Thuja Occidentalis
Thuja occidentalis, also known as northern white-cedar, eastern white-cedar, or arborvitae, is an evergreen coniferous tree native to eastern Canada and much of the north-central and northeastern United States.
It has several common names, including:
- Swamp cedar
- American arborvitae
- Eastern arborvitae
In the horticultural trade in the United States, it is particularly known as arborvitae, which is Latin for "tree of life." This name refers to the supposed medicinal properties of the tree’s sap, bark, and twigs.
It is sometimes called white-cedar (hyphenated) or whitecedar (one word) to distinguish it from Cedrus, the true cedars.
Trickling of urine in urethra, like fixed ideas:
Our Thuja. pt. has got different types of fixed ideas:
As if:
The soul and body were separated. (Bapt., Petrol.).
A strange person is at her side.
He is under the control of some super human being, from which he can’t get rid of. Dr. N. M. Chowdhury has reported that the pt. thinks his hands and feet are bounded.
The lower limbs were made up of wood, the sensation comes esp. on walking.
Flesh was beaten and scrapped from the bones, Dr. Clarke said, scalp as if beaten.
She is made up of brittle substance, so will not allow anybody to approach her.
if vertex was pressed with a needle (Ref. Clarke).
Forehead will fall out, the bones of the head has been knocked to pieces.
Dr. John Henry Clarke reported that fore-head, ears and eyes, as if stabbed.
if fine sands are put on the eyes, or foreign body in the eye.
Notes: Dr. Farrington said, these fixed ideas are not due to an irritability of the mind that drives everyone away, but here it is a fixed delusion.
Depression of spirit, resulting dissatisfaction is marked over his entire feature. Dr. Clarke said pt. is sad, ill humored.
Unbearable music:
Music is unbearable, makes her to weep (Graph , Kreos., Nat. C., Thuja.). pt. may have trembling of feet on hearing the music.
Overexcitation, getting vexed at trifles is another feature of Thuja. mentality.
Owing to loss of memory-forgetful:
is forgetful, owing to loss or weakness of memory. Master Kent in his Repertory classed Thuja. in first grade in the rubric, mistakes word in writing’ (Lach., Lyco, Am.C., Nat. Mur., N.Mos.).
Control of super-human being (Fixed idea)
The Control of super-human being (Fixed idea)
Convex buttom pressed on the head (Fixed idea)
The Convex buttom pressed on the head (Fixed idea)
Impulsive woman:
The Impulsive woman will not be touched or approached.
Delicate body. (Fixed idea)
Sensitive body. (Fixed idea)
Eyes swollen (Fixed idea)
The Eyes swollen (Fixed idea)
Nail driven into parietal bone (Fixed idea)
Nails driven into parietal bone (Fixed idea)
Talks hastily:
Master Kent in his Repertory graded Thuja. in second grade in the sub-rubric, hasty speech (Hep., Hyos. Lach., Merc.).
After child-birth mental depression (Causation)
Child-birth mental depression (Causation)
Limbs are of glass: lower limb of wood. (Fixed idea)
The Limbs are of glass: lower limb of wood. (Fixed idea)
Patient is Irritable
Scull-bone pieces; strange person at side: stabbed fore-head (Fixed idea)
The Scull-bone pieces; strange person at side: stabbed fore-head (Fixed idea)
Suppressed Gonorrhoea:
Thuja renders efficient service in the effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea, re-establishing the discharge even years after its suppression, and effecting a cure.
Due to suppressed Gonorrhoea causes various types of complaints.
As Dr. Allen says that suppressed Gonorrhoea: causing articular rheumatism: prostatitis; sycosis: impotency: condylomata and many constitutional troubles.
Nash says that, it is especially suited for the treatment of ailments following suppressed Gonorrhoea.
Lippe says, that it is a leading anti-sycotic, -sycosis is caused by suppressed Gonorrhoea. Thuja enter into the particular sphere and takes hold of this particular case where sycosis is at the bottom.
Thus, according to our dictum of similia, it makes an important remedial agent in Gonorrhoea.
E. A. Farrington says, "I pass to the application of drug to sycosis. Thuja is a remedy, which tends to alter the sycotic constitution, to change the soil on which this poison grows. There are two distinct types of elements, which make up a disease: they are the elements of the disease itself, and those of the constitution in which it grows."
Yields bad effects from vaccination:
We homoeopaths, who strictly follows the dictum of Master’s ‘law of similia’ also uses this great drug to counteract the bad effects of vaccination.
Vaccination, though getting into fashion daily, is devoid of dangers and after effects. It will be folly indeed to condemn it wholesale though cases have been known where its application was found to be fraught with danger.
In some people vaccination leaves deep seated and long-lasting after-effects and that is exactly where Thuja comes in its capacity of a great counter agent of vaccination. (Ref Dr. N. M. Choudhury).
Nash says "Bad effects following vaccination; –never well since".
Harvey Farrington says, "Thuja is one of the few remedies which will antidote the toxic after-effects of vaccination because these effects conform in great measure, to the Thuja characteristics".
Other points
E. A. Farrington said in his Clinical Materia Medica, "we have two antidotes to these bad effects of vaccination: Silicea, which suits almost any of the symptoms, even convulsions, and Thuja, which is especially suitable, if diarrhoea results and the vaccine pustules are very large."
On account of this last-mentioned symptom, Dr. Boenninghausen recommended Thuja in variola. He gave it just as soon the vesicles begun to turn into pustules, and he claimed to have thereby prevented scarring.
Clarke has also acknowledged its very wide useful ness "People are all vaccinated and drink tea" he used to say. "And Thuja is the great antidote to tea and vaccination".
Burnett, in the preface of his brilliant and epoch making little monograph, Vaccinosis and Homoeo-prophylaxsis has elucidated that, –vaccinosis as a form of disease, and Thuja as one of it’s chief remedies".
