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Silicea Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Silicea, in homeopathic medicine, is also known as:

  • Silica: This is the most common synonym and refers to the chemical compound silicon dioxide (SiO₂).
  • Pure Flint: This is the source material from which homeopathic Silicea is often prepared.

It is important to note that while these are synonyms, they are not always interchangeable. When referring specifically to the homeopathic remedy, Silicea is the preferred term.

In addition to these synonyms, Silicea is sometimes referred to by its common name, "The Surgeon’s Knife," due to its ability to promote the expulsion of foreign objects from the body and to heal wounds.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Lack of grit-Physical debility:

i) Persons of light complexion, pale face; weakly, with lax muscles.

ii) Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quantity or in quality, but from imperfect assimilation.

iii) Scrofulous, rachitic children; weak ankles, slow in learning to walk. 

iv) Great weariness and debility: wants to lie down.

Lack of grit – Mental debility:

i) Adapted to persons of nervous, sanguine temperament,

ii) Oversensitive mentally.

iii) Nervous debility; exhaustion and erethism may be overcome by force or will.  

iv) Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise.

v) Anxious, yielding, faint-hearted.

vi) Mental labor very difficult: reading and writing fatigues: cannot bear to think. 

vii) Master Kent says, dread of failure, but when forces himself into the harness, he can go on with ease, his usual self-command returns to him and he does well: he does his work with promptness, fullness and accuracy. (Ref. Kent) 

Note: – Master Kent says. Lycopodium is foolish, the dread of undertaking anything is from a general knowledge of inability, but in Silicea it is imaginary. 

i) Baryta Carb

ii) Graphites

iii) Pulsatilla 

iv) Silicea


i) Antim Tart

ii) Thuja

iii) Silicea 

i) Chest complaints of stone-cutters with total loss of strength.

ii) Fistula in ano, alternates with chest symptoms.

i) Fistula lachrymalis. 

ii) Aversion to light, especially daylight; it produces dazzling, sharp pain through the eyes: eyes tender to touch. (Ref. Boericke)

iii) Perforating or sloughing ulcer of cornea; abscess in cornea after traumatic injury. 

iv) Cataract in office workers (Ref. Boericke).



i) Chronic-sick headache since some severe diseases of youth (Psor.)

ii) Headache when overheated. (Ref. Clarke)

iii) Headache from fasting.


Headache of nervous character.


Headache arises from nape of the neck ascends to the vertex and finally settles over the right eye. Generally, right sided headache.


Sensation of roaring or shattering in brain.

5.Character of pain

i) Pressing, bursting headache, as if eyes and brain were forced out. 

ii) Violent tearing headache with pressive pain in the morning

iii) Jerking headache, extending to brain  

iv) Tearing in vertex, as if it would burst.

v) Headache with bruished pain above the eyes so that patient can scarcely open them. lancinating pain in head.


I)Violent headache with confusion of mind.  

ii) Headache with shivering and lassitude necessary to lie down.

iii) Tension and pressure in the head, as if it were about to burst.


i) Vertigo from looking up.

ii) Vertigo especially in the morning, when riding in a carriage.

iii) Vertigo with nausea vertigo causes to fall backwards or forwards.  

iv) Vertigo ascending from dorsal region.


a) Aggravation: Agg. by light, Agg. by mental exertion, noise, motion, jerking light stooping, cold air, Agg. by uncovering draught of air. Agg. from evening till night,Agg. from stepping hard. Agg. if head becomes cold in open air (Ref. Clarke). Agg.

b) Amelioration: lying on left-side. Amel. by profuse urination(, Ign.).by stooping, jar. Amel. by binding head tightly (Ref. Nash), Amel. in warm room, wrapping up the head warmly. Amel., by hot compress.


i) Clouded sight.

ii) Difficulty in holding up the head.

iii) Headache causes chilliness and nausea.  

iv) Scalp in very sensitive to touch.

v) Chilly with low vitality.

vi) Usually constipated.


a) Causation

Before and during menses.

b) Character of stool

i) Stool, large, hard lumps.

ii) Passing of stool is difficult as from inactivity of rectum; with great straining.

iii) Stool partly expelled but recedes again. 

iv) Faeces remains a long time in the rectum.

c) Sensation

i) As from inactivity of rectum.

ii) As if rectum is paralyzed.

iii) Great straining, rectum stings; closes upon stool, (Ref. Boericke) 

d) Concomitants 

i) Fistula in ano.

ii) Fissures and haemorrhoids, painful with spasm of sphincter.

Skin Symptoms 


It has a wonderful control over the suppurative process soft tissue, periosteum or bone, maturing abscess when desired or reducing excessive suppuration.


I) Bad-effects of vaccination especially when abscess results.

II) Bad-effects of suppressed foot-sweat.

