Chronic Otitis Media
Chronic otitis media (COM) is a chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity that is characterize by discharge from the middle ear through a perforated tympanic membrane for at least 6 weeks. [1]
Chronic Otitis Media itself doesn’t have true synonyms in the medical field, as it’s a specific ear infection. However, depending on the context, here are some related terms you can consider:
- Middle ear infection: This is a clear and understandable term for a general audience.
- Acute otitis media (AOM): If referring specifically to the sudden onset form of the infection.
- Chronic otitis media (COM): If referring to the long-term form of the infection.
- Otitis media with effusion (OME): If referring to the presence of fluid in the middle ear without current signs of infection.
Choosing the Right Term:
- Medical Setting: Use "otitis media" or a specific type (e.g., acute otitis media) for clarity during medical discussions.
- Talking to Patients: "Middle ear infection" is a good option for patients to understand.
- Informal Context: "Ear infection" can be acceptable in casual conversation, but it’s not specific to the middle ear.
- You could describe the symptoms of otitis media, such as earache, fever, and hearing problems. However, this wouldn’t be a true synonym for the condition itself.
Risk Factors
Clinical Features
Sign & Symptoms
Clinical Examination
Differential Diagnosis
Homeopathic Treatment
Diet & Regimen
Do’s and Don'ts
Also Search As
Overview of Chronic Otitis Media
Incidence of CSOM is higher in developing countries because of poor socioeconomic standards, poor nutrition and lack of health education. It affects both sexes and all age groups. In India, the overall prevalence rate is 46 and 16 persons per thousand in rural and urban population, respectively. It is also the single most important cause of hearing impairment in rural population.
It occurs following an upper respiratory tract infection that has led to acute otitis media. This progresses to a prolonged inflammatory response causing mucosal (middle ear) oedema, ulceration and perforation. The middle ear attempts to resolve this ulceration by production of granulation tissue and polyp formation. This lead to increase discharge and failure to arrest the inflammation, and to development of Chronic Otitis Media, which is also often associated with cholesteatoma. There may be enough pus that it drains to the outside of the ear (in other words, otorrhea), or the pus may be minimal enough to be seen only on examination with an otoscope or binocular microscope. Hearing impairment often accompanies this disease.[1][2]
Several studies have investigated the epidemiology of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) in India:
A systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2023 found a pooled estimated prevalence of CSOM in Indian children to be 3.78% (95% CI 2.72-4.84). (Otitis Media Prevalence in Children Below 18 Years of Age of India and the Associated Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) [6]
Another systematic review and meta-analysis, published in 2018, reported a slightly higher prevalence of 11.66% for all ear ailments in Indian children, with CSOM specifically accounting for 3.78%. (Prevalence of Ear Infections in Children (0 to 15 Years) of India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis)[7]
A study conducted in Uttar Pradesh and published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Clinical Pharmacy in 2023 found a prevalence of 8.2% for CSOM among patients visiting an ENT OPD. (“TO STUDY THE PREVALENCE AND ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS OF CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA IN PATIENTS AT A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE, UTTAR PRADESH”.)[8]
It’s important to note that these are just a few examples, and the prevalence of CSOM can vary depending on the population studied and the methodology used. However, these studies suggest that CSOM is a significant public health issue in India.
Causes of Chronic Otitis Media
[1] Tubotympanic
The disease starts in childhood and is therefore common in that age group.
1. It is the sequela of acute CSOM usually following exanthemata’s fever and leaving behind a large central perforation. The perforation becomes permanent and permits repeated infection from the external ear. Also, the middle ear mucosa is exposed to the environment and gets sensitized to dust, pollen and other aeroallergens causing persistent otorrhea.
2. Ascending infections via the eustachian tube. Infection From tonsils, adenoids and infected sinuses may be responsible for persistent or recurring otorrhoea. Ascending infection to middle ear occurs more easily in the presence of infection.
3. Persistent mucoid otorrhoea is sometimes the result of allergy to milk, eggs, fish, etc.
[2] Atticoantral.