A) C1 – Coition prevented:
Allen said, "coition is prevented by extreme sensitive ness of vagina". (Plat.: -prevented by dryness, Lyco, Lyss.. Nat. Mur.).
Harvey Farrington says, "her vagina is studded with erosions, so sensitive that coitus is actually painful or together impossible.
B) C2-Cold food desire:
Patient desires for cold foods and drinks. So, desire is some-what peculiar, because we know that, Thuja Patient is chilly & having hydrogenoid constitution.
On skin & mucous membrane-proliferation:
Proliferation on the skin and mucous membrane, especially the softer forms, develop with surprising rapidity.
Nash says, "Proliferations or pathological vegetations-condylomata, polypi, warts, scotic excrescences, etc."
Thuja heads the list of remedies for warts. These out growths of epithelial tissue in Thuja are more often seedy or jagged than flat or smooth, and are apt to sting and burn, and bleed from slight injury. (Ref. Harvey Farrington M.D.).
The action of Thuja on the human constitution is that of unlimited cell proliferation and it is on account of this property, that we meet with stich a lot of pathological vegetative growths, spongy tumours, and many other varieties of morbid manifestations (Ref. Dr. N. M. Chowdhury).
Kent said, "the tendency of Thuja patient is to throw out wart-like excrescences, which are soft and pulpy and very sensitive, they burn, itch and bleed easily when rubbed by clothing."
Note. Horny excrescences, more upon the skin.
The uniquefeature of Thuja is , Sweat only on the uncovered parts or all over, excepting the head, especially at night when he sleeps, it stops when he wakes. Profuse sour smelling, foetid sweat, esp. at night.
"More characteristically on uncovered parts while the remainder of the body is hot also dry. Typically, offensive sweat in the axillae, about the toes also on the scrotum and adjacent thighs. (Ref. Dr. Harvey Farrington).
Thuja has peculiar sweat, oily, sweetish, and a unique condition, "profuse sweat only on uncovered parts". This has suggested the curative use of Thuja in diverse diseases and conditions, reported from time to time in our literatures (Ref. Dr. Tyler). Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, "Thuja sweats a great deal but only on uncovered parts, the covered parts generally remaining dry and hot. We also notice foetid sweat on toes and genitals".
Kent said, perspiration is peculiar; it is sweetish in odor and smell like honey, sometimes like garlic, strong and pungent."
Ideas fixed:
Thuja has got fixed ideas as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul also body were separated; as if a living animal were in abdomen; of being under the influence of a super-human being, etc. etc.
Kent said, "she wants to be alone and takes upon himself on fixed ideas, that she is pregnant, or that animal is in her bowels, she feels the motion of a child’s arm, thinks she is followed, or that someone is walking beside her, thinks that soul and body are separated. Now, these are fixed ideas, and there is no use trying to reason them out of her. It seems to her that she is very delicate, that she is made of glass also that she will break. The idea is that she will break, also not that she is transparent."
E. A. Farrington says "There is a form of mania or insanity, in which you will find Thuja the only remedy, also that is one in which there is the fixed idea in the patient’s mind, that he is made of some brittle substance, and he will be broken.
Sidedness of complaints:
Sidedness of complaints-most of the complaints occurs in the left side of the body.
As it affects left testicles, left ovary; left side of the abdomen, left kidney etc.
Kent said, "Thuja affects the left with intense squeezing pain. That may be true of glands in general, but one particular gland, the ovary, is more affected than any other and especially the left. (Ref. Dr. Kent)
Harvey Farrington says, “in the woman the ovaries, chiefly the left is affected.” (5)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Thuja Occidentalis
Common name :
- White Cedar
Synonyms :
- Tree of life, American arbor vitae, False white cedar
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Vegetable kingdom, Coniferae family
Habit and habitat / Description :
- It is found in North America, from Canada to mountains of Virginia and Carolina.
- It is an evergreen tree. it grows near about 20 to 50 feet high. Branches are spreading and flat, dark green above and pale beneath.
- It yields a pungent aromatic oil. The wood is very durable. Bark is of light red-brown Colour.
- Leaves are persistent, small, smooth and pointed; flowers are minute, solitary; male and female flowers are generally on different branches.
- Male flowers are yellowish and abundant. Flowers appear in May. Leaves, when rubbed between the palms of hands gives of a pungent, aromatic odor. (1)
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann in 1819
Introduction and history :
- Thuja is derived from the Greek word ‘thuja’ which means sacrifice.
- The wood of this tree was burnt in ancient days to show that the person has been sacrificed for God; hence, the common name is ‘Tree of life’.
- It was introduced into homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann in 1819.
- Thuja is the ‘king of anti-sycotic remedies.
- Its chief use is in chronic diseases originating from sycosis or what may be called constitutional Gonorrhoea.
- Thuja is apt to work wonders, especially when there is a history of sycosis. Thuja is one of Hahnemann’s greatest discoveries.
- It is a well-known left sided remedy. (1)
Doctrine of signature :
- It is prepared from the Tree of life.
- This plant has pedunculated wart-like growths at the junction of the branch and the stem, or between two branches, and this medicine is one of the best medicines for pedunculated warts. (1)
Active principles :
- Main constituents are thujin, thujetic acid, oil of thuja, thujone, pinipicrine, pince, fenchon and tannin.
Preparation & Parts used :
- Mother tincture is prepared from the fresh green leaves and twigs of the tree.
Constitution of Thuja Occidentalis
Physical make up :
- Especially adapted to the hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, having dark hair and dark complexion; unhealthy, oily, greasy skin, bearing warty excrescences and dirty brownish-white spots all over the body.
