Acid Muraticum
Muriaticum Acidum is a constituent of gastric juice and must therefore be considered as allied to the sarcodes and proximate principles of the tissues, for example, Cholesterinum.
The alchemist’s name of hydrochloric acid is ‘Spirit of Salt’, which describes at once it’s nature and origin.
It is a colourless gas with a pungent, suffocating odour and acrid taste; it is manufactured from salt. [5]
A- Apathy and weakness
Profound debility: Patients exhibit extreme weakness and exhaustion, often feeling too weak to even move or speak.
Sliding down in bed: A characteristic symptom where the patient involuntarily slips down in bed due to weakness and lack of muscular control. [1]
( Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
CID- CIDity and ulcers
Ulcerations: A tendency to develop ulcers, particularly in the mouth, on the tongue, and around the anus. These ulcers are often painful and slow to heal.
Putrid discharge: The ulcers and other bodily discharges (like stool) may have a foul, putrid odor. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
M- Melancholia and taciturnity
Sadness and depression: Patients experience deep sadness, hopelessness, and a profound sense of despair.
Indifference: A lack of interest in things that once brought pleasure, and a general indifference towards life. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
UR- URine and stool
Involuntary stools: A distinctive symptom where patients may pass stool involuntarily while urinating or straining.
Offensive discharges: Both urine and stool may have a strong, offensive odor. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
I- Infections and fevers
Low, septic states: Muriaticum acidum is often indicated in low-grade fevers with a septic tendency, where the body seems to be overwhelmed by infection.
Tendency towards decomposition: This may manifest as a putrid odor from discharges, slow healing of wounds, and a general breakdown of bodily functions. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
A- Aversion to touch
Patients may be sensitive to touch and prefer not to be handled. [2]
(Clarke, John Henry. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.)
T- Timidity
A general feeling of fearfulness and anxiety. [2]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002)
C- Coldness
A sensation of coldness, particularly in the extremities. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002)
UM- Umber (dark) mental state
Reflects the gloomy and depressed mental state of the patient. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002)
G- Gloom and despair
Profound sadness: A deep-seated sadness that pervades the patient’s entire being. They may feel hopeless, worthless, and as if there’s no point in going on.
Pessimism: A negative outlook on life, with a tendency to focus on the dark side of things and anticipate the worst.
Thoughts of death: May contemplate or even express a desire for death, feeling that life is too burdensome to bear. [2]
(Clarke, John Henry. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.)
R-Reserved and taciturn
Withdrawal: Patients isolate themselves from others, preferring to be alone with their thoughts and feelings.
Silence: They speak very little, even when directly addressed, and may appear unresponsive or uninterested in conversation.
Difficulty expressing emotions: They struggle to articulate their inner turmoil, leading to a sense of being misunderstood and alone. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
I- Indifference and apathy
Lack of interest: A loss of interest in activities and hobbies that once brought joy and satisfaction.
Emotional detachment: May seem emotionally distant and unresponsive, even towards loved ones.
Neglect of responsibilities: May neglect personal hygiene, work, and family duties due to a lack of motivation and care. [1]
(Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.)
E- Emotional sensitivity
Easily offended: May be overly sensitive to criticism or perceived slights, feeling hurt and rejected easily.
Oversensitive to external stimuli: May be bothered by noise, light, or other sensory input, leading to further withdrawal and irritability.
Feeling of isolation: A sense of being alone and misunderstood, even when surrounded by people. [3]
(Hering, Constantine. Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.)
F- Fear and anxiety
Apprehension: A generalized feeling of anxiety and worry, often without a specific cause.
Fear of the future: May worry excessively about what the future holds, anticipating misfortune and disaster.
Fear of death: May experience intense fear and anxiety about death and dying.[4]
(Allen, Timothy Field. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Muriaticum Acidum
Common name:
Muratic Acid [5]
Hydrochloric acid [5]
Family / Group / Class / Order:
Mineral kingdom [5]
Habit and habitat / Description:
The alchemist’s name of hydrochloric acid is
‘Spirit of Salt’, which describes at once it’s nature and origin.
It is a colourless
gas with a pungent, suffocating odour and acrid taste; it is manufactured from salt. [5]
Formula / Symbols:
HCl [5]
Name of prover:
Dr Samuel Hahnemann [5]
Introduction and history:
It is a colourless gas with a pungent, suffocating odour and acrid taste; it is manufactured from salt.