Aetiology of atticoantral disease is same as of cholesteatoma and has been discussed earlier. It is seen in sclerotic mastoid, and whether the latter is the cause or effect of disease is not yet clear.[2]
Types of Chronic Otitis Media
Clinically, it is divided into two types:
Also called the safe or benign type; it involves anteroinferior part of middle ear cleft, i.e., eustachian tube and mesotympanum and is associated with a central perforation. There is no risk of serious complications.
It involves posterosuperior part of middle ear cleft (attic, antrum, posterior tympanum and mastoid) and is associated with cholesteatoma, which, because of its bone eroding properties, causes risk of serious complications. For this reason, the disease is also called unsafe or dangerous type.[2]
Risk Factors
Risk factor of Chronic Otitis Media
- Being a child under 5 years old.
- Smoking, or exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Exposure to air pollution
- Suffering from malnutrition
- Being born in the winter or spring.
- Exclusively applies to first 12 months of life.
- Not being breastfed
- Being a child in daycare.
- Family history of ear infections.
- Living in cold climates or experiencing sudden changes in climate.
- Being Caucasian, Southeast Asian, Greenlandic or Sub-Saharan West African.
- Being a male below 20 months old.
- Being immunocompromised.
- Recurrent upper respiratory infections for CSOM
- Experiencing allergies.(4)
The pathogenesis of Chronic Otitis Media (COM) is a complex process involving a multitude of factors, including eustachian tube dysfunction, microbial infection, host immune responses, and anatomical variations. This intricate interplay is thoroughly explored in the book:
Chronic Otitis Media: Pathogenesis-Oriented Therapeutic Management
This comprehensive text delves into the basic science of middle ear homeostasis and the various factors contributing to the development and persistence of COM, providing a foundation for understanding its multifaceted nature.[9]
Pathophysiology of Chronic Otitis Media
A. Tubotympanic.
The tubo tympanic disease remains localized to the mucosa and, that too, mostly to anteroinferior part of the middle ear cleft. Like any other chronic infection, the processes of healing and destruction go hand in hand and either of them may take advantage over the other, depending on the virulence of organism and resistance of the patient. Thus, acute exacerbations are not uncommon. The pathological changes seen in this type of CSOM are:
1.Perforation of pars tensa. It is a central perforation and its size and position vary.
2.Middle ear mucosa. It may be normal when disease is quiescent or inactive. It is oedematous and velvety when disease is active.
3.Polyp. A polyp is a smooth mass of oedematous and inflamed mucosa which has protruded through a perforation and presents in the external canal. It Is usually pale in contrast to pink, fleshy polyp seen in attic-antral disease.[2]
4.Ossicular chain. It Is usually intact and mobile but may show some degree of necrosis, particularly of the long process of incus.
5. Tympanosclerosis which shown by hyalinization and subsequent calcification of subepithelial connective tissue. It is seen in remnants of tympanic membrane or under the mucosa of middle ear. It is seen as white chalky deposit on the promontory, ossicles, joints, tendons and oval and round windows. Tympanosclerosis masses may interfere with the mobility of these structures and cause conductive deafness.
6.Fibrosis and adhesions. They are the result of healing process and may further impair mobility of ossicular chain or block the eustachian tube.[2]
B. Atticoantral.
- Cholesteatoma.
- Osteitis and granulation tissue. Osteitis involves outer attic wall and posterosuperior margin of the tympanic ring. A mass of granulation tissue surrounds the area of osteitis and may even fill the attic, antrum, posterior tympanum and mastoid. A fleshy red polypus may be seen filling the meatus.
- Ossicular necrosis. It is common in atticoantral disease. Destruction may be limited to the long process of incus or may also involve stapes superstructure, handle of malleus or the entire ossicular chain. Therefore, hearing loss is always greater than in disease of tubotympanic type. Occasionally, the cholesteatoma bridges the gap caused by the destroyed ossicles and hearing loss is not apparent (cholesteatoma hearer).
