Hirsutism is the excessive growth of androgen dependent sexual hair (terminal hair) in facial and central part of the body that worries the patient. [1]
There aren’t any perfect synonyms for hirsutism because it’s a medical term with a specific meaning. However, here are some related terms you might encounter:
- Excessive hair growth: This is a general term that can describe hirsutism, but it can also refer to other conditions that cause unwanted hair growth, such as hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause, or certain medications.
- Hypertrichosis: This is a broader medical term for any abnormal hair growth, including hirsutism.
- Virilization: This term refers to the development of male characteristics in females, which can include hirsutism, but also other changes like a deeper voice or increased muscle mass.
Risk Factors
Clinical Features
Sign & Symptoms
Clinical Examination
Differential Diagnosis
Homeopathic Treatment
Diet & Regimen
Do’s and Don'ts
Also Search As
Overview of Hirsutism
Hypertrichosis: Hypertrichosis connotes excessive growth of non-sexual (fetal lanugo type) hair.
Hyperandrogenism: Hyperandrogenism is a state of increased serum androgen level with or without any biological effect of hyperandrogenemia.
Virilism: Virilism is defined as the presence of any one or more of the following features—deepening of the voice, temporal balding, amenorrhea, enlargement of clitoris (clitoromegaly) and breast atrophy. It is a more severe form of androgen excess. Virilism may be due to adrenal hyperplasia or tumors of adrenal or ovary.
Epidemiology of Hirsutism
Hirsutism is a common endocrine disorder affecting women worldwide, including India. Several studies have investigated its epidemiology in the Indian population:
Epidemiologic and etiologic aspects of hirsutism in Kashmiri women in the Indian subcontinent (2001): This study found that idiopathic hirsutism (38.7%) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (37.3%) were the most common causes of hirsutism in Kashmiri women.[4]
Clinical evaluation of hirsutism in South India (2017): This study found that idiopathic hirsutism was the most common cause of hirsutism in South India, followed by PCOS. It also highlighted the association of hirsutism with obesity and metabolic syndrome in this population.[5]
The effect of hirsutism on the quality of life of Indian women (2016): This study investigated the impact of hirsutism on the quality of life of Indian women and found that it was associated with significant psychological distress and impaired self-image.[6]
These studies highlight the prevalence and varied etiologies of hirsutism in India, emphasizing the need for further research and targeted interventions to address this condition effectively.
Causes of Hirsutism
- Hirsutism may be associated with excess androgen production either from the ovaries or adrenals or excess stimulation of the endorgan, i.e., hair follicles.
- It represents one of the early manifestations in the spectrum of virilism. Whereas, virilism is almost always associated with hirsutism (except at birth) but hirsutism may not be associated with virilism.
- There may be racial or familial link. Increased hair growth is observed during puberty, pregnancy and following menopause.
- Obesity (android)—Insulin resistance and androgen excess. Obesity (BMI > 25) associated with distribution of fat primarily in the gluteal and femoral region is called gynoid obesity.
Types Of Hirsutism
Hirsutism can be classified into several types based on its underlying cause:
- Idiopathic Hirsutism: This is the most common type, characterized by excess hair growth without any identifiable underlying hormonal abnormality.[7]
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)-Related Hirsutism: PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Hirsutism is a common symptom of PCOS.[8]
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)-Related Hirsutism: CAH is a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands’ production of hormones. Some types of CAH can cause hirsutism.[9]
- Medication-Induced Hirsutism: Certain medications, such as anabolic steroids, danazol, and minoxidil, can cause hirsutism as a side effect.[10]
- Tumor-Related Hirsutism: Rarely, tumors in the ovaries or adrenal glands can produce excess androgens, leading to hirsutism.[11]
It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of hirsutism.
