Nux Vomica

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Nux Vomica


Nux vomica is a homeopathic remedy derived from the seeds of the Strychnos nux-vomica tree. It’s important to note that this substance is actually quite poisonous, and homeopathic nux vomica is highly diluted and should only be taken under the guidance of a licensed homeopathic practitioner.

Here are some lesser-known synonyms for Nux vomica:

  • Strychnine tree seed
  • Poison nut
  • Quaker buttons
  • Vomit nut

It’s also important to note that while these are synonyms for the source material, they shouldn’t be used interchangeably with Nux vomica in a homeopathic context.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

An irritable family:


Mr. Nux Vomica.


Mrs. Natrum Mur.

Three children

i) Firstly, Master Chamomilla. ii) Secondly, Master Cina. iii) Thirdly, Master Antim Crud.

The maid-servant of the family

i) Mr. Bryonia.

Thus, a classical composition of a horrible family.


  1. Firstly, The psychological-physical organization, peculiar to the individual.
  2. Secondly, In influences the metabolic processes, manner of thought and action, and general views of life.

i) Aurum Met. i.e.

Constantly dwelling on suicide.

ii) Argentum Nit. i.e.

Wants to died by suicide by drowning.

iii) Nux Vomica. i.e.

Inclination to died by suicide but is afraid to die.

i) Firstly, Lycopodium. ii) Secondly, Nux Vomica. iii) Thirdly, Sulphur.


i) Arnica Montana i.e.:

a) Firstly, Nervous, cannot bear pain. b) Secondly, Whole body oversensitive.

ii) Apis Mel. i.e.:

a) Extreme sensitiveness to touch.

iii) Belladonna i.e.:

a) Firstly, Women and children of delicate skin, sensitive nature. b) Secondly, Sensitive to drafts of air. c) Thirdly, Skin is oversensitive; extreme sensitiveness to touch.

iv) Hepar Sulph i.e.:

a) Firstly, Oversensitive, physically and mentally.

b) Secondly, Extreme sensitive to cold air, imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room.

v) Lachesis i.e.:

a) Firstly, Great sensitiveness to touch.

b) Secondly, Cannot bear bed-clothes or night dress to touch throat or abdomen, not because sore or tender as in Apis and Belladonna, but clothes cause an uneasiness, makes her nervous.

vi) Nux Vomica i.e.:

a) Oversensitive to external impressions; to noise, odours, light or music.

vii) Phosphorus i.e.:

a) Over sensitiveness of all senses. b) Secondly, To external impressions: light, noise, odour, touch.

Introduction i.e.

Though Nux Vom. is awfully chilly patient, yet then, in coryza and catarrh, it has reverse modality.

Catarrh and Coryza i.e.

Agg. in warm room.

Amel. in cold air.

1) Firstly, Antim Crud 2) Secondly, Nux Vomica 3) Thirdly, Sulphur.

 i) Firstly, Violent labor pain.

ii) Secondly, Spasmodic

iii)Thirdly, Causes urging to stool or to urinate.

iv) Fourthly, Labor pain especially felt in the back; Agg. in back

v) After that, Patient prefers a warm room.

vi) Lastly, Pains are sticking, tingling, aching; worse from motion and contact. vii) Tendency to faint after every labor pain.

i)Firstly, Nux Vomica should be best given on retiring.

ii) Secondly, But what is better, several hours before going to bed.

iii) Thirdly, It acts best during repose of mind and body.

iv) Fourthly, Dr. Boericke says. Nux is said to act best given in the evening.

Mental Symptoms 

1) Irritability i.e.

i) Very much irritable, quarrelsome, spiteful, malicious persons, Master Hahnemann says, Nux is chiefly successful with the persons of an ardent character; of an irritable, impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite or deception’.

2) Anxiety i.e.

i) Firstly, Anxiety with irritability.

ii) Secondly, Nervous, melancholic.

3) Suicidal tendency i.e.

i) Inclination to died by suicide, but is afraid to die.

