Belladonna has many names! Here’s a breakdown of some common and interesting ones:
Common Names:
- Deadly Nightshade: This is the most widely recognized common name, highlighting the plant’s poisonous nature.
- Devil’s Berries: Another name emphasizing its toxicity.
- Belladonna Lily: Refers to the attractive flowers of the plant.
- Wooly Nightshade: Describes the plant’s fuzzy leaves and stems.
Less Common Names:
- Dwale: An old English term for a hallucinogenic or narcotic substance.
- Banewort: An old name meaning "death plant."
- Herb of Fury: Refers to the plant’s potential psychoactive effects.
- Fair Ladies’ Bane: This name alludes to the use of belladonna to dilate pupils for cosmetic purposes, a potentially dangerous practice.
Scientific Name:
- Atropa belladonna: This is the official scientific classification for the plant.
Choosing the Right Name:
- Formal Context: Use "Atropa belladonna" in scientific discussions.
- Informal Context: "Belladonna" or "Deadly Nightshade" are clear choices.
- Historical Context: "Dwale" or "Banewort" might be appropriate for historical writing.
Important Note:
- Regardless of the name used, remember that Belladonna is a highly poisonous plant. Never ingest it or use it without professional medical guidance.
In our Bell. pt. we find various forms of strange delusion, illusion and hallucination.
Master Kent said, those are delightful to study but dreadful to look upon.
Throughout the acute mania and throughout the delirious state, all the manifestations partake of violence.
Pt. imagines that he sees ghost, hideous faces, various insects (Ars., Bell., Lac C., Stramo.); dogs (Bell., Aeth., Calc.C.Stramo.); wolves (Bell., Stramo.); Phantoms (Bell., Lach., Apis., Arg N., Ars., C.V., Hep., Hyos., Lyco., Merc., Nat Mur., Phos., Thuja.)
Master Kent
in his Repertory classed Belladonna in first grade in the sub rubric that delusion on closing the eyes (Bell., Calc C., Arg N., Bry., Op., Tarent.)
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, when closing the eyes even before he has fallen asleep, he sees fierce wicked- looking large animals with horns and bushy heads.
Excessive Oversensitive
Classic picture given by tiger prescriber Tyler Kent, -a state of hyperaesthesia, said to be the increased irritability of the nerve centres.
This develops a state of increased ability to taste, to smell, to feel excitability of the sensorium.
Sensitive to impression.
Note: We may interpret that as Dr. N. M. Chowdhury calls it prince of our congestion remedies, thus this congestion often characterizes the hyperaesthesia, hence we recognise our Belladonna pt. instantly we enter the sick-room, we find the doors and windows closed, room is perfectly dark and quiet.
Liquid abhorrence
Abhorrence to liquids is another distinguishing feature.
Liquid poured out makes the pt. furious. (Ref. Das Gupta’s Materia Medica).
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said the maniacal disposition are often seen in hydrophobia and on such Indications Bell, has been known to have made miracles.
Master Kent said Bell. is full of imagination different types of strange imaginations may intermingle with delusions.
Sees things on fire, apparently in a dream and he screams out.
Fear of Imaginary things and wants to run away.
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said he fears imaginary things and wants to run away from them, hence this desire to escape and hide is a characteristic feature.
Rage and anger
Dr. Kent said, Bell. pt. in the most acute state must be watched, controlled, handled and sometimes tied.
In the text it describes these states as rage and fury.
He wants to do violence.
Inclination to suicide
Dr. John Henry Clarke said pt. desires to die, ill-humour, irritable, inclination to suicide.
Master Kent in his Repertory kept Bell. in sub-rubric – suicidal disposition by drowning (Bell., Dros., Hell. , Hyos., Lach., Puls., Rhus Tox., Sil.).
Disposition of suicide by throwing himself from a height (Aur., Arg N., Bella., N.V.)
Un-natural Mania
In Bell, we find violent maniacal disposition.
Master Kent classically giving the picture- bite wooden spoon into two, gnawed plate, growled and barked like a dog.
The boy violently sick, ran around the room laughing immoderately an extreme laughter.
piece of bread, which he took to be a stone, he threw far from him.
He is wild, – a wild state. Striking, biting, tearing things, -doing unusual, strange, un-expected things. He is in a state of excitability.
will do all sorts of violent things-destructiveness.
He has to be restrained, put in a strait-jacket.
All sorts of delusions and hallucinations are mingled with the acute mania.
Dr. John Henry Clarke said mania with disposition to dance, to laugh, to sing, to whistle.
Dr. Talcott said in this maniacal state pt. is in merry (Hyos.)
These symptoms often occur with cerebral-congestion.
Dr. Lent said this maniacal state is associated with scarlet fever and with cerebrospinal meningitis.