Risk Factors
Risk Factors of Hirsutism
- Family History: A family history of hirsutism or conditions like PCOS or congenital adrenal hyperplasia can increase the risk.[7]
- Ethnicity: Women of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and South Asian descent are more likely to develop hirsutism.[8]
- Insulin Resistance: Conditions like PCOS and metabolic syndrome, which are associated with insulin resistance, can increase the risk of hirsutism.[12]
- Certain Medications: Some medications, like anabolic steroids, danazol, and minoxidil, can cause hirsutism as a side effect.[10]
It’s important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management of hirsutism, as the underlying cause can vary, and treatment options depend on the specific diagnosis.
Pathogenesis of Hirsutism
The pathogenesis of hirsutism involves a complex interplay between androgens (male sex hormones) and hair follicles. It is primarily driven by:
Increased Androgen Production:
- Ovarian Source: Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) lead to increased androgen production in the ovaries.
- Adrenal Source: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and adrenal tumors can cause excess androgen production in the adrenal glands.
Increased 5α-Reductase Activity:
- This enzyme converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent androgen that significantly affects hair growth. Elevated 5α-reductase activity leads to increased DHT levels and promotes hirsutism.
Increased Hair Follicle Sensitivity to Androgens:
- Genetic predisposition or certain medical conditions can increase the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens. This heightened sensitivity leads to terminal hair growth in areas where vellus hair (fine, light hair) is typically present.
Decreased Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) Levels:
- SHBG binds to androgens, reducing their availability to interact with hair follicles. Decreased SHBG levels lead to higher levels of free androgens, thus promoting hirsutism.[7][8][9]
Pathophysiology of Hirsutism
- It involves combination of the following: Increased concentration of serum androgens especially of testosterone.
- Decreased level of SHBG resulting in increased free testosterone (testosterone itself reduces SHBG level).
- Increased responsiveness of the target organ (skin) to the normal circulating androgens. This may be related to ethnic background. Asian women have less number of hair follicles per unit area of skin compared to a Caucasian woman.
- Increased activity of 5α-reductase which converts testosterone to DHT in the skin and hair follicles Thus, the hair follicle becomes a secondary site of androgen metabolism at the expense of hair follicle stimulation and hirsutism.[1]
Clinical Features
Clinical Features
The clinical features of hirsutism can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity, but typically include:
Excess Hair Growth: The hallmark of hirsutism is excessive growth of coarse, dark terminal hair in a male-pattern distribution. Commonly affected areas include:
- Face: Upper lip, chin, sideburns, jawline
- Chest: Around the nipples and breastbone
- Abdomen: Lower abdomen and around the umbilicus
- Back: Upper back and shoulders
Virilization: In severe cases, hirsutism can be accompanied by additional signs of virilization, which include:
- Deepening of the voice
- Acne
- Male-pattern baldness
- Increased muscle mass
- Decreased breast size
- Enlargement of the clitoris
Associated Symptoms: Hirsutism can also be associated with other symptoms depending on the underlying cause, such as:
- Menstrual irregularities in women with PCOS
- Symptoms of insulin resistance (e.g., acanthosis nigricans, obesity)
- Other signs of endocrine disorders (e.g., fatigue, weight changes)[8]
Sign & Symptoms
Sign & Symptoms of Hirsutism
Hirsutism is stiff or dark body hair, appearing on the body where women don’t commonly have hair — primarily the face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs and back. People have widely varying opinions on what’s considered excessive.
When high androgen levels cause hirsutism, other signs might develop over time, a process called virilization.
Signs of virilization might include:
- Deepening voice
- Balding
- Acne
- Decreased breast size
- Increased muscle mass
- Enlargement of the clitoris.[1]
Clinical Examination
Clinical Examination
The clinical examination of hirsutism involves a comprehensive assessment to determine the extent of hair growth, identify associated signs, and evaluate for potential underlying causes. Key components include:
Ferriman-Gallwey (FG) Score:
- This standardized scoring system assesses the degree of hair growth in nine body areas (upper lip, chin, chest, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, thighs, and back).
- Each area is scored from 0 (no terminal hair) to 4 (extensive terminal hair growth).
