Ebola virus
An infectious and frequently fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids by a failover (Ebola virus), whose normal host species is unknown. [1]
There are a couple of synonyms for Ebola virus that describe the disease it causes:
- Ebola fever: This term is a more general way to refer to the illness caused by the Ebola virus.
- Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF): This term is more specific and describes the bleeding that is a characteristic symptom of the disease.
Epidemiology Of Ebola Fever
Causes Of Ebola Fever
Types Of Ebola Fever
Risk Factors Of Ebola Fever
Pathogenesis Of Ebola Fever
Pathophysiology Of Ebola Fever
Clinical Features Of Ebola Fever
Sign & Symptoms Of Ebola Fever
Clinical Examination Of Ebola Fever
Diagnosis Of Ebola Fever
Differential Diagnosis Of Ebola Fever
Complications Of Ebola Fever
Investigations Of Ebola Fever
Treatment Of Ebola Fever
Prevention Of Ebola Fever
Homeopathic Treatment
Diet & Regimen
Do’s and Don'ts Of Ebola Fever
References Of Ebola Fever
Also Search As
- In general, Several viruses of the family Filoviridae cause severe and frequently fatal viral hemorrhagic fevers in humans.
- Moreover, Introduction of filoviruses into human populations is an extremely rare event that most likely occurs by either direct or indirect contact with healthy mammalian filovirus hosts or by contact with infected, sick, or deceased nonhuman primates.[1]
Epidemiology Of Ebola Fever
Causes Of Ebola Fever
The family Filoviridae includes three genera: Cueva virus, Ebolavirus, also Marburg virus
These genomes contain six or seven genes that encode the following seven structural proteins:
nucleoprotein, polymerase cofactor (i.e. VP35), matrix protein (i.e. VP40), glycoprotein (e.g. GP1,2), transcriptional cofactor (VP30), secondary matrix protein (VP24), and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L protein). [1]
Types Of Ebola Fever
Types of Ebola virus
Zaïre Ebolavirus
- Among the five strains, Zaïre Ebolavirus carries the highest mortality rate.
- A virus of the genus Ebolavirus is considered member of the species Zaire ebolavirus if:
- It is found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, or the Republic of the Congo.
- It has a genome with two or three gene overlaps (VP35/VP40, GP/VP30, VP24/L).
- It has a genomic sequence that differs from the virus type by less than 30%.
Sudan Ebolavirus
- A virus of the genus Ebolavirus is considered member of the species Sudan ebolavirus if:
- It is endemic in Sudan and/or Uganda.
- It has a genome with three gene overlaps (VP35/VP40, GP/VP30, VP24/L).
- It has a genomic sequence different from Ebola virus by ≥30%, but different from that of Sudan virus by <30%.
Reston Ebolavirus
- A virus of the genus Ebolavirus is considered member of the species Reston ebolavirus if:
- If its genome diverges from that of the prototype Reston virus, the Reston virus variant Pennsylvania, by ≤10% at the nucleotide level.
Tai (Ivory Coast) Ebolavirus
- A virus of the genus Ebolavirus is considered member of the species Tai Forest ebolavirus if:
- It is endemic in Côte d’Ivoire.
- It has a genome with three gene overlaps (VP35/VP40, GP/VP30, VP24/L).
- It has a genomic sequence different from Ebola virus by ≥30% but different from that of Tai Forest virus by <30%.
Bundibugyo Ebolavirus
- A virus of the genus Ebolavirus is considered member of the species Bundibugyo ebolavirus if:
- It is endemic in Uganda.
- It has a genome with three gene overlaps (VP35/VP40, GP/VP30, VP24/L).