4) Over sensitiveness i.e.

i) Oversensitive to external impressions: to noise, odour, light, or music, or from touch,

6) Ill-humoured i.e.

i) Firstly, Trifling ailments unbearable.

ii) Secondly, Every harmless word offends.

iii) Thirdly, ill-humoured, finds slightest fault of every body and scolds them,

7) Mood i.e.

i)Firstly, Hypochondriac mood, wants to be alone.

ii) Secondly, Incapacity to literary work.

iii) Thirdly, Hypochondriac.

a) Causations i.e.

i) Firstly, From the bad-effects of taking coffee, tobacco, alcohol etc.

ii) Secondly, From highly spiced, seasoned foods.

iii) Thirdly, From over-eating, irregular diets.

iv) Fourthly, From aromatic, patent or purgative medicines nostrums etc.

v) After that, From mental over-exertion.

vi) Lastly, From night watching, sexual sedentary habits, etc.

b) Character of Symptoms

1) Nausea and vomiting i.e.

i) Firstly, Sour taste, constant nausea in the morning after eating.

ii) Secondly, Vomiting especially in the morning, patient feels, ‘If I could only vomit, I would be so much better’,

iii) Thirdly, Ineffectual urging for vomiting.

iv) Fourthly, Vomiting gives relief, so wants to vomit by inducing the finger into the mouth

v) Lastly, Wants to vomit, but cannot, so induces the finger.

2) Hungry i.e.

Very hungry: ravenous hunger, especially about a day before an attack of dyspepsia. (Ref. Boericke).

3) Desire i.e.

i) Firstly, Loves fat and tolerates them well. (Ref. Boericke).

ii) Secondly, Stimulants, bitter things, alcohol etc.

4) Aversion i.e.

i) Firstly, Aversion to foods.

ii) Secondly, Dyspepsia from drinking strong coffee.

5) Sensation i.e.

After two and three hours of eating sensation of a pressure appears in the stomach, as from stone; with tightness.

6) Mouth i.e.

i) Firstly, Foetid odour and sour taste, especially in the morning.

ii) Secondly, Small aphthous ulcers, with bloody saliva.

7) Tongue i.e.

Anterior half clean; posterior half slightly coated, with deep fur, white, yellow cracked edges.

8) Liver i.e.

i) Firstly, Non-functioning liver in beer and alcoholic drinkers.

ii) Secondly, Enlarged liver, chronic hepatitis with stitches and colic.

iii) Thirdly, Bruised soreness of abdominal walls; with upward pressure, causing short breath and desire for stool.

9) Abdomen i.e.

i) Firstly, Bruised soreness of the abdomen walls.

ii) Secondly, Weakness of abdominal ring region, strangulated hernia.

iii) Thirdly, Umbilical hernia of infants.

c) Modalities i.e.

Agg. In the morning, after eating.

Amel. In the evening, while in rest.

d) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Ineffectual urging for stool and urination which gives temporary relief.

ii) Secondly, Mentally very irritable and oversensitive.

Abdominal Colic 

a) Causation i.e.

i) Firstly, From the bad-effects of taking coffee. tobacco, alcohol, beer.

ii) Secondly, From highly spiced, seasoned foods

iii) Thirdly, From over eating, irregular diets.

iv) Fourthly, From purgatives, patent, aromatic medicines.

v) Lastly, From mental over-exertion, night watching, sedentary habit etc.

b) Character of pain i.e.

i) Firstly, Sensation of weight, as from a stone with pain in the stomach, an hour or two after eating.

ii) Secondly, Colic from indigestion, pain around the umbilicus.

iii) Thirdly, Very much over sensitiveness to the pain.

iv) Fourthly, There is tightness in the abdomen; must loosen the clothing.

v) After that, Cannot use mind for two or three hours after a meal; sleepy after dinner,

vi) Then, Region of stomach is very sensitive to pressure.

vii) Lastly, Flatulent distension, with spasmodic colic, colic from uncovering. (Ref. Boericke)

c) Modalities i.e.

Agg. Immediately after eating, in morning, before stool.