- A total score of 8 or more is generally considered indicative of hirsutism.
Assessment of Hair Distribution:
- Examine the distribution of hair growth, noting the presence of terminal hair in male-pattern areas (face, chest, abdomen, back).
- Assess for any unusual hair growth patterns or areas of increased density.
Evaluation for Virilization:
- Look for signs of virilization, such as deepening of the voice, acne, male-pattern baldness, increased muscle mass, decreased breast size, and clitoromegaly.
General Physical Examination:
- Assess body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference to evaluate for obesity.
- Examine the skin for signs of insulin resistance, such as acanthosis nigricans (dark, velvety patches of skin).
- Check blood pressure and assess for other features of metabolic syndrome.
Pelvic Examination (if indicated):
- In women, a pelvic examination may be performed to assess for ovarian enlargement or other abnormalities.[9]
Diagnosis of Hirsutism
- Tests that measure the number of certain hormones in your blood, including testosterone or testosterone-like hormones, might help determine whether elevated androgen levels are causing your hirsutism.
- Your doctor might also examine your abdomen and do a pelvic exam to look for masses that could indicate a tumor. [1]
Differential Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
Several conditions can present with hirsutism, and distinguishing between them requires careful evaluation.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): The most common cause of hirsutism, PCOS is characterized by hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction, and polycystic ovaries.
Idiopathic Hirsutism: This refers to excess hair growth without any identifiable underlying hormonal abnormality.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): This group of genetic disorders affects adrenal hormone production and can lead to hirsutism.
Cushing’s Syndrome: Excess cortisol production, whether due to adrenal tumors or exogenous glucocorticoid use, can cause hirsutism.
Androgen-Secreting Tumors: Ovarian or adrenal tumors can secrete androgens, leading to hirsutism and virilization.
Hyperprolactinemia: Elevated prolactin levels can sometimes be associated with hirsutism.
Medication-Induced Hirsutism: Certain medications, such as anabolic steroids, danazol, and minoxidil, can cause hirsutism as a side effect.
Hypertrichosis: This condition involves excessive hair growth all over the body, unlike the male-pattern distribution seen in hirsutism.[7][9]
While hirsutism itself is not a life-threatening condition, it can lead to several complications, both physical and psychological:
Psychological Complications:
Emotional Distress: The cosmetic impact of excessive hair growth can lead to significant emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Women with hirsutism often experience decreased self-esteem, body image concerns, and difficulty establishing relationships.
Impaired Quality of Life: The constant need for hair removal and the social stigma associated with hirsutism can negatively impact various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and leisure activities.
Physical Complications (Related to Underlying Cause):
Infertility: Hirsutism is often associated with conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can lead to ovulatory dysfunction and difficulty conceiving.
Metabolic Syndrome: Conditions causing hirsutism, like PCOS, are frequently linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions (obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol levels) that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Endometrial Hyperplasia and Cancer: In some cases, the hormonal imbalances causing hirsutism can lead to excessive thickening of the uterine lining (endometrial hyperplasia), which can increase the risk of endometrial cancer.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Obesity, a common risk factor for hirsutism, is also associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a condition characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep.[8]
Investigation of Hirsutism
The following guidelines prescribe in an attempt to pinpoint the diagnosis.
- History of intake of an offending drug producing androgen city is to exclude first.
- Family history of excess hair growth too often correlate.
- Mild hirsutism are not infrequently find during puberty, pregnancy and post menopause.
During postmenopausal period, there decrease SHBG, more amongst higher weighter patients, resulting in elevate testosterone.
Physical examination includes:
- BMI calculation
- Modified Ferriman – Gallway score for grading hirsutism.
- Others for: acne, acanthosis nigricans galactorrhea and clitoral size.
- Hirsutism of rapid onset and progressive in nature or symptoms of virilization, needs exclusion of a tumor (adrenal or ovarian). Serum DHEA-S > 700 μg/dl may rarely be seen with adrenal tumors.