Muriatic acid is a constituent of gastric juice and must therefore be considered as allied to the sarcodes and proximate principles of the tissues, for example,
Cholesterinum. [5]
Doctrine of signature:
Sour taste: The intensely sour taste of muriatic acid might correspond to the acidity and putridity often seen in Acidum Muriaticum patients, particularly in their discharges and excretions. [6]
Parts used:
it is manufactured from salt. First dilution with distilled water. [5]
First dilution with distilled water. [5]
Physical make up of Muriaticum Acidum:
black hair, dark eyes and a dark complexion. [5]
Melancholic, Nervous [5]
Relation with heat & cold:
Chilly [4]
Psora [1]
Clinical conditions of Muriaticum Acidum:
Anal prolapse, Cancer of tongue, Diarrhoea, Heamorrhoids, Impotence, Intestinal fever, Peptic ulcer, Typhoid, Varicose veins [5]
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics:
It mainly acts on blood, female sexual organs, bladder, anus, tongue, etc. [1]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
Sun [7]
Physiological action:
As soon as he sits down his eyes close, lower jaw hangs
down and finally he slides down in bed.
It is a very medicine useful for intense prostration, diphtheria, scarlatina and cancer.
Anus is very sensitive, either with or without haemorrhoids. Anus is
sore during menses. [5]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis:
It has an elective affinity for blood, producing septic conditions similar to
that found in low fevers with high temperature and great prostration.
Muscles are affected, especially heart, bladder, anus, tongue, etc, causing
paresis. Mouth and anus chiefly affected. [5]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms of Muriaticum Acidum:
Patient is irritable, peevish, disposed to anger and chagrin; restless. [5]
It is suited for diseases of the asthenic type with moaning, unconsciousness
and fretfulness [5]
Patient is an introvert. [5]
Melancholia, silent grief, taciturnity." This captures the core of the mental state: sadness, a tendency to keep their suffering to themselves, and an unwillingness to communicate. [1]
Indifference to everything; apathetic; takes no interest in anything." This highlights the lack of motivation and engagement with life, a common feature in Acidum Muriaticum. [1]
Great sadness and despondency, with thoughts of death." This emphasizes the severity of the depression and the potential for suicidal ideation, which needs careful consideration. [2]
Feels forsaken and deserted." This points to a feeling of isolation and loneliness, even when surrounded by others.[2]
Low-spirited, depressed, and irritable." This shows the combination of sadness with irritability, which can manifest as snappishness or impatience. [3]
Anxiety and fearfulness, with apprehension of impending evil." This highlights the underlying anxiety and a sense of foreboding that can accompany the depression. [3]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Muriaticum Acidum
Great debility; sliding down in bed." This highlights the profound weakness characteristic of this remedy.
Low types of fever; septic conditions. Indicates its use in cases with low vitality and a tendency towards infection.
Worse, in cold air, damp weather, after eating, from exertion. These modalities are important for understanding when Acidum Muriaticum symptoms worsen. [1]
Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side of the head. This describes a specific type of headache that can be indicative of Acidum Muriaticum. [1]
Eyes inflamed, red, with burning. This points to eye inflammation with a sensation of burning. [1]
Hardness of hearing. Acidum Muriaticum can be considered in cases of hearing loss. [1]
Nosebleed, especially in the morning. This is a characteristic symptom, particularly when occurring upon waking. [1]
Face pale, sunken, with blue rings around the eyes. This describes the facial appearance often associated with this remedy. [1]
Ulcers in the mouth, on the tongue, and around the anus. Putrid discharge. This is a key symptom, highlighting the tendency towards ulcers with a foul-smelling discharge.
Teeth feel loose. This can be another symptom experienced by those needing Acidum Muriaticum. [1]
Sore throat, with difficult swallowing.This indicates potential throat inflammation and pain. [1]
Loss of appetite, even aversion to food.This points to digestive disturbances and a lack of desire to eat.
Thirst for cold drinks.This can be a contrasting symptom, despite generally being chilly. [1]
Distended abdomen, with rumbling and gurgling. This suggests digestive issues with gas and bloating. [1]
Rectum & Anus:
Involuntary stools while urinating. Offensive stools and urine.This is a very distinctive symptom of Acidum Muriaticum.