Maniacal delirium
Our Belladonna has been classed amongst Nash’s trio of delirious remedies (other two, Hyos. and Stramo.)
Dr. Kent said, in the delirium Bell. wants to jump out of the window, wants to run, wants to get away from his attendants.
Dr. Clarke reported nocturnal delirium, during which pt. sees wolves, dogs, fire etc. Delirium by fits and sometimes with fixedness of look.
Note 1: In this stage it is characterized by red face, hot skin, and the pt. at times says that he burns all over, or that the head burns and the head is very hot. During all this time the feet are cold, head hot, feet cold or feet and hands cold as ice. It seems that all the blood is being hurried to the head.
Note 2: Dr. E. B. Nash said no remedy has more persistently violent delirium than Belladona.
Note 3: Dr. Talcott said pt. may pass into a mad and dazed condition, the pupils remain widely dilated (by stimulation of the sympathetic; – in Physostigma pupil contracts by stimulation of 3rd cranial nerve; and in Gelsemium pupil dilates by paralysing the 3rd cranial nerve).
Aggravation at night, from summer sun.
Amelioration by rest.
Note 1: These mental symptoms that come on during fevers, the delirium and excitement are very commonly > by eating a little light food.
Note 2: Master Kent warned us to remember the violence with it, if you go to the bed side, keep in mind the heat, redness and burning. [1]
Congestion is the keynote of Belladonna.
Dr. Cowperthwaite said, Bell. is esp. useful in congestive type of diseases.
In consequence of this congestion, we find rush of blood to head and face (Amyl. Nit., Glon., Lach.); – with flushed face, throbbing of brain and carotids.
Master Kent in his Repertory graded Bell¹. with China., Glon., Lach., Lyco., Sang Can., Sil., Sulph., under the sub rubric-‘throbbing of head’.
Throbbing seems to be in brain, Bell., China., Lyco..
Throbbing ends in shooting, Bell.; throbbing on stooping Bell.
As a result of severe inflammatory process which when tends to localize, as Dr. Nash said, Belladonna in the first stage becomes the leading remedy.
In consequence of this there are red inflamed areas either localized in parts or a general redness- reminds us to think of Belladonna, the drug of choice.
Master Kent said, the skin is very red, as the inflammation advances, grow dusky, but the first representation of Bell. is bright red and the skin is shiny.
The mucous membrane is inflamed and red, the throat is red as scarlet, – thus it runs all through the remedy.
As a result of inflammatory reaction heat is produced and Bell. rescues such cases.
Skin is hot, imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.
Dr. Harvey Farrington said in febrile condition, fever sometimes runs high up to 105°C- 106°C, such a heat is produced by our Bell.
Master Kent said amongst the earliest conditions to examine is the heat.
The inflammations are always attended by violent heat.
Burning is another denoting feature of our Bell.
Master Kent said, "intense burning, the burning in the throat with Bell., – sore throat is like a coal of fire." Burning like fire.
The skin burns – Master Kent masterly depicted the picture -Pt. says ‘it burns so, doctor, it burns so’.
Dryness is a characteristic feature – dryness of mucous membrane of mouth, dryness in everywhere, characterizes Bell.
It is one of our leading pain remedies.
The characteristic feature is pain comes suddenly, lasts indefinitely and ceases suddenly (Mag. Phos.) (-appear suddenly, leave gradually, Puls; -pains increase gradually to the highest point and decrease gradually, Platina, Stannum).
Pains usually in short attacks, causes redness of face and eyes, fullness of head and throbbing of carotids.
Dr. Clarke said, pains of Bell. run downwards i.e., away from the head (-Sil. and Gels. have a pain running up the back) (Ref. Clarke).
Dr. John Henry Clarke said it is a medicine which has great general sensitiveness, and also sensitiveness of the special senses – sensitive to light, to motion, to jars-when someone touches the bed.
Master Kent explained it as nervous hyperaesthesia.
Sleepy but cannot sleep
Our Bell. is sleepy but cannot sleep (Caust., Chamo., Stramo., Opium).
Master Kent said, restless sleep; starts in a sleep as if frightened. [1]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Belladonna
Common name:
- Atropa belladonna, Deadly nightshade. [5]
- Common Dwale [5]
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Solanaceae family
- Vegetable Kingdom [5]
Habit and habitat / Description:
- Belladonna plant is found in central and southern Europe, specially Greece, Italy and Britain. Also cultivated in Kashmir. This plant grows in shady places.
- It is a large bushy, perennial herb.
- The leaves are alternate below and in pairs above, one bigger than the other
- The flowers are axillary, stalked, solitary and drooping.
- Stem is 1 to 1.6 metres high.
- It is erect, cylindrical and smooth.