- Thuja patients look like ‘Ganeshji’, with a distended abdomen and bulky body, having lavish growth of various tissues everywhere. (1)
Temperament :
- Phlegmatic2, Melancholic 2, Nervous 1 (7)
Relation with heat & cold :
- Chilly patient
Miasm :
- Sycosis – Thuja is the king of anti-sycotic remedies. (1)
Clinical conditions of Thuja Occidentalis
In Homeopathy Thuja medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Acne, Arthritis, Asthma, Bulimia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Condylomata, Depression, Eczema, Gonorrhoea, Herpes, Insomnia, Malignancy, Ovarian cyst, Paronychia, Prostatic hypertrophy, Psoriasis, Rectal fissures, Rheumatism, Scoliosis, Sinusitis, Sycosis, Tinea, Urethral strictures, Urethritis, Uterine polyps and fibroids, Warts. (2)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, mind, nerves, occiput, especially the brain, genitourinary organs, glandular epithelium, skin, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Vaccination; Gonorrhoea – badly treated or suppressed; sunstroke, sexual excesses, tea, coffee, beer, sweets, tobacco, fat, meat, onions, Sulphur, mercury. (1)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It acts on the skin and genitourinary organs, producing a condition that corresponds with the sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces, fig warts and condylomata.
- It acts chiefly upon genitourinary organs, anus, skin, producing irritation.
- It has the property of absorbing fluids of the body, which become acrid, probably caused by Thuja which perverts the lymphatic secretions; it also disturbs digestion and produces a tendency to destruction and dissolution of fluids.
- The chief action of this drugs lies on the female sexual system where it causes delayed menses, ovaritis and leucorrhoea. It produces tubercles, fig warts, condylomata growths on the mucous membranes followed by corroding ulceration.
- Acts on hard tissues like, nails, warts, etc., making them soft, and causes their absorption.
- Has a special action on the nervous system (general irritation and arousing of emotions).
- It has a specific antibacterial action as in gonorrhoea and vaccinosis.
- It acts on the kidneys and produces inflammation. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Thuja Occidentalis
- Fixed ideas, as if a strange person was at his side, as if the soul and body were separated.
- Cannot think, talks slowly, as if hunting for words, uses wrong words.
- Hurried, with ill-humour, talks hastily.
- Sensation as if the body, especially the limbs were made of glass and would break easily.
- Music is unbearable, causing the patient to weep with trembling of the body. Loss of memory, the patient is extremely forgetful.
- Sensation as if the lower limbs were made of wood; the sensation comes particularly when walking.
- Emotional sensitiveness; as if something was alive in the abdomen.
- impulsive women – will not be touched or approached. Anxious apprehensions regarding the future.
- Very depressed, irritable. Aversion to life.
- Very obstinate children; throw themselves angrily upon the floor, if least opposed.
Other Mental Symptoms
- Sensation as if urine is trickling in the urethra.
- Sensation as if flesh were beaten and scrapped from the bones.
- Sensation as if a convex button were pressed on the head.
- Sensation as if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone.
- Sensation as if he is under the control of some superhuman being.
- Slowness and sluggishness prevail all over the mental sphere.
- Dissatisfied, quarrelsome, overexcited, angry at trifles.
- Vertigo, with eyes shut.
- Sensation as if anus would fly into pieces during stool.
- Sensation as if moisture or a drop were running through the urethra.
- Sensation as if boiling lead were passing through the rectum. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Thuja Occidentalis
As Thuja is the king of the kingdom of sycosis-thus I will depict the totality of Thuja, through the tips: ‘SYCOSIS’.
- S-Suppressed Gonorrhoea: resulting many constitutional troubles.
- Y-Yields ailments from bad-effects of vaccination.
- C-Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina:
- O-On mucous membrane and skin: fig warts, condylomata, wart-like excrescences.
- S-Sweat: on uncovered parts, when he sleeps, stops when he wakes.
- I-impulsive women will not be touched or approached: fixed ideas.
- S Skin eruptions: seedy, pedunculated only on covered parts.
1. Generalities of Thuja Occidentalis
- General one-sided character of the symptoms, particularly the left side.
- Symptoms (<) afternoon and night, particularly about 3 o’clock and also evening, and (<) warmth of bed, (>) rest.
- General aversion to motion.
2. Head of Thuja Occidentalis
- Pain as if pierced by a nail. [COFF.; IGN.] Neuralgia from tea. [SELEN.]
- Left-sided headache.
- White, scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out. Greasy skin of face.
3. Eye of Thuja Occidentalis
- Ciliary neuralgia; iritis. Eyelids agglutinated at night; dry, scaly. Styes and tarsal tumors. [STAPH.]
- Acute and subacute inflammation of sclera.
- Sclera raised in patches, and looks bluish-red.
- Large, flat phlyctenules; INDOLENT. Recurring episcleritis. Chronic scleritis.
4. Ears of Thuja Occidentalis
- Chronic otitis; discharge purulent.
- Creaking when swallowing. Polypi.
5. Nose of Thuja Occidentalis
- Chronic catarrh; thick, green mucus; blood and pus.
- On blowing nose, pain in teeth. Ulceration within the nostrils.
- Dryness of nasal cavities. Painful pressure at root.
6. Mouth of Thuja Occidentalis
- Tip of tongue very painful.
- Teeth decay next to gums; very sensitive; gums retract.
- Drinks fall audibly into stomach.
- Ranula; varicose veins on tongue and mouth. Pyorrhea alveolaris.
7. Throat of Thuja Occidentalis
- As of a hair, afternoon. The purplish Color in tonsillar troubles is especially a Sulphur Color.
- Burning, upward in throat, with sour eructation.
8. Stomach of Thuja Occidentalis
- Complete loss of appetite. Dislike for fresh meat and potatoes.
- Rancid eructation after fat food. Cutting pain in epigastrium.
- Cannot eat onions.
- Flatulence; pain after food; sinking sensation in epigastrium before food; thirst. Tea-drinking dyspepsia.
9. Abdomen of Thuja Occidentalis
- Distended; indurations in abdomen.
- Chronic diarrhoea, worse after breakfast.