III)Character –

  • Unhealthy ;Every little injury suppurates. 
  • Clinical – Abscesses, boils, old fistulous ulcers (Ref. Boericke), blood boils, carbuncles, ulcers of all kinds. 
  • Cracks – At the end of fingers. 
  • Scar – Which suddenly becomes painful. 
  • Eruptions – Itch only in daytime and evening.  
  • Keloid – growths When tends to suppurate. 
  • Nails –

a) Brittle nails.

b) Ingrowing toe-nails.

a) Fistula lachrymalis.

b) Fistula: painful, offensive, high spongy edges, proud flesh in them

c) Fissura ani, great pain after stool.

  • Suppurative diathesis

a) Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues: fish-bone, needles, bone-splinters. Silicea promotes suppur- ation: causing focal local necrosis of the area-sloughing out of the part- expulsion of foreign-body results.

b) The leader of the suppurative medicines: In advanced pyogenic condition i.e., full of pus on the verge of rupturing or already ruptured; thence thin, bloody, ichorous, pus, offensive smell, and moreover Nash points out to find the similimum in regard of constitution, weakly. fine skin with pale face, lax muscles with lack of grit. Agg. from washing, cold uncovering and Amel, from heat.


a) Physical make up-  A constitutional tendency which suffer from deficient nutrition, malnutrition, not because of the food is lacking in quantity or quality. but because the system does not assimilate the food materials properly, ie. imperfect assimilation.

Baby having large head, open fontanalles and sutures, potbellied abdomen, with pale face, lean and thin body, sickly appearance. 

b) Temperament- Nervous, irritable and sanguine temperament.

c) Miasm- Covers all the three miasms; still predominantly antipsoric.

d) Diathesis- Scrofulous diathesis (++) and tubercular diathesis.

e) Heat and cold Relation.- Highly chilly patient (+++); lack of vital heat, wraps up with warm clothing even in hot summer


a) Dentition.

b) Learning to read.

c) Learning to walk etc.-The baby is very slow in learning to walk due to weak ankles resulting in retardation of walking as because of malnutrition and defective assimilation of food.

Mental criteria.

i) The baby is head-strong and obstinate, who cries when kindly spoken to.

ii) Baby is very nervous and excitable; patient is sensitive to all external impressions.

iii) Baby may have fixed ideas: -like pin mania. The baby thinks nothing except pins, the baby fears them, still searches them, counts and preserves them with great care (in case of 5-6 years old child). 

iv) Night-walking baby gets up while asleep walks about and lies down again all quite unconsciously.

v) Child desires to be magnetized.


Aversions :-Child has got aversion to mother’s milk, 


i) Baby has very offensive foot sweat, further more the sweat in axilla and in hands is also offensive (+++).

ii) Intolerable, sour, carrion like odour of the feet, without perspiration every

iii )Sweat behind the neck, in the region of head and occiput. 

GI Symptoms

i) In child the constipation may also observed

ii) Stool is difficult to evacuate from the rectum due to its

iii) The stool partly comes out and then recedes back, consequently stool has to removed mechanically.


i) The baby suffers from various kinds of skin troubles caused by bad effects of vaccination.

ii) Every little injury suppurates: swelling and abscess formation after vaccination.

Causative factors 

i) Constitution which suffers from deficient nutrition from defective assimilation.

ii) Bad effects of vaccination.

iii) Exposure to draught of air. 


Agg. in new moon and full moon, cold and uncovering especially the head, Agg. from draught. (Ref. Lippe). 

Amel. by warmth, wrapping up the head.

Characteristics Symptoms 

Chilly patient

i) Extreme chilliness.

ii) Lack of vital heat.

iii) Always chilly, even when taking active exercise. 

Debiliated constitution

i) Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition; not because food is lacking in quality or in quantity but from imperfect assimilation.

ii) Great weariness and debility; wants to lie down.

iii) Nervous debility, exhaustion with erethism.  

iv) Lack of grit moral and physical-is very well marked.

Bad effects of

The bad effects of vaccination, especially when abscesses convulsion results.

Suppurative diathesis

i) Has a wonderful control over the suppurative process, soft tissue, periosteum or bone, maturing abscesses when desired or reducing excessive suppuration. 

ii)Every little injury suppurates.


i) Persons oversensitive: physically and

ii) Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise.

iii) Anxious, yielding, fainthearted. 

  Desire and Aversion

i) Desire for cold food, cold drink, ice-cream.

ii) Desire to be magnetised, which ameliorates. 

iii) Child has an aversion to mother’s milk. 


i) Sweat of hands, toes, feet and axillae, are very offensive

ii) Intolerable, sour, carrion like odour of the sweat.

iii) Without perspiration, every evening. (2) 

Excerpts (Summary)

Silicea: The Homeopathic Remedy for Sensitivity and Suppuration Silicea, also known as Silica, is a versatile homeopathic remedy prepared from purified sand.
It is indicated for a wide range of conditions, particularly those involving sensitivity to cold, recurrent infections, weakness, and slow development. This article explores the key symptoms, personality types, and uses of Silicea in homeopathy.

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