Common names of Wiesbaden:
- Wiesbaden: The standard and most common name.
- Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden: (State Capital Wiesbaden) – Used in official contexts, highlighting its role as the capital of Hesse.
- Stadt Wiesbaden: (City of Wiesbaden) – Used in formal contexts, often by the local government
Wiesbaden is made from spring water , which is rich in many elements. Wiesbaden hold chief rank in medicines for hair loss.
weakness of vision bordering on blindness was cured.
During the menses there is great weakness, also constipation.
Weakness of vision better by persistent nose-bleed.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Inclination to nose-bleed
Nose symptoms marked:
Secretion from nose: watery, tenacious, like is in glass, yellow mucus for four months. Nose-bleed for six weeks, with which weakness of vision, bordering on blindness, disappeared. Inclination to nose-bleed. Frequent itching of nostrils.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Excessive hair loss
Hair: grows much more rapidly than usual, falls out and grows again rapidly, new growth darker, formerly soft, becomes hard and brittle. On scalp: large boils, desquamation, itching, as from vermin, intolerable, incessant.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Desquamation of the scalp thin and in large quantities, not preceded by itching, but accompanied by much perspiration.
Itching on the scalp obliges scratching, with fine desquamation of the skin, after which the itching ceases for a short time. On the eighteenth day the itching on the head was slight, and only while perspiring. Itching on the head, as from vermin, with increased falling of the hair. Incessant itching on the head, scratching relieves for only a short time; the desquamation of white dust-like scales and falling of the hair are very copious (twenty-third day).
[Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.10 By Allen T.F.]
Burning and shooting pain in corns
Effective medicine in corns when there’s burning and shooting pain in corns.
In the bath the skin becomes thick, parchment-like, after a while rough like sand between the fingers, feeling wrinkled. (Parchment-like skin becomes soft.). Cracks. Desquamation. Callosities come off.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Avoids miscarriages
(A woman, married for several years, became pregnant for the first time.) Miscarriage, that had taken place several times, was avoided. Oozing of slimy moisture from the vagina. Menses profuse, like haemorrhage for several days, then scanty, but continued fourteen days. Scanty menses increased. Menses return after climacteric. Menses, usually late, became earlier and more profuse.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Extreimities pain rheumatic
Great weariness of lower limbs, with pain in toes. Cramp in thighs. Rheumatic pain in right thigh for several days, worse walking. Pain in right thigh-bone as if hernia would protrude. Feet: painful and sensitive, burning. Corns become raised, softened, and drop off. Strong odour of sweat on feet.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Nose : watery, tenacious secretions.
Frequent sneezing, secretion of thick mucus. Secretion from nose: watery, tenacious, like is in glass, yellow mucus for four months. Nose-bleed for six weeks, with which weakness of vision, bordering on blindness, disappeared. Inclination to nose-bleed. Frequent itching of nostrils.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Impatient and depressed, without hope.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Anxiety and uneasiness prevent sleep. Great anxiety, with apprehensive solicitude.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Ill-humor (second and following days). Peevish, talks with no one. Disinclination to think.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Restless sleep
Anxious restlessness, sleeplessness, itching and formication over the whole body. Anxious uneasiness as soon as she gets into bed, on account of which she cannot sleep. (Faintness).
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Wiesbaden
Common name:
Aqua Wiesbaden
Habit and habitat / Description:
Habit: The natural state is mineral-rich thermal spring water, emerging from the earth.
Name of prover
Introduction and history:
The healing properties of the Wiesbaden springs have been recognized for centuries, dating back to Roman times. The Romans built bathhouses there, and the area’s reputation as a spa town continued through the Middle Ages and into the modern era.
Parts used:
The natural spring water itself is used.
Source: Authentic water is collected from the Kochbrunnen spring in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Mother Tincture: The water is prepared by making 1x solution.
Potentization: The mother tincture undergoes serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) according to homeopathic pharmacopoeia standards. This creates the various potencies (e.g., 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, etc.). The potentization is carried up by means of dispensing alcohol.
Relation with heat & cold:
Clinical conditions
Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Body, odour of, offensive. Constipation. Corns. Diarrhoea. Ear-wax, excessive. Epistaxis. Glaucoma. Gout. Haemorrhage. Haemorrhoids. Hair, rapid growth of, falling of, grows darker. Hernia, inguinal, femoral. Indigestion. Miscarriage, prevents. Rheumatism. Sterility. Vertigo, caduca. Whitlow.[2]
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Hair , skin, Joints.
Physiological action
The water of Wiesbaden contains many minerals such as:
Sodium Chloride (NaCl): Maintains extracellular fluid volume, osmotic pressure, and plays a role in nerve impulse transmission and muscle function. Topically, can hydrate mucous membranes.
Calcium (Ca2+): Essential for bone formation and strength, muscle contraction (all types), nerve function (neurotransmitter release), and blood clotting.