- Cholesterol granuloma. It is a mass of granulation tissue with foreign body giant cells surrounding the cholesterol crystals. It is a reaction to long-standing retention of secretions or haemorrhage, and may or may not coexist with cholesteatoma. When present in the mesotympanum, behind an intact drum, the latter appears blue.[2]
Clinical Features
Clinical Features
The clinical features of CSOM are varied and can depend on the type and severity of the disease. They are thoroughly detailed in:
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
This comprehensive textbook describes the classic presentation of COM, including:
- Otorrhea: persistent or intermittent discharge from the ear, which can vary in consistency, color, and odor.
- Hearing loss: conductive hearing loss is common due to damage to the middle ear structures, while sensorineural hearing loss can occur with complications like cholesteatoma.
- Tympanic membrane perforation: a hole in the eardrum is a hallmark of COM, and its size and location can vary.
- Other symptoms: depending on the extent of disease and presence of complications, patients may experience pain, tinnitus, vertigo, facial nerve palsy, or intracranial complications.
The book also provides insights into the clinical features of specific subtypes of CSOM , such as cholesteatoma and adhesive otitis media, as well as the diagnostic approach and management options.[10]
Sign & Symptoms
Sign & Symptoms of Chronic Otitis Media
A. Tubotympanic.
1.Ear discharge. It is non-offensive, mucoid or mucopurulent, constant or intermittent. The discharge appears mostly at time of upper respiratory tract infection or on accidental entry of water into the ear.[2]
2.Hearing loss. It is conductive type; severity varies but rarely Exceeds 50 dB. Sometimes, the patient
reports of a paradoxical effect, i.e., hears better in the presence of discharge than when the ear is dry. This is due to “round window shielding effect” produced by discharge which helps to maintain phase differential. In the dry ear with perforation, sound waves strike both the oval and round windows simultaneously, thus cancelling each other’s effect (see physiology of hearing). In long standing cases, cochlea may suffer damage due to atticoantral absorption of toxins from the oval and round windows andhearing loss becomes mixed type.
3. Perforation. Always central, it may lie anterior, posterior or inferior to the handle of malleus. It may be small, medium or large or extending up to the annulus, i.e., subtotal.
4. Middle ear mucosa. It is seen when the perforation is large. Normally, it is pale pink and moist; when inflamed it looks red, oedematous and swollen. Occasionally, a polyp may be seen.[2]
B. Atticoantral.
1.Ear discharge. Usually scanty, but always foul-smelling due to bone destruction. Discharge may be so scanty that the patient may not even be aware of it. Total cessation of discharge from an ear which has been active till recently should be viewed seriously, as perforation in these cases might be sealed by crusted discharge, inflammatory mucosa or a polyp, obstructing the free flow of discharge. Pus, in these cases, may find its way internally and cause complications.
2.Hearing loss. Hearing is normal when ossicular chain is intact or when cholesteatoma, having destroyed the ossicles, bridges the gap caused by destroyed ossicles (cholesteatoma hearer). Hearing loss is mostly conductive but sensorineural element may be added.
3.Bleeding. It may occur from granulations or the polyp when cleaning the ear.[2]
Clinical Examination
Physical examination of Chronic Otitis Media
Appearance of the Patient
- Chronic otitis media: patient is usually ill-appearing due to the usually-accompanying common cold symptoms.
- Otitis media with effusion: patient is usually well-appearing.
- Otoscope examination of the ears may reveal the following signs indicative of otitis media
- Erythema of the middle ear.
- Presence of effusion.
- Bulging of the tympanic membrane in otitis media with effusion.
- Cloudy appearance of the tympanic membrane.
- Immobility of the tympanic membrane.
- Tympanic membrane perforation.
- Tympanometry may reveal hearing loss due to effusion, as measured by abnormally large reflection of sound due to elevated pressure from fluid buildup.
Vital Signs
- Low-grade fever is usually present in acute otitis media patients.(4)
Diagnosis Chronic Otitis Media
A. Tubotympanic.
1.Examination under microscope: presence of granulations, in-growth of squamous epithelium from the edges of perforation, status of ossicular chain, tympanosclerosis and adhesions. An ear which appears dry may show hidden discharge under the microscope. Rarely, Cholesteatoma may coexist with a central perforation and can be seen under a microscope.