Amel. At bed time, during rest, after, stool.

d) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Ineffectual urging for stool, but passes little with temporary relief of suffering and pains.

ii) Secondly, Tendency to vomit, which gives relief, so wants to vomit by inducing the finger inside the mouth. Patient says, ‘if I could vomit, I would remain better."


a) Causations i.e.

i) Firstly, From the bad-effects of tea, coffee, tobacco etc.

ii) Secondly, From beer, alcohol, brandy.

iii) Thirdly, From highly-spiced, seasoned foods etc.

iv) Fourthly, From irregular diet, over-eating.

v) After that, From mental exertion, night watching.

vi) Lastly, From aromatic, parent, purgative medicines, hot medicines, nostrums etc.

b) Character of stool i.e.

i) Firstly, Large, hard, difficult stool.

ii) Secondly, Scanty small amount of stool passes at each time

iii) Thirdly, Constant ineffectual urging; incomplete and unsatisfactory.

c) Sensation i.e.

i) Firstly, Sensation as if not finished.

ii) Secondly, Feeling as if part remained unexpelled.

iii) Thirdly, Constriction of rectum with irregular, peristaltic action, hence frequent ineffectual desire, or passing but small quantities at each attempt.

iv) Fourthly, Constipation: Desire felt at rectum.

d) Modalities i.e.

Agg. i) Firstly, In the morning after rising.

ii) Secondly, After mental exertion etc

Amel. i) After every stool, with temporary satisfaction.

e) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.

ii) Secondly, Blind piles may protrude.

Note: -Dr. Boericke says, ‘absence of all desire for defecation is a contraindication’.


a) Types i.e.

Blind piles those are chronic in nature.

b) Causation i.e.

i) Firstly, Due to bad-effects of over-use of purgatives.

ii) Secondly, From bad-effects of aromatic, medicines etc.

c) Character of haemorrhoids i.e.

i) Firstly, Stitching, burning pain.

ii) Secondly, Itching in the anus.

iii) Thirdly, Cutting, aching smarting pain.

iv) Fourthly, Constant uneasiness in the rectum (Ref. Boericke).

d) Modalities i.e.

Agg. i) Firstly, Before stool. ii) Secondly, In morning. iii) Thirdly, After taking purgatives, drastic drug (Ref. Dr. Boericke).

Amel. After stool.

e) Concomitant i.e.

i) Ineffectual urging for stool is a common concomitant.

Morning Diarrhoea

Causation i.e.

Debauchery, abuse of alcohol, spirit, from night watching, spoiled seasoned foods, excessive mental and physical exertion, using aromatic patent medicines, irregular diet, etc.

Time i.e.

Urging for stool in the morning, after rising. Nash says, after having some foods.

Sensation i.e.

‘As if not finished sensation’.

Quantity i.e.

Scanty stool with mucus.

Character i.e.

Stool is watery and offensive, passes little quantity at a time with temporary satisfaction. Diarrhoea of dark colour; stool with blood (+). mucus (++++).

Before stool

Gripping pain and tenesmus in abdomen.

During stool i.e.

Great tenesmus (++).

Modality i.e.

Agg. in the morning at 5 a.m. Amel. (temporary) after evacuation.

Concomitant i.e.

i) Firstly, Mental irritability.

ii) Secondly, Dyspepsia with inclination to vomit.

iii) Thirdly, Ineffectual desire for stool and urine: is a general concomitant.

Urinary Symptoms 

a) Character of urine i.e.

i) Firstly, Frequent dribbling.

ii) Secondly, Dirty, yellow sediment in the morning.

iii) Thirdly, Haematuria: bloody urine.

b) Before urination i.e.

i) Firstly, Ineffectual urging for urination, spasmodic and strangury.

ii) Secondly, Dr. Tyler refers, patient says, that he would be better if he could pass water.

iii) Thirdly, Renal colic extends up to genitals.

c) During urination i.e.

i) Firstly, Pain in the neck of bladder, violent straining without being able to pass a single drop.

ii) Secondly, Itching in urethra.

iii) Thirdly, Irritable bladder, from spasmodic sphincter.

d) After urination i.e.

i) Firstly, Pain in bladder is ameliorated by passing of urine.