Hemorrhoids, with burning and stinging. This indicates its potential use in hemorrhoid cases with specific sensations. [1]
Diarrhoea, watery, offensive. This describes the nature of the diarrhea that can be present. [1]
Urinary Organ:
Urine scanty, dark, strong-smelling. This points to urinary changes often seen in this remedy. [1]
Sexual Organ:
Impotence.This mentions a potential effect on male sexual function. [1]
Respiratory System:
Cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. This describes a type of cough that may be present. [1]
Heart & Pulse:
Pulse weak and rapid. This indicates a weakened state and potential cardiovascular involvement. [1]
Neck & Back:
Pain in the back, as if broken. This describes a characteristic back pain sensation. [1]
Weakness and trembling of the limbs.This further emphasizes the profound weakness. [1]
Skin dry, with eruptions that burn and itch. This points to skin problems that can be present. [1]
Sleepless, with restless tossing about. This describes sleep disturbances often experienced. [1]
Low types of fever; septic conditions. This reiterates its use in low-grade fevers with a tendency towards infection. [1]
Important characteristic features of Muriaticum Acidum
Keynotes / Redline:
Great debility, lower jaw hangs down, patient slides down in bed.
Aversion to meat.
Haemorrhoids very sensitive, blue, tender, like bunch of blue grapes, so sensitive cannot bear slightest touch.
Haemorrhoids during pregnancy, with violent stitches.
Cannot pass urine without bowels being moved.
Profound weakness during or after a major febrile illness.
To begin with, there is initially physical debility, later followed by mental debility
Tongue and sphincter ani are paralysed.
Great debility, as soon as sits down, eyes close, lower jaw hangs down, slides down in bed.
Ulceration and fungous little growth and pseudo membranous deposit.
Vertigo-Worse lying on right side.
Malignant affections of mouth, studded with ulcers, deep, perforating, having a black or dark base, offensive, foul breath, intense prostration.
Diarrhoea-stool involuntary, while urinating, on passing wind. Cannot urinate without having the bowels move at same time.
Sliding down in bed due to weakness: This is a very distinctive symptom, where the patient involuntarily slips down in bed because of extreme weakness and lack of muscular control. [1]
Involuntary stool while urinating: This peculiar symptom is a strong indicator for Acidum Muriaticum. The patient may pass stool involuntarily while urinating or straining. [2]
Ulcers with putrid discharge, especially in the mouth and anus: While ulcers can be found in other remedies, the combination of location and the foul-smelling, putrid nature of the discharge is more specific to Acidum Muriaticum.[8]
Great debility with a desire to lie down but inability to find a comfortable position: This highlights the profound weakness and restlessness often experienced.[1][2]
Profound sadness and isolation with a desire to be left alone: While many remedies experience sadness, the Acidum Muriaticum sadness is coupled with a strong desire for isolation and an aversion to company.[1][2]
Taciturnity with an aversion to answering questions: This goes beyond simple introversion. There’s an active resistance to communication and engagement.[3]
Indifference to loved ones and things that once brought pleasure: This apathy and lack of emotional response are quite characteristic.[8]
Extreme debility, lower jaw hangs down, patient slides in bed.
Physical debility followed by mental debility.
Tongue – dry, parched, leather like, red beef like.
Extreme sensitiveness to slightest touch especially of haemorrhoids. [7]
Nucleus symptoms
Has affinity for blood, producing septic conditions, decomposition of fluids.
Restlessness, but physically too weak.
Paralytic muscular weakness.
Putridity – ulcerations.
Extreme sensitiveness – Bluishness – Burning – Bleeding. [7]
Therapeutic Value
Modality of Muriaticum Acidum
From touch, walking, cold drinks, cold bathing, from sitting, human voice, sun, before midnight, after sleep, after eating. [7]
From motion, warmth, lying on the left side, after drinking,
uncovering during fever [7]
Remedy Relationship
Am-c, Ant-c, Apis, Ars, Arum-t, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calc, Caust, Chlor, Coll, Gels, Graph, Kali-perm, Lyc, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sabad, Sul-ac, Sulph, Valer. [7]
Follows Well:
Bell, Bry, Calc, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph. [7]
Antidoted By:
Bry, Camph. [7]
It Antidotes:
Merc, Op. [7]
As per Boericke, first to third potency. [5]
30c is found useful till a response is observed [5]
Duration of Action:
35 Days. [5]
- Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2002.