- Discharges forcibly expelled; gurgling sound. Brown spots.
- Rumbling and colic. Constipation, with violent rectal pain, causing stool to recede. [SIL.; SANIC.]
- Piles swollen; pain worse sitting, with stitching, burning pains at the anus.
- Anus fissured; painful to touch, with warts.
10. Rectum & Anus of Thuja Occidentalis
- Discharge of bloody mucus constantly from the anus.
- Soreness and shooting pain as if skin from the anus.
- Soreness and shooting pain as if skin were cracked.
- Sense of constriction with every stool.
- Burning and stinging in the anus, extending to the small of the back. Condylomata.
11. Stool of Thuja Occidentalis
- Diarrhoea, watery, forcible, aggravated after breakfast. Evacuations often greasy.
12. Urinary Organ of Thuja Occidentalis
- Urethra swollen, inflamed. Urinary stream split and small. Sensation of trickling after urinating.
- Severe cutting AFTER. [SARS.]
- Frequent micturition accompanying pains.
- Desire sudden and urgent, but cannot be controlled. Paralysis sphincter vesicae.
13. Sexual Organ of Thuja Occidentalis
- Male: Inflammation of prepuce and glans; pain in penis. Balanitis. GONORRHOEAL RHEUMATISM. GONORRHOEA. Chronic induration of testicles. Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder, with frequent and urgent desire to urinate. Prostatic enlargement. [FERR. PIC.; THIOSINAMINUM; IOD.; SABAL.]
- Female: Vagina VERY SENSITIVE. [BERB.; KREOS.; LYSSIN.] Warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse leucorrhoea; thick, greenish. Severe pain in left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses scanty, insensible . POLYPI; fleshy excrescences. Ovaritis; worse left side, at every menstrual period. [LACH.] Profuse perspiration before menses.
14. Respiratory System of Thuja Occidentalis
- Dry, hacking cough in afternoon, with pain in pit of stomach.
- Stitches in chest; worse, cold drinks.
- ASTHMA IN CHILDREN. [NAT. SULPH.] Papilloma of larynx. Chronic laryngitis.
15. Neck & Back of Thuja Occidentalis
- Tension and stiffness of the nap. Drawing pains in the back when sitting.
- Drawing in the sacrum, coccyx and thighs, so that after sitting a long time he could scarcely stand erect.
16. Extremities of Thuja Occidentalis
- When walking, limbs feel as if made of wood or glass, also would break easily. Tips of fingers swollen, red, feel dead.
- Muscular twitching, weakness also trembling. Cracking in joints.
- Pain in heels and tendo- Achilles. Nails brittle. In growing toe nail.
17. Skin of Thuja Occidentalis
- Polypi, tubercles, WARTS epithelioma, naeva, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in ano-genital region.
- Freckles and blotches. Perspiration sweetish, and strong.
- Dry skin, with brown spots. Zona; herpetic eruptions. Tearing pains in glands.
- Glandular enlargement. Nails physically disabled; brittle also soft.
- ERUPTIONS ONLY ON COVERED PARTS; worse after scratching. Very sensitive to touch.
- Coldness of one side. Sarcoma; polypi. BROWN SPOTS ON HANDS AND ARMS.
18. Sleep of Thuja Occidentalis
- Persistent insomnia.
19. Fever of Thuja Occidentalis
- Chill, beginning in thighs.
- Sweat ONLY ON UNCOVERED PARTS, or all over except head, when sleeping; profuse, sour, smelling like honey.
- Orgasm of blood in the evening, with throbbing in the blood vessels. (3)
Keynotes / Redline Symptoms of Thuja Occidentalis:
- Sensation as if something above in the abdomen, as if limbs were made of glass and would break.
- Vertigo when closing the eyes.
- Teeth decay at the roots, crowns remain sound.
- Toothache from tea drinking.
- Eruptions only on covered parts.
- Sweats on uncovered parts. (2)
Guiding Symptoms:
- It is particularly suited to persons of a lymphatic temperament, people with dark complexion, black hair, dry fibre, also not very fat.
- The great antidote to disease of a sycotic origin, which generally shows itself in the shape of warts, condylomata, cauliflower excrescences, on or about the genital organ also hairy parts of the body, especially if they are also syphilitic.
- The vagina is filled with warty excrescences, with great burning and smarting pains.
- She is so sensitive in the vagina that she cannot possibly bear an embrace. Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, with thin long warts, or fig- warts on the face or genitals.
- Sycotic ulceration of the womb.
- insensible menstruation.
- Fig-warts also condylomata all over the genital organs of both sexes. Ulcers on the internal surface of the vulva, with cramp-like pains in the vulva and perineum, when rising from a seat, extending up into the abdomen.
- Red, smooth excrescences on the glans penis.
- Chronic gonorrhoea, with sycosis; burning during also between urination. Digestive Organs.
- Violent contraction in the anus and rectum, followed by tearing pains as if in the bowels.
- During an attempt at stool, the pain in the rectum also anus is so great that she has to desist, she cannot pass the stool; the pain in the rectum and anus is so great that she has to desist, she cannot pass the stool; the suffering also pain in the anus are greatly increased during motion. Severe burning pain in left ovary, aggravated by walking, riding, also at every menstrual period.
Other Guiding Symptoms
- A terrible distressing pain occurs in the left iliac region, when walking or riding; she must lie down to get relief; the same pain occurs during her menstrual periods, and extends into the left groin. Feeling in the rectum as if boiling lead was passing through it.
- Violent burning also pricking pains in the anus.
- Diarrhoea daily after breakfast. Sycotic decay of the teeth; commencing close at the gums; pains worse at night.
- Urinary Organs. – Copious also frequent urination, with burning in the urethra.
- Chronic incontinence of urine, from paralysis of the sphincter vesicae.
- – Patient often feels as though she could not exist any longer. Cannot sleep after 3 p.m., also at night.
- Extremely scrupulous about the least thing.
- Sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate, also could not resist the least attack; as if the continuity of the body would be dissolved. Headache on the left side, as if a convex button were being pressed on the part.
- Induration of the eyelids.
- Polypus of the nose also uterus.
- Sycosic erosions of the fauces. Dry teasing cough.
- Sweat only on uncovered parts, while covered parts were dry and hot.
- Naevus maternus.
PQRS Symptoms:
- Sycotic remedy.
- Lack of self-esteem also confidence, feelings of worthlessness.
- Feels unattractive. Depression.
- Hiding, secretiveness, deceptiveness, lies. Do not want others to know what they exactly are, feel others won’t like them that way. Fixed ideas, delusions.
- Effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea, warts also vaccinations.
- Growths and tumours. Warts. Condylomata.
- Perspiration-oily, sweet smelling or offensive. (2)
Confirmatory Symptoms:
- A/F-Vaccination, suppressed Gonorrhoea.
- Hydrogenoid constitution.
- Chilly patients.
- Left sided complaints. 5. Periodicity < 3 a.m.
- Fixed ideas.
- Wart-like excrescences in mucous also cutaneous surface. (2)
Nucleus Symptoms:
- It is a remedy for hydrogenoid or lymphatic constitution -susceptible to damp.
- Development of warts, condylomata.
- Bad effects of Vaccination and also in suppressed gonorrhoea, rheumatism, prostatitis, etc.
- Chilly patients with a history of Sycosis. Chilly patients with a history of Sycosis.
- Great prostration also rapid emaciation.
- A remedy for soft, exuberant, fungoid tissue, polyp, condylomata, warts pediculated, black, suppressed.
- Neurasthenia, neuralgias also rheumatism. (2)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Thuja Occidentalis
- Abortions
- Asthma
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Distended abdomen
- Epilepsy
- Eye affections
- Gonorrhoea
- Headache
- Polypus
- Rheumatism
- Teeth affections
- Urinary affections
- Vaccination
- Warts
- Whooping cough, etc. (1)
Modality of Thuja Occidentalis
- At night, from heat of bed, afternoon, 3 am to 3pm, motion, from cold damp air, narcotics, deep inspiration, talking.
- Lying on affected side, lying on back, wrapping up after labour. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Thuja Occidentalis
- Med, Nat-s, Sabin, Sil
Follows Well
- Med, Merc, Nit-ac, Sabin
Antidoted By
- Camph, Cham, Cocc, Colch, Merc, Puls, Sulph
It Antidotes
- Iod, Merc, Nux-v, Sulph
- Adren, Aesc-h, Agn-c, Aloe, Ambr, Ant-c, Ant-t, Apis, Ars, Bac, Bapt, Bry, Calc, Cann-i, Cann-s, Canth, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caust, Chel, Cinnb, Coccin, Coff, Coloc, Con, Cor-r, Croc, Cupr, Dulc, Euphr, Fl-ac, Gels, Graph, Ign, Ip, Jac, Kali-bi, Kreos, Lach, Lauro, Lyc, Med, Merc, Mez, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Op, Petr, Ph-ac, Phos, Phyt, Plat, Prun-s, Psor, Puls, Rhus-t, Sabin, Sars, Sel, Semp, Seneg, Sep, Sil, Spig, Staph, Stict, Stram, Sulph, Syph, Ther, Thyr, Ustil, Vac, Vario (2)
Dose of Thuja Occidentalis
- 30 to highest potency. Mother tincture to be applied on fig warts and condylomata of Thuja Occidentalis
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000, 10M
- Bears repetition well in low potencies. Occasional doses of high potency. (1)
Duration of action
- Up to 60 days
References of Thuja Occidentalis
- D. Patil MM 2013, Section- II, Chap >Thuja
- Zomeo lane Chap > Thuja
- Boricke MM Chap > Thuja
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- I, Chap- 1,> Thuja
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- I, Chap- 2,> Thuja
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr S.K.Banerjea 2017, Vol- II, Section-1,> Thuja
- Tempraz MM by Dr. Parinaz Humaranwala Chap > Thuja
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- Search Engines: Use search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, etc. with specific search terms, such as:
- "Thuja Occidentalis homeopathy"
- "Thuja Occidentalis Materia Medica"
- "Thuja Occidentalis uses in homeopathy"
- "Thuja Occidentalis research articles"
- Homeopathic Websites & Databases: Search reputable homeopathic websites and databases for articles and information:
- National Center for Homeopathy
- Homeopathy Plus
- ABC Homeopathy
- Hpathy.com
- Scientific Databases: Search scientific databases for research articles and studies:
- PubMed
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
Offline Resources
- Homeopathic Libraries: Visit libraries specializing in homeopathy or alternative medicine.
- Homeopathic Practitioners: Consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner who can provide information and resources.
- Homeopathic Books & Journals: Consult homeopathic Materia Medica and repertories for detailed information on Thuja Occidentalis.
Important Tips
- Use specific search terms: Be specific with your search terms to get relevant results.
- Consult reputable sources: Always ensure you are consulting reliable and trustworthy sources for homeopathic information.
- Seek professional guidance: For personalized advice and treatment recommendations, it’s crucial to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
- Remember: It’s crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, including homeopathy.
There are several ways to search for information on Thuja Occidentalis, catering to different needs and levels of expertise:
General Web Searches:
- Search Engines: Utilize popular search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.
- Keywords: "Thuja Occidentalis", "Arborvitae", "Tree of Life"
- Specific queries: "Thuja Occidentalis uses", "Thuja Occidentalis benefits", "Thuja Occidentalis side effects"
Specialized Searches:
- Homeopathic Resources: Explore websites and databases dedicated to homeopathy.
- Keywords: "Thuja Occidentalis homeopathy", "Thuja Occidentalis Materia Medica"
- Reputable platforms: National Center for Homeopathy, Homeopathy Plus, ABC Homeopathy
- Botanical & Horticultural Databases: Seek information on the plant’s characteristics and cultivation.
