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Phosphorus Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



In homeopathy, Phosphorus itself is the most commonly used term for the remedy. There aren’t any true synonyms for it. However, some homeopathic retailers may abbreviate it as Phos.

Homeopathy is an alternative medicinal system that uses highly diluted substances to treat a wide range of conditions. If you are considering using a homeopathic remedy, it is important to speak to a qualified Homeopathic Doctor first.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cough of Phosphorus 

a) Causation 

  • i) From cold air.
  • ii) From thunderstorm.
  • iii) Going from warm to cold air.
  • iv) Cough from tickling in throat (Ref.Boericke). 

b) Location – Cough with irritation and pain in the left side of the chest. 

c) Character of cough.

  • i) Hard, dry, hollow, tight cough.
  • ii) Racking cough.
  • iii) Loose cough with muco-purulent expectoration  
  • iv) Nervous cough provoked by strong odours, from entrance of a stranger (Ref. Boericke).

d) Character of sputa – Rusty, bloody or purulent.

e) Sensation

  • i) As if some weight is lying on the chest. 
  • ii) Cannot talk, the larynx is so painful; is dry,raw, rough, sore,
  • iii) Sweetish taste while coughing.
  • iv) Tightness across the chest, with great weight

f) Character of pain – Sharp, stitching, burning pain in the chest. 

g) Respiration – Quickened and oppressed.

h) Modalities

  • i) From lying on left side. 
  • ii) Coming from warm to cold air.
  • iii) From laughing, talking, reading, drinking etc.
  • i) From lying on right side.
  • ii) After sleep.
  • iii) From cold drinks. 

Note:-Cold air relieves the head and face symptoms, but aggravates those of chest, throat and neck. 


  • i) Weak, empty sensation in chest and abdomen.
  • ii) Thirst for cold water.
  • iii) Burning between the shoulders with burning pain, heat and oppression in the chest. 
  • iv) Hoarseness: worse in the evening.
  • v) Clergyman’s sore-throat, violent tickling in larynx, while speaking.

Diarrhoea of Phosphorus  

a) Introduction –

Master Hahnemann says, ‘Acts most beneficially when patient suffers from chronic loose stool or diarrhoea. 

 b) Causation
  • i) After taking cold.
  • ii) As soon as anything enters into the rectum.
c) Time –

 Morning diarrhoea, especially of old people.

d) Character of stool 
  • i) Profuse, watery, green-mucus.
  • ii) Stool pouring away as from a hydrant.
  • iii) Sago like or granules like particles in stool.  
  • iv) Stool involuntary as if anus remained wide open.
  • v) Painless. copious. very foetid stool with flatus.
  • vi) Long narrow, hard, like a dog’s stool.
e) Modalities


  • i) In the morning.  
  • ii) From warm food.
  • iii) After 2 to 3 hours of eating, when stool enters the rectum.  
  • iv) Desire for stool on lying on left side. (Ref. Boericke)
  f) Concomitants
  • i) A weak, empty, all gone sensation, in stomach, abdomen or in chest,
  • ii) Burning sensation in anus, and in between the scapulae.
  • iii) Thirst for cold water, which is followed by vomiting, when water becomes warm in the stomach. 
  • iv) Diarrhoea with gradual loss of strength debilitating diarrhoea (Ref. Boericke). 
  • v) Discharge of blood from anus with stool
  • vi) Bleeding haemorrhoids (Ref. Boericke). 


  • i) During pregnancy.
  • ii) Irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, as soon as cold water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up.
  • iii) From placing hand in warm water. 
  • iv) From bad-effects of eating too much salt (Ref. Boericke).

b) Character of the Vomiting

  • i) Vomiting in relation with water 
  • ii) As soon as cold water becomes warm in stomach, vomiting occurs.

   2) Regurgitation. 

  • i) Regurgitation of ingesta, in mouthful. 
  • ii) Belching of large quantities of wind,after eating, with vomiting.

   3) Nausea – Nausea from placing the hands in warm water. 

   4) During pregnancy 

  • i) Unable to drink water.
  • ii) Sight of water causes vomiting.
  • iii) Must close her eyes while bathing. 

   5) Sometimes there may be vomiting of bright red blood. 

   6) Dr. Boericke refers, post-operative vomiting. 

  c) Modalities


  • i) In the evening and mid-night. 
  • ii) Lying on left side,

Amel: From lying on right side.

Pneumonia of Phosphorus

a) Pneumonia

1) Stage of indication – Hepatisation stage. 

2) Site – Upper lobe of the left lung. 

