Natrum Muriaticum

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Natrum Muriaticum


Natrum muriaticum, also known by several other names, is a homeopathic remedy used for various emotional and physical complaints. Here are its common names and synonyms:

  • Common Names:

    • Sodium chloride: This is its chemical name, the same as table salt.
    • Sea salt
  • Synonyms:

    • Nat mur
    • Sodium muriaticum

If you’re considering using natrum muriaticum, it’s important to talk to Homoeopathic doctor first.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 i) Firstly, Calcarea Carb,

ii) Secondly, Belladonna,

iii) Thirdly, Hepar Sulph,

iv) Fourthly, Natrum Mur,

v) Lastly, Rhus Tox.


a) Firstly, Seminal emission soon after coition, with increased desire.

b) Secondly, Weakness of organs with irrational emission during an embrace.

c) Thirdly, Impotency, spinal irritation, paralysis, after sexual excesses.


a) Firstly, Prolapse i.e.: Pressing, pushing towards genitals every morning.

b) Secondly, Must sit down to prevent prolapse.

c) Thirdly, Coition prevented by dryness of vagina.

i) Firstly, Old, chronic badly treated cases, especially after suppression by quinine.

ii) Secondly, Intermittent fever: paroxysm at 10 or 11 A.M.

iii) Thirdly, Unconsciousness during chill and heat associated with headache.

iv) Fourthly, Sweat ameliorates pain.

v) Lastly, If the vertigo and headache be very persistent, or prostration be prolonged after Natrum Mur., Nux. Vomica will relieve such cases.

 i) Firstly, Ammon Carb,

ii) Secondly, Hepar Sulph,

iii) Thirdly, Natrum Mur,

 i) Firstly, Lachrymation: tears stream down the face whenever he coughs.

ii) Secondly, Aching in and over eyes, after using eyes at fine work, watch making, engraving.

iii) Thirdly, Severe itching pain in the right eye and orbit, Agg. at noon and leaves   at sun-set.

iv) Fourthly, Eye symptoms are ameliorated in the open air.

Urinary Symptoms 

a) Character of urine i.e.
  • Watery, frequent, copious flow.
  • Involuntary urination when coughing, laughing, walking, sneezing etc.
b) Before urination i.e.
  • Has to wait a long time for urination, if others are present.
c) During urination i.e.
  • With urine: discharge of mucous comes from the urethra.
d) After urination i.e.
  • Violent, cutting, burning pain in the urethra after urination.
  • Discharge of mucus comes from the urethra, after urination which causes itching also buming.
e) Modalities

Agg. i) Firstly, During day time. ii) Secondly, After urination.

f) Concomitants i.e.
  • Craving for salts.
  • Mapped tongue etc.

Characteristics Symptoms 

i) Emaciation i.e.
  • Great emaciation, especially at the neck, losing flesh while living well.
ii) Modalities i.e.
  • from heat of the sun, during day time. especially at 11 A.M. and Amel. by profuse perspiration.
iii) Mind i.e.
  • Melancholy, depressed, sad, weeping mood. but extremely irritable too, whilst, consolation Agg. her complaints.
iv) Temperature i.e.
  • Nervous, much awkward and hasty and drop things from hand, due to nervous weakness.
v) Desire i.e.
  • Intense craving for salts, bitter things.
vi) Aversion i.e.
  • Aversion to bread.(6)

Mental Symptoms 

1) Irritability i.e.
  • Excessive irritability i.e.: nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation. (Ref. Kent)
2) Lachrymal i.e.
  • Weeping without any cause.
  • Marked disposition to weep.
  • But consolation aggravates her troubles.
3) Nervousness i.e.
  • Awkward, hasty, drop things from hands due to nervous weakness.
4) Bad effects of i.e.
  • Bad effects of anger.
  • Bad effects of grief.
  • Bad effects of fright.
  • Bad effects of vexation.
  • Bad effects of mortification.
5) Dreams i.e.
  • Dreams of robbers in the house and on waking will not believe until a thorough search is made of the house.
  • Dreams of burning thirst,
6) Mood i.e.
  • Hypochondriacal mood.
7) Relation with Ignatia i.e.
  • Mentally it is the chronic of Ignatia.
8) Modalities i.e.
  • Mental symptoms are Agg. especially by consolation.

1) Constitution

a) Physical make-up i.e.
  • Pale, anaemic, weak and emaciated. Emaciation especially marked in the neck with long neck (-short neck, Kali. Phos.)
  • There is descending type of marasmus(-progressive marasmus in lower extremities, Arg. Nit., Am. Mur.).
  • Baby loses flesh while living well
b) Miasm i.e.
  • Covers all the 3-miasms.
c) Relation to heat and cold i.e.
  • Hot baby, yet the child has great liability to catch cold with frequent sneezing and watering of the nose.
d) Diathesis i.e.: 
  • Scrofulous diathesis.


