Rhus Toxicodendron

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Rhus Toxicodendron


Rhus Toxicodendron has a few synonyms:

  • Rhus Tox (Abbreviation)
  • Poison ivy: This is the source of the homeopathic remedy. Poison ivy is a common plant that causes an itchy, blistering rash when skin comes into contact with the urushiol oil in its leaves, stems, and roots.
  • Toxicodendron pubescens: This is the scientific name for eastern poison ivy.
  • Toxicodendron radicans: This is the scientific name for western poison ivy, a close relative to Toxicodendron pubescens with very similar properties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Medicines For rheaumatic diathesis

  • Bryonia. 
  • Colchicum. 
  • Rhus Tox. 

Right Sided Medicine

  • Apis Mel. 
  • Belladonna. 
  • Bryonia. 
  • Causticum. 
  • Lycopodium. 
  • Rhus Toxicodendron. 
  • Podophyllum. 
  • Colchicm Pain goes from left to right. 
  • Ipecac  
  • Cutting pain across the abdomen, from left to right. 
  • Lachesis  
  • Affections proceeds from left then to the right. 
  • Rhus Tox  
  • Erysipelas: from left to right.

a) Causation

  • From spraining or staining a single part, muscle, or tendon. 
  • From overlifting. 
  • Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being overheated. 

b) Sensation

  • As if sprained. 
  • As if a muscle or tendon was torn from its attachment. 
  • As if bones were scraped with a knife. 
  • Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning. 
  • Affected parts sore to touch. 

c) Character

  • Cannot remain in bed, must change position often to obtain relief from pain. 
  • Restless. can not stay long in one position. 
  • Rheumatic drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs, worse stormy weather. at rest and during rough 
  • Back: pain between the shoulders on swa- llowing pain and stiffness in small of back. 
  • Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side. 
  • Rheumatic pain in shoulder joint, Agg. from raising the arm laterally. 
  • Aching in left arm with heart disease. 
  • Tearing pain down the posterior part of limbs, during stool. 

d) Modalities

  • Pains worse from rest, after midnight,  
  • In wet rainy weather. 
  • Backache: Agg. by sitting or lying. 
  • By walking or continued motion.  
  • Backache amel. by lying on something hard. 


  • Dry, sore and cracked. 
  •  Red, with triangular red-tip. 
  •  Takes imprint of teeth. 
  •  Great thirst with dry tongue. 
  • Rhus Tox. 
  • Sulphur. 

Uvula symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Uvula; large, dropsical, almost translucent. 
  •  Large swelling, but little redness. 

Eye symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Eyes agglutinated in the morning.  
  • Tears fairly gush out. 
  • Swollen, red, oedematous, orbital cellulitis.  
  • Inneva (Ref. Boericke) 
  • Old injured eyes.  
  • Oedema of lids; suppurative iritis. 
  • Intensive ulceration of cornea. 
  • Eye: painful on turning or pressing it: can hardly move it.[5] 

1. Ailments from

  • From summer bathing. 
  • Rainy weather. 
  • Damp weather especially from cold air, walking in damp place. 
  • Tank or river bathing. 
  • From wetting; getting wet when heated, from wetting the head, 
  • Drinking ice-water (Ref. Clarke). 
  • Over-exertion etc. 

2. Mode of onset

  • Usually there is insidious onset, or when acute diseases assume a typhoid form. 

3. Symptoms at onset

  • Rhus Tox may be indicated in any and every kind of fevers viz., intermittent, remittent and continuous type of fevers. 
  • In case of intermittent fever there is dry teasing cough with taste of blood, followed by chill with great thirst and dryness of ton- gue, mouth and throat. 
  • In case of remittent and conutinuous fever. at the onset there is diarrnoea with beginning of typhoid. 
  • There is shivering and coldness, generally in the evening and accompanied by paroxysms of pain and other accessory symptoms. 
  • Internal shivering with external heat and vice-versa. 
  • Fever in the evening: first shivering, then heat and thirst (and perspiration); accompanied and followed by cutting pain and diarrhoea.

4. Sweat

  • Fever in the evening., first shivering and then heat and thirst with perspiration; accompanied or followed by diarrhoea. 
  • Headache (throbbing in temples) then chilliness with thirst, tearing pain from the limbs afterwards, with general warmth and slight chills and finally profuse sour smelling perspiration.  
  • Transient heat with perspiration; sweat during the pains. 
  • Offensive perspiration when seated often with violent trembling. 
  • Nocturnal sweat sometimes with miliary or itching eruptions. 

 5. Pulse

  • Pulse is irregular generally accelerated, but weak, soft sometimes it can not be felt or is intermittent. 
  • Pulse: quick and small; coma somnolentum with snoring and moans. 

6. Facial look

  • Coldness and paleness of the face alternates with heat and redness. 
  • Livid face 
  • Patient is very much restless and mental anxiety is remarkably present there, and both of them are predominently manifested in the facial appearance of Rhus Tox patient. 

 7. Modality

  • Agg. cold, wet rainy weather, at night, during rest (pain aggravates).  
  • Amel. in warm dry weather, wrapping up, moving affected parts. 

1. Causation

  • Lying on damp ground, damp cellars, in basements. 
  • From too much summer bathing. 
  • From getting wet when heated. 
  • From cold air. 
  • From spraining or straining a single part, muscle of tendon, inordinate exertions of muscles; sematic exertion. 
  • From cold (but not to the grade of Acon., Bell., Bry., Dulc.) (Ref. Clarke) 
  • In rainy weather. 
  • From drinking ice-water. 
  • From lying in damp sheets. 
  • From wetting head. (Ref. Clarke). 

2. Clinical

  • It is suitable in any and every kind of fever, intermittent, continous or remittent viz., enteric, influenza, dengue, etc. 

3. Mode of onset

  • Generally, in case of remittent and continuous fever there is insidious onset or when acute disease assume a typhoid form. 
  • Slow pace (Ref. Kent). 
  • Onset is marked by diarrhoea; language of the text narrates, diarrhoea with begining of typhoid. 

4. During remittent fever: general symptomatology

  • Nash’s trio of restless medicine. Must change position frequently to obtain relief, until the patient is exhausted (Ref. Nash). 
  • Kent says, patient never perfectfully at ease and never finds rest. 
  • Nash says with Rhus Tox restlessness, is due to pain and soreness which is Amel. by a temporary motion. There is a nervous internal uneasiness, which makes the patient bound to be on motion (Ref. Nash). 
  •  Restless as motion ameliorates. 
  •  Great rigidity, stiffness, lameness, bruised feeling and pain are experienced on first movement and Amel. by walking or continued motion.[5] 

Excerpts (Summary)

Rhus Toxicodendron, derived from poison ivy, is a homeopathic remedy renowned for its effectiveness in addressing conditions marked by restlessness, stiffness, and pain aggravated by rest. Rhus Tox's therapeutic scope encompasses various conditions, including arthritis, skin ailments, flu-like symptoms, and emotional states characterized by restlessness. The administration of Rhus Tox varies based on individual requirements. It's available in various forms and potencies, best determined by a homeopathic practitioner.

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