- It has a genomic sequence different from Ebola virus by ≥30%, but different from that of Bundibugyo virus by <30%.(3)
Risk Factors Of Ebola Fever
Risk factors Of Ebola Fever
- Percutaneous (e.g., needle stick) or mucous membrane exposure to blood or body fluids of EVD patient while the patient was symptomatic
- Exposure to the blood or body fluids (including but not limited to feces, saliva, sweat, urine, vomit, and semen) of a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Processing blood or body fluids of a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic without appropriate PPE or standard biosafety precautions
- Direct contact with a dead body without appropriate PPE in a country with widespread Ebola virus transmission
- Having lived in the immediate household and provided direct care to a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic.
- In countries with widespread Ebola virus transmission: direct contact while using appropriate PPE with a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic
- Close contact in households, health care facilities, or community settings with a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic. Close contact is defined as being for a prolonged period of time while not wearing appropriate PPE within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) of a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic.
- Having brief direct contact (e.g., shaking hands) while not wearing appropriate PPE, with a person with Ebola while the person was in the early stage of disease
- Brief proximity, such as being in the same room for a brief period of time, with a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic
- In countries without widespread Ebola virus transmission: direct contact while using appropriate PPE with a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic
- Traveled on an aircraft with a person with Ebola while the person was symptomatic. (3)
Pathogenesis Of Ebola Fever
Pathogenesis Of Ebola Fever
Ebola virus enters the body through mucous membranes, breaks in the skin, or by parenteral introduction. It infects many cell types, including monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, hepatocytes, adrenal cortical cells, and epithelial cells. The incubation period is 2 to 21 days. [5]
Pathophysiology Of Ebola Fever
- Ebola virus infects mainly the cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system, but also fibroblasts, hepatocytes, spongiocytes, adrenal cortical cells and endothelial cells.
- The infection of the mononuclear phagocyte system cells plays a key role in the pathogenesis and spread of the disease as they carry the virus from of the initial infection site, through the lymphatic system and blood, to the regional lymph nodes, spleen and liver.
Immune response
- The virus activates the macrophages synthesis of interleukins (IL), which leads the Th1/Th2 balance towards a more pronounced Th1-cell mediated response.
- Some inflammatory mediators produced during the Ebola virus infection include interferon (IFN)-alpha, IFN-beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, interferon-inducible protein 10; monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES); TNF-alpha; and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.
- Some viral proteins, such as VP35 and VP24, block the type I interferon response, which plays a key role of the pathogenesis of the disease.
- The reactive oxygen and nitrogen species contribute to the cell and tissue damage, and therefore vascular and organ damage.
- The nitric oxide is known to be an important vasodilator; therefore it plays and important role in the development of hypotension and shock.
Coagulation system
- Ebola infection is associated with hemorrhage in 50% of patients.
- Alterations of the coagulation system are induced by the ebola virus, and are thought to be mediated by the production of tissue factor:
- Consumption of clotting factors
- Increased concentrations of fibrin degradation products
- Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
- The next table summarizes the pathogenesis of the disease according to the virus tropism. (3)
Clinical Features Of Ebola Fever
Clinical Features Of Ebola Fever
The clinical features of Ebola virus disease (EVD) are variable and nonspecific in the initial stages, making diagnosis challenging.
Early symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.
These may progress to vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. [6]
Sign & Symptoms Of Ebola Fever
Sign & Symptoms Of Ebola Fever
- Fever
- Aches and pains, e.g. severe headache and muscle and joint pain
- Weakness also fatigue
- Sore throat
- Loss of appetite
- Gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, also vomiting
- Unexplained either haemorrhaging, bleeding or bruising
Clinical Examination Of Ebola Fever
Clinical examination Of Ebola Fever
Appearance of the Patient
The general appearance of the patient depends on the stage of the disease. Typically, patients demonstrate prostration, may be nauseated and vomiting, and less commonly present with signs of hemorrhage, such as epistaxis or gingival bleeding. In later stages of the disease, patients are often brought with convulsions or are in a state of shock, stupor, or coma.
- High-grade fever is often present in more than 80% of patients. Fever is the most common presenting sign of Ebola virus infection.
