Secale Cornutum

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Secale Cor

Secale Cornutum


Secale cornutum, also known by its botanical name Claviceps purpurea, doesn’t have direct synonyms in homeopathy. However, it’s sometimes referred to by its common name: Ergot of Rye.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

(a) Causation

  •  Due to summer heat. 
  •  From gastric derangements. 

(b) Character of stool

  • Profuse, painless, putrid, (P₂), watery, greenish (olive-green) or brownish stool.  
  • Stool passes with great force. 
  •  Involuntary, as if anus is wide open. 

(c) Concomitants

  • Every stool was followed by great prostration. 
  • Very hot patient skin icy cold yet cannot tolerate covering. 
  • Craves sour, cold drinks, acids and lemonades. 

Labour pain of secal cor:

  • During labor pains are irregular, too weak. 
  • Pain: feeble or ceasing. 
  • Everything seems loose and open but no expulsive action. 
  • Fainting during labor. 
  • After pains too long, too painful; hour-glass contraction. 


  • Summer weather. 
  • Supression of discharge, like sweat etc. 


  • Cholera Asiatica and Cholera Infantum.

Look up of the face

  • Face pale, pinched, ashy, sunken, Hippocratic, drawn with blue ring around the eyes. 
  • Scrawny and cachectic appearance. 
  • Emaciated and debilated (Ref. Boericke). 
  • Facial and abdominal muscle twitches (Boericke). 

Character of stool

  • Profuse. 
  • Anus remained wide open. 
  • Watery. 
  • Olive-green stool. 
  • Brownish and bloody. 
  • Exhausting. 
  • A ravenous appetite accompanies exhausting diarrhea. 
  • Offensive stool. 
  •  Involuntary. 

Note: In Cholera infantum: Secale Cor. is indicated more particularly by profuse undigested stool which are watery and very offensive and followed by intense prostration. Stools ejected with great violence (Ref. Farrington). 


  • Complete collapsed condition. 
  • Skin feel cold to touch yet cannot bear covering. 
  • Cramp: Extensor type of cramps. 
  • Pulse: Small rapid, often intermittent, and contracted, can be expressed by following tips: 
    •  Rapid 
    • Extensor cramp. 
    • Constitution is characteristic. 
    • Oversensitiveness 
    • Ravenous appetite. 


  • Agg. from heat, Amel. from cold. 

Abortion of secal cor:

  • Threatened abortion. 
  •  Especially at third month 
  •  Prolonged, bearing down, forcing pains.
  • Enuresis of old people. 
  •  Urine, pale, watery or bloody. 
  •  Suppression of urine. 
  • Discharge of black blood from the bladder. (Ref. Boericke). 

a) Subjects

  •  Thin, scrawny women who suffers from excessive menstruation. 
  •  Women of very lax muscular fibre; every- thing seems loose and open, no action. vessels flabby. 

b) Character of leucorrhea

  •  Brownish and offensive leucorrhea 
  • Discharge is greenish in colour. 
  • Jelly like, creamy, sanious discharge. 

(c) Concomitant

  • Leucorrhea alternates with metrorrhagia. 
  • Sadness, anxiety, anguish of mind.  
  • Excessive uterine contractions cause crampy pain.  
  • Eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin. 
  • Burning in all parts of the body, as sparks of fire were falling on the patient. 
  1. Adoptability

  • Women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance: irritable nervous temperament. 
  • Pale, sunken countenance. 
  • Women of very lax muscular fibre, everything seems loose and open; no action vessels flabby. 
  1. Character

  • Haemorrhagic diathesis copious flow of thin, black, watery blood, the corpuscles are destroyed.  
  • The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks. 
  • Discharge of sanious liquid blood with a strong tendency to putrescence. 
  • Tingling in the limbs and great debility: especially when the weakness is not caused by previous loss of fluids. 
  • During menses, continuous discharge of watery blood until next period.[3] 
  1. Intolerance to covering