- Flowers are reddish-purple in colour; flowers are bell shaped and appear from May to August.
- The roots are thick, juicy and pale brown in colour. [5]
Name of prover:
- Dr. Samuel Hahnemann [1]
Introduction and history:
- Belladonna is a well-known homeopathic polychrest acute remedy.
- It is known to the world since 1500 AD.
- The word ‘atropa’ is derived from a Greek word ‘atropos’ meaning inflexible, the name of the Greek god who cuts the thread of life and probably alludes to the poisonous effects of the drug.
- The word ‘belladonna’ is a combination of two Latin words ‘bella’ and ‘donna’.
- ‘Bella’ means beautiful and ‘donna’ means lady that is, beautiful lady.
- The Italian ladies of olden days used this plant as a cosmetic to brighten their eyes and flush their cheeks due to its alkaloidal properties.
- Its mydriatic properties were first recorded in 1802.
- The analgesic property was not recognized till 1860.
- Dr Hahnemann introduced this drug to homeopathic practice. It causes turmoil in the brain.[5]
Parts used:
- The whole plant when it begins to flower is used in the preparation of the mother tincture. [5]
Active principles:
- The active principles are atropine and hyoscyamine.
- The other less important being belladonnine, scopolamine and apoatropine.
- The leaves also contain a fluorescent substance, beta methyl aesculetin. [5]
HOMEO., Mother tincture from the entire fresh plant; and dilutions. U. S.P. Belladonna Folia, Belladonna Radix, and the Fluidextract of both of these.[3]
Constitution of Belladonna
Belladonna is best suited to those having a lymphatic constitution with fine complexion and a delicate skin. Bilious plethoric people with a red face; local plethora.
Physical make up :
- Red face, with throbbing of carotids
Temperament :
- Nervous, lymphatic and bilious
Diathesis :
- Tubercular
Relation with heat & cold :
- Very chilly patient
Miasm :
- Psora
Clinical conditions of Belladonna
In Homeopathy Belladonna medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Abscess, Boil: It is indicated when the abscess or boil has a red tip
- Epistaxis: Epistaxis or Bleeding from the nose. Even a small injury in the Little’s area can cause bleeding. Bright red bleeding comes under control with Belladonna 30, 2 pills 4 times a day.
- Fever, Convulsions: High fever with convulsion of children. One dose of Belladonna 1M cures the same day
- Tonsillitis: Right-sided tonsillitis where the tonsils appear fiery red, with sudden shooting of temperature and red lips, Belladonna 30 works wonderfully
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Brain, nerve centers, mucous membranes, blood vessels, glands, eyes, right side, throat, tonsils, heart, cardiovascular system, etc. [5]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Yet Master Kent said plethoric, vigorous, intellectual or brainy people have complaints suddenly. [1]
- Exposure to sun, heat of sun, from suppression of catarrhal flow, riding in cold wind, cold bathing, from a haircut, etc. [5]
Physiological action
- C. N. S.: Motor and sensory paralysis.
- Circulation: Stimulates the cardio-inhibitory centers Contracts the capillaries.
- Temperature: Elevated from one to three degrees.
- Pneumogastric Nerve: Respiratory center stimulates.
- Muscles of hollow viscera: Paralysis.
- Kidneys: Congestion.
- Urinary bladder: Sphincter paralysed.
- Generative organs: Congestion, Arrested secretion.
- Glands: Inflammation, Arrested secretion.
- Skin: Erysipelatous inflammation, Copious perspiration.
- Eye: Inflammation, Mydriasis.
- Mucous membranes: Secretions entirely arrested. [1]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- Acts through the cerebrospinal nervous system upon the circulation, respiratory and nervous systems, producing, intense cerebral and nervous excitement, redness and congestion of the skin, throbbing carotids, headache and delirium. [4]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Belladonna
- It is one of Nash’s Trios of Delirious remedies; violent delirium, disposition to bite, spit, strike and tear things.
- Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces, various insects and black animals, like wolves, dogs, wild animal, etc.
- Excitement and violence run through the remedy.
- Furious rage, anger, loud laughing and grinding of teeth.
- There is complete loss of consciousness, constant desire to come out of bed.
- Anxiety with a desire to flee.
- of imaginary things, wants to run away from them.
- Desire to escape or to hide; uses absurd languages.
- Great excitement, delirium with picking at the bed-clothes and tearing or throwing them off.
- Great fear of unusual and imaginary things, strange delusion with loss of consciousness.
- and forgetful, impaired memory, forgets in a moment what he was about to do.
- At one time merry, again sad. Would spit and bite at those around. Thinks himself suddenly rich. [5]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Belladonna
1 Generalities of Belladonna
- There is severe chill in the evening mostly on arms with heat of head. [1]
Spheres of Action
- Belladonna acts upon nerve centres producing twitching, convulsions and pain.