- Tachycardia
- Relative bradycardia
Blood Pressure
- Hypotension (SBP<90 mmHg and/or DBP<60 mmHg)
- Postural hypotension is common in dehydrated patients with inadequate volume repletion
Respiratory Rate
- Signs of respiratory difficulty may be present, such as:
- Intercostal retractions
- Paradoxical breathing
- Nasal flare
- Tachypnea often precedes death during final hours of infection.
Hemorrhagic manifestations tend to occur during the more severe stages of the disease and may include:
- Maculopapular rash on the trunk, usually between the 5th and 7th day of the condition, associated with different stages of erythema and desquamation, which is a valuable finding in differentiating Ebola from other diseases.
- Petechiae is a common finding
- Ecchymoses is a common finding
- Mucosal hemorrhages is a common finding
- Uncontrolled bleeding from venipuncture locals is a common finding
- Conjunctival hemorrhage is a the most common sign of abnormal clotting
- Conjunctivitis
- Epistaxis may be present.
- Nasal discharge may be present.
- Mucosal hyperemia of the oral cavity is a common finding.
- Bleeding gums is a common finding.
- Abdominal tenderness may suggest pancreatitis, intestinal swelling, or mesenteric lymphadenopathy
- Abdominal distention may suggest paralytic ileus
- Tender hepatomegaly
- Splenomegaly
- Edema may be present.
- Obtundation may be present.
- Stupor
- Coma (3)
Diagnosis Of Ebola Fever
Diagnosis Of Ebola Fever
- Basically, Filovirus infections cannot diagnose on the basis of clinical presentation alone.
- Acute-phase blood/serum is the preferred diagnostic specimen because it usually contains high titers of filovirions also filovirion-specific antibodies.
- Consequently, diagnostic samples should collect with great caution and with use of proper personal protective equipment and strict barrier nursing techniques.
- In detail, With adherence to established bio safety precautionary measures, samples should sent in suitable transport media to national or international WHO reference laboratories.
- All in all, Direct IgM and IgG or IgM capture ELISA use for the detection of filovirion-targeting antibodies from patients in later stages of disease [1]
Differential Diagnosis Of Ebola Fever
Complications Of Ebola Fever
Given the severe immunosuppression induced by filovirus infection, secondary infections should be kept in mind and appropriately treated as early as possible.
Pregnancy and labour cause severe and frequently fatal complications in filovirus infections due to clotting factor consumption, fetal loss, and/or severe blood loss during birth. [1]
Investigations Of Ebola Fever
- Antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Virus isolation
- IgM and IgG antibodies
- Immunohistochemistry testing
- Virus isolation
Treatment Of Ebola Fever
Treatment of Ebola virus
- Any treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed filovirus infection must be administered under increased safety precautions by experienced specialists using appropriate personal protective equipment .
- Postexposure vaccination with filovirus GP1,2.
- Expressing recombinant replicating vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus; administration of specific filovirus genome- or transcript-targeting small interfering RNAs or phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers.
- Administration of filovirus specific antibodies or antibody cocktails ; and use of a synthetic adenosine analog that acts as a non-obligate RNA chain terminator.
- In the absence of these candidate treatments, measures to stabilize patients include those generally recommended for severe septicemia/sepsis/shock.
- Pain management and administration of antipyretics and antiemetic should always be considered. [1]
Prevention Of Ebola Fever
- Avoid contact with blood and body fluids (such as urine, feces, saliva, sweat, vomit, breast milk, amniotic fluid, semen, and vaginal fluids) of people who are sick.
- Avoid contact with semen from a man who has recovered from EVD, until testing shows that the virus is gone from his semen.
- Avoid contact with items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids (such as clothes, bedding, needles, and medical equipment).
- Avoid funeral or burial practices that involve touching the body of someone who died from EVD or suspect EVD.