- Keywords: "Thuja Occidentalis taxonomy", "Thuja Occidentalis care"
- Relevant platforms: The Plant List, Royal Horticultural Society website
- Scientific Literature: Delve into research articles and studies.
- Keywords: "Thuja Occidentalis research", "Thuja Occidentalis chemical constituents"
- Databases: PubMed, Google Scholar
Offline Resources:
- Libraries: Visit local or university libraries with sections on botany, horticulture, or alternative medicine
- Bookstores: Browse the shelves for relevant books on homeopathy, herbal medicine, or gardening.
- Experts: Consult with:
- Homeopathic practitioners for medicinal uses
- Horticulturists or arborists for cultivation and care
- Botanists for scientific information on the plant
Additional Tips:
- Use specific keywords: Tailor your search terms to your specific needs. For instance, if looking for homeopathic uses, include "homeopathy" in your search.
- Vary your search terms: If initial searches don’t yield satisfactory results, try synonyms or related terms.
- Evaluate sources critically: Ensure the information you find comes from reputable and reliable sources.
By employing these varied search methods, you can uncover a wealth of information on Thuja Occidentalis, ranging from its botanical characteristics to its applications in homeopathy and beyond.
General terminologies
- Arbor vitae: This is the Latin name for Thuja occidentalis, literally translating to "tree of life." It signifies the plant’s historical association with longevity and health.
- Sycosis: A term used in homeopathy to describe a specific set of symptoms and predispositions believed to be linked to the suppression of gonorrhea. Thuja is often considered a key remedy for sycotic conditions.
- Miasm: A theoretical concept in homeopathy referring to an inherited or acquired predisposition to certain chronic diseases. Thuja is often associated with the sycotic miasm.
- Mother tincture: This refers to the initial alcoholic extract of the Thuja plant, from which homeopathic dilutions are prepared.
- Potency: Indicates the degree of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) a homeopathic remedy has undergone. Higher potencies like 30C or 200C indicate greater dilution.
- Trituration: A process of grinding a substance to a fine powder, often used for preparing remedies from insoluble materials.
- Provings: Systematic experiments in which healthy individuals take a substance to observe and record the symptoms it produces. This information helps determine the homeopathic uses of the substance.
- Repertory: A comprehensive index of symptoms and the remedies associated with them, used by homeopaths to find suitable remedies for their patients.
- Materia medica: A collection of detailed descriptions of homeopathic remedies, including their origins, preparation, and symptom pictures.
- Constitutional remedy: A remedy that matches the overall physical, mental, and emotional characteristics of an individual, often used for chronic conditions.
- Aggravation: A temporary worsening of symptoms after taking a remedy, sometimes seen as a sign that the remedy is stimulating the body’s healing response.
- Ameloriation: An improvement in symptoms after taking a remedy
General Homeopathic Terms:
- Vital force: This is a core concept in homeopathy referring to the body’s inherent healing energy. Homeopaths believe that disease arises from disturbances in this vital force, and remedies aim to stimulate its restorative powers.
- Law of Similars: The fundamental principle of homeopathy, stating that "like cures like." This means a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in someone who is ill. Thuja’s ability to cause wart-like growths in provings is an example of how it’s used according to this law.
- Potentization: The process of diluting and succussing a remedy to increase its potency. Thuja is often used in higher potencies (e.g., 30C, 200C) where the original substance is highly diluted.
- Repertory: As mentioned before, this is an index of symptoms and their corresponding remedies. Thuja will be listed under various symptoms like warts, nail problems, and specific mental/emotional states.
- Materia Medica: A detailed source of information about remedies. The entry for Thuja will describe its source, preparation, and observed effects in provings and clinical use.
Terms Specific to Thuja occidentalis:
- Sycosis: Thuja is a prominent remedy for this miasm, believed to be associated with suppressed gonorrhea or its historical treatment with mercury. Symptoms like warts, growths, and fixed ideas are often attributed to this miasm.
- Vaccinosis: This refers to a hypothetical reaction to vaccinations. Some homeopaths believe Thuja can help address lingering effects attributed to vaccinations.
- "Fig wart" constitution: This describes a particular personality type associated with Thuja. These individuals may be anxious, reserved, feel guilty, and have a tendency to dwell on past mistakes.
- "Green mucus:" Thuja is often indicated when discharges, particularly from the nose or genitals, are thick, green, and offensive.
Examples in Context:
You might find sentences like these in a homeopathic article about Thuja:
- "Thuja is a polychrest remedy with a wide range of applications, especially in cases with a sycotic background."
- "The patient presented with a history of recurrent warts and a ‘fig wart’ constitution, leading to the prescription of Thuja 30C."
- "According to the repertory, Thuja is a key remedy for nail affections, particularly when there is thickening, distortion, or a tendency to ingrow.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Hydrogenoid constitution-what is it? Mention few medicines for hydrogenoid constitution.
Hydrogenoid constitution
A) Cause i.e.
i) Firstly, It is a condition characterised by excess of H+ and 0-ions in the individual cells of the body.
ii) Secondly, Thus, as a result of combustion of H+ and 0 ions, there occurs formation of water molecules.
iii) Thirdly, Thus therefore, the constitution is characterised by excess of fluid in the body.
B) Effects i.e.
i) Firstly, So the patient has an aversion or aggravation from intaking juicy substances, spinaches etc.. which in any way can increases the molecules of water in the organism.
ii) Secondly, So, the patient has an aversion or aggravation during rainy season, from damp wet weather, also as referred by Dr. Von Grauvogal also from cold. and cold foods.
Medicines of hydrogenoid constitution i.e.
i) Firstly, Argentum Nitricum
ii) Secondly, Antim Tart
iii) Thirdly, Causticum.
iv) Fourthly, Thuja
Name three predominant anti-sycotic medicines.