3) Sensation – Heaviness of chest, as if a weight was lying on it. 

4) Character of cough 

  • i) Dry, tickling, tormenting, hard cough
  • ii) Whole body trembles with cough (Ref. Boericke).

5) Character of sputa 

  • i) Rusty bloody and purulent. 
  • ii) Boericke refers, sweetish taste while coughing.

6) Character of pain 

  • i) While coughing: stitching pain in the chest.
  • ii) Pain: acute, especially in the chest. aggravation from pressure, even slight; in Intercostal spaces, and on lying on left side, excited by slightest chill; open air is intolerable.

7) Modalities 


  • i) By lying on left side, or painful side.  
  • ii) When going from warm to cold.
  • iii) Cough Agg. from talking, laughing, reading, drinking, eating 
  • iv) Towards evening.


  • i) By lying on right side. 
  • ii) From sleep.

8) Concomitant 

  • i) Desire for cold, refreshing drinks.
  • ii) A weak, empty, all gone sensation, in head, chest, stomach, entire abdomen etc.

Female symptoms of Phosphorus

A) Adaptability
  • Delicate, tall, slender, fine blond of sensitive nature
  • Very tall for her age, are inclined
  • Metrorrhagia with cancer uteri.
  • Menses: too early and scanty but lasts too long.
  • Weeps before menses. 
  • Amenorrhoea with vicarious menstruation, in debiliated constitution
  • Instead of menses (Ref. Boericke)
  • Great debility, weakness seems to proceed from abdomen, pelvis.
  • Profuse, smarting, corroding. 
C) Pregnancy
  • During pregnancy, unable to drink water. 
  • Sight of it causes vomiting.
  • Must close her eyes, while bathing.

i) Constitution

  • Tall, slender persons with fair skin, delicate eyelashes. fine blond; who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop. 

ii) Burning

  • a) Burning all over the body, but especially in spots; along the spine, between the scapulae: Amel, by cold.
  • b) Burning generally in diseases of nervous system.
  • c) One of Nash’s trio of burners.

iii) Empty feeling sensation  

  • A weak, empty, all gone sensation in head, chest. stomach or throughout the entire abdomen. 

iv) Oversensitiveness

  • Oversensitiveness of all the senses: to external impressions, light, noise, odour, touch 

v) Craving

  • a) Craving for coldest drinks of Materia Medica. Ice-cream Amel. gastric complaints and pain.
  • b) Longs for cold food and drinks, juicy, refreshing
  • c) Craving for salt,

vi) Mentality

  • a) Apathetic, unwilling to talk,
  • b) Weary of life, full of gloomy foreboding.


  • Haemorrhage both active and passive.
  • Small wound bleeds profusely.
  • Intermittent flow, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time.
  • Haemorrhagic diathesis.

viii) Perspiration

  • Perspiration has the odour of sulphur.  

ix) Fidgety

  • Constant fidgety all over the body.
  • Restless, moves continually; cannot sit or standstill a moment. 

x) Modalities


  • i) From lying on left side: all the complaints are aggravated by Iving on left side viz; restlessness. pain etc. 
  • ii)From lying on painful side. 
  • iii) Because of a thunder storm. 


  • i)Symptoms ameliorated from sleep. 
  • ii) From lying on right side.
  • iii) From being rubbed.(5) 
  1. Calcarea
  2. Lycopodium.
  3. Phosphorus. 
  4. Sulphur.
  1. Calcarea Carb- Easily tired when walking.
  2. Carbo Veg.- Haemorrhage, in systems broken down, deblliated, Vital force exhausted.
  3. Cinchona- For systems once robust, which have become debiliated, ‘broken-down’ from exhausting discharges. 
  4. Gelsemium- Weakness and trembling of entire body. General depression from heat of sun or summer.
  5. Phosphorus-  Great weakness and prostration, with nervous debility and trembling of whole body. Weakness and weariness from loss of vital fluids
  6. Sulphur- Too lazy to rouse himself.
  • Phosphorus. 
  • Petroleum.
  • Psorinum.

Excerpts (Summary)

Phosphorus is a versatile homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in addressing a wide array of physical and mental health conditions. From respiratory issues to anxiety and bleeding disorders, Phosphorus can be a valuable tool in homeopathic treatment when prescribed by a qualified practitioner.

Discover how homeopathic Phosphorus can gently address a wide range of physical and emotional imbalances. From respiratory and digestive issues to anxiety and skin conditions, this versatile remedy stimulates the body's natural healing abilities. Learn about its key characteristics, potential benefits, and find a qualified homeopath to guide you on your journey towards optimal health.

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