- Its action upon the brain causes furious excitement and perversion of special senses.
- Circulation in blood vessels and capillaries becomes active causing congestion, throbbing, and dilatation of arteries.
- Mucous membranes become dry.
- Its effects are sudden and violent.
Burning Heat, Bright Redness and Dryness are very marked.
- HOT; body, part, discharges etc.
- Redness occurs, in streaks.
- Severe Neuralgic Pain, that comes and goes suddenly.
- Discharges are hot and scanty.
- Spasms; Shocks; Jerks and Twitching.
- Constrictions occur in parts of the body like throat, vagina etc. or in whole body.
- Epileptic attacks are followed by nausea and vomiting.
- Convulsions commence in the arm.
- Spasms are followed by prolonged unconsciousness.
- Throws body forwards and backwards; chorea.
- Acts as a prophylactic in scarlet fever.
- Exophthalmic goitre, with extreme thyroid toxaemia. [6]
2 Head of Belladonna
- Headache, relieved by wrapping up the head, and by pressure. [1]
- Throbbing, Hammering, Headache worse temples, worse motion.
- Better letting hair down; laying the hand on head; bending head backwards.
- Feeling in the brain like swashing of water.
- It rises and falls in waves.
- Cold sensation in head at the middle of the forehead.
- Vertigo worse stooping and rising from stooping.
- Hydrocephalus, with boring of head in the pillows.
- Hairs split, are dry and come out.
- Rolls head. Pulls her hair. Meningitis.
- Sunstroke.
- Pains go downward from head.
- Head sensitive to drafts and cold, or washing hair. [6]
3 Eye of Belladonna
- Pupils Dilated.
- Eyes, sparkling, prominent, staring. Red conjunctiva.
- Fiery, red, vivid hallucinations; even on closing the eyes.
- Attacks of blindness, then yellow vision.
- Sees red flashes before vision.[6]
- Photophobia.
- Diplopia.
- Triplopia.
- Moon light blindness.
- Sensation as if eyes were half closed.
- Eyelids; feel sore, congested and swollen.
- Exophthalmos.
- Lachrymation like brine.
- Lines appear crooked when reading [7]
4 Ears of Belladonna
- Pain causes delirium; child cries out in sleep.
- Otitis media.
- Autophony
- Hearing one’s voice in the ear.
- Haematoma.
- Noises in ears.[7]
5 Nose of Belladonna
- Red; swollen.
- Imaginary odours; odour of tobacco intolerable.
- Bleeding from nose, with flushed face [7]
6 Face of Belladonna
- Fiery; RED; turgid and hot; or becomes pale and red alternately.
- Semi lateral swelling of the face.
- Spasmodic distortion of mouth.
- Convulsive motions of muscles of face.
- Facial neuralgia, with twitching of muscles and flushed face.
- Lower jaw, as if drawn backwards. [6]
7 Mouth of Belladonna
- DRY., HOT., Tongue; red, hot, swollen.
- Edges of tongue red.
- Strawberry tongue.
- Red streak in middle of tongue, wider at tip.
- Grinding of the teeth.
- Tongue hands out of the mouth (children).
- Forepart of the tongue cold and dry.
- Toothache amel. biting.
- Chewing motions of the mouth as though chewing or sucking.
- Stammering speech.
- Lock-jaw.
- Hot breath.[7]
8 Throat of Belladonna
- DRY and HOT.
- Tonsils enlarged.
- Tonsillitis worse right side.
- Urging to swallow, with choking.
- Throat feels constricted.
- Swallowing difficult; Drinks in sips
- Must take a drink to swallow solid food.
- When swallowing, bends head forward and lifts up knees.
- Clutches at, during epilepsy.[6]
9 Stomach of Belladonna
- Desire for lemonade or lemons (which agree).
- Distaste for meat, acids, coffee, milk, beer.
- Vomits everything, with paleness and weakness.
- Great thirst for cold water.
- Dread of drinking.
- Spasmodic hiccough, with sweat and convulsions.
- Pain in stomach extending to shoulder and throat agg. pressure.[7]
10 Abdomen of Belladonna
- Pressing downwards as if the contents of abdomen would issue from the vulva. Relieved by standing & sitting erect. [1]
- Distended, hot agg. touch of bedclothes.
- Cutting pain in epigastrium amel. bending backwards.
- Transverse colon distends and protrudes, like a pad, during abdominal colic.
- Cramp and colic, as if a hand has clutched some part. – Acute pain in liver region, extending to shoulder and neck agg. lying on it.
- Clawing pain around the navel.
- Downward forcing in abdomen as if all the viscera would protrude through genitals.
- Acute prolapsus ani.
- green, dysenteric or contain chalky lumps.