Magnesium (Mg2+): Promotes muscle relaxation (calcium channel blocker), supports nerve function, acts as an enzyme cofactor in many reactions, and contributes to bone structure.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Wiesbaden
-Delusions he is falling.
-Dreams many. Anxiety of future.
-Tendency to cheerfulness.
-Gestures makes light.
-Thinking aversion to.
-Weeping tendency.[3]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Great weakness during the menses. Great weakness and weariness after a long walk, with need of rest. Feeling of great weakness, with a slight perspiration. Feels very sick, inclined to lie down, but does not. Very easily fatigued by a short walk. Loss of strength, with dullness of the head, after moderate talking. Great weariness. Great weariness after a long walk. No desire to walk, only to ride. Obliged to lie down in the forenoon and afternoon, on account of weariness. Great prostration and inclination to sleep. Uneasiness and sleeplessness. Anxious restlessness, sleeplessness, itching and formication over the whole body.
Vertigo and whirling in the head, with a kind of insensibility, trembling, faintness, spasmodic hiccough, alternations of chills and heat, thirst, hemorrhage while riding in a carriage.Vertigo and whirling in the head, with a kind of insensibility, trembling, faintness, spasmodic hiccough, alternations of chills and heat, thirst, hemorrhage while riding in a carriage
Glistering of the eyes, without clearness; slimy moisture is wiped from them. Copious secretion of mucus on the eyeballs. Frequent secretion of tenacious slimy moisture in the eyes. Discharge of much purulent mucus from the eyes.
Copious secretion of soft earwax. Profuse secretion of earwax. More copious secretion of earwax several times a week, for several weeks. The earwax feels slimy. The earwax became thin, almost fluent.
Frequent sneezing, secretion of think mucus. A watery secretion from the nose, ceases after a few days. Discharge of thin mucus from the nose. Thin watery discharge from the nose, tenacious, like a solution of isinglass. Frequent discharge of yellow mucus from the nose for four months. Increased discharge from the nose. Almost constant discharge from the nose.
The expression is very suffering. Face sunken, emaciated. Redness and heat of the face.
Teeth. The teeth seem too long. Drawing tearing in the teeth, so that he could scarcely eat. Tearing pain in the teeth. Gums. The gum becomes scorbutic after long bathing. Blisters on the gum. Gum loosened and painful, feeling sore while eating. Gums sensitive. Tongue fuzzy, with nauseous, insipid taste. It is white on the edges, brown in the middle, with aversion to water.
Inclination to clear the throat. Swollen cervical glands. Swelling of the glands of the neck and behind the ears. (The previously very large cervical glands become smaller and disappear almost entirely).
Loss of appetite,Eructations, with colic. Tasteless eructations. Eructations always after drinking the water. Distressing eructations. Nausea and Vomiting.
Colic, without subsequent stool. Violent colic. Pains like a cutting in the abdomen and small of the back, with profuse menses; the colic is less on the third day. Dragging from the abdomen half way down the right thigh, at the point where a femoral hernia had protruded, with a sensation as if the hernia would protrude, lasting several days and very distressing.
Rectum & Anus
Hemorrhage from the rectum. Hemorrhoidal flow (curative of abdominal plethora). Burning in the rectum and bowels. Ineffectual desire for stool. Constant desire for stool, with evacuation. While urinating very frequent desire for stool, the evacuation could scarcely be retained. Urging to stool, without an evacuation.
Urinary Organ
Very frequent micturition in a tolerable, quantity, with constant perspiration and scanty stools. The urine flows in a weak stream, with little power and slowly, with a thin liquid stool. Frequent micturition of pale yellow urine, with diarrhoea.
Sexual Organ
Very frequent micturition in a tolerable, quantity, with constant perspiration and scanty stools. The urine flows in a weak stream, with little power and slowly, with a thin liquid stool. Frequent micturition of pale yellow urine, with diarrhoea.
Respiratory System
Cough and Expectoration. Loose cough, in the morning. lumps of mucus. Expectoration of firm mucus. Expectoration of mucus without cough. The expectoration increases from day to day, is not frothy but consists of thin tenacious mucus. The expectoration has a sweetish taste, always occurs after drinking the water, very seldom at other times. Profuse, glutinous, salt expectoration. Profuse secretion from the mucus membranes of the bronchi.
Heart & Pulse
She becomes very weak about the heart. Beat of the heart accelerated, violent. Palpitation. The pulse, on going into the bath slow, became irregular (after three to six minutes), gradually became hard and small; accelerated (after half an hour); soft, constantly 100, with remissions, in the morning (after bathing several weeks). Makes the pulse slower.
Neck & Back
Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck. Drawing in the nape of the neck.
Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck. Drawing in the nape of the neck.
