembling in whole body would constantly sink down from weakness; worse in the morning.

SKin Symptoms 

  • Bad-effects of poison-wounds: post-mortem wounds.
  • Boils, carbuncles, ulcers with intense pain.
  • Malignant or cancerous, pustules-tends to malignancy.
  • Blood-poisoning, decubitus.
  • Dark, bluish, purple appearance of the skin.
  • If the swelling changes in color and red-streaks from the wound map-out of the course of lymphatics: think of Lachesis.

1) Great Loquacity:

  • Wants to talk all the time.
  • Jumps from one word to another, without any head and tail or without relevancy and consistency.
  • Rapid succession of ideas in the sensorium.

2) Mental Excitability:

  • Ecstasy, with prophetic perceptions. Thinks that his words are the order of God.
  • Vivid imaginations.

3) Religious Mania:

  • Constantly talks about religious matters.
  • Always praying and beseeching.

4) Jealous and Suspicious:

  • Very much jealous and suspicious: suspects everything around her; has no confidence in others.

5) Dreams:

  • Dreams of snakes.
  • Dreams of own death.
  • Dreams of one’s own funeral.

 6) Irritable:

  • Irritable, cruel and peevish mentality; proud.

 7) Anxious:

  • Unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad, anxiety, Agg. after sleep: Agg in the morning.
  • Does not want to attend his business.

8) Hallucinations:

  • Thinks she is under a superhuman power.

9) Memory:

  • Weakness of memory with inability to think.
  • Derangement of time sense: makes mistake in the time of day and confronts the morning hours with evening hours.

10) Modalities:

  • All the mental symptoms are agg. after sleep, or aggravation wakes him up from sleep.

a) Location:

  • All the throat complaints begin from the left side and then traverse to the right.
  • Diphtheria and tonsillitis, beginning on the left and extending to the right side, or both the sides may be affected but predominantly the left.

 b) Appearance of the Throat:

  • Dark purple appearance of the throat.

c) pain:

  • Liquid is more painful than solid, when swallowing.

d) Prostration:

  • Prostration out of all proportion to appearance of throat.

e) Sensation:

  • Sensation of soreness, dryness and constriction in throat.
  • Great sensitiveness to touch. slightest touch brings on suffocative spasm.
  • Clarke refers, constrictive tickling in the throat, as if a crumb of bread is in it.

 f) Modalities

  • i) From hot drinks, while swallowing saliva.
  • ii) From slightest touch.
  • iii) After sleep.

Pain ameliorates from eating.

a) Time: –Always at regular time.

    Note: Suppressed or irregular menses at climatic.

 b) Quantity: -Scanty, feeble (oligomenorrhoea).

c) Duration: -Short.

Note: Metrorrhagia, with nervous erethism at change of life.

d) Character of Blood:

  • Dark, watery.
  • Non-coagulable blood.

 e) Before Menstruation

  • Vertigo with headache.
  • Labour like pain in the left ovarian region.

f) During Menstruation

  • Sensation as if everything will be pressed out: followed by a slight discharge.
  • Piles with scanty menses.

 g) After menstruation: –

  • Haemorrhoidal congestion after menses with heat and burning.

h) Modality:

  • Amel, from the menstrual flow.

i) Concomitant:

  • Left sided complaints are prominent.
  • Jealous, cruel, talkative mentality.
  • Great sensitiveness.

i) Side Predominance:

  • All the complaint are agg. on left side; it is a prominent left sided-medicine: complaints traverses from left to right side.

ii) Modality:

  • All the complaints are agg during and after sleep. Sleep-aggravation. Calls for Lachesis.
  • Most of the complaints are relieved by menstrual flow.

iii) Ailments:

  • Climacteric ailments, complaints occur generally at the later part of life of the females: a medicine for climacteric syndrome: hot flushes, hot sweat with burning sensation in the body.

iv) Sensitiveness:

  • Great sensitiveness to touch: all over the body. This is not due to soreness or tenderness but from a nervous uneasiness.

v) Mind:

  • Mentally jealous, suspicious, loquacious and irritable.

vi) Hemorrhage:

  • Haemorrhagic diathesis, blood is dark, watery. offensive, and non-coagulable.

vii) Fanning:

  • Wants to be fanned, but slowly and from a distance.

viii) Constriction:

  • Sensation of constriction and tight feeling, as from sphincters; with a sensation of ball in the inner organs especially, in urinary bladder. (6)

 i) Belladonna,

ii) Lachesis.

3 medicines suitable for drunkards

  • i) Kali Bich,
  • ii) Lachesis,
  • iii) Sulphur.


i) Arsenicum album

  • Depressing, melancholy, despairing, Indifferent
  • Anxious, full of anguish.

ii) Cinchona

  • Apathetic, indifferent, taciturn.
  • Despondent, gloomy, has no desire to live.

iii) Lachesis

  • Persons of a melancholy temperament.
  • Disposition of low spirits and indolence.

i) Apis:

  • Extreme sensitiveness to touch.
  • Over sensitiveness: due to soreness and tenderness.

ii) Belladonna:

  • Extreme over sensitiveness.
  • Hyperesthesia of the skin due to soreness and tenderness. 

iii) Calcarea Carb:

  • Over sensitiveness.
  • Intolerance of tight clothing around the waist,

iv) Lachesis:

  • Great sensitiveness to touch: throat, stomach, abdomen, entire body.
  • Can’t bear bed covers or night dress to touch throat or abdomen.
  • Over sensitiveness due to an uneasiness which makes her nervous.

v) Sulphur:

  • Over sensitiveness.
  • Intolerance of tight clothing around the waist.

vi) Hyoscyamus:

  • Extreme over sensitiveness due to nervous hyperesthesia.

i) Lachesis,

ii) Phosphorus,

iii) Secale Cor.

Homeopathic medicines for constipation is associated with a sensation of constriction of sphincter.

  •  i) Causticum,
  • ii) Lachesis,
  • iii) Nitric Acid.

Excerpts (Summary)

Lachesis: The Homeopathic Remedy for Intense Emotions and Physical Ailments

Lachesis, derived from the venom of the bushmaster snake, is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its profound effects on both mental and physical health.

Key Mental Symptoms:

Intense Loquacity: Lachesis individuals are often extremely talkative, jumping rapidly from topic to topic. Jealousy and Suspicion: They may exhibit unwarranted jealousy and suspicion towards others. Religious Anxiety: Some experience religious delusions or anxieties. Aggravation After Sleep: Mental and physical symptoms often worsen after sleeping.

Physical Symptoms and Keynotes:

Left-Sided Complaints: Symptoms tend to start on the left side of the body and may move to the right. Sensitivity to Touch: Even light touch, especially on the throat or abdomen, can be unbearable. Climacteric Ailments: Lachesis is particularly helpful for women experiencing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. Hemorrhagic Tendencies: There may be a tendency to bleed easily, with dark, non-clotting blood. Constriction: A sensation of tightness or constriction, especially in the throat or chest.

Understanding Lachesis:

Lachesis is a deep-acting remedy that can address a wide range of health issues, including mental disorders, menstrual problems, circulatory problems, and skin conditions. It is often prescribed for individuals with a passionate and intense nature who are sensitive to their environment

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