- Involuntary stools.
- Piles, with back pain as if breaking.
- Pain in splenic region agg. sneezing, coughing, touch. [7]
11 Rectum & Anus of Belladonna
- Tenesmus; constant straining, alternating with painful contractions of anus.
- Constipation. [8]
12 Stool of Belladonna
- Stool sometimes bloody.
- Diarrhoea, greenish, sometimes involuntary. [8]
13 Urinary Organ of Belladonna
- Involuntary urination, on lying down; or when standing, or at night; when sleepy, during day. Retention of urine; with paralysis of bladder; post-partum.
- Fiery red urine; frequent and profuse urination.
- Haematuria without pathological conditions.
- Sensation in bladder as if a worm were turning in, without desire to micturate. [7]
14 Sexual Organ of Belladonna
- Testicles; hard, drawn up, inflamed.
- Sweat on genitals.
- Soft painless tumour on glans.
- Menses; bright, red, with clots, too early, too profuse, hot, gushing, offensive.
- Metritis.
- Rigidity of the os.
- Violent bearing down towards genitals, as if everything would fall out, amel. standing and sitting erect agg. lying down.
- Mastitis: pain throbbing, redness, streaks radiate from the nipples.
- Breast; heavy, hard and red.
- Lochia; diminished, hot offensive.
- Useful in confinement of women who have their children late in life.
- Leucorrhoea, with colic.
- Labour pains come and go suddenly; or ceasing [7]
15 Respiratory System of Belladonna
- Attack of cough ends in sneezing. [1]
- Tickling, short, dry cough worse night.
- Larynx very painful, feels as if foreign body were in it, with cough.
- Cough worse fine dust in air.
- Child cries before cough.
- Cough worse yawning.
- High piping voice.
- Barking cough or voice.
- Whooping cough, with pain in stomach before attack; with haemoptysis.
- Cheyne‐Stokes respiration.
- Moaning at every breath. Difficult, short quick respiration.
- Asthma in hot damp weather. [6]
16 Heart & Pulse of Belladonna
- Throbbing in carotid and temporal arteries.
- Pulse full, hard, tense. Violent palpitation, with laboured breathing.
- Bubbling at the region of the heart. [6]
17 Neck & Back of Belladonna
- Stiff neck and shoulder (right).
- Swelling of glands in the nape of the neck.
- Back feels broken.
- Lumbago, with pain in hips and thighs.
18 Extremities of Belladonna
- Pains relieved by lying on painful side; and by absolute rest. [1]
- Jerks or spasms in limbs.
- Joints, swollen, red, shining; with red streaks radiating.
- Heaviness and paralytic feeling in limbs.
- Cold extremities.
- Involuntary limping.
- Phlegmasia alba dolens.
- Trembling of limbs.
- Weakness and tottering gait.
- Lies or sits with feet crossed, cannot uncross them. [7]
19 Skin
- Bright, Red, glossy.
- Dry and hot.
- Alternate paleness and redness of skin.
- Intense dermatitis.
- Scarlatina.
- Erysipelas.
- Boils, returning every spring.
20 Sleep of Belladonna
- Sleepy but cannot sleep. [1]
- Moans and tosses about in sleep.
- Jerks During Sleep.
- Frightful dreams of quarrels, fire, robbers, assassins.
- Sees frightful visions on closing eyes.
- Sleeps with hands under the head.
- Heavy sleep with hot skin [7]
21 Fever
Important characteristic features of Belladonna
- It is a very useful remedy for fever.
- Fever is due to exposure to cold winds, draught of air, summer, by uncovering the head, from a haircut. Fever starts with severe chill in the evening.
- Symptoms come suddenly and violently.
- Chill and heat often alternate. Extremities are usually cold, sudden rise of temperature with violent delirium, headache, throbbing carotids with a red face and increased pulse.
- Generally, dryness of the mouth but there is no thirst.
- Chill not relieved by heat. Temperature rises at 3 pm.
- Eyes red and glistening, skin is hot and burning.
- The fever is worse at night.
- Along with delirium there is confusion of mind, anxiety with furious and violent mania, convulsions in teething children with high fever.
- Restlessness in sleep. Patient is sleepy but cannot sleep. [5]
- Belladonna is the first remedy that comes to mind in headache.
- Headache is due to a haircut, exposure to cold, by the heat of the sun, from suppression of catarrhal flow and congestion.
- Headache starts suddenly and violently on the right side in the region of the forehead.
- Headache is periodical, nervous and congestive.
- Throbbing pain in the brain.
- Jerking headache as if a weight were in the occiput.
- Violent shooting pains in the head driving the patient almost wild.
- There is aggravation from bending the head forward.
- with falling to the left side or backwards.