Anti-sycotic Medicines
i) Firstly, Pulsatilla, ii) Secondly, Thuja, iii) Thirdly, Medorrhinum.
Mention few medicines for warts with indications?
Medicines for Warts
a) Causticum i.e.
- Warts i.e.: large, jagged, often pedunculated.
- Bleeding easily.
- Exuding moisture.
- Small, all over the body; additionally on eyelids face, on the nose.
b) Dulcamara i.e.
- Warts i.e.: fleshy, large, smooth.
- Either On face or back of hands also fingers.
c) Natrum mur i.e.
- Warts on palms of hands.
d)Nitric Acid i.e.
- Warts, condylomata, sycotic or syphilitic i.e.: large, jagged, pedunculated.
- Bleeding readily on washing.
- Moist, oozing, sticking pain.
e) Thuja i.e.
- Fig-warts, condylomata also wart like excrescences upon mucous also cutaneous surfaces.
- Warts i.e.: large, seedy, pedunculated.
Acts well in very fleshy persons-mention three medicines.
Medicines for fleshy persons
i) Firstly, Calcarea Carb. ii) Secondly, Baryta Carb. iii) Thirdly, Thuja.
Mention six medicines for unhealthy skin.
Medicines for Unhealthy skin
i) Firstly, Graphites. ii) Secondly, Hepar Sulph, iii) Thirdly, Merc. Sol, iv) Fourthly, Silicea, v) After that, Sulphur, vi) Lastly, Thuja.
Vertigo when closing the eyes-mention four medicines.
Vertigo when closing eyes medicines
i) Firstly, Apis, ii) Secondly, Antim Tart, iii) Thirdly, Lachesis, iv) Fourthly, Thuja.
Headache from overheating-mention five medicines.
Headache from Overheating Medicines
i) Firstly, Antim Crud., ii) Secondly, Gelsemium., iii) Thirdly, Lachesis. iv) Fourthly, Natrum Mur., v) Lastly, Thuja.
Mention three medicines for dandruff?
Dandruff Medicines
- Dandruff, falls out in clouds i.e.: Phosphorus also Lycopodium.
- White, scaly dandruff i.e.: Thuja.
State the eye symptoms of Thuja.
Eye Symptoms of Thuja
- Ophthalmia neonatorum-sycotic or syphilitic.
- Large granulations, like either warts or blisters.
- If uncovered, feels as if a cold stream of air were blowing but through them.
- Eyelids i.e.: agglutinated at night, dry, scaly on edges; styes also tarsal tumours; besides this chalazae, thick hard knots, like small condylomata; after Staphysagria partially relieved but does not cure.
- Aggravation especially from uncovering.
- Amelioration especially from warmth also covering.
Indicate the tooth symptoms of Thuja.
Tooth Symptoms Thuja
- Teeth decay at the roots, whereas crown remains sound.
- Teeth crumble, turns yellow.
- Toothache especially from tea drinking.
- On blowing the nose a pressing pain either in the hollow tooth or at the side of it.
State the tongue indications of Thuja.
Tongue of Thuja
- Varicose veins either on tongue or in mouth.
- Tip of tongue very painful.
- White blisters on side, close to root, painfully sore.
Indicate the female symptoms of Thuja.
Female Symptoms Of Thuja
- Distressing, burning pain in the left ovarian region, when walking or riding. In detail, Must sit or lie down, worse at each menstrual nisus.
- Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of the vagina.
- Warty excrescences either on vulua or perineum.
- Menses i.e.: scanty, insensible . (Ref. Boericke)
- Profuse leucorrhoea, thick, greenish.
Describe the constipation of Thuja.
Constipation of Thuja
- Clarke says, constipation which continues several days, obstinate, as from either inactivity or from intussusception of the intestines.
- Character of stool i.e.
- Basically; Hard, little ball like stool.
- Stool partly expelled also recedes again.
- Concomitants and associated features i.e.
- In general, Violent pain in rectum, compel to cease of effort.
- Furthermore, Swollen also painful piles, pains are most severe when sitting.
- Anus fissured, painful to touch, surrounded with either flat warts, or moist mucus condylomata.
Describe the piles of Thuja.
Piles of Thuja
. a) Type i.e.
- Cauliflower like bleeding piles.
b) Character of piles i.e.
- Severe aching, burning pain.
- Itching constantly.
- Piles swollen.
- Pain most severe while sitting.
c) Modalities i.e.
- In evening, from touch, when sitting.
- During menses.
d) Concomitant i.e.
- Either Flat warts or moist mucous condylomata may be present surrounding the anus.
- Obstinate constipation, stool partly expelled, but recedes again.
- Anus fissured, painful to touch.
State the diarrhoea of Thuja.
Diarrhoea of Thuja
a) Causation i.e.
- From taking onion, tea, bread, coffee, butter, fatty foods etc.
- Especially After bad effects of vaccination.
- After breakfast, i.e., after eating bread, butter, tea, coffee etc.
b) Time i.e.
- Early morning diarrhoea.
c) Character of the stool i.e.
- Pale, yellowish, greasy, either oily or bloody.
- Profuse in quantity.
- Comes out forcibly with much flatus; additionally which Dr. Clarke refers, as if the cork were pulled out of a full jug. (Ref. Clarke)
d) Before stool i.e.
- Either Rumbling or flatulence in abdomen.
e) During stool i.e.
- Stool is forcibly discharged with gurgling sensation, specifically as if water is passing through the bunghole.
f) After stool i.e.
- Excessive exhaustion. (Ref. Clarke)
g) Modality i.e.
- i) Firstly, In morning., ii) Secondly, Immediately after breakfast,
h) Concomitants i.e.
- Night sweats i.e.: on uncovered parts.
- Warts also moist mucous condylomata may be present, surrounding the anus.
State the headache of Thuja Occidentalis?
Headache of Thuja
a) Causation i.e.