Dust like desquamation of the skin of all parts of the body on rubbing. On scratching the skin desquamates in large quantities. Desquamation first on the feet and back, gradually over the whole body, especially on the scalp.Objective. In the bath the skin became thick, parchment- like, as if swollen, after awhile rough like sand between the fingers, feeling wrinkled. (The skin, hitherto like parchment, becomes soft and perspiring).
Causes sleepiness. Sleepiness after a bath. After a bath sleepiness that could scarcely by repressed; the sleep refreshes him though he is ill-humored all day.
Important characteristic features
Keynotes / Redline
4. SWEAT RELIEVES; also haemorrhage especially from anus or nose.
5. Body and discharges smell like rotten eggs; Sweat smells offensive stains linen brown.
6. Rheumatism passive or atonic gout; gunshot wounds, slow to heal; stiffness caused by old fractures.
7. Falling of hair, alopecia, and the hair grows rapidly and darker. Nails also grow rapidly.
"Rusty Gate" Stiffness/Pain: Pain and stiffness in joints and muscles that are markedly worse on initial motion but improve with continued motion. This is the classic keynote modality and a strong indication for Wiesbaden.
Dry, Itchy Skin with Nail Changes: Dry, cracked skin, often with itching, alongside brittle, ridged, thickened, or discolored nails. This combination of skin and nail symptoms is very characteristic.
Aggravation from External Heat: While continued motion (which generates internal heat) improves the joint pain, external heat sources (hot baths, warm rooms, warm weather) generally worsen the overall condition, including skin symptoms.
Restlessness, Especially of the Legs: An internal restlessness, often worse at night, and particularly noticeable in the legs. This can manifest as a need to constantly move the legs or an inability to keep them still.
Increased perspiration: Especially on hands and legs.
Sense of Smell Acutely Increased: An unusually heightened sense of smell, to the point where ordinary odors may become unbearable or trigger strong reactions. This is not just a general sensitivity, but a marked increase in olfactory acuity.
Nails Grow Rapidly and Become Thick: This is more specific than just "nail changes." The rapid growth combined with thickening is peculiar. It highlights an abnormal growth pattern.
Coryza with Profuse Lachrymation, Without Irritation: A runny nose (coryza) accompanied by excessive tearing (lachrymation), but without the usual burning, stinging, or irritation that typically accompanies tears. This paradoxical lack of irritation with profuse tearing is unusual.
Pain in Left Deltoid, Extending Down Arm: While pain in the deltoid isn’t unique, the specific left-sidedness combined with the radiation down the arm, in the absence of a clear injury, and in the context of the other Wiesbaden symptoms, becomes more peculiar and guiding.
Desire to hold urine: Desire to hold urine for a long time.
Nucleus symptoms
-Very effective remedy to prevent recurrent abortions and miscarriages.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Wiesbaden
Wiesbaden holds therapeutic value primarily for chronic conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, general joint/muscle pain), skin (dry eczema, psoriasis, itching), and nails (brittle, thickened, discolored), particularly when characterized by the "rusty gate" stiffness (worse on initial motion, better with continued motion) and aggravation from external heat. It can also be beneficial for restless legs syndrome and excessive sweating of the hands and feet, if the overall symptom picture aligns. As a constitutional remedy, Wiesbaden addresses underlying imbalances, aiming for gradual, lasting improvement, and is best prescribed based on the totality of symptoms and appropriate potency selection by a qualified homeopath, often complementing conventional care. It also used in cases of coryza and headache.
Modality of Wiesbaden
Heat,motion,before menses,night,change of weather.
Amelioration :
open air , cold, pressure.
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
- Comparison: Compare : Ant-c, Ferr-pic, Jab, Nat-m, Piloc.
Duration of Action:
14-28 days.
[1] Characteristics Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica By Douglass M.E.
[2] Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.
[3] Zomeo
[4] Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.10 By Allen T.F.
Also Search As
Also Search As
Common ways
1.General Search Engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.):
- Keywords: Use a combination of relevant keywords. Examples:
Wiesbaden homeopathy
Wiesbaden homeopathic remedy
Wiesbaden materia medica
Wiesbaden proving
Wiesbaden clinical cases
Wiesbaden arthritis homeopathy
(or substitute other conditions)Wiesbaden Kochbrunnen homeopathy
(using the specific spring name)Wiesb. homeopathy
(using the abbreviation)
2. Dedicated Homeopathic Websites and Databases:
- Homeopathic Materia Medica Websites: Many websites offer online versions of classic homeopathic texts (Materia Medicas). Search within these sites for "Wiesbaden". Examples include:
- Homeopathy Home (homeopathyhome.com): A good starting point with multiple Materia Medicas.
- Hpathy.com: A large homeopathic resource with articles, forums, and Materia Medica information.