- Pain worse from light, noise, jar, lying down and in the afternoon, better by pressure and in semierect position; boring of head into the pillow.
- Redness of face and eyes with burning due to congestion. [5]
- It stands at the head of the list of remedies in tonsillitis or quinsy.
- There is redness and inflammation of the throat.
- Swelling starts from the right tonsil and then goes to the left side.
- There is difficulty in swallowing fluids when the patient attempts to drink; the moment water touches the faces, it is ejected; the tonsils rapidly suppurate and sharp pains shoot through to the tonsils.
- There is also high temperature and restless sleep.
- Glands of the neck externally involved.
- They become hard and very sensitive.
- Mouth and throat are dry without thirst.
- Uvula is red, swollen, very painful with burning.
- Constant urging and desire to swallow.
- Sensation of a lump in the throat. Hypertrophy of mucous membranes. [5]
Violent congestion and inflammation:
- Congestion of the brain and meninges, indicated by violent headache, pressure and delirium together with a flushed face, throbbing carotids and bounding pulse.
- Bounding pulse is the chief characteristic symptom.
- In all local congestions and inflammations, as they are about to localize, or after localization has taken place; Belladonna works before pus is formed.
- It is an excellent remedy in the first stage of boils and abscesses, and will often promote resolution and prevent suppuration.[5]
Keynotes / Physical particular:
- Sudden violent onset.
- Red face, with throbbing of carotids.
- Violent delirium, wants to bite, spit, strike, tear things.
- Sleepy but cannot sleep.
- Pains come suddenly go suddenly.
- The transverse colon protrudes like a pad.
- Sudden violent onset of conditions.
- Bright redness, burning heat, dryness.
- Congestion of face with throbbing carotids.
- Pains are throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting.
- Sensitive to light, noise, jarring.
- Generally, < 3 p.m.
- Condition associated with violent delirium.
Nucleus symptoms:
- Useful in all forms of disorders which are congestive, intense, often characterized by throbbing pains or pulsation.
- Women and children with light hair, blue eyes, fine complexion, delicate skin, sensitive, nervous, threatened, with convulsions, tuberculous patient.
- Intelligent, plethoric persons, who are jovial and entertaining when well, but violent and delirious when sick.
- He is acutely alive and crazed by a flood of subjective visual impressions and fantastic illusions.
- Hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, pulse full, bounding, globular, like buckshot striking the finger, excited mental state, hyperaesthesia of all senses, delirium, restless sleep, convulsive movements, dryness of mouth, throat, with aversion to water, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly.
- Headache, relieved by wrapping up the head & pressure.
- Pains relieved by lying on painful side and rest.
- The patient is not thirsty, esp. in fever.
- Attack of cough ends in sneezing.
- Severe chill in the evening on arms with heat of head.
- Sleepy but Cannot Sleep
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Belladonna
- Abdominal affections, Abscesses, Aphonia, Apoplexy, Appendicitis, Boils, Carbuncles, Conjunctivitis, Convulsions, Cough, Delirium, Diphtheria, Disorders of pregnancy.
- Dysentery, Eclampsia, Encephalitis, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, Facial paralysis, Fever, Gall stone colic, Glandular affections, Haemorrhage, Headache, Heart troubles, Hyperaemia, Insomnia, Jaundice, Laryngitis, Loss of voice, Lung affections.
- Measles, Meningitis, Menstrual disorders, Myelitis, Nocturnal enuresis, Otitis media, Plague, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Scarlet fever, Septicaemia, Skin affections, Spasms, Tonsillitis, Vertigo, Whooping cough, etc. [5]
Modalities of Belladonna
- From cold winds, heat of sun, draft of air, light, noise, touch, motion, strong smell, uncovering the head, lying on painful side, after 3 pm, after midnight, bending the head forward, stooping, looking at bright shining objects, while drinking, etc.
- From standing or sitting erect, rest, in a warm room, covering the head, etc. [5]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Belladonna
- Calc.
Follows Well
- Ac.mur, Acon, Ars, Cact, Calc, Cham, Carb-v, Chin, Con, Curare, Hep, Hyos, Lach, Merc, Mosch, Merc-i-r, Nux, Puls, Rhus, Sep, Sil, Stramo, Sulph, Seneg, Valer, Verat.
- Dulc, Acet-ac
Antidoted By
- Acon, Camph, Coff, Hep, Hyos, Merc, Op, Puls, Sabad, Vinum.
It Antidotes
- Camph, Coff, Hep, Hyos, Op, Puls, Sabad.
- Sleepy but cannot sleep: Bell, Cham, Op.
- Aggravation by a haircut: Bell, Glon, Acon.