Menstrual symptoms 

1) Time i.e.:

i) Firstly, Too early; irregular, never at right time.

ii) Secondly, Flow occurs every two weeks interval.

2) Chilliness i.e.:

i) Firstly, Repugnance to cold or cold air.

ii) Secondly, Very much chilly, always wants to cover up; due to chilliness.

iii) Thirdly, Wants to cover up at every stage of fever, cannot move or uncover without being chilly.

iv) Fourthly, Chilly on least movement.

3) Over sensitiveness i.e.:

Oversensitive to external impressions; to noise, odours, light, music, etc.

4) Ineffectual desire i.e.

Frequent and ineffectual desire for stool and urine is a general concomitant of Nux Vomica; as it accompanies with almost all symptoms thus it is regarded as a characteristic indication. Dr. Boericke refers, ‘absence of all desires for defaecation is a contraindication’ of Nux Vomica.

5) Mind i.e.

Very much irritable, quarrel-some, zealous, spiteful, malicious, and nervous disposition.

6) Sleep i.e.

i) Firstly, Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening, while sitting or reading hours before bed time.

ii) Secondly, Awakes at 3 to 4 A.M. and again falls into as dreamy sleep at day-break,

iii) Thirdly, It is hard to arouse and then feels tired and weak.

iv) Fourthly, Cat-nap sleep; better from a nap if allowed to finish (Ref. Boericke).

7) Ailments from i.e.

i) Firstly, High living.

ii) Secondly, Night watching.

iii) Thirdly, From anxiety, worry.

Duration i.e.

Long lasting, lasts for several days.

Quantity i.e.


d) Character of blood i.e.

i) Firstly, Dark, black, offensive.

ii) Secondly, Intermittent flow stops and starts again.

e) Before menstruation i.e.

i) Firstly, Excessive sensitiveness to external impressions: oversensitive to light, odour, noise, music.

ii) Secondly, Anxious, excited, irritable disposition.

f) During menstruation i.e.

i) Firstly, Irritable and quarrel-some mood.

ii) Secondly, Dysmenorrhea with pain in sacrum, and constant urging to stool. (Ref. Boericke) g) Modalities Agg. All complaints aggravate during and after menstruation. Old symptoms reappear.

h) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Anxious, taciturn, angry.

ii) Secondly, Wants to be alone.

iii) Thirdly, Constant ineffectual desire for stool and urine.

iv) Fourthly, Dr. Tyler refers, cramps in abdomen with nausea in the morning, accompanying with chilliness and attacks of fainting.

1) Universal antidote i.e.

"One of the best remedies with which to commence treatment of cases that have been drugged by mixtures, bitters, nostrums, quack remedies especially aromatic and hot remedies, but only if symptoms correspond.

2)Modalities i.e.

Agg. In the morning, waking at 4 A.M., after mental exertion, after taking spiced foods, after over eating, dry weather; in cold air, in clear fine weather. Amel In evening, while at rest; in damp wet weather.

Note: Dr. E.B. Nash’s sum up i.e.:

Spasm, nervous sensitive ness and chilliness are the three general characters of Nux Vomica. (6)

Excerpts (Summary)

Nux Vomica: The Homeopathic Remedy for Irritability, Digestive Issues, and Oversensitivity

Derived from the poisonous Strychnos nux-vomica tree seeds, Nux Vomica is a highly diluted and safe homeopathic remedy. It is known to be effective in addressing a wide range of ailments, particularly those related to the digestive system, irritability, and oversensitivity to stimuli.

Individuals who may benefit from Nux Vomica typically experience symptoms like:

Digestive Issues: Indigestion, constipation, nausea, vomiting Irritability and Anger: Easily agitated, short-tempered, and prone to outbursts Oversensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to noise, light, odors, and touch Sleep Problems: Difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, and feeling unrested Chilly Nature: Feeling cold easily and preferring to be covered up

This remedy is often recommended for those with sedentary lifestyles, experiencing stress from work or overindulgence.

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