- From bad-effects of vaccination.
- From suppression of Gonorrhoea.
- From sexual excess etc.
- From tea drinking, over-heating etc.
Note: -Chronic headache, of sycotic or syphilitic origin.
b) Location i.e.
- Left parietal region.
- Left sided clavus.
c) Sensation i.e.
- As if a nail had been driven into the parietal region.
- As if a convex button were pressed in the affected part.
d) Modalities i.e.
- Agg. i) Firstly, From sexual excess. ii) Secondly, From overheating. iii) Thirdly, From tea drinking. iv) Fourthly, From bad effects of sycosis also syphilis.
- Amel. i) Firstly, From motion.
e) Concomitants i.e.
- Fixed ideas i.e.: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated etc. Describe the skin symptoms of Thuja.
Describe the skin symptoms of Thuja.
Skin Symptoms of Thuja
1) Introduction i.e.
- Basically It is the king of anti-sycotic remedies and thus due to the relation of Thuja to the sycosis of Hahnemann; it covers fig-warts, condylomata, wart-like excrescences upon mucus also cutaneous surfaces of the body.
2) Causation i.e.
- Bad effects of vaccination.
- From either suppressed or mal-treated Gonorrhoea.
3) Look-up of the skin i.e.
- Skin looks dirty; in detail unhealthy skin.
- Either Brown or brownish-white spot’s here also there.
4) Warts i.e.
- Fig warts, condylomata also wart like excrescences upon mucous membrane and cutaneous surfaces of the body.
- Warts; large, seedy, pedunculated.
5) Eruptions i.e.
- Only on covered parts.
- "Burns especially after scratching.
6) Fissures i.e.
- Anal fissure, painful to touch.
- Surrounded with either flat warts or by moist, mucous condylomata.
7) Dandruff i.e.
- White scaly, dandruff.
8) Hair i.e.
- Hair dry also falling about.
9) Nails i.e.
- Deformed, brittle.
10) Small-pox i.e.
- Vesicles, in the stage of maturation.
11) Perspiration on skin i.e.
- Only on uncovered parts.
- Sweetish also strong smelling.
- Smelling specifically like honey from genitals.
12) Styes, chalazae i.e.
- Styes also tarsal tumours upon eyelids.
- Chalazae, thick, hard knots, like small condylomata, after Staphysagria has partially ameliorated, but does not cure.
13) Polyps i.e.
- Polypi in ears, pale red, cellular, bleeding easily.
14) Modalities i.e.
- Aggravation especially from heat of bed, from cold.
- Amelioration especially from touch. (Ref. Clarke)
State the mental symptoms of Thuja.
Mental Symptoms of Thuja
1) Introduction i.e.
- Thuja patient has various types of fixed-ideas. those are ‘AS IF’ sensations, as follows:
2) Strange person at his side i.e.
- As if a strange person were at his side.
3) Soul and body i.e.
- As if his soul also body were separated.
4)Hallucination i.e.
- Generally, As if he is under the influence of some superhuman power.
- Furthermore, As if she is delicate and transparent. (Ref. Kent.)
- Besides this, As if she is made up of brittle substances, so will not anybody to approach her.
- Lastly, impulsive woman will not be either touched or approached.
5) Sensation: In scalp i.e.
- Flesh was beaten also scrapped from the bones, especially the scalp feels as if beaten. (Ref Clarke)
6) Sensation in head i.e.
- As if a nail had been driven into the parietal bone.
- As if a convex button were pressed on the head.
7) Sensation in eyes i.e.
- As if fine sands are put on the eyes. (Ref. Dr Clarke)
8) Sensation in ears i.e.
- As if the ears are being stabbed. (Ref. Clarke)
9) Sensation abdomen i.e.
- As if a living animal is moving in the abdomen.
- As if protrudes here also there like the arm of foetus.
10) Sensation in organs i.e.
- As if urine is always trickling in the urethra, especially after urination.
11) Sensation in limbs i.e.
- As if body, especially the limbs were made up of glass also would break easily.
12) Sensations in muscles i.e.
- As is muscle, flesh, were beaten also scrapped from the bones.
13) Music i.e.
- Music is unbearable, it causes sadness, also weeping mood.
State the characteristic symptoms of Thuja occidentalis?
Characteristic Symptoms of Thuja
1) King of the kingdom sycosis i.e.
- The king of anti-sycotic medicines.
- Thuja bears the same relation to the sycosis of Hahnemann, that either Sulphur does to psora or Mercury to syphilis.
2) Constitution i.e.
- Specifically, Adapted to hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl, which is related to sycosis, as effect is to cause.
- Acts well especially in lymphatic temperament, in very fleshy persons dark complexions, also black-hair,
3) Fixed manias i.e.
- Various fixed ideas are present, i.e.
i) Firstly, As if a strange person were at his side.
ii) Secondly, As if soul and body were separated.
iii) Thirdly, As if a living animal were in abdomen etc.
4) Side i.e.: predominancy
- A prominent left sided medicine.
- Most of the complaints are aggravation especially in the left side.
5) Fig warts i.e.
- Fig warts, condylomata and wart-like excrescences upon the mucous membranes also cutaneous surfaces of the entire body i.e.: which is related to sycosis.
6) Bad effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea i.e.
- Due to bad effects of suppressed Gonorrhoea i.e.: articular rheumatism, prostatitis, sycosis, impotency, condylomata also many other constitutional trouble results.
7) Bad effects of vaccination i.e.
- Due to bad effects of vaccination either diarrhoea or skin diseases occurs. i.e.
8) Sweat i.e.
- In general, Sweat only on uncovered parts.
- Or all over, excepting the head.
- Furthermore, Profuse, sour-smelling, foetid sweat, at night.
- Besides this, Perspiration, smelling like honey, on the genitals.
- Either at night or when he sleeps.
- Lastly, Sweat stops when he wakes.(6)