- Avoid contact with bats, forest antelopes, and nonhuman primates (such as monkeys and chimpanzees) blood, fluids, or raw meat prepared from these or unknown animals (bushmeat).
- Ebola vaccine is given as a single dose vaccine and has been found to be safe and protective against Zaire ebolavirus, which has caused the largest and most deadly Ebola outbreaks to date.(4)
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment of Ebola virus
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis.
Which includes
- The medical history of the patient,
- Physical and mental constitution,
- Family history,
- Presenting symptoms,
- Underlying pathology,
- Possible causative factors etc.
A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
What Homoeopathic doctors do?
A homeopathy doctor tries to treat more than just the presenting symptoms. The focus is usually on what caused the disease condition? Why ‘this patient’ is sick ‘this way’?
The disease diagnosis is important but in homeopathy, the cause of disease not just probed to the level of bacteria and viruses. Other factors like mental, emotional and physical stress that could predispose a person to illness also looked for. Now a days, even modern medicine also considers a large number of diseases as psychosomatic. The correct homeopathy remedy tries to correct this disease predisposition.
The focus is not on curing the disease but to cure the person who is sick, to restore the health. If a disease pathology not very advanced, homeopathy remedies do give a hope for cure but even in incurable cases, the quality of life can greatly improve with homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic Medicines for Ebola virus:
The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications also taken into account for selecting a remedy, potency and repetition of dose by Homeopathic doctor.
So, here we describe homeopathic medicine only for reference and education purpose. Do not take medicines without consulting registered homeopathic doctor (BHMS or M.D. Homeopath).
Medicines of Ebola virus:
Crotalus horridus:
- Specifically in Bilious fever with yellow face, gnawing, aching pain in liver, bloody evacuation, right lung hepatized, dry tongue, urine dark, unconsciousness, cold clammy perspiration.
- All fevers which present a either hemorrhagic or putrescent character, with epistaxis, extreme prostration and induration of tonsils.
Arsenicum album:
- High temperature. Periodicity marked with adynamic, Septic fevers.
- Paroxysms incomplete, with marked exhaustion, Hay fever.
- Cold sweats. Additionally, Typhoid, not too early, Complete exhaustion.
- Besides this, Delirium; worse after midnight. Great restlessness. Great heat especially, about 3 a.m. Sordes.
- Chilly in back; feet icy cold; hot flushes also hot perspiration.
- Paroxysm returns after acids. Intermittent fever especially in every spring.
- Especially indicated in Ebola virus infection.
- Intermittent fever: quartan; tertian; irregular. Furthermore, Scarlet fever epidemic, with excessive angina and violent fever.
- Chilliness with pains in left kidney. Exanthema of difficult development and delirium. Hectic fever with hemoptysis.
- Colliquative sweats. Fever heat with thirst.
- Phosphorus: Chilly every evening. Cold knees at night. Adynamic with lack of thirst, but unnatural hunger.
- Hectic, with small, quick pulse; viscid night- sweats. foolish delirium. Lastly, Profuse perspiration.
Diet & Regimen
Diet & Regimen
- Avoid cold drinks /cold food
- Eat fresh food
- Maintain cleanliness
- Drink Hurble tea
- Respiratory exercise
Do’s and Don'ts Of Ebola Fever
Do’s and Don’ts
of Ebola virus
- Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Seek medical care immediately: If you experience symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or unexplained bleeding or bruising, consult a healthcare professional immediately.
- Follow infection control measures: If you are caring for someone with suspected or confirmed Ebola, wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks, gowns, and goggles.
- Report any suspected cases: Inform health authorities immediately if you suspect someone has Ebola.
- Get vaccinated: If a vaccine is available, get vaccinated to protect yourself from Ebola.
- Do not touch bodily fluids: Avoid contact with blood, vomit, feces, urine, saliva, sweat, or semen of individuals with suspected or confirmed Ebola.