- High serum level of testosterone (> 150 ng/ml) is mostly associated with an androgen producing tumor. Serum level of DHEA-S correlate well with daily urinary 17–KS secretion. Further evaluation should be done with ultrasonography, CT or MRI.
Hirsutism, in most cases, is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a preventable disease. However, some measures may help manage or reduce its severity:
Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help lower androgen levels, particularly in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Weight loss has been shown to improve hirsutism in some individuals.[7]
Medications: Certain medications, such as oral contraceptives and anti-androgens, can be prescribed to help manage hirsutism by reducing androgen levels or blocking their effects.[8]
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Underlying Conditions: Early identification and treatment of conditions like PCOS, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or androgen-secreting tumors can help prevent the progression of hirsutism.[9]
Avoidance of Medications that Can Induce Hirsutism: If possible, avoid medications that are known to cause hirsutism as a side effect. If such medications are necessary, discuss alternative options with your doctor.
It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of hirsutism and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic Treatment of Hirsutism
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis.
which includes
- The medical history of the patient,
- Physical and mental constitution,
- Family history,
- Presenting symptoms,
- Underlying pathology,
- Possible causative factors etc.
A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.
What Homoeopathic doctors do?
A homeopathy doctor tries to treat more than just the presenting symptoms. The focus is usually on what caused the disease condition? Why ‘this patient’ is sick ‘this way’?.
The disease diagnosis is important but in homeopathy, the cause of disease not just probed to the level of bacteria and viruses. Other factors like mental, emotional and physical stress that could predispose a person to illness also looked for. No a days, even modern medicine also considers a large number of diseases as psychosomatic. The correct homeopathy remedy tries to correct this disease predisposition.
The focus is not on curing the disease but to cure the person who is sick, to restore the health. If a disease pathology not very advanced, homeopathy remedies do give a hope for cure but even in incurable cases, the quality of life can greatly improved with homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic Medicines for Hirsutism:
The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications also taken into account for selecting a remedy.
- Oleum Jecoris Aselli:
- Useful for abnormal growth of hair on the face of a woman, particularly on the chin and upper lips. The hair on the face could be short, dark also thick.
- It is used to treat amenorrhea and oligomenorrhoea, both of which develop as a result of hormonal imbalance in a female’s body.
- There can be soreness of both ovaries along with dysmenorrhea.
2. Sepia Succus:
Useful for unwanted facial hair which usually occurs due to a hormonal imbalance.
Useful where PCOS or disturbed menses are the causes for the facial hair to occur.
Usually, the menses are late, scanty with pain in the abdomen.
It also use to treat cases of induration of the ovaries.
3. Oophorinum:
Generally, Oophorinum is a medicine prepared from the ovarian extract of a sheep or the cow.
This extract contains oestrogen, progesterone, also follicle stimulating hormone and potentize according to the principles of homeopathy.
In detail, Oophorinum use to treat cases of unwanted facial hair that occur due to ovarian cysts or tumors.
Besides this, It primarily acts upon the female genitalia and the skin.
The patient tends to feel worse during menses, which are too early, profuse, clotted also of brief duration.
4. Natrum Muriaticum:
Useful for unwanted facial hair that grows on the upper lip. Additionally, Acne on the face may also be present.
Moreover, Menses may be too early, too profuse, and the flow is usually observed at night.
The patient can be thin also anemic, with an excessive dryness of the skin and mouth.
All in all, this medicine is also used to treat female sterility also.
5. Calcarea Carbonica:
- Useful especially for unwanted facial hair in females who have a tendency to grow fat.
- Usually, the patients who require this remedy have a slow metabolism, resulting in deposition of fat over the body.
- Furthermore, There are hormonal irregularities which lead to menstrual disturbances.
- The menses may occur too early, and be profuse. Additionally, they also last for a longer duration.
- These disturbances further initiate the growth of unwanted facial hair.
- Masculinization in women, hair distribution on unwanted area. Timid in company.