- Aggravation by bending forward: Bell, Nux-v, Kalm [5]
Dosage of Belladonna
Potency & Repetition
- First to thirtieth potency and higher. Must be repeated frequently in acute diseases. [2]
Duration of action
- 1 to 7 days
References of Belladonna
[1] Synoptic Memorizer Materia Medica
[2] Materia Medica by Boericke W.
[3]A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology by Blackwood, Alexander Leslie
[4] Homoeopathic Materia Medica for Nurses with Introductory Chapters on The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy – 2 By Benjamin C
[5] J.D. Patil Materia Medica
[6] PHATAK S. R., Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines
[7] MM of Homeopathy Medicine by Pathak
[8] A Primer of Materia Medica by T. F. Allen.
General Homeopathic Terms:
- Polychrest: A remedy with a wide range of applications for various ailments.
- Mother Tincture: The original, undiluted preparation of a homeopathic remedy made from the source material (in this case, the whole Belladonna plant).
- Potency: The number of times a homeopathic remedy has been diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously), indicating its strength.
- Repertory: A reference book used by homeopaths to match symptoms with potential remedies.
- Keynote: A characteristic symptom or group of symptoms that strongly indicates a particular remedy.
- Aggravation/Amelioration: Factors that worsen or improve symptoms, respectively.
- Modality: The specific circumstances or conditions that influence the severity of symptoms.
Belladonna-Specific Terms:
- Atropa Belladonna: The scientific name of the plant.
- Deadly Nightshade: The common name, emphasizing its poisonous nature.
- Hyoscyamine/Atropine: The main active ingredients in Belladonna, responsible for its medicinal properties.
- Delirium: A state of mental confusion and agitation, a key symptom of Belladonna poisoning.
- Congestion: Increased blood flow to a particular area, often seen in Belladonna cases.
- Throbbing: A pulsating sensation, often associated with Belladonna’s congestive action.
- Hyperaesthesia: Increased sensitivity to stimuli like light, touch, or noise.
- Hydrophobia: Fear of water, a potential symptom in Belladonna cases.
Medical Terms:
- Mydriasis: Dilation of the pupils.
- CNS: Central nervous system.
- Pneumogastric Nerve: The vagus nerve, which controls various bodily functions.
- Erysipelas: A type of skin infection.
- Exophthalmos: Protrusion of the eyeballs.
- Hematuria: Blood in the urine.
- Metritis: Inflammation of the uterus.
- Mastitis: Inflammation of the breast.
- Lumbago: Pain in the lower back.
Also Search As
Also Search As
Online Search Engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo):
- "Belladonna homeopathy"
- "Belladonna uses in homeopathy"
- "Belladonna Materia Medica"
- "Homeopathic remedy Belladonna"
- "Deadly Nightshade homeopathic use"
Specific Symptoms: If they are looking for information on specific ailments Belladonna is used for, they could search for:
- "Belladonna for fever"
- "Belladonna for tonsillitis"
- "Homeopathy for delirium" (as Belladonna is often used for this)
Homeopathic Resources:
- Homeopathic Websites and Forums: Many websites dedicated to homeopathy have materia medica sections or articles about specific remedies. Searching within these sites using "Belladonna" as a keyword is likely to yield results.
- Homeopathic Repertories: These are reference books used by homeopaths to match symptoms with remedies. Searching for "Belladonna" in a repertory (online or physical) will show the conditions it’s often prescribed for.
Social Media:
- Hashtags: Searching for hashtags like #homeopathy, #Belladonna, or #MateriaMedica on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can lead to relevant discussions and articles.
- Homeopathic Groups/Pages: Following homeopathic practitioners or organizations on social media can provide access to shared articles and information.
Additional Tips:
- If they recall anything specific: If the searcher remembers a phrase or unique term from your article (like "CRHBDPS" mnemonic), including that in the search could help.
- Consider synonyms: Searching for "Deadly Nightshade" or "Atropa Belladonna" could also bring up relevant results.
Other Ways:
1. Directly on the Website/Platform:
- Site Search Bar: If the website has one, typing "Belladonna" should bring the article up, especially if the site’s search function is effective.
- Navigation: If the site has categories (like "Materia Medica" or "Remedies"), users might browse there.
2. Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.):
- Keywords: People could search for:
- "Belladonna homeopathy"
- "Belladonna remedy uses"
- "Deadly Nightshade homeopathic"
- Specific symptoms mentioned in the article (e.g., "Belladonna for high fever")
- If your article is SEO-optimized: It may rank high for these terms, making it easy to find.
3. Within the Article Itself:
- "Also Search As" section (if present): This would explicitly list alternative search phrases.
- Table of Contents: Users can quickly see if the article covers their specific interest (e.g., "Mental Symptoms," "Dosage," etc.).
4. Other Channels:
- Social Media: If the article is shared on the platform’s social media pages, users might find it via those links.