- Do not handle items that may have come into contact with an infected person: Avoid touching clothing, bedding, needles, or other personal belongings of individuals with suspected or confirmed Ebola.
- Do not participate in burial rituals: Avoid participating in traditional burial practices that involve direct contact with the body of someone who has died from Ebola.
- Do not eat bushmeat: Avoid eating or handling wild animals (bushmeat) as they can be a source of Ebola virus transmission.
- Do not travel to areas with Ebola outbreaks: Avoid nonessential travel to regions experiencing an Ebola outbreak.
Remember, early detection and prompt medical attention are crucial in managing Ebola virus disease. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help protect yourself and others from this deadly virus.
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD):
The illness caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus species.
A disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Reservoir Host:
The animal species in which a virus naturally lives and reproduces, in the case of Ebola, this is believed to be fruit bats.
Spillover Event:
The transmission of a virus from its reservoir host to a new host, such as humans.
Index Case/Patient Zero:
The first identified case in a disease outbreak.
Incubation Period:
The time from exposure to the virus to the onset of symptoms.
Hemorrhagic Fever:
A severe multisystem syndrome characterized by fever and bleeding diathesis (a tendency to bleed or bruise easily).
Cytokine Storm:
An overreaction of the body’s immune system, leading to excessive inflammation and damage to organs.
Viral Load:
The amount of virus present in a person’s blood or other bodily fluids.
Contact Tracing:
The process of identifying and monitoring individuals who have been in contact with an infected person.
Separating sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
Separating and restricting the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Specialized clothing or equipment worn for protection against infectious materials.
Experimental Therapies/Treatments:
Unapproved drugs or treatments being studied for their potential effectiveness against Ebola.
A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.
The sudden increase in the number of disease cases in a specific geographical area.
An outbreak of disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.
An epidemic that has spread over multiple countries or continents.
Common Terminology Used in Homeopathy Related to Ebola Virus:
Similia Similibus Curentur: The fundamental principle of homeopathy, meaning "like cures like." It suggests that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a sick person.
Remedy: A homeopathic preparation, usually highly diluted, that is used to stimulate the body’s healing response.
Proving: A systematic process of observing and documenting the symptoms produced by a substance in healthy individuals to determine its potential homeopathic uses
Repertory: A reference book that lists symptoms and the homeopathic remedies associated with them.
Materia Medica: A comprehensive collection of information about homeopathic remedies, including their sources, preparation, and documented effects on the body.
Potency: The degree of dilution and succussion (a specific shaking method) of a homeopathic remedy.
Nosode: A homeopathic remedy prepared from a disease product, such as a virus or bacteria.
Constitutional Remedy: A homeopathic remedy chosen based on an individual’s overall physical and mental characteristics, not just their specific symptoms
Aggravation:A temporary worsening of symptoms after taking a homeopathic remedy, often considered a positive sign of healing.
Vital Force: The innate healing energy of the body, which homeopathy aims to stimulate.
Miasm: A predisposition to certain chronic diseases, believed to be inherited and influenced by past infectious diseases.
References Of Ebola Fever
- Harrisons_Principles_of_Internal_Medicine-_19th_Edition-_2_Volume_Set
- Materia Medica By Boericke W.
- Ebola risk factors – wikidoc
- .Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 21st Edition, by Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo (2022) Publisehed by McGraw Hill Medical
- Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 9th edition, by John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, Martin J. Blaser (2020), Published by Elsevier
Also Search As
Several ways to search Ebola virus:
- Online databases:
- PubMed: While primarily focused on conventional medicine, PubMed may contain some articles on homeopathic research, including studies related to Ebola.
- Homeopathic journals: Search the online archives of homeopathic journals like "Homeopathy," "The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine," or "The European Journal of Integrative Medicine."
- Search engines:
- Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "homeopathy," "Ebola virus," "treatment," "research," or "case studies" to refine your search results on Google or other search engines.