- Clarke, John Henry. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
- Hering, Constantine. Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
- Allen, Timothy Field. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
- Textbook of homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. J. D. Patil
- Coulter, Harris L. Divided Legacy: The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association. North Atlantic Books, 1982.
- Zomeo.
- Phatak, S.R. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines. B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd.
- Meaning: Sharp, biting, irritating, corrosive. Used to describe discharges (e.g., from ulcers, nose, etc.) that can inflame surrounding tissues.
- Example: "The Acidum Muriaticum patient often presents with acrid discharges from the mouth and anus, causing burning and excoriation."
- Meaning: Foul-smelling, decaying, rotten. Often used to describe the odor of ulcers, discharges, or even the patient’s breath.
- Example: "A key characteristic of Acidum Muriaticum is the putrid odor emanating from the ulcers, indicating a septic state."
- Meaning: Uncommunicative, silent, reserved. Highlights the patient’s tendency to withdraw and keep their suffering to themselves.
- Example: "The profound taciturnity of the Acidum Muriaticum individual can be striking, as they often refuse to answer questions or engage in conversation."
- Meaning: Lack of interest, concern, or emotional response. Shows the patient’s apathy towards their surroundings and even their own well-being.
- Example: "A marked indifference to loved ones and activities that once brought pleasure is a hallmark of the Acidum Muriaticum state."
- Meaning: Weakness, exhaustion, lack of energy. Emphasizes the profound weakness and lack of vitality.
- Example: "The debility in Acidum Muriaticum can be so severe that patients may be unable to get out of bed or perform simple tasks."
Low Septic State:
- Meaning: Low vitality with a tendency towards infection and poor response to it. Indicates a compromised immune system and susceptibility to infections.
- Example: "Acidum Muriaticum is a valuable remedy in low septic states where the patient is weak, has a low-grade fever, and shows signs of toxemia."
- Meaning: Formation of ulcers, especially in the mouth and anus. These ulcers are often painful, slow to heal, and have a putrid discharge.
- Example: "The presence of deep, painful ulcerations with a putrid discharge, particularly in the mouth and anus, is a strong indication for Acidum Muriaticum."
Involuntary Stool:
- Meaning: Passing stool involuntarily while urinating or straining. This is a very distinctive and peculiar symptom.
- Example: "One of the most characteristic symptoms of Acidum Muriaticum is the involuntary passage of stool while urinating, often accompanied by an offensive odor."
Sliding Down in Bed:
- Meaning: Slipping down in bed due to weakness and lack of muscular control. This highlights the extreme weakness and exhaustion.
- Example: "The tendency to slide down in bed due to weakness is a unique feature of Acidum Muriaticum and can be a valuable guiding symptom."
- Meaning: Deep sadness, depression, gloominess. This describes the core mental state of Acidum Muriaticum.
- Example: "The melancholia of Acidum Muriaticum is characterized by profound sadness, despair, and a sense of hopelessness."
Also Search As
Also Search As:
Use Specific Keywords:
- Remedy name: Start with the Latin name, "Acidum Muriaticum," as it’s the most official and recognized term. Also try variations like "Acid Muriaticum" (without the ‘um’), and the common name "Muriatic Acid."
- Symptoms: Include specific symptoms they are interested in, such as "ulcers," "depression," "weakness," "putrid discharges," etc.
- Homeopathy terms: Add terms like "homeopathy," "materia medica," "homeopathic remedy," or "homeopathic treatment" to specify the context of their search.
- Miasm: If interested in the miasmatic aspect, include "Sycosis," "Psora," or "Syphilis" in the search.
Utilize Search Engines Effectively:
- Google Scholar: This is excellent for finding scholarly articles and research papers on homeopathy, including those that might mention Acidum Muriaticum.
- PubMed: While focused on conventional medicine, PubMed may also index some homeopathy journals or articles that discuss specific remedies.
- Specialized Homeopathy Databases: Explore databases like "Homeopathy Online" or "The Homeopathic Library" which often have collections of articles and materia medica information.
Explore Homeopathic Websites and Forums:
- Homeopathic Organizations: Websites of organizations like the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) or the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) may have articles or resources on specific remedies.
- Homeopathic Blogs and Forums: Many homeopaths and enthusiasts maintain blogs or participate in online forums where they discuss remedies and cases. These can be valuable sources of information, but always be critical of the source’s credibility.
Search within Homeopathic Materia Medicas:
- Online Materia Medicas: Several websites offer online versions of classic materia medicas, where you can search for Acidum Muriaticum and find detailed information about its properties and indications.