- Minimum.com
- Interhomeopathy.org
- Homeopathic Journals (Online Archives): Many homeopathic journals have online archives, although some may require subscriptions. Search within these archives using the keywords above. Examples:
- Homeopathy (the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy – UK)
- The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine
- International Journal of High Dilution Research
- Homeopathic Libraries (Online Catalogs): Some major homeopathic libraries have online catalogs. While you might not be able to access the full text of every article online, you can identify relevant publications.
3.Books (Physical and Digital):
- Classic Homeopathic Texts: Look for Wiesbaden in the index of classic Materia Medicas by authors like:
- William Boericke’s Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
- James Tyler Kent’s Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica
- Constantine Hering’s The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica
- John Henry Clarke’s A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica
- Adolf zur Lippe’s, Keynotes and Redline Symptoms of Materia Medica.
other ways
Using Different Resources:
- General search engines (Google, etc.): Use broad and specific search terms.
- Homeopathic websites (Hpathy.com, HomeopathyHome.com, etc.): Search within their Materia Medica sections.
- Homeopathic software (RadarOpus, Complete Dynamics): Use the powerful search features of these programs.
- Homeopathic books (physical and ebooks): Check the index for "Wiesbaden" or "Wiesb."
A system of medicine based on the principle of "like cures like" (similia similibus curentur). It uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities.
Similia Similibus Curentur:
Latin for "let likes be cured by likes." The core principle of homeopathy: a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a sick person.
Vital Force:
A fundamental concept in homeopathy. It refers to the body’s innate self-healing energy or life force. Disease is seen as a disturbance of the vital force, and remedies aim to restore its balance.
A chronic, underlying predisposition to disease. Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, identified three primary miasms: Psora (the "itch" miasm, associated with deficiency and functional disturbances), Sycosis (associated with excess and overgrowth), and Syphilis (associated with destruction). Wiesbaden has strong connections to Psora and Sycosis.
Totality of Symptoms:
The complete picture of the patient’s illness, including physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, as well as modalities and individual characteristics. Homeopathic prescribing is based on the totality, not just isolated symptoms.
The principle that each patient is unique and requires a remedy that matches their specific symptom picture, not just the general disease diagnosis.
The inherent physical and mental makeup of an individual, including their predispositions to certain types of illnesses. Wiesbaden can be considered a constitutional remedy for some individuals.
Other terminologies :
The remedy name (full or abbreviated).
The specific hot spring source.
Mineral Kingdom:
Classifies the remedy’s origin (mineral water).
Materia Medica:
The book/database where you’d find Wiesbaden‘s symptom profile.
The method used to discover Wiesbaden‘s symptoms.
"Rusty Gate" Stiffness:
Wiesbaden‘s KEY modality: worse on initial motion, better with continued motion.
Aggravations (worsening factors) and Ameliorations (improving factors). Crucial for Wiesbaden: heat aggravation (external), continued motion amelioration.
Keynotes/Guiding Symptoms:
The most important, characteristic symptoms of Wiesbaden (e.g., skin/nail issues, restlessness).
PQRS Symptoms:
Peculiar, Queer, Rare, and Strange symptoms; highly individualizing.
The dilution level (e.g., 6C, 30C, 200C).
Rheumatic/Arthritic Diathesis:
A predisposition to joint/muscle problems; Wiesbaden‘s primary therapeutic area.
Sycotic Miasm:
A chronic disease tendency (overgrowth, chronic inflammation) associated with Wiesbaden.
Psoric Miasm:
Another chronic disease tendency (itching, dryness) linked to Wiesbaden.
Totality of Symptoms:
The complete picture of the patient’s symptoms, needed for correct prescribing.
The most similar remedy to the patient’s totality of symptoms. The ideal remedy.
Vital force:
Body’s self healing capacity.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
what are the prominent use of Wiesbaden ?
Wiesbaden is primarily known for addressing hair loss by potentially strengthening hair roots and promoting growth. Additionally, it may help with skin conditions like eczema and itching, and some practitioners suggest it for eye and oral health.
Is it safe to use Wiesbaden internally?
Generally, Wiesbaden is considered safe for internal use as it’s a highly diluted homeopathic preparation. However, it’s always recommended to consult a homeopathic practitioner before taking any remedy, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
Can Wiesbaden help in skin diseases ?
Wiesbaden may be beneficial for certain skin diseases, particularly those characterized by dryness, itching, and eruptions.
Is it advisable to apply in hair ?
While Wiesbaden is primarily taken orally, some homeopaths might suggest topical applications in specific cases. Always follow the advice of your homeopathic practitioner regarding the method of application.
What are other medicines important for hair loss ?
Other medicines
Alongside Wiesbaden, other homeopathic remedies like Jaborandi, Lycopodium, and Phosphorus are frequently used to address hair loss, each targeting specific causes and symptoms. It’s crucial to consult a homeopath for proper assessment and prescription.