2.Audiogram. It Gives an assessment of degree of hearing loss is conductive but a sensorineural element may be present.
3.Culture and sensitivity of ear discharge. It helps to select Proper antibiotic ear drops.
4.Mastoid X-rays/CT scan temporal bone. Mastoid is usually Sclerotic but may be pneumatized with clouding of air cells. There is no evidence of bone destruction. Presence Of bone destruction is a feature of atticoantral disease.[2]
B. Atticoantral.
1.Examination under microscope. It may reveal presence of cholesteatoma, its site and extent, evidence of bone destruction, granuloma, condition of ossicles and pockets of discharge.
2.Tuning fork tests and audiogram.
3.X-ray mastoids/CT scan temporal bone. They indicate extent of bone destruction and degree of mastoid pneumatization. Cholesteatoma causes destruction in the area of attic and antrum (key area), better seen in lateral view. CT scan of temporal bone gives more Information and is preferred to X-ray mastoids.[2]
4.Culture and sensitivity of ear discharge. It helps to select Proper antibiotic for local or systemic use.[2]
Differential Diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of Chronic Otitis Media
- Ear pain or ear itchiness
- Hearing loss
- Middle ear discharge
- Tympanic effusion
- Dizziness.
- Myringitis
- Sinusitis
- Meniere’s disease. (4)
Chronic Otitis Media (COM) can lead to a range of complications, both intra- and extracranial. These are extensively covered in:
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery.
The book details the following potential complications of COM:
Intratemporal Complications:
- Mastoiditis: inflammation and infection of the mastoid air cells.
- Petrositis: spread of infection to the petrous apex of the temporal bone.
- Labyrinthitis: inflammation of the inner ear, which can lead to vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, and tinnitus.
- Facial nerve palsy: paralysis of the facial muscles due to involvement of the facial nerve.
- Cholesteatoma: a destructive and expanding growth of keratinizing squamous epithelium in the middle ear or mastoid.
Intracranial Complications:
- Meningitis: inflammation of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
- Brain abscess: collection of pus within the brain tissue.
- Extradural abscess: collection of pus between the dura mater (outermost layer of the meninges) and the skull.
- Sigmoid sinus thrombosis: formation of a blood clot in the sigmoid sinus, a large vein draining blood from the brain.
This comprehensive textbook not only describes the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of these complications but also provides insights into their diagnosis and management.[10]
The investigation of CSOM involves a combination of clinical assessment and specialized tests. These are detailed in:
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery.
The book outlines the following investigations for COM:
- Otoscopy: Visual examination of the ear canal and tympanic membrane using an otoscope to assess for perforations, discharge, granulation tissue, and cholesteatoma.
- Microscopy: High-resolution microscopy for detailed examination of the middle ear structures, especially in cases of suspected cholesteatoma.
- Audiometry: Pure tone audiometry to assess the degree and type of hearing loss.
- Tympanometry: Measurement of middle ear pressure and compliance to assess the function of the eustachian tube and middle ear.
- Imaging:
- High-resolution CT scan of the temporal bone: To assess the extent of disease, identify complications like cholesteatoma and ossicular erosion, and plan surgical intervention.
- MRI scan: To evaluate for intracranial complications like meningitis or brain abscess, and to assess soft tissue involvement in cases of suspected cholesteatoma.
- Microbiological investigations: Culture and sensitivity of ear discharge to identify the causative organisms and guide antibiotic therapy.
The book also emphasizes the importance of a thorough clinical history and physical examination in guiding the investigation and management of COM.[10]
Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media
The aim is to control infection and eliminate ear discharge and at a later stage to correct the hearing loss by surgical means.
Aural toilet. Remove all discharge and debris from the ear. It is do by dry mopping with absorbent cotton buds, suction clearance under microscope or irrigation (not forceful syringing) with sterile normal saline. Ear must be dry after irrigation.