- Anxious when alone.
- Forgetful for names, mistakes in spelling also speaking. Absence of menses in young girls.
- Dry skin with heat especially at night.
- Baryta carb:
- Immaturity, delayed development.
- Slow learning to talk also walk.
- Childishness in old people.
- Silly. Shy, timid, lack of self-confidence.
- Immature development of parts of the body. Additionally, Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute.
- Lost confidence in himself. Confusion. bashful.
- Aversion especially to strangers. Childish.
- Pain in axillary glands. Cold, clammy feet. Lastly, Fetid foot-sweats.
- Cycle irregularities Hot flushes.
- All symptoms worse specifically from ovulation to menses.
- All symptoms better after menses except specific menstrual symptoms On the other hand, Worse from heat, noise, touch, resting Prolonged and heavy bleeding with Bright red blood and dark dots.
- She feels she is controlled by another; she is out of sorts with her rhythm, she is living out someone else’s expectations.
- Besides this, She feels she is being fed off emotionally or psychologically, loses her will, over-estimates her energy reserves.
- She becomes drained, she has become a doormat, has forgotten who she is, she has no individuality.
- All in all, Painful periods cantered in ovaries prolonged and heavy bleeding with bright red blood and dark dots, all sorts of cycle problems, either too short, too long or none at all. [3]
Diet & Regimen
Diet & Regimen of Hirsutism
Dietary Strategies:
Weight Management:
- Even a small weight loss can significantly reduce hirsutism, especially for those Higher in weight.
Refined Carbohydrate and Sugar Restriction:
- These can elevate insulin levels, exacerbating hirsutism. Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Fiber Emphasis:
- A high-fiber diet regulates blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity. Prioritize fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Lean Protein Sources:
- Protein aids in satiety and supports healthy blood sugar control. Include lean protein sources like fish, poultry, beans, and lentils.
Limit Unhealthy Fats:
- Saturated and trans fats can worsen insulin resistance. Opt for healthy fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
Consider Anti-Inflammatory Foods:
- Chronic inflammation may contribute to hirsutism. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish, leafy greens, and berries.
Lifestyle Adjustments:
Regular Exercise:
- Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week to manage weight, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce stress.
Stress Management:
- High stress can worsen hormonal imbalances. Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
Medication Review:
- If you suspect your hirsutism is medication-induced, consult your doctor about alternatives.
Hair Removal Methods:
- Explore hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, laser hair removal, and electrolysis with a dermatologist to determine the best option for you.
Managing hirsutism often requires a multi-pronged approach. Combining dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management, and appropriate hair removal methods can help you effectively manage the condition and improve your quality of life.[2]
Do’s and Don'ts
Do’s :
- Consult a doctor: If you notice excessive hair growth, consult a doctor or endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment options.
- Follow the treatment plan: Adhere to the prescribed medications, lifestyle changes, or hair removal methods recommended by your doctor.
- Maintain a healthy weight: If you are higher weight, losing weight can help reduce androgen levels and improve hirsutism.
- Eat a balanced diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help regulate hormone levels.
- Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce androgen levels.
- Manage stress: High-stress levels can worsen hormonal imbalances. Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
- Consider hair removal methods: Explore various hair removal options like shaving, waxing, threading, electrolysis, or laser hair removal. Choose a method that suits your skin type and budget.
- Be patient: Treating hirsutism takes time, and results may not be immediate. Be patient and consistent with your treatment plan.
Don’ts :
- Don’t self-medicate: Avoid using over-the-counter medications or supplements without consulting your doctor.
- Don’t ignore the problem: Untreated hirsutism can lead to emotional distress and other health complications.
- Don’t compare yourself to others: Everyone’s experience with hirsutism is different. Focus on your own journey and progress.
- Don’t be afraid to seek support: Talk to your doctor, a therapist, or a support group if you are struggling with the emotional impact of hirsutism.