  • The skin feels cold to the touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering. 
  •  Icy coldness of extremities yet throws of covering. 
  1. Physical make-up

  •  Adopted to women of thin, scrawny, feeble, cachectic appearance. 
  1. Diathesis

  • Haemorrhagic diathesis. 
  • The slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks. 
  • Discharge of sanious blood, with a strong tendency to putrescence. 
  1. Relaxation

  • Women of very lax muscular fiber. 
  • Everything seems loose and open no action, but no expulsive action, especially in labor. 
  1. Burning

  •  Burning in all parts of the body. 
  •  As if sparks of fire were falling on the patient. 
  1. Desire and Aversions

  •  Craves acids, lemonade 
  •  Unnatural ravenous appetite. 
  •  Unquenchable thirst for a very large quantity of cold water. [3] 

a) Causation

  • Master Kent says women who have taken ergot to produce abortion or dosed with it to facilitate parturition. 
  • Kent refers, patient will say, ‘I have had no health since I aborted’. 

b) Time

  • Irregularly regular. (Which means the interval of cycle may be short or prolonged i.e. irregular, but in that way, it is repeated regularly.) 

(c) Duration 

  •  Long lasting, continuous discharge of watery blood until the next period. 

(d) Quantity 

  • Profuse 

(e) Character of blood

  •  Thin, dark, black. 
  •  Brown fluid and of a disgusting smell. 
  •  Kent says, flow is, blackish then dark, watery flow, changes to thick, black and offensive discharge. 
  • Considerable flow on the first day, fluid and blackish, this goes for a couple of weeks and then dark, watery flow comes, which lasts until next period. Then comes thick, black fluid, horribly offensive flow again. 

(f) Before menstruation

  •  Agg. of all her complaints. 
  • Great weariness and dread of death. 

(g) During menstruation

  • Violent crampy pain due to excessive uterine contractions. 
  • Dread of death. 
  • Labor like pain in the abdomen. 

(h) After menstruation

  •  Great anxiety and fear of death. 

(i) Modalities

  •  Agg. Before menstruation. 
  •  From moving about. 

(j) Concomitants

  • Very hot patient cannot cover up. 
  • Skin feels cold to touch, yet patient cannot tolerate coverings. 
  • Craves acids and lemonades 
  • Extensor type of cramps may occur. 
  • Natrum Mur. 
  • Pulsatilla. 
  • Secale Cor. 

Skin Symptoms

  • Boils Small painful with green contents, mature very slowly and heals slowly. Very debilitating. 
  • Gangrene Dry, aggravation from external heat.  
  • Large ecchymoses and blood-blisters often commencement of gangrene. 
  • The skin feels cold to touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering. 
  •  Master Kent says, the toes become black and gangrenous; vessels close-up, vasoconstriction, no blood to the toes, they become numb and black, devoid of sensation (Ref. Kent). Skin wrinkled, shrivelled, as if it had not been washed. 
  • Mottled, dusky, blue tinge (Ref. Boericke). 
  • Varicose ulcers, with burning sensation, better by cold; wants the parts uncovered, though cold to touch. (Ref. Boericke).  
  • The slightest or trivial wound continues to bleed. (Ref. Boericke) 
  • Kent says, eruptions abscess, boils carbuncles, all have discharge of green pus with a green purplish appearance. 
  • Dr. Clarke refers to injury gangrene.

Three medicines for unnatural ravenous appetite

  • Cina. 
  • Lycopodium. 
  • Secale Cor. 

Excerpts (Summary)

Secale cornutum: Homeopathic Remedy for Poor Circulation, Spasms, and Gangrene

Secale cornutum, derived from ergot, is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its action on the circulatory system. It's commonly used for conditions like Raynaud's disease, frostbite, gangrene, menstrual cramps, and labor pains. Key symptoms indicating its use include burning pains, thin, scrawny build, spasms, and sensitivity to cold. Always consult a qualified homeopath before self-treating with Secale cornutum.

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