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Kleptomania Definition Symptoms Cause Diet Regimen Homeopathic Medicine Homeopath Treatment In Rajkot India



Kleptomania is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items that you generally don’t really need and that usually have little value. [1]

There aren’t any perfect synonyms for "kleptomania" that capture the full clinical meaning. Here’s why:

  • General terms for stealing: Words like "thief" or "shoplifter" don’t consider the uncontrollable urges and lack of personal gain in kleptomania.
  • Informal terms: "Klepto" is a casual term for someone with kleptomania, but lacks the precision of the full diagnosis.

However, depending on the context, you might consider:

  • Compulsive Stealing: This conveys the repetitive, uncontrollable nature, but isn’t a formal diagnosis.

Focus on specific aspects:

  • Impulse-control disorder: Highlights the broader category kleptomania falls under.
  • Pathological Stealing: Emphasizes the abnormal and potentially harmful nature of the stealing behavior.


  • When referring to the diagnosed condition, "kleptomania" remains the most accurate term.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Kleptomania is the recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items that you generally don’t really need and that usually have little value.

  • Problem in Neurotransmitters
  • The brain’s opioid system
  • Mental illness

Yes, kleptomania can be treated effectively with a combination of therapy, medication, and support groups.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is particularly helpful in addressing the underlying thoughts and behaviors.

Kleptomania is diagnosed by a mental health professional based on a person’s symptoms and a thorough evaluation.

  • Inability to resist powerful urges to steal items that you don’t need
  • Feeling increased tension, anxiety or arousal just before theft
  • Feel pleasure, relief or gratification while stealing
  • Feeling terrible guilt, remorse, self-loathing, shame or fear of arrest after the theft
  • Return of the urges and a repetition of the kleptomania cycle

Homeopathy aims to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. While some proponents believe it can address the root cause of kleptomania, claiming a cure is controversial. It’s best seen as supportive therapy alongside conventional treatment.

Some people believe homeopathy can offer support in managing kleptomania symptoms, but scientific evidence is limited. It’s essential to consult a qualified homeopath and a mental health professional for comprehensive care.

Homeopathy is generally considered safe, but it’s not advisable to replace conventional treatment with homeopathy alone. Combining both approaches under professional guidance might offer a more comprehensive approach.

The response time to homeopathic treatment varies from person to person. Some might experience improvement in weeks, while others might take longer. Consistency and professional follow-up are crucial.

Homoeopathic medicines for Kleptomania

  • Absinthium
  • Calcarea Carb
  • Belladonna
  • Opium
  • Pulsatilla
  • Staphysagria
  • Sulphur
  • Thuja
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Excerpts (Summary)

"Kleptomania: Understanding the Compulsive Urge to Steal"

This article explores the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for kleptomania, a complex mental health disorder. "Beyond the Crime: The Mental Health Aspect of Kleptomania" – Delve into the psychological factors behind kleptomania and learn how therapy and support can help those struggling with this condition. "Kleptomania: A Guide for Loved Ones" – Discover how to offer support and guidance to someone you suspect might be dealing with kleptomania, and learn about the available treatment resources.

"Homeopathic Approach to Kleptomania: A Natural Solution"

Discover how homeopathy can address the root cause of kleptomania and offer a gentle, effective treatment. "Homeopathic Remedies for Kleptomania: A Personalized Approach" – Learn about the different homeopathic remedies that may be used to treat kleptomania and how a practitioner selects the right one for you. "Kleptomania: Finding Relief with Homeopathy" – Explore the benefits of homeopathic treatment for kleptomania, including its holistic approach, safety, and potential for long-term healing.

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