- Homeopathic Communities: Online forums, Facebook groups, etc., dedicated to homeopathy are places where people might discuss remedies like Belladonna, potentially linking to your article.
5. Directly via URL:
- If someone already knows the exact web address (URL) of your article, they can simply type it into their browser.
Factors Affecting Findability:
- SEO: How well the article and hosting website are optimized for search engines is crucial.
- Website Structure: A clear, organized website makes it easier for users to find content.
- Promotion: Sharing the article on relevant platforms (social media, homeopathic forums) increases its reach.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Describe the pain of Belladonna.
Onset: –
- Sudden.
- Short or long lasting. Pain usually in short attacks, but may also last for indefinite period.
Character of pain:
- Pains come suddenly, lasts indefinitely and ceases suddenly.
- Pain runs from above downwards.
- Pains lightning like incoming and going (Mag. phos.).
- Pains are terrible, comes suddenly, last a short time, disappear suddenly
- Pains: appear and disappear suddenly (Kall bich. Ign., Eup. perf., Mag. phos.).
Modalities: –
- Agg: from touch; from motion.
- Amel: from standing or sitting erect.
- i) Pain causes redness of face and eyes.
- ii) Fullness of head and throbbings of carotids.
What is the keynote of Bell.?
Keynote of Bell. is congestion.
Name five right-sided medicines.
Right sided medicines
- Ammon. carb
- Apis mel
- Belladonna
- Bryonia
- Lycopodium.
- Others: Causticum, Podophyllum, Rhus tox
What is the diathesis of Bell?
Tubercular diathesis (Calc. carb., Phosphorus).
How symptoms of Bell develops?
It develops suddenly and violently. Thus, it is an acute drug (Aconite; – slow & Insidious, Bry., Gels.).
Mention five medicines for extreme sensitiveness to touch.
Medicines for sensitiveness to touch
- Apis mel
- Sulphur
- Lachesis
- Bell
- Calc. carb.
- (Note: Ref. Bovista chapter of Allen’s key notes).
Write three medicines for fine complexion.
- Belladonna.
- Phosphorus
- Pulsatilla.
State three medicines where patients are prone to brain trouble.
- Belladonna.
- Calc. carb.
- Helleborus.
Mention two medicines for hasty eating or drinking.
- Belladonna.
- Hepar sulph.
State the hydrophobia of Belladonna.
Hydrophobia of Belladonna
- Hydrophobia: fear of water, with excessive aversion to liquids (Stramo, Lyssin).
- Liquids are more painful than solids when swallowing (Bry, Ign, Lach).
Mention three medicines for rash during profuse menses.
- Belladonna
- Calc. carb
- Graphites.
- (Others: Bellis per, Eugenia jamb, Sang. Can, Psorinum)
- (Rash before the menses Conium, Dulcamara).
State the headache of Belladonna.
a) Introduction:
- Dr. J. H. Clarke reports that Bell. is a headache medicine of par excellence.
- Dr. Nash calls it, a ‘head-remedy’.
b) Suitability:
- Headache of those who readily become delirious in fever or with pain (Agar.).
- Plethoric constitutions.
c) Causations:
- Exposure to cold, draught of cold air.
- To heat of the sun.
- From haircut (Acon., Glon.).
- suppression of catarrhal flow.
- tobacco-smoking esp. in nervous man (Clarke).
d) Type:
- Congestive type of headache.
e) Mode of onset:
- It is sudden and violent (Acute onset).
f) Location:
- Right supra ciliary region; forehead.
g) Sensation:
- There is sensation of fullness, as if forehead would burst (Ammon. carb., Glon.). Fullness, heaviness and violent pressure on the head esp. in the forehead and sensation as if cranium is going to burst (Clarke).
- There is sensation of stabbing as by a knife, from one temple to the other.
- Great sensitiveness to touch-sensitive externally, even pressure of the hair gives pain (Acon. China., Merc.).
- Also sensation: as if the brain is loose in forehead and falling from side to side (Bry, Sulph. ac. Rhus tox, Spig.).
- Ch. of headache: Pain comes suddenly, lasts indefinitely and goes suddenly.
h) Concomitants
- Throbbing of brain & carotids.
- Excessive heat of the affected part.
- There is rush of blood to head and face.
- Redness of eyes and face.
- Profuse pungent smelling sweat in head and covered parts (Clarke).
i) Modalities:
- Aggravation from slight noise, from jar; from motion, from every foot step (Aloe., Bry.).
- From light, touch, external impressions, etc.
- From lying down.
- From least exertion, from coughing (Bry.).
- From bending head downwards.
- In afternoon, etc. Amel.) By tight bandage, pressure.
- By menstrual flow (during menses).
- By wrapping up the head.