  • Mentally the baby is very much cross, irritable even when kindly spoken to, cries from the slights cause.
  • The child gets into a passion about trifles especially when consoled.
  • Consolation agg. all troubles.
  • Baby is awkward, hasty, drops things from hand (Child of-5-6 years)-this is from nervous weakness (Apis. Bov.). v) Marked disposition to weep.

3) Symptomatology

i) Nasal i.e.
  • Violent and fluent coryza with frequent sneezing also stoppage of nose. Discharge is thin and watery like the white of an egg.
ii) Mile- stone i.e.
  • Heavy and difficult speech.
  • The ankles are weak and turns easily as described by Dr. E. B. Nash, hence the baby is late in learning to walk.
 iii)Urinary i.e.
  • Due to slow action of the bladder, lack of force in the flow of urine, involuntary urination especially when walking, coughing. laughing. Cutting pain in urethra after urination (Thuja, Sars.).
iv) Gastro-Intestinal i.e.
  • Tongue: Mapped tongue with red insular patches like little ring worms at the side (Ars… Lach, Merc. Sol.. Nit, Ac., Tarax).
  • Stool: Generally constipated with sensation of contraction in the anus. Knows not whether flatus or faeces will escape (Aloe., Podo., Mur. Acid., Oleand., lod.)
  • Sweats while eating (++). (Ref. Dr. Boericke)
 v) Desire and Aversions i.e.

a) Firstly, Intense craving for salt.

b) Secondly, Aversion to bread (+++).

vi) Skin i.e.
  • Baby may prone to suffer from eruptions.
  • Greasy, oily skin.
  • Eczema: Raw. inflamed eczema on the margins of hairs, scalp, behind the ears.
  • Urticaria, herpes etc.
  • Warts on the palms of hands (Anac.) (-dorsum of hand, Dulc.).
vii) Heart i.e.
  • Fluttering sensation of the heart. In detail, Heart’s pulsation shakes the whole body.
viii) Head i.e.
  • Headache of school children (Ref. Dr. Boericke as he refers such symptoms in children hence here placed). Anaemic headache Agg. by heat of the sun. Agg. from dawn to twilight, especially 10-11 a.m.

4) Causative Factors i.e.

  • Bad effect of anger, salt abuse, abuse of quinine mortification.

5) Modalities i.e.

  • from down to twilight especially 10-11 a.m. Agg. at sea shore. Agg. from mental exertion, Agg. from consolation, Amel, in open air. Amel, from going without regular meals.


Introduction- Dr. E.B. Nash says, one of the remedies for chronic headaches.

a) Causation i.e.

i) Firstly, Taking too much of salts.

ii) Secondly, From loss of vital fluids

iii) Thirdly, From exposure to sun.

iv) Fourthly, From eye-strain etc.

v) Lastly, After menstruation, as Dr. E. B. Nash says, headache occurs after the menstrual period, as if caused by loss of blood.

b) Location i.e.
  • Left sided clavus. Dr. Boericke says semi lateral.
c) Sensation i.e.

i) Firstly, As if head will be burst out.

ii) Secondly, As if thousands of little hammers are hammering in the brain.

iii) Thirdly, Throbbing, pulsation and hammering in head especially during movement. (Ref. Dr. Clarke)

d) Character i.e.

i) Firstly, Bursting type of headache.

ii) Secondly, Dr. Nash refers, intense throbbing with congestion of blood to head. Head feels heavy.

iii) Thirdly, Headache starts with blindness, zig-zag. dazzling vision, like lightning in eyes, ushering in a throbbing headache. Natrum Muriaticum

e) Adoptability i.e.
  • Usually found in school girls who are emaciated and anaemic.
f) Modalities:

Agg. i.e.

i) Firstly, From heat of the sun.

ii) Secondly, From sunrise to sunset especially 10 to 11 A.M.

iii) Thirdly, At seashore.

Amel. i.e.

i) Firstly, By profuse perspiration.

ii) Secondly, When lying down with head high. (Ref.Clarke)

iii) Thirdly, In open air.

g) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Blindness before the headache.

ii) Secondly, Nausea and vomiting before and during the headache.

iii) Thirdly, Vertigo: on rising from bed, on waking, on stooping.

Excerpts (Summary)

Natrum Muriaticum (common salt) is a powerful homeopathic remedy used to address various physical and emotional ailments. Learn about its uses, benefits, and how it can help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Consult a qualified homeopath for personalized treatment and guidance.

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