- Physical Books: If you have access to physical materia medica books, use the index to locate Acidum Muriaticum and read the relevant sections.
Example Searches:
- "Acidum Muriaticum homeopathy materia medica"
- "Muriatic Acid ulcers homeopathic treatment"
- "Acidum Muriaticum depression anxiety case study"
- "Sycotic miasm Acidum Muriaticum homeopathy"
- "Homeopathic remedy for mouth ulcers with bleeding": This targets a specific Acidum Muriaticum symptom, leading you to articles or materia medica entries that discuss it.
- "Homeopathy for grief with isolation": This focuses on the mental/emotional picture, potentially leading you to Acidum Muriaticum as a matching remedy.
- "Remedy for involuntary stool during urination": This very unique symptom is a strong indicator for Acidum Muriaticum, making your search precise.
Materia Medica:
- "Boericke Acidum Muriaticum": This directly searches within a specific materia medica, useful if you prefer that author’s style.
- "Acidum Muriaticum Guiding Symptoms Hering": This combines the remedy with another materia medica, Hering’s, known for detailed symptom descriptions.1
- "Acidum Muriaticum Clarke Dictionary": This targets Clarke’s Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, which often includes clinical cases and comparisons.
- "Sycotic remedies for low-grade fever": This explores Acidum Muriaticum within its likely miasmatic classification, potentially leading to articles discussing this link.
- "Homeopathy miasm suppression ulcers": This broader search might lead you to discussions of how suppressed discharges, like in Sycosis, can manifest as ulcers, which Acidum Muriaticum addresses.
- "Acidum Muriaticum homeopathy forums": This explores discussions and cases shared by practitioners and patients on forums, offering real-world insights.
- "Acidum Muriaticum video cases": This looks for visual presentations of cases, which can be helpful for understanding the remedy’s application.
- "Acidum Muriaticum scholarly articles": This targets research papers and studies, useful for those wanting a more in-depth, evidence-based approach.
- "Acidum Muriaticum vs. Nitric Acid": This helps differentiate between remedies with overlapping symptoms, highlighting key distinctions.
- "Acidum Muriaticum similar remedies": This explores remedies with related actions, broadening your understanding of the remedy’s place within the materia medica.
Key Takeaway:
Varying your search terms is crucial. Combining the remedy name with specific symptoms, materia medica sources, miasmatic connections, or comparative analysis will yield richer and more targeted results.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Acidum Muriaticum made from?
It’s a homeopathic remedy:
It is derived from hydrochloric acid, a strong corrosive substance. But don’t worry, the homeopathic preparation is highly diluted and safe for consumption.
What are the main uses of Acidum Muriaticum in homeopathy?
It’s often used for,
Conditions involving profound weakness, low-grade fevers, ulcers (especially in the mouth and anus), and a deep sense of sadness and isolation.
How does Acidum Muriaticum differ from conventional hydrochloric acid?
While they share the same origin,
Acidum Muriaticum undergoes a process of dilution and potentization, rendering it non-toxic and safe for medicinal use.
What are the key symptoms of someone who might need Acidum Muriaticum?
Look for extreme weakness, a tendency to slide down in bed, ulcers with putrid discharges, involuntary stools while urinating, profound sadness, and low-grade fevers.
Can Acidum Muriaticum be used for mental and emotional problems?
It’s a deeply acting remedy known for addressing sadness, grief, isolation, and indifference, along with physical complaints.
Is Acidum Muriaticum helpful for any specific conditions?
While homeopathy focuses on the individual, not the disease, it can be considered for conditions like typhoid fever, low-grade infections, certain skin conditions, and hemorrhoids.
How is Acidum Muriaticum taken?
It usually comes in pellet form or liquid dilutions.
A homeopath will determine the appropriate potency and dosage for your specific needs.
How often should I take Acidum Muriaticum?
The frequency varies depending on the case. It could be daily, a few times a week, or even a single dose. Always follow your homeopath’s instructions.
What potencies of Acidum Muriaticum are available?
It comes in various potencies (e.g., 6C, 30C, 200C).
Lower potencies are generally used for acute conditions, while higher ones are for chronic or deep-seated issues.
Is Acidum Muriaticum safe to take?
In homeopathic preparations, it’s safe and non-toxic due to the extensive dilution and potentization process.