Ear drops. Antibiotic ear drops containing neomycin, polymyxin, chloromycetin or gentamicin are use. They are combine with steroids which have local anti-inflammatory effect. To use ear drops, patient lying down with the disease ear up, antibiotic drops are instilled and then intermittent pressure applied on the tragus for antibiotic solution to reach the middle ear. This should Do three or four times a day. Acid pH helps to eliminate Pseudomonas infection, and irrigations with 1.5%Acetic acid are useful. Care should take as ear drops are likely to cause maceration of canal skin, local allergy, growth of fungus or resistance of organisms. Some ear drops are potentially ototoxic.[2]
Systemic antibiotics
Systemic antibiotics. They are use in acute exacerbation of chronically infected ear, otherwise role of systemic.
Precautions. Tell patients to keep water out of the ear during bathing, swimming and hair wash. Rubber inserts can use. Hard nose blowing can also push the infection from nasopharynx to middle ear and should avoid.
Treatment of contributory causes. Attention should paid to treat concomitantly infected tonsils, adenoids, maxillary antra and nasal allergy.
Surgical treatment. Aural polyp or granulations, if present, should remove before local treatment with antibiotics. It will facilitate ear toilet and permit ear drops to be use effectively. An aural polyp should never avulse as it may be arising from the stapes, facial nerve or horizontal canal and thus lead to facial paralysis or labyrinthitis.[2]
Reconstructive surgery. Once ear is dry, myringoplasty with or without ossicular construction can be done to restore hearing. Closure of perforation will also check repeated infection from the external canal.[2]
Prevention of Chronic Otitis Media
- Wash hands and toys frequently to reduce your chances of getting a cold or other respiratory infection.
- Avoid cigarette smoke.
- Get seasonal flu shots and pneumococcal vaccines.
- Breastfeed infants instead of bottle feeding them if possible.
- Avoid giving your infant a pacifier. (4)
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment of Chronic otitis media
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis.
Which includes
- The medical history of the patient,
- Physical and mental constitution,
- Family history,
- Presenting symptoms,
- Underlying pathology,
- Possible causative factors etc.
A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
What Homoeopathic doctors do?
A homeopathy doctor tries to treat more than just the presenting symptoms. The focus is usually on what caused the disease condition? Why ‘this patient’ is sick ‘this way’?
The disease diagnosis is important but in homeopathy, the cause of disease not just probed to the level of bacteria and viruses. Other factors like mental, emotional and physical stress that could predispose a person to illness also looked for. Now a days, even modern medicine also considers a large number of diseases as psychosomatic. The correct homeopathy remedy tries to correct this disease predisposition.
The focus is not on curing the disease but to cure the person who is sick, to restore the health. If a disease pathology not very advanced, homeopathy remedies do give a hope for cure but even in incurable cases, the quality of life can greatly improve with homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic Medicines for Chronic otitis media
The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications also taken into account for selecting a remedy, potency and repetition of dose by Homeopathic doctor.
So, here we describe homeopathic medicine only for reference and education purpose. Do not take medicines without consulting registered homeopathic doctor (BHMS or M.D. Homeopath).
This medicine is frequently useful where there is a rapid and violent onset of symptoms that involve mental excitement, anxiety, sensory hyperesthesia, pupil dilation, cold extremities, redness and acute inflammation. The tympanic membrane is often bright red and bulging, there may be a bright, dry, red throat, pounding, throbbing pain in the right ear, dry skin, an aching in the face extending to the neck, a high fever, and a bright red or flushed face. The otitis may be associated with teething and symptoms come and go quickly. The symptoms are usually worse from jarring, from a draught, from light or noise, and are usually better from bed rest and in a warm room.[3]
The Chamomilla sufferer is never pleased, is restless, angry and irritable, thirsty, hot, experiences night sweats, is impatient, rejects things that are offered, and strikes others. The prescriber may notice that one cheek is red and hot while the other is pale. Like Belladonna, the otitis here often occurs with teething. The otitis pain frequently causes screaming or whining. The symptoms are worse heat and at night, from teething, and better from being carried and from perspiration.[3]
Calcarea Carbonica
The presence of offensive muco-purulent otorrhea, night sweats, photophobia, swollen tonsils, enlarged glands and deafness, particularly when teething is occurring at the same time or there’s been a history of delayed dentition, may indicate the need for Calc carb. There may be a desire for cold drinks, eggs, milk and things that are normally indigestible. The sufferer may appear to be obstinate, may perspire easily, particularly about the head and at night and exhibit a sour odour, and may complain of a sensitivity to cold around the ears and neck. The symptoms are worse from cold weather, from drinking milk or washing, and better from lying on the affected side and from dry weather.
Hepar sulph
Hepar sulph can be very useful for those suffering from chronic otitis with pharyngitis, deafness, perforations or ulceration of the tympanic membrane, and a yellow purulent cheesy offensive effusion, all of which may progress to mastoiditis. Often, pain can be felt shooting from throat to the ear on swallowing. Th e sufferer may be irritable and experience cold sweats, hyperesthesia, may be sensitive to touch. Injuries tend to suppurate and there may be a history of bacterial infections. Symptoms are often worse from cold air, dry cold wind and touch, and better from heat, damp weather, wrapping up, from rest and in the morning.[3]
This medicine may be required to be used as an intercurrent when other well-indicated medicines fail to act. The pointers here include restlessness, aggression, a dislike of bathing, frequent skin eruptions, relapsing complaints, itchy skin, tinnitus, deafness, ailments from milk, and a desire for sweets. The sufferer may experience morning diarrhoea, profuse urination, respiratory congestion, hot sweaty hands, as well as flushes of heat with dry skin. The body generally appears to be unclean. The symptoms here are commonly worse warmth in bed, in the early morning, from washing or bathing, and better during warm dry weather and in the open air.
The symptoms guiding the prescription of Capsicum include a high fever, chills, stinging, stabbing or burning ear pain with suppuration, a hot face, halitosis, red cheeks, pain and dryness in throat, inflamed fauces, uvula and palate, as well as mastoiditis. The body may appear to be unclean. Symptoms are worse from cold, on coughing in the open air and from draughts, and better from heat and eating.
Ferrum Phos
Ferrum Phos is frequently thought of as being useful in the early stages of all febrile and inflammatory disorders, and as such is useful in the early stages of otitis. Specific indications include inflammation and bulging of the tympanic membrane, lassitude, feverish and yet chilly at around 1pm, tinnitus and flushing of the face. Symptoms are worse on the right side, at night and from 4-6am, from touch or jarring, and better from cold applications.[3]
Kali bich
Kali Bichromicum is often thought of in chronic situations involving a perforation of the ear drum accompanied by a muco-purulent discharge. Involved tissues are irritable, there may be a stringy or globular yellow nasal discharge, a dry mouth and throat, sinus headache and fever. Symptoms are worse on the left side, in the morning and from cold, and are better from heat.[3]
Kali mur
Chronic otitis with mastoid involvement and excessive granulation occurring in the inner third of the auditory canal often respond well to this medicine. Swollen glands, flatulence, deafness, tinnitus and a history of glue ear and tonsillitis may also be noted here. Symptoms are worse from motion, open air, cold drinks, and are better from rubbing.
In this instance, symptoms often start on the right side, then either stay there or travel to the left. Other indicators include tinnitus, deafness, thick yellow offensive otorrhoea, a desire for sweets and warm food, increased appetite, flatulence, cold extremities, dry skin, intermittent chills and sweats and hyperesthesia to noise. Symptoms are worse in the late afternoon to evening or on waking, from warmth and are better from motion, from cold applications and from being uncovered.[3]
Mercurius Solubilis
A severe sore throat, prostration, fever, night sweats, moist skin, thick offensive yellow or green discharges, profuse sweating, swollen lymph nodes, ear pain and excessive salivation may be indicators for this prescription. The sufferer often experiences tremors in the extremities, is chilly, craves bread and butter and cold drinks. Symptoms are worse at night, from heat, a warm room, a warm bed, and from perspiration.
On examination, one may note a drum head that is dark purple, with elevated spots in the local area that form vesicles which break and produce a watery acrid excoriating discharge that smells of fish. Symptoms tend to develop slowly and deafness may occur. That are worse at night, from cold, touch, and lying on affected side. Symptoms are better from lying on the back.[3]
Diet & Regimen
Diet & regimen of Chronic Otitis Media
Regimen and diet
- Anti-inflammatory Foods: Some sources suggest focusing on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which may have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Hydration: Adequate fluid intake is generally important for overall health.
- Food Sensitivities: In some cases, food sensitivities or allergies might exacerbate ear conditions.
- Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications might be used to manage discomfort.
- Keeping the Ear Dry: Protecting the ear from water exposure during bathing or swimming is often emphasized.
- Topical Medications: Your doctor might prescribe eardrops containing antibiotics or cortiosteroids.
Do’s and Don'ts
Do’s & Don’ts
Managing Chronic Otitis Media (COM) involves a combination of medical and surgical interventions, along with certain lifestyle modifications. These are highlighted in:
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery.
Based on the recommendations in this book, here are some do’s and don’ts for managing COM:
- Seek medical attention: Consult an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
- Follow the prescribed treatment plan: This may include antibiotics, ear drops, or surgical intervention.
- Keep the ear dry: Avoid getting water in the ear while bathing or swimming. Use earplugs if necessary.
- Protect the ear from loud noises: Loud noises can worsen hearing loss associated with COM.
- Manage allergies: If allergies contribute to eustachian tube dysfunction, manage them effectively.
- Get vaccinated: Vaccinations against pneumococcal disease and influenza can help prevent ear infections.
- Don’t ignore ear discharge or pain: These could be signs of a worsening infection or complications.
- Don’t insert objects into the ear canal: This can damage the eardrum and worsen the infection.
- Don’t self-medicate: Over-the-counter ear drops may not be appropriate for COM and can even be harmful.
- Don’t fly with an active ear infection: Changes in air pressure can worsen ear pain and damage the eardrum.
- Don’t smoke: Smoking can impair the immune system and increase the risk of ear infections.[10]
Absolutely! Let’s break down the terminologies used in your homeopathic article on Chronic Otitis Media (COM), along with their meanings:
Core Medical Terms
- Chronic Otitis Media (COM): A long-lasting infection or inflammation of the middle ear, often with a perforated eardrum and persistent discharge.
- Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM): A specific type of COM characterized by persistent discharge (suppuration) from the middle ear.
- Otitis Media with Effusion (OME): Fluid buildup in the middle ear without signs of infection.
- Acute Otitis Media (AOM): A sudden onset of middle ear infection, usually resolving quickly with treatment.
- Tympanic Membrane: The eardrum, a thin membrane separating the outer and middle ear.
- Perforation: A hole or rupture in the eardrum.
- Otorrhea: Ear discharge.
- Eustachian Tube: A tube connecting the middle ear to the back of the throat, helping to equalize pressure and drain fluids.
- Mastoiditis: Inflammation of the mastoid bone (behind the ear).
- Cholesteatoma: An abnormal skin growth in the middle ear that can cause damage.
Additional Terms
- Tubotympanic: Refers to the type of COM affecting the Eustachian tube and middle ear.
- Atticoantral: Refers to the type of COM affecting the upper part of the middle ear (attic) and the mastoid antrum (air cells).
- Polyp: A benign growth in the middle ear, often associated with chronic inflammation.
- Tympanosclerosis: Scarring and calcification of the eardrum or middle ear tissue.
- Osteitis: Inflammation of the bone.
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Hearing loss due to inner ear or nerve damage.
- Conductive Hearing Loss: Hearing loss due to problems in the outer or middle ear.
Homeopathic Terms
- Remedy: A homeopathic medicine used to treat specific symptoms and individual patterns.
- Potency: The strength or dilution of a homeopathic remedy.
- Repertory: A book listing symptoms and the remedies that correspond to them.
- Materia Medica: A reference book describing the properties and uses of homeopathic remedies.
Let me know if you’d like any clarification on any of these terms or their usage in the context of your article.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otitis_media
- https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/homeopathy-for-the-management-of-otitis-media/
- https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Otitis_media_physical_examination, risk factor-Differential diagnosis
- https://www.mtatva.com/en/disease/otitis-media-treatment-diet-and-home-remedies/.
- (Otitis Media Prevalence in Children Below 18 Years of Age of India and the Associated Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis).
