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Amebiasis Definition Symptoms Cause Diet Regimen Homeopathic Medicine Homeopath Treatment in Rajkot India



Amebiasis is an infection with the intestinal protozoan Entameba histolytica. About 90% of infections are asymptomatic, and the remaining 10% produce a spectrum of clinical syndromes ranging from dysentery to abscesses of the liver or other organs.[1]

Here are some synonyms of amebiasis:

  • More specific terms:

    • Amoebic dysentery: This refers to the most common form of amebiasis, characterized by severe diarrhea.
    • Intestinal amebiasis: This emphasizes the location of the infection in the intestines.
  • Alternative spellings:

    • Amoebiasis: This is a common alternative spelling of amebiasis, particularly in British English.
    • Amebiosis: This is a less frequent variant, but still encountered occasionally.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Amebiasis is an infection with the intestinal protozoan Entameba histolytica. About 90% of infections are asymptomatic, and the remaining 10% produce a spectrum of clinical syndromes ranging from dysentery to abscesses of the liver or other organs.

  • Consuming contaminated food or water
  • Association with food handlers whose hands are contaminated
  • Contact with contaminated medical devices
  • Being pregnant

Yes, amebiasis can be prevented by:

  • Practicing good hygiene (washing hands frequently)
  • Drinking safe water (bottled or boiled)
  • Eating cooked foods that are hot
  • Avoiding raw fruits and vegetables that cannot be peeled
  • Loose stools
  • Mild abdominal cramping,
  • Frequent, watery, and/or bloody stools with severe abdominal cramping
  • Flatulence
  • Appetite loss
  • Fatigue

Yes, untreated amebiasis can lead to serious complications, including:

    • Amoebic liver abscess
    • Bowel perforation
    • Spread of infection to other organs

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating amebiasis, aiming to address the underlying causes and symptoms. While scientific research on homeopathy for amebiasis is limited, many individuals report positive experiences with homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathic treatment is highly individualized. A homeopath will conduct a detailed case taking, considering the patient’s unique symptoms, medical history, and overall constitution to select the most appropriate remedy.

Homoeopathic Medicine for Amebiasis

  • Aloe Socotrina
  • Arsenic Album
  • Colchicum
  • Colocynth:
  • Ferrum phos
  • Chamomilla
  • Nux vom
  • Sulphur
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Excerpts (Summary)

Amebiasis is a parasitic infection that can cause a range of symptoms, from mild diarrhea to severe complications like liver abscesses. It is primarily transmitted through contaminated food and water. Prevention involves practicing good hygiene and consuming safe food and water.

Homeopathy offers a natural approach to treating amebiasis, focusing on individual symptoms and the patient's overall constitution. While research is limited, many individuals find homeopathic remedies helpful in managing amebiasis symptoms and promoting overallwell-being. Consult with a qualified homeopath for personalized treatment and guidance.

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