- Look for reputable sources: Prioritize articles from established homeopathic organizations, research institutions, or peer-reviewed journals.
- Homeopathic libraries:
- Consult libraries specializing in alternative medicine or homeopathy. They may have a collection of books, journals, and articles on various homeopathic topics, including Ebola.
- Homeopathic forums and communities:
- Online forums or discussion groups dedicated to homeopathy can be a valuable resource. You can ask for recommendations for articles or research studies from experienced practitioners or researchers.
- Patent databases:
- Search patent databases like Google Patents or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for patents related to homeopathic preparations for Ebola. For example, WO2016037245A1 describes a homeopathic preparation applicable to Ebola virus disease.
Important considerations:
- Be critical of the information you find. Evaluate the source, methodology, and conclusions of any article you read.
- Look for evidence-based research. Prioritize articles that report on clinical trials or well-designed studies.
- Consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs and health condition.
Remember that homeopathy is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) system. It isessential to consult with healthcare professionals for any serious health concerns, including the Ebola virus.
There are several ways to search for information on the Ebola virus:
Search Engines:
- Use search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo to search for information on Ebola. Use specific keywords like "Ebola virus," "Ebola symptoms," "Ebola treatment," or "Ebola outbreak" to refine your search.
Official Health Organizations:
- World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO provides comprehensive information on Ebola, including its causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Visit their website for the latest updates and guidelines.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC offers detailed information on Ebola for healthcare professionals and the general public. Their website provides resources on Ebola basics, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment.
News Outlets:
- Reputable news organizations often cover Ebola outbreaks and provide updates on the latest developments. Check news websites or follow news channels to stay informed about Ebola-related news.
Academic Databases:
- Databases like PubMed and Google Scholar can be used to search for scientific articles and research papers on Ebola. These resources are particularly helpful for those seeking in-depth information on the virus.
Social Media:
- Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can be used to follow health organizations, experts, and news outlets for real-time updates on Ebola. However, always verify the information from reliable sources before sharing it.
Tips for Searching:
- Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching for "Ebola," use more specific terms like "Ebola symptoms," "Ebola vaccine," or "Ebola history."
- Check the date of the information: Ebola is an ongoing research area, so ensure the information you find is up-to-date.
- Look for reliable sources: Stick to reputable sources like health organizations, government websites, and academic journals.
- Be wary of misinformation: There is a lot of misinformation about Ebola online. Always double-check the information from reliable sources.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Ebola virus?
An infectious and frequently fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids by a failover (Ebola virus), whose normal host species is unknown.
How is Ebola virus transmitted?
Ebola virus is transmitted through direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected person, a deceased person with Ebola, or infected animals. It can also spread through contact with contaminated objects or surfaces.
Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Ebola virus?
- Crotalus horridus
- Arsenicum album
- Lachesis
- Millefolium
- Baptisia
What causes Ebola virus?
Cueva virus, Ebolavirus, and Marburg virus
Is there a cure for Ebola?
There is no specific cure for EVD, but supportive care can improve the chances of survival. This includes maintaining hydration, managing symptoms, and treating complications.
What are the symptoms of Ebola virus?
- Fever
- Aches also pains
- Weakness and fatigue
- Sore throat
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea, also vomiting
- Unexplained hemorrhaging, bleeding or bruising
How can I protect myself from Ebola?
Practice good hygiene, avoid contact with infected individuals, and follow infection control measures if caring for someone with EVD. If a vaccine is available, consider getting vaccinated.
Are there any homeopathic remedies that can help with Ebola symptoms?
Homeopathic Medicines
Some homeopathic practitioners suggest remedies like Crotalus horridus or Arsenicum album based on symptom similarity, but these have not been scientifically proven effective against Ebola.
Is it safe to use homeopathy alongside conventional treatment for Ebola?
While homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about any homeopathic treatments you’re using, especially in severe conditions like Ebola, to avoid potential interactions or delays in necessary medical care.