- (Prevalence of Ear Infections in Children (0 to 15 Years) of India: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis).
Chronic Otitis Media: Pathogenesis-Oriented Therapeutic Management Editor: B. Ars, Publication: Kugler Publications,(2008).
Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Editors: J.M. Hibbert, R.A. Dawes, Edition: 8th,
Publication: CRC Press
Also Search As
Also Search As
General Search Terms:
- homeopathy for chronic ear infection
- homeopathic remedies for ear discharge
- natural treatment for otitis media
- alternative medicine for COM
- holistic approach to ear infections
- homeopathic ear drops for chronic otitis media
- safe and effective treatment for ear problems
- homeopathic remedies for children with ear infections
Specific Remedy Names:
- Hepar sulph for ear infection
- Pulsatilla for otitis media
- Silicea for ear discharge
- Mercurius solubilis for ear pain
- Tellurium for chronic ear problems
Long-Tail Keywords:
- how to treat chronic otitis media naturally
- benefits of homeopathy for ear infections
- homeopathic consultation for chronic ear problems
- safe and natural remedies for recurring ear infections
- homeopathic approach to chronic otitis media in children
- best homeopathic remedies for ear pain and discharge
- homeopathic treatment for chronic otitis media with perforation
By incorporating these keywords into your article’s title, meta description, headings, and content, you can increase its chances of appearing in relevant search results and attract readers who are specifically looking for homeopathic solutions for COM.
People can search for the article on homeopathic treatment for Chronic Otitis Media (COM) in several ways:
Direct Search: Using specific keywords and phrases related to homeopathy and COM in search engines like Google or Bing. This could include terms like "homeopathy for chronic ear infection," "homeopathic remedies for ear discharge," or specific remedy names like "Hepar Sulph for ear infection."
Long-Tail Keyword Searches: Using longer, more specific phrases like "how to treat chronic otitis media naturally" or "benefits of homeopathy for ear infections" to find more targeted results.
Social Media: Searching for relevant hashtags on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, such as #homeopathy, #otitismedia, or #naturalremedies.
Homeopathic Forums and Communities: Participating in online forums and communities dedicated to homeopathy and asking for recommendations or experiences with COM treatment.
Homeopathic Practitioner Websites: Visiting the websites of homeopathic practitioners or clinics that specialize in ear conditions and searching for articles or blog posts on COM.
Alternative Health Websites: Exploring websites that focus on natural health and alternative medicine, as they may feature articles on homeopathy and COM.
Academic Databases: If you’re looking for more scholarly information, consider searching academic databases like PubMed or Google Scholar for research articles on homeopathic treatment of COM.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Complications of COM?
If left untreated, COM can lead to various complications, including hearing loss, cholesteatoma (an abnormal skin growth in the middle ear), mastoiditis (infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear), and even more serious conditions like meningitis or brain abscess.
What is Chronic Otitis Media?
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity that is characterize by discharge from the middle ear through a perforated tympanic membrane for at least 6 weeks.
Is homeopathic treatment for COM safe?
Homeopathic remedies are generally safe and non-toxic when used appropriately. However, it’s important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment.
What are the causes of Chronic Otitis Media?
What are the symptoms of Chronic Otitis Media?
- Ear discharge
- Hearing loss
- Perforation
- Middle ear mucosa- red, oedematous and swollen
- Bleeding
How can homeopathy help with Chronic Otitis Media?
Explain that homeopathy aims to address the underlying susceptibility and boost the body’s healing response.
What are the typical symptoms of COM that homeopathy might help with?
List common symptoms like ear pain, discharge, hearing loss, recurrent infections
Can homeopathy help prevent recurrent ear infections in COM?
Explain that homeopathy aims to strengthen the immune system and reduce susceptibility to infections
Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Chronic Otitis Media?
Homeopathic Medicines for Chronic Otitis Media
- Belladonna
- Chamomilla
- Calcarea Carb
- Hepar sulph
- Sulphur
- Capsicum
- Ferrum Phos
- Kali bich
- Lycopodium
- Mercurius Sol
- Tellurium