Remember, hirsutism is a manageable condition. With the right approach, you can effectively manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Hirsutism, like many medical conditions, involves specialized terminology that helps healthcare professionals communicate clearly and accurately. Here are some key terms and their meanings:
- Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth in women in a male-pattern distribution (e.g., face, chest, abdomen).
- Hypertrichosis: Excessive hair growth all over the body, not following a specific pattern.
- Androgens: Male sex hormones (e.g., testosterone) that can stimulate hair growth.
- Virilization: Development of male physical characteristics in females due to excess androgens.
- Ferriman-Gallwey (FG) Score: A standardized scoring system to assess the severity of hirsutism.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A hormonal disorder characterized by multiple cysts on the ovaries, irregular periods, and often hirsutism.
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): A group of inherited disorders affecting hormone production in the adrenal glands, sometimes causing hirsutism.
- Idiopathic Hirsutism: Excess hair growth without any identifiable underlying cause.
- Hyperandrogenism: Excessive production or secretion of androgens.
- 5α-Reductase: An enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more potent androgen.
- Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG): A protein that binds to sex hormones, reducing their availability to interact with tissues.
- Insulin Resistance: A condition where the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, often associated with PCOS and hirsutism.
- Electrolysis: A hair removal method that involves destroying individual hair follicles with electrical current.
- Laser Hair Removal: A hair removal method that uses laser energy to damage hair follicles.
- Antiandrogens: Medications that block the effects of androgens in the body.
Understanding these terms can help patients better understand their condition, communicate with healthcare providers, and make informed decisions about treatment options.
While homeopathy uses many standard medical terms related to hirsutism
Vital Force: This is the central concept in homeopathy, referring to the body’s innate healing energy. Homeopathic treatment aims to stimulate and support the vital force to address imbalances causing hirsutism.
Miasm: Homeopaths believe that chronic diseases, including predispositions to conditions like hirsutism, arise from underlying miasms (inherited or acquired predispositions). Common miasms include Psora (related to skin issues), Sycosis (related to overgrowth), and Syphilis (related to destructive processes).
Totality of Symptoms: Homeopaths consider the entire symptom picture of the individual, not just the physical signs of hirsutism. This includes mental, emotional, and general physical symptoms, as well as modalities (factors that make symptoms better or worse).
Repertory: This is a reference book listing symptoms and the homeopathic remedies associated with them. Homeopaths use the repertory to select remedies based on the patient’s totality of symptoms.
Materia Medica: This is a collection of detailed descriptions of the properties and effects of homeopathic remedies. It helps homeopaths understand the potential uses and indications of each remedy.
Potentization: This is the process of diluting and succussing (vigorously shaking) homeopathic remedies to enhance their therapeutic effects.
Constitutional Remedy: This is a homeopathic remedy that matches the individual’s overall constitution (physical, mental, and emotional characteristics) and is believed to address the root cause of the problem, including hirsutism.
Aggravation: A temporary worsening of symptoms after taking a homeopathic remedy, often seen as a sign that the remedy is working to stimulate the healing process.
9.Proving: A process of testing a homeopathic remedy on healthy individuals to determine its symptom profile and potential therapeutic uses.
Additional Terms:
- Susceptibility: The individual’s responsiveness to a particular remedy.
- Potency: The degree of dilution and succussion of a homeopathic remedy.
- Minimum Dose: The smallest effective dose of a remedy needed to stimulate healing.
It’s important to note that homeopathic terminology and concepts may differ from conventional medicine. If you’re considering homeopathic treatment for hirsutism, it’s essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner to understand the approach and discuss suitable treatment options.
References use for Article Hirsutism
- Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health on the move
- The PCOS Diet Plan: A Natural Approach to Health and Beauty by Martha McClintock, PhD
- material medica of T.F. Allen
- Epidemiologic and etiologic aspects of hirsutism in Kashmiri women in the Indian subcontinent (2001).
- Clinical evaluation of hirsutism in South India (2017).
- The effect of hirsutism on the quality of life of Indian women (2016).
- Williams Textbook of Endocrinology (14th edition) by Shlomo Melmed, Kenneth S. Polonsky, P. Reed Larsen, Henry M. Kronenberg. Published in 2020 by Elsevier.
- Comprehensive Gynecology (8th edition) by William’s Gynecology. Published in 2023 by McGraw Hill Medical.
- Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric (7th edition) by Mark E. Molitch, Bruce B. Cushing, Francis S. Greenspan. Published in 2016 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Goodman & Gilman’s: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (13th edition) by Laurence L. Brunton, Randa Hilal-Dandan, Björn C. Knollmann. Published in 2018 by McGraw Hill Medical.
- DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology (11th edition) by Vincent T. DeVita Jr., Theodore S. Lawrence, Steven A. Rosenberg. Published in 2019 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (21st edition) by Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo. Published in 2022 by McGraw Hill Medical.
Also Search As
Hirsutism Also Search As
There are several ways people can search for homeopathic articles on hirsutism:
Online Search Engines:
- Use search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Ecosia with specific keywords like "homeopathic treatment for hirsutism," "homeopathy for hirsutism," or "homeopathic remedies for hirsutism." This will provide a wide range of results including articles, research papers, and blog posts.
Homeopathic Journals and Websites:
- Many homeopathic journals and organizations publish articles and research related to homeopathy. Search their websites or online archives for relevant publications. Some reputable sources include:
- The Homoeopathic Journal
- Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy
- National Center for Homeopathy (USA)
- British Homeopathic Association
Homeopathic Libraries and Databases:
- If you have access to a homeopathic library or online database, search for books, articles, or research papers related to hirsutism. These resources often contain specialized information not readily available online.
Consulting Homeopathic Practitioners:
- Homeopathic practitioners often have access to a wealth of information on various conditions, including hirsutism. Consult with a qualified practitioner and ask for recommendations on reliable sources of information.
Social Media Groups and Forums:
- Online communities dedicated to homeopathy can be a valuable resource for finding articles and discussing treatment experiences with others. However, be cautious of misinformation and always verify information from credible sources.
Tips for Effective Searching:
Use specific keywords and combine them with terms like "homeopathy," "treatment," or "remedies."
Look for articles published in reputable journals or websites associated with homeopathic organizations.
Check the author’s credentials and affiliations to ensure the information is reliable.
Consider the date of publication, as newer articles may reflect more up-to-date research and practices.
By utilizing these resources and strategies, individuals interested in learning more about homeopathic approaches to hirsutism can access a wide range of information to make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Hirsutism?
Hirsutism is the excessive growth of androgen dependent sexual hair (terminal hair) in facial and central part of the body that worries the patient.
What causes Hirsutism?
Can hirsutism be cured?
The underlying cause of hirsutism can sometimes be addressed, potentially leading to a significant reduction or resolution of symptoms. However, long-term management may be necessary for some individuals.
How is hirsutism diagnosed?
Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, assessment of hair growth pattern, and blood tests to measure hormone levels. Additional tests may be needed to rule out specific causes.
What are the symptoms of Hirsutism?
Stiff or dark body hair, appearing on the body where women don’t commonly have hair — primarily the face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs and back.
Can homeopathy effectively treat hirsutism?
Is homeopathic treatment for hirsutism safe?
Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when prescribed by a qualified practitioner.However, it’s important to consult with a homeopathic doctor to ensure the remedies are suitable for your individual needs and health conditions.
Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Hirsutism?
Homeopathic Medicines for Hirsutism
- Sepia
- Oophorinum
- Natrum Mur
- Calcarea Carb
- Corticotrophinum
- Baryta carb
- Folliculinum
What is the Prognosis for Hirsutism with Homeopathic Treatment?
The prognosis for hirsutism with homeopathic treatment varies depending on the underlying cause, individual response to treatment, and the presence of any co-occurring health conditions. Homeopathy may help reduce hair growth, improve hormonal